
Dungeons & Dragons Quotes

There are 163 quotes

"The perception skill is a very popular and potent skill in D&D, predominantly used to notice hidden things in the environment or detect threats such as traps and ambushes before they're sprung upon your party."
"The culture of D&D, the hobby, will always be close to my heart. Obviously, otherwise, why would I make an hour-long video about the history of it all?"
"The game itself can retain a purity of vision in the sense of like, this is still the D&D that is the core set of the rules."
"It's the D&D the video game that's exactly what it is, you know, everything just rolls that way."
"This has been a look at playing tieflings in Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition."
"The OGL license grants permission to copy, modify, and distribute the files, allowing for a lot of creative flow that has driven momentum for Dungeons and Dragons and tabletop as a whole."
"The quintessential D&D experience: 'I'm going to tell you about the time I did this, the time I fought this villain.' You captured this in a video game form."
"I think the best part about playing D&D in general is just building your story and seeing the characters develop over time."
"Dungeons & Dragons can be so much more than just entertainment."
"Wisdom is animal handling, insight, medicine, perception, survival, and whatever else the DM allows you to add your proficiency bonus to."
"Curse of Strahd revamped is probably one of the best fifth edition adventures."
"It's especially interesting to be sitting here in 2020 where dungeons and dragons is more popular than ever."
"Third edition is the first time the game is designed from the ground up by professional designers."
"Now you always are rolling a d20 higher is always better."
"This is the first game that was played on a grid."
"First up, we've got the Ancestral Guardian, introduced in Xanathar's Guide to Everything."
"The whole point of D&D is to have a rewarding and memorable experience."
"Vecna, Tiamat, and Jubilex are archetypal bad guys in D&D."
"This is the first time, maybe ever, in my history of running D&D where I had a really cool idea for a new campaign that required a lot of setup and I actually ran the first session and didn't forget anything."
"Instead of trying to write out a campaign, I like to run a Dungeons & Dragons campaign with one big arc and a bunch of little arcs underneath."
"Wish is unequivocably the most powerful spell in Dungeons & Dragons fifth edition and deservedly so."
"Master manipulators, liars, and charlatans. Devils and Dungeons & Dragons are the epitome of malignant bureaucracy and tyranny through law. Immortal vindictive and resourceful."
"Devils use deception; ideally, the party should never know they are fighting Devils, only their proxies."
"More options for how to play means more D&D."
"D&D 3.5 was incredibly popular among hobbyists."
"D&D 5th edition is selling better now than it ever has."
"Some of these spells are very low level spells in D&D... have far more devastating application on the large scale."
"I grew up playing Dungeons & Dragons and my love for all things post-apocalyptic partially stems from this sword & Sworcery based roots."
"I was very excited because there had never been a full-fledged live-action D&D movie before."
"It's not an exaggeration to say the Mystic is by far the most customizable class ever considered for D&D."
"Baldur's Gate 3 is a love letter to Dungeons & Dragons, a game that tells an epic story, responds to your creative thinking, and loves the drama hidden in the roll of a die."
"I was craving a Dungeons & Dragons film... this new one already looks to be much higher quality."
"Dungeons & Dragons has been formed into one of the great pillars of popular online media."
"The blade singer presents a really interesting option for players in Dungeons and Dragons."
"The whole package of the blade singer presents a really interesting option for players in Dungeons and Dragons."
"Detect Magic: It's very likely you're gonna have access to it and you're gonna want it because Dungeons & Dragons is a world filled with magic."
"Ritual spell casting is one of the most versatile and strategic assets at the disposal of an adventuring party."
"Leomund's Tiny Hut: It's almost as strong as a wall of force, although it's completely opaque, and the inside of the dome is comfortable and dry."
"If you just grabbed Ghosts of Saltmarsh and you're planning on running a seafaring campaign, taking Water Breathing and being able to cast that as a ritual and it lasts 24 hours, you've negated all drowning potential."
"It's a really good activity to go up on D&D Beyond or another filter and just look at what the ritual spells available to your class are because they're spells that you could always leverage."
"Guiding Bolt deals 4d6 radiant damage and awards advantage to the next ally that attacks the target."
"It's clear to see why the warlock is a player favorite in D&D."
"These spells have blown our minds in unexpected ways, showing the versatility and creativity of D&D magic."
"Enchantment is known for sleep and hypnotism but you should not sleep on this subclass."
"I would very much like to play the Greg version of D&D."
"I cast Frostbolt into the darkness" - a reference to the famous D&D meme.
"Welcome to the second yolk pot Dungeons & Dragons adventure with an all-new cast of characters."
"D&D's for everyone. Thanks, everybody! Talk to you soon."
"This book is designed for DMs who really want to design more dragon-themed adventures, campaigns, or just put more dragons in your world."
"That's the game, that really is one of the best descriptions I've given of what D&D really is."
"Let's play some Pillars of Eternity, the spiritual successor to fantastic computer-based Dungeons & Dragons games."
"There was this aura and mystique about D&D at the time."
"Art is a huge part of dungeons and dragons. In fact, I got into D&D because of the art."
"Critical Role showed people what a real game of D&D looks like."
"The story of D&D began in the early 1970s with Gary Gygax and chainmail, his first professionally published tabletop game."
"I think a DM is everything in Dungeons and Dragons."
"Getting a critical hit in D&D is a lot of fun."
"Not so that I can tell you the right way or the best way to play a character but to explore one potential way to create and build and play a character in D&D."
"It was at this point that the DM got increasingly angry that the fireball spell was incredibly effective."
"After a natural 20, he was immediately allowed to just skip the dungeon and get to the end."
"The DM then informed us how it was such a shame that none of us got the last hit on it, because we would have gotten a really cool ability."
"In that scenario, heck yes, this swords Bard is way better than say a straight fighter or Ranger in my opinion."
"This D&D group may have saved this poor woman from what could have been a long relationship of domestic abuse."
"It's the DM's game. The DM and the players are clearly having a good time with the setting that they have run."
"Bitterness and D&D don't go hand in hand and it's best to keep those things separate."
"I think that Wizards of the Coast did really a pretty good job with the Monk in 5e of hitting on the feel of that feel that I'm looking for."
"Welcome to D&D Builds where we've been making all sorts of ridiculous dungeons."
"Tieflings are compelling because they have conflict baked directly into the design of the race."
"Sharing is caring, and as such, we'd love that you got behind our lovely little channel and brought more D&D nerds or hopefuls into the fold by spreading us far and wide."
"This DM is what every horror DM aspires to be."
"The College of Whispers Bard gains the ability to deal extra psychic damage on weapon attacks and to frighten a creature after speaking to them for a minute."
"At fourth level, we get our first ability score improvement."
"At fifth level, we won't have to wait for a long rest to replenish our Bardic Inspirations."
"At tenth level, your Bard can learn any two spells from any classes, making them extremely versatile."
"At level 20, when you roll initiative and have no Bardic inspiration left, you'll regain one."
"Creating characters for D&D is just as fun as playing the game itself."
"Can elves be Wizards? You could be anything you want to be in D&D. That's the point."
"The pact of the chain grants you the find familiar spell that you can cast as a ritual and allows your summoned familiar to take the form of an imp, pseudo-dragon, closet, or a sprite."
"Don't underestimate the pact of the chain as a great choice for creative players that like to scheme their way around tricky situations."
"The pact of the talisman grants us an amulet that the wearer can activate to roll a d4 and add the resulting number to their role on a failed ability check."
"Finally, at level 20, we arrive at the capstone ability for warlock called eldritch master which allows us to spend just one minute speaking to our patron to regain all of our spell slots that would normally come back over a short rest."
"With our bonus action like helping or healing we are truly living our best invisible helper life."
"Unless there is a feature inherent in a class or a subclass that allows for it, I never assume that any of my character builds have matching magic items."
"Aura of protection: possibly the best saving throw class feature in all of 5e."
"Improved divine smite: a major upgrade in damage."
"Remember, your DM is a person playing this game too. If you go into it with the mindset of trying to make their life difficult, the game you're playing is not going to be very enjoyable at all."
"I understand that for new D&D players, the game can feel overwhelming at times; however, responding to that overwhelming feeling by turning into a main character syndrome-fueled douche is probably a bad idea."
"Did this new DM make mistakes? Yes, absolutely. But these are mistakes that people are gonna make when they're running their first campaign."
"it sounds to me like this player just wants to use DND as a vessel to explore her sexual fantasies"
"I hope that I would live to see this day where a D&D campaign that was played online would eventually be taken seriously and would be basically thrown onto the big screen."
"...the starting feature evocation savant now actually gives you some evocation spells."
"The evoker has always been fantastic as well, so nice to have those little quality of life enhancements."
"The champion is always meant to be the simplest subclass in the game, our aim is for this to be super beginner friendly and also I often think of the champion because I have fun playing the champion."
"One of the main ones if not the main one is the Barbarian can now keep their rage going simply by spending a bonus action."
"The main thing we have done in the Berserker is completely redesigned frenzy so now frenzy does not charge you basically exhaustion to use it."
"The sorcerer's Vitality feature which gives them a spell of the same name allows the sorcerer to channel their innate magic to restore themselves."
"...there's almost no way that you would need to actually do all of that healing of course so yeah feel free to bust out your spiritual weapon and maybe even your spirit Guardians because your allies are going to be just fine with you tagging along."
"Everybody loves it, it's a very straightforward worker placement game set in the Dungeons & Dragons universe."
"The most cathartic 'How Do You Want To Do This' in the campaign so far."
"Nathaniel decided to loot her and as the terrible DM I was, I did not have loot prepared."
"I'll be here hoping you roll at least three nat 20s in your next D&D session, especially if you want to play as the absolute master of deception and the god of mischief, Loki."
"I started a Dungeons & Dragons company called Beetle and Grims. We create boxed editions of D&D adventures, highly collectible, bespoke, and beautiful on the inside. All boxes have sold out."
"The DM's absolutely rewarding for this idea."
"TL;DR: DM seems a little too invested in our son's player character, leading to repeated uncomfortable flirting and wild nepotism."
"A DM who could accept criticism, work with the players to find a compromise, even gain consultation from other DMs to fix the problem, leading to everyone coming away with a better game than they had before - it's enough to touch my soul, my friends."
"Play D&D, it's good for the soul."
"Exploiting a new DM's lack of knowledge to gain power over the rest of the group is not only selfish but very, very manipulative."
"It feels more like a Dungeons & Dragons movie."
"...and I begin to recall my own d d character she's a halfling fighter technically an Eldritch Knight but yeah she's goofy homicidal yeah I don't play D D that much."
"Enjoy creating characters for D&D almost as much as you enjoy playing the game itself? Or looking for tips or ideas on a character you're thinking about playing? Then welcome home, this is where you belong."
"Paladins, as most of you know I'm sure, are incredibly powerful characters. I think you could make a really strong argument that they're one of the most powerful base character classes in all of 5e."
"I'm playing D&D now and when it came character creation time, someone explained to me, 'Here's what you do. You think of a character in literature or a movie or something that you like and you make yourself that character.'"
"D&D is very popular almost everyone I've ever met absolutely loves it and I have never played it before even though I always thought I would really like it."
"You know goo is one of the major demon Lords in Dungeons & Dragons."
"I'm seeing some people in chat say they've never actually seen D&D before."
"Super simple, totally cool gifts for the D&D fan in your life."
"D&D fun can look like different things."
"The cosmology of D&D is expansive, encompassing numerous alternative planes of existence."
"Goblins are one of the most iconic creatures in Dungeons and Dragons."
"Their love for D&D is actually what helps them navigate the Upside Down and its monsters."
"Will, however, is feeling left behind; he still just wants to play D&D."
"This player casually enjoys most of what D&D has to offer, but as their taste developed, they realized it could be 90% better if they just fine-tune a small portion of the game to fit them better."
"They just like playing D&D. They don't care how much or how little homebrew there is; they are just happy to be involved."
"These voice actors become original player characters in a wheels-off D&D adventure full of combat, discovery, and professionally timed fart jokes."
"D&D gives us the opportunity to actually create and build a story together."
"I've never been this lucky in D&D."
"That's the magic of Dungeons & Dragons in comparison to the other modes of storytelling."
"You're inviting the audience to share an experience, an emotional moment together, and in D&D that fourth wall is removed. You're all there and you're in it."
"Embracing the love of undead in D&D."
"This marks the fourth D&D game I've played this week."
"Are you ready to play some D and D?"
"It's a great game, this Dungeons & Dragons, isn't it? Oh yes, I've had so much fun since I had the measles."
"Splitting up the party is the leading cause of death in Dungeons & Dragons."
"We just want an excuse to play more Dungeons & Dragons with each other."
"We talk about everything Dungeons & Dragons from cold cadavers to clever cloakers."
"I remember when I first got my red box set of Dungeons & Dragons... I never looked back."
"This is what happens when you're entertaining... that's the magic of D and D."
"Did you know that there is a type of DnD that's based on like a fusion between sci-fi and magic and fantasy?"
"Every time we played D&D, it's been such a long time since I've brought new people into it, it's really fun."
"Keep on the Borderlands, for a lot of people, especially who've played D&D for a long time, this was their start."
"I'm a big D and D tabletop enjoyer."
"I was playing games when it wasn't cool, doing D&D when it deeply wasn't cool."
"I always wished I could play Dungeons and Dragons... I wish I had friends that would play with me."
"That D&D scene... tell me everything that's great about D&D in two minutes flat."
"Greetings and salutations, and welcome to phase four of Dungeons and Dragons."
"Imagine my delight when a really good friend of mine invited me to join in a D&D campaign."
"I have a pretty high success rate in getting people to love D&D."
"I love that it's got this weird relation to D&D."