
Inheritance Quotes

There are 2584 quotes

"Some of your belief systems are so archaic and ridiculous... you inherited the belief, you didn't originate it."
"Revolutions pretend to start new. And in some way, revolutions do start new. Old elites are overthrown, violence is applied, regimes are changed, and so on. But nevertheless, there is a weighty inheritance, which will have to be dealt with in one way or another."
"The old man has bequeathed me a sum of money and a packet of peculiar papers. Poetry, riddles, metaphysical speculations. For the first time in months, here is some fuel for my reason."
"The one thing my father gave me, which was really key, was that work ethic."
"A good man leaves an inheritance to his children's children."
"The meek shall inherit the earth because they have learned to use their imagination."
"A legacy is not just about passing down money but what else you're passing down."
"The evidence at present is poor for transgenerational epigenetic inheritance in mammals."
"You may well inherit your grandma's or great grandma's trauma, but you're probably doing it socially, not through marks on your DNA that changes how your genes are expressed or not expressed."
"The house that my grandmother left to my mother three years ago was impacted by redlining that affected her inheritance three years ago. That's still impacting people today."
"I hear God saying that He is going to bring generational equity into your hands."
"Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God?"
"Mother may give you some inheritance, mother may give you the property, but somehow mother becomes a catalyst of money."
"He that overcometh shall inherit all things, and I will be his God, and he shall be my son."
"Happy are the mild-tempered since they will inherit the earth."
"Just remember what we taught you, and you'll be fine. This journal is yours now. Make the most of it, and we'll see you soon. Happy Spelunking."
"The meek shall inherit the earth... to be good with a sword but keep it sheathed."
"Wealth usually has nothing to do with money. You can pass a lot of wealth to your children that's non-financial."
"Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth."
"The reality is this: not only can we walk in miracles daily, but it was our inheritance that we do."
"Inheritance is a mechanism that allows you to eliminate redundant code."
"And now, brethren, I commend you to God and to the word of His grace, which is able to build you up and to give you an inheritance among all them which are sanctified."
"It's a disgraceful end when a man dies in the act of going over his accounts and draws a smile from the heir who's long been kept waiting."
"It's the father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom; you are begging for stuff that he died to give you."
"Lizzie and Emma inherited about three hundred thousand dollars, that's roughly eight million dollars today."
"We have a priceless inheritance that is kept in heaven for you, pure and undefiled beyond the reach of change and decay."
"For evil men will be cut off, but those who hope in the Lord will inherit the land."
"Not only would it give his kids a legacy, but it would let them work together."
"Generational wealth... it's all about leaving footprints for your offspring."
"Everything God gives to Jesus, he gives to us. We are joint heirs with Jesus Christ."
"The meek shall inherit the earth... those who have weapons and the ability to use them but decide to keep them sheathed will inherit the world."
"Those who have weapons and the ability to use them but choose not to will inherit the world."
"If children, then heirs, heirs of God and fellow heirs with Christ, provided we suffer with him in order that we may also be glorified with him."
"For the elect there shall be light and joy and peace, and they shall inherit the earth."
"Over the next 20 years, by the year 2042, it's estimated that roughly 45 million households will transfer something like 70 trillion dollars worth of wealth."
"If you do happen to inherit the average million-dollar inheritance, just treat it as though you've only inherited the interest off of that inheritance."
"It's very important to secure an heir in your dynasty."
"Hebrews 11:8: By faith Abraham, when he was called, obeyed by going out to a place where he was to receive for an inheritance."
"It's always crazy that people's first thing is like, where's everything going? What happens to the money?"
"I owe it to them to give them the best life possible, and that does not include leaving them any debt."
"All of us get some personality traits from our parents, whether we like to admit it or not: the good, the bad, the ugly, everything."
"Unfortunately, we're just waiting for everyone else's grandparents to die."
"Don't hold out any hope of getting any inheritance because the state will find a way to get hold of that money."
"Multiple inheritance in Python and in other languages is something that's frequently argued whether it's good enough or sane or insane."
"Events, thanks to her trademarked name and being an heiress to the Jenner Scott assets, this kid already has a net worth of over 720 million dollars. Daddy's girl."
"george charlotte and lewis are already worth between 4 and five million each"
"Poppy, he left you his entire fortune. Do you know what that means?"
"Remember freedom is not inherited it's something we have to actively fight for."
"This is not the future you would want your children to inherit."
"Because they do seem close. Yeah, that first scene when she walks in on Damon sitting on the throne and he goes, well, I, I am the heir and she has that moment."
"Children are an inheritance from the Lord, blessed is the man whose quiver is full."
"I was destined to be an heir, like to inherit a throne or something."
"I inherit the earth like three wise men pulled up to cherish my birth."
"In any case, rats and goblins won't give you any trouble after the sewers."
"Jackie Chan said he ain't leaving his son nothing if he can't be a man and get it on his own."
"Wealth is about passing assets, information, opportunity, and possibilities down."
"How much of this 2.2 million dollars did you inherit? Zero. Zero. Cool."
"Inheritance is an act through which a new class gets created by acquiring the variables and methods which are defined in the previous or the parent class."
"I commend you to the word of his grace which is able to build you up and to give you an inheritance among all of them which are sanctified."
"She inherited her father's special ability to communicate with animals."
"If you grow up with cultural values that are British, well these are cultural values that have been inherited and developed."
"Inheritance simplifies code reuse" - Inheriting attributes and methods from a superclass streamlines code organization and maintenance.
"It's an inheritance and you don't get to decide how he uses it."
"You are a seed of Abraham. Now, being the seed of Abraham, what he promised Abraham is mine, too."
"The boys have inherited different aspects of their mother's character."
"Sometimes you're born into a fight. You gotta pick up something."
"Can parents pass on environmental responses to their offspring?"
"But since we did declare it in our animal class and our dog class inherits from animal, that means our dog class will also have all the properties that this animal class has."
"Leona Helmsley left her Maltese, Trouble, $12 million in a trust fund."
"Karl Lagerfeld left a chunk of his near $300 million fortune to his cat, Choupette."
"We don't leave money to people in our family if they're misbehaving."
"If you belong to Christ then are you Abraham's seed and he's according to his promise and his promise was great wealth glory to God."
"One story told by a former servant of the Caliph relates that just before al-Mansour died, he gave keys to his storerooms to his daughter-in-law with strict instructions only to open one of them when she was sure of his death."
"The meek shall inherit the earth. Well, that's a promise."
"How much of our life really is in our control and how much is really passed down?"
"A king doesn't turn his resume in to be a king, he's born into royalty."
"Big families help with inheritance laws so the kingdom doesn't fall apart."
"The only reason you're an heir... is because God is merciful."
"We inherited a very difficult situation in Afghanistan."
"Barack and i handed you a great economy like your daddy handed you millions to start your business."
"They're trying to take away inheritance tax, they're trying to take away... They're stealing people's money and funneling it to the government."
"John is technically the only now legitimate heir."
"Our democracy is wounded... what happened today isn't what America is. They've been given a glorious inheritance."
"Some of you are about to inherit abundance that you've never seen in your bloodline."
"The pseudo-classical pattern in JavaScript combines constructor functions, the new operator, and prototypes for inheritance."
"One of the descendants of the Solutreans... inherited the Denisovan wisdom and knowledge."
"With records, making copies with changes is simple."
"You can inherit with records...what if I want to inherit from one record to another, can I do that? Absolutely."
"That's going to be the richest baby in the world."
"If y'all don't agree that we should get reparations cuz we were never we didn't because we didn't do the work we were never enslaved you don't get to get your daddy's money."
"She's not obligated in any way, shape, or form to take what was left to her by her husband's death."
"You will receive from others, it could be some gifts, or inheritance, or even some sort of deep knowledge for liberating."
"If I die tomorrow, George will be set for life."
"Inherited Will. People’s Dreams. The Swell of an Era."
"Ethos can bring money from your parents or family of origin. Legacy wealth. This is one of those windows where money is coming to you."
"Years after Lord Lucan had disappeared, the title of Lord Lucan the eighth was denied to his son because there had not yet been a death certificate. Nobody, no death."
"A will is a document that directs who will receive your property at your death and appoints a legal representative to carry out your wishes."
"Be meek, for blessed are the meek; they'll inherit the earth."
"You are an heir of what is given to Jesus. The inheritance that Christ receives from the Father, you and I share in the same."
"Samwise Gamgee meanwhile, the last ring bearer in Middle-earth, inherited Bag End as well as the red book of Westmarch, where both Frodo and Bilbo wrote about their adventures."
"Essence of the power of the devil fruit is actually in your blood."
"You will inherit the will of the Osusuki... You're going to eventually inherit the powers of Osusuki and you're going to carry out our will." - Ishiki
"Any money you did not work for, you don't have the wisdom to manage it."
"Ninety percent of America's millionaires did not become millionaires because of inherited money."
"PT is single-handedly the scariest piece of media I have ever experienced in my life."
"You're looking at a full light here... Could indicate some kind of chunky inheritance money coming to you."
"Maybe the greatest stroke of luck he had came in the form of a computer that his father left behind in his room."
"This was my most precious gift of all and now it's yours. I know you'll honor the family name, my dear. Good luck. Love, Grandpa."
"My dad is extremely patient, so I got that from him."
"She carries something in those genes that's just special."
"His predictions of the good inheriting the earth also echo the statements of Jesus in Matthew 5:5."
"Opulence and abundance are natural in the environment for the children of the king."
"If Charles's son William inherits the throne, it seems likely that his wife, Catherine Middleton, will be crowned queen consort."
"Thankfulness for God's comfort comes from knowing that it is part of our inheritance as children of God; as heirs of God's kingdom, we are promised not only eternal life but also the comfort and peace that come from being in relationship with Him."
"I think any piece can be worthy of inheriting."
"Parents owe it to their children to leave a sizable nest egg."
"Our children and grandchildren deserve to have the same sort of wonderful opportunity that our parents and grandparents gave us."
"Our family is about to reach enlightenment. If you're reading this letter, I'll be gone. Now the artifact belongs to you. It's your divine mission to continue the work of our family."
"This was the reality for Abraham when God called him to leave his homeland for a place he would later receive as an inheritance."
"Hungry for his father's fortune, Dana conspired with Joel a year in advance to shoot his family and make it look like a burglary."
"If one of your kids says 'I don't want you in my life,' they know you have properties, and it's not worth the money. They want you."
"The scariest day of my life... we were going to be needing 130,000 ventilators... this is the system we inherited."
"Worlds collide as your cursed inheritance throws you into the middle of mysterious events."
"Few realize it's based on a real story that reveals a larger truth."
"If Betsy wanted her daughters to have the money... she would have made them the insurance policy beneficiaries."
"His inheritance is kind of superficial to him."
"The D. isn’t an honorary title or anything, we’ve seen it is passed down in biological relationships, so from the very start, Luffy was already born… as someone special."
"Our steel industries back, our aluminum industry is starting to do really well."
"It's all a bit bizarre this, but it's not every day you meet someone that you know has been left so much money in the world."
"I'm also getting something about like a you could inherit something or come into something that you don't expect."
"My mom told me they're spending my inheritance."
"Joanne was passing all of her traits onto her only daughter Alyssa, who was already becoming a bright, smart, and talented young lady."
"Inheritance allows a class to inherit attributes and methods from another class."
"It's a flipping of the tables... the wealth of the sinner who stole our inheritance is stored up for the church."
"I am protected. My money is protected. My inheritance is protected."
"You are with me always and everything I have is yours."
"70% of people who inherit wealth lose it by the second generation."
"The concept of inheritance... is a legitimate possibility that is sadly generally ignored by mainstream academia."
"Presuming Evan inherits both the land and the profits from the mine, we can presume he is worth around 200 million dollars."
"Healing is a children's bread, our inheritance."
"The greatest gift you can leave your child in terms of an inheritance is not just your money, but your knowledge on how to make that money."
"Madness is born in the blood. It is my birthright, my inheritance, my destiny."
"Knowing that we're heirs? That should change everything."
"Sorcerers: Draw magic from bloodlines, shaping spells with metamagic."
"In a strange turn of events, she left the entire house to him."
"Your inheritance is imperishable, undefiled, and unfading."
"We will inherit the earth, we're early mammals."
"I'm not just a child of God, I am an heir of the Kingdom."
"She inherited a home in Queen that was worth like $1.3 million from her parents who had recently passed away."
"The meek will inherit the earth and delight in the abundance of peace."
"The extends keyword allows you to achieve the concept of inheritance in JavaScript classes."
"That's how you can achieve inheritance using the extends keyword in JavaScript."
"The Destiny Knot will make it to where five stats IVs will actually carry over from either parent into the offspring."
"Mark's dad promised him that he could have his tools."
"Yours is the earth and everything in it and which is more, you'll be a man my son."
"If you can inherit generational wealth, you can inherit generational debt."
"You refuse to help yourselves, so why would I enable your lifestyles by leaving you my savings when I die?"
"You have an inheritance that cannot be robbed, stolen, or forged."
"It sounds like a dynasty kind of thing where you have this powerful family."
"Surely our fathers have inherited lies, vanity, and things wherein there is no profit."
"You're no longer a servant but a son, an heir of God through Christ."
"Do you not know that no fornicator, unclean person, nor covetous man, who is an idolater, has any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and God?" - Ephesians 5:5
"Peace is not a circumstance for the child of God. It's a part of your inheritance. It's part of your birthright to be able to have peace even in the face of unthinkable problems."
"Lancelot got into a fight with Tristan... Lancelot inherited the ability to read the hearts of other people from his mother Elaine."
"Houses, family, and property. You're gonna get this in the next life."
"After Jack kills Eel, they find Evil's will. That shit's sick."
"You're not making decisions based on what you think your brother's gonna think of you."
"Knowledge is not when someone of a bloodline or genealogy."
"You have to know what you're talking about, you have to know the formulas, and you have to know what our great mother gave us which was the ability to adapt."
"In Islam, a daughter receives less inheritance than a son."
"Warren Buffett said he's not leaving his kids all of his money and he's a billionaire."
"A haplotype is a group of alleles inherited together."
"Don't worry Jordy, she was a liar. You just inherited all her money. You passed the class."
"Bottom line is Kobe left that money to that white woman."
"Those tiaras, they're hit with inheritance taxes. They need to be something that's held within the main line of the family."
"I think one of the best groups that you can tax in a society is Rich dead people to give everybody else a chance."
"What you inherit may not be as valuable as what you earn."
"I hereby place you first in line to inherit the crown."
"Superman literally tells him, 'This is your planet, John. This is your place.'"
"Unexpected financial bonus points regarding inheritances, legacy, wealth, property, real estate."
"You can't take it with you to the grave, right? Yes, um, you can only, you know, you can only give so much to your kids as an inheritance."
"We're not less than adopted children, we're co-heirs with Christ. We get everything He gets."
"If she's actually Kazuya's kid, I can see her becoming sort of a symbol of the darkness that was inside of him."
"Your spiritual inheritance is coming in because God did not abandon you, and you did not abandon God."
"My father has given me everything, and I've given everything to you."
"That you might know what is the hope of your calling, and what the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints."
"Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall inherit the earth."
"Receiving the fullness of the fountain from the Father's heart, Mary has passed it on to us, at least insofar as we can contain it."
"The skill I would want my kids to inherit that has provided an extraordinary living for me is storytelling."
"All grandkids were to be paid a lump sum of ten thousand dollars upon their 30th birthday."
"Look dear son, you've always stayed with me, and everything I have is yours."
"My understanding of Indian astrology is that the entire chart represents your karma and things that are carried over, inherited from past lives."
"Much of her fortune descended to her surviving son, the 10th Duke of Marlborough."
"The kingdom of God is your inheritance."
"The great power that you've inherited should have made you strong, Subaru."
"The meek are inheriting the Earth."
"Ever since I inherited my late uncle's 10-acre ranch, I found that tending to the sprawling property helps me feel closer to him."
"My son, don't you know that everything I have is yours?"
"Through the Gospel, the Gentiles can become heirs in Christ Jesus."
"You are a healer, you are a star, and you deserve to have this as a part of your inheritance."