
Tranquility Quotes

There are 20834 quotes

"Surround yourself with people that bring out the calmness, not the madness."
"If you want more tranquility, more happiness, you have to do less."
"Let it [a thought] pass like a bird passing through the sky."
"It's only a dream, and everything will be okay."
"It's nice, just the three of us now. It's much more peaceful."
"There is a melody to be heard in the deepest parts of the woods if only we listen."
"Find your inner peace. Find where your peace lies within you."
"I was standing on the pier watching the Moonlight jellies come into view, indulging in the sounds of musical perfection."
"It's very peaceful in here. Never expected us to be doing this right now, but I am into it."
"Things have gotten better with respect to certain parameters. We live in a time of great material abundance, perfect ease, a good deal of domestic tranquility."
"Something about being in the quietness of an island like this... it's really calming."
"Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin."
"Tranquility means peace with reality; it means that the individual accepts without question the true teachings of his religion, whatever it may be, and lives it without restriction or compromise."
"It's the peace and quiet. You know, you don't have to go anywhere to have peace and quiet."
"This is your serenity pond where the dragonflies are dancing. Everything will be fine here."
"The best moments that I feel now are my most quiet moments."
"We're hella high. 'I told you, it's peaceful.'"
"Train yourself to be peaceful in that place and whether you feel value or you don't feel value, underneath you will be tranquil."
"It kinda lulls you into this place of like, rocking a baby to sleep almost, in a tempest."
"There's something really peaceful about being at any of these observation decks; you're above the chaos of the city."
"Your mind is like this water, my friend. When it is agitated, it becomes difficult to see. But if you allow it to settle, the answer becomes clear."
"We find all by peace, we find all by quietude, and we find nothing but trouble by fear."
"The smell of The Great Outdoors then the sound of an eagle goes over me."
"An opportunity to slow down, to not worry about anybody else or anything else, just take care of yourself. You deserve it."
"The goal of Stoicism is the attainment of tranquility."
"The practice of Stoicism has resulted in me being substantially more tranquil than I formerly was."
"My ideal version of the holiday spirit is the light snow on the ground, beautiful lights strung up everywhere, and maybe a little candles on the window sills, horse-drawn carriages in the snow, and frozen lakes and rivers. Quiet nights with the sound of jingling bells in the distance."
"He didn't move at first. Instead, he spoke to me, and his voice was a soft breeze on stillness."
"Always remind yourself it's only a dream, and everything will be okay."
"This is peaceful, this is Florida right here."
"The quiet magic of November can be found everywhere, but it will be found in stillness and quietness."
"It's like Bentley or Rolls-Royce levels of quiet."
"I feel like I'm at an aquarium, you know what I mean?"
"I felt the most incredible peace I have ever experienced."
"I find tranquility comforting, the distinctly American vista. It somehow reminds me of Kronach, the town of my childhood."
"It was like being in the canopy of a long lost medieval forest, weaving my way through the massive kelp stalks in total silence."
"Ender Lilies: Quietus of the Knights... it's the quietest game on this list."
"Every act... throughout the day and night is aimed towards this goal: What will make me happier? What will make me self-content? What will make me arrive at an inner feeling of tranquility and peace?"
"Each and every commandment from Allah and His Messenger is a means of attaining life, is a means of attaining happiness and tranquility."
"Better is one handful with tranquility than two handfuls with toil and a chasing after the wind."
"When you lie down, you will not be afraid; your sleep will be sweet."
"When you lie down, you will not be afraid; when you lie down, your sleep will be sweet."
"The water rushing past, the only noise is the soft motion going through the waves."
"With a strong belief in Allah and the hereafter, everything makes sense, everything is digestible, everything is acceptable, everything is tranquil even in the greatest times of chaos and havoc."
"There's something about the color [green] that calms me."
"I have a peaceful, tranquil, untroubled heart. This is where I choose to spend my time."
"The utter inn... offers an extraordinary experience that combines art, nature, and tranquility."
"The more calm or tranquil your mind, the more receptive it is to information."
"That's an unusually quiet night at the trauma hospital like this, but I'm grateful for the sleep and most importantly, that means that people aren't out getting hurt."
"I felt a bit of peace there. It felt very peaceful."
"The essential thing is to find a place where your thoughts and feelings are not suffocated by the incessant noise of everyday life."
"With its crystal clear water, colorful Japanese carp peacefully swimming around, and dozens of water lilies, the whole scene looks like a Monet painting."
"The rain was coming down heavily now, but from the security of the tarp, it was a peaceful, enjoyable experience."
"Without the worry of scanning the horizon for other unknown players, we believe that Safer Seas will lend itself a completely unique feel."
"Actually, it's very clean and peaceful in space."
"Having a clean and calm space just makes me feel so much more relaxed when I'm in my home."
"Let nothing in this world unsettle your heart or your mind. Hold on to the peace that Jesus Christ offers."
"It's peaceful. That's a definite pro. Even though you're kind of far away from everything, that means you can get away from everything, and that's the perfect vacation, right?"
"And the people that I’m meeting had this calmness, this stillness, this sort of tranquility."
"A tranquil mind gives life to the flesh, but passion makes the bones rot."
"The birds are chirping a little louder... it just feels nice. There feels clear around out there."
"I try to stay away from drama. That stuff ain't for me."
"Imagine finding yourself far above Mother Earth's surface and well beyond our thick blue atmosphere... the sense of tranquility, awe, and euphoria that follows will be nothing short of majestic."
"The quieter moments I talk about here are nothing short of beautiful, in more ways than one."
"Morning sunlight streamed through the window and framed it in a golden rectangle."
"From the moment that all exertion had ceased, a calm feeling of the most perfect tranquility superseded the previous tumultuous sensations."
"I like to bring a little bit of peace into the chaos."
"Imagine a leaf falling, swaying left to right, and you watching it until it hits the water and the water ripples all the way to the shoreline."
"In that pausing, we just begin to touch something... a sense of ease, a greater sense of stillness, a sense of spaciousness."
"It’s dark, the air is cool, and the sounds of the city that surround the park disappear, offering peace, quiet, and a small reprieve from the busy world."
"It's beautifully quiet in here, just so, so calm and serene, unbelievably so."
"Virginia's Blue Ridge Mountains are peaceful; it's a safe, secure place to live."
"This is one of the most beautiful, spectacular beaches in all of Phuket, and one of the highlights here, as you can see, is it's known for being extremely peaceful, extremely quiet."
"High waves start to break into the boat, and it's beginning to fill with water, and in all of this panic and commotion, someone wakes up Jesus, and we hear his voice saying: Peace, be still."
"I tell you a story about me and you, out on the water, surrounded by the blue."
"Imagine you're in Utah, you're sitting on your porch one August morning soaking in the crisp air and admiring the lush green trees."
"You guys listen to how quiet the river is right now. It's so peaceful here in the morning, and when it snows like this, the world just gets so quiet."
"You're blossoming into this calm, confident person."
"Watching snowfall in general is just so peaceful."
"The absence of constant drama and toxicity has brought about a newfound sense of peace and tranquility in our household."
"Imagine a beautiful day with you on a garden bench, watching dewdrops evaporate in the morning sun and the birds serenading you with their joyous cacophony."
"This favored the growth of the luscious flora, as well as a carpet of soft moss which quiets down any step which may disturb the peace of Jukai."
"It almost creates this private vacuum that isolates you away from the rest of the world."
"If you have not experienced meditation, it's basically like loitering inside of yourself, real peacefully."
"You have a hectic life, and I could be your comfort, your peace."
"Nature helps me to reconnect with myself and find inner peace."
"I spend a few hours of the week in nature to reconnect with myself."
"The house has become a lot quieter and a lot more peaceful."
"Surrendering to peace is about the inner acknowledgement that all is well."
"There's nothing like the great outdoors to ease your soul."
"His goal has always been to get back to a quiet life in Siwa with his wife."
"A deep sense of inner peace... transcends happiness and unhappiness."
"Sand is still warm to the feet, that means the Sun still burns above."
"It just has a really calm, peaceful feeling to it."
"A little oasis of calm framed by this very modern, almost brutalist architecture."
"I breathed the clean forest air and listened to the birds singing their merry oblivious song."
"The most beautiful experiences I've had is when I laid in bed and went off into the Stars."
"Life is good, wind died down, sun's shining, the pike are getting bigger."
"Once the triumphantness has laid out the foundation for our return to home, what's left is the serene."
"This trail is incredibly peaceful in the early morning light, shaded pretty much the entire way."
"I love waking up early. It's just so peaceful."
"The power of relationships is a source of stillness."
"Implementing changes in your home life to bring sanctuary and solace."
"Discovering stillness is discovering the infinite."
"Isn't that nice in this world of tumult and animosity?"
"Never underestimate the healing power of a quiet moment."
"Home is different. Home is generally less chaotic."
"This Meadow is so beautiful, it kind of reminds me of the 100 Acre Wood from Winnie the Pooh."
"I just want to drive around and deliver cargo in peace."
"So yeah, this one's just a nice calm forest, I mean literally that's the definition, the epitome if you will, of a safe backrooms level."
"Notice how pleasant the emptiness is, how fulfilling and how peaceful it is."
"It's almost like you feel tranquil, you know? You feel untouchable."
"We're just trying to live a life of peace and quiet, playing some bingo, you know, sipping mugs."
"Breathe in swim in the cosmic vibration of everything around you find Stillness in it and listen."
"A life spent in communion with God is the most pleasant life in the world."
"It feels so good to be in a new place and just be in a bay with our little boat and nothing around but mangroves and water again."
"You can find islands, beaches, and towns in Greece that are quiet and peaceful."
"The little things in life, walking around in nature, sometimes sitting quietly in the room just being."
"Finally finding some level of peace, you can rest."
"How peaceful, no fear, no stress, no pain, you're free."
"There's a softness, a lightness, and steadiness in somebody who has surrendered to a higher purpose."
"The ideal owner is basically someone who likes peace and quiet because these cats are very good pets."
"Relax, things will be as they're meant to be."
"This land, being out here, it's so quiet and peaceful."
"This looks like a place where you could go sit down and just relax with no distractions and just hammer stuff out."
"Some things are gonna get kind of creepy but now that I've spent the time out here just bask in the sun and let the warmth touch my face she hear the birds chirping with nothing in the distance here I think she's kind of on something guys."
"If you have a calm heart, a positive attitude, and you look cool in Allah and you put your work in, then Allah will make your mission easy."
"Knowing that there is a God and believing that God is good, that is calming to me."
"Find your night spot and begin to focus on your star."
"It's quiet, it's quaint, it's lovely, it's beautiful."
"Being out here, it's really about peace and quiet and the serenity of the space."
"You stayed quiet and drank in the night, still pleasantly shocked."
"I don't need to get everything done right here right now. I need to be patient and just let things flow."
"Do Not Disturb: for times when you need uninterrupted focus."
"You've got this beautiful peaceful time up ahead of you."
"Perfect weather for sipping a cup of tea while gazing out the window."
"Let's move to the country and find our peace and raise our children."
"There's a whole part of the game that's really just doing that it's a little more I almost describe it zen-like."
"You're out there in Hawaii, you've got birds chirping behind you, perfect lighting. You really made the right move getting out of politics, you really did."
"Be still and calm and know that everything is going to be okay."
"Those who listened to me will be secure and will live at ease without dread of disaster."
"The best place to be in life is in a peaceful and relaxed state."
"So those two I kind of want to check out just because the one, especially the north of Miller Road, is nice and quiet."
"Peace, love, and remember, be water my friends."
"This is like the most beautiful post-sunset moment on Lake Champlain."
"He returned to the house, all was still saved for the unending chorus of frogs and whippoorwills."
"Greater is the power of the quiet stream than the power of the whirlwind."
"There's the ocean, there's birds, just taking a moment to look up and appreciate what I'm in right now."
"There is a certain Stillness at the center of the Christmas story."
"It takes more energy to actually be upset or to allow yourself to sit in anger or sadness than it does for you to simply just be and be able to receive the gifts from the Divine."
"Saturn in Aquarius delivers the gift of peace: finding inner tranquility amidst chaos."
"Jesus was sleeping through a storm, tossing and water flying, he had a very peaceful sleep."
"A moment of quiet is good for your mental well-being."
"I'm in my soft girl era. It's an era of peace, an era of serenity, an era of chosen battles."
"No matter what happens, everything is alright, always. There were no words, just a total understanding that no matter what happens, all is as it is meant to be and all is well."
"What a gorgeous day. Very calm. Perfect morning to spend in the garden."
"That peace comes in... I'm at a peaceful place."
"This was the feeling that flooded the room... as the warm beams of sunlight reflected off the Manhattan skyscrapers."
"Every day where nothing big happens is a day gained."
"The lake was still and haunting, a soft mist played on the surface of the water."
"Stillness is the key to hearing the whispers of your soul."
"Life in this peaceful neighborhood was pretty uneventful but I loved it that way."
"My peace I give unto you: not as the world gives, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid."
"There's only one source of true genuine peace."
"The most relaxing and yet at the same time invigorating place in the Reagan White House was the Oval Office in the presence of Ronald Reagan himself."
"A book that feels like the sun shining through the trees on a warm breezy day."
"There is a level where the mind is already settled, and quiet, and calm, and alert."
"It's nicely like that quiet moment is to gather your thoughts and just chill."
"This car is so silent and relaxed, it's just fine."
"I made it. I'm about to go chill with my family. I made it. My son is healthy. I made it. I live in the middle of fucking nowhere."
"Morning prayer becomes a sanctuary of peace amidst the storms of life."
"It's time for you to chill, sit back, and let things be what they are...rest and rejuvenation coming in."
"Overall, these trees are beautiful, with the crystal clear lake allowing light to penetrate deep down."
"I just need it for my peace of mind, so here we are, I'm moving into a brand new notebook."
"Rest in the beauty of your own capacity to be awake."
"Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin."
"Through prayer, you will find everlasting tranquility."
"Just sitting cliff side staring out beyond the mysterious beyond."
"In paradise, you will have nothing to worry about ever again."
"It just feels like a little sanctuary, like a little quiet space."
"A man in a library is calmly reading."
"Everything went absolutely quiet, birds and tree frogs stopped."
"Joy, love, and serenity will most certainly be found throughout this period."
"The resting place is beautiful and wonderful."
"Every time you walk into this room, it's just peaceful and calm."
"It's so peaceful, it's so pretty, and it's just been such a comfort."
"God leads us to places of peace in the midst of our personal storms, offering a refuge and peace that surpasses all human comprehension."
"Waking up at the chalet early in the morning was pretty eye-opening."
"Look at that blue sky, that blue water. It's amazing."
"What makes you the happiest about being in nature? I've always felt at home in the forest or like in the creek. I don't know, cities make me uneasy compared to how the forest makes me feel."
"Verdant hillside is covered with a carpet of summer wildflowers."
"Someone who is in a conscious state... does not get angered easily."
"When the noise of life becomes quiet enough, you could hear the still voice of the Lord."
"Peace is precious. Heap upon other men the treasures of this world, but give to me the treasure of the untroubled heart."
"I started moving, you know, and that was in this amazing energy that felt, I guess, like bliss, peace, serenity, happiness, no stress, no struggles, no worries, no nothing, just beauty."
"Peace means to be in the midst of all those things and still be calm in your heart."
"We made it. Everything's fine. There are no problems here."
"I steered the small inflatable boat toward the shore as I looked back at the Horizon I admired the beautiful pink purple and orange colors of the sunset."
"Your external reality will start to become more peaceful and quiet."
"We can sense it in the silence of a deserted wood or in the roar of a storm breaking over a distant mountainside."