
Middle East Quotes

There are 424 quotes

"The power of the US in the Middle East comes through its own political dictates, its own political agenda, and the use of international organizations like the Security Council, the ICC, the ICJ for their own specific reasons."
"The Middle East is the most ridiculously complicated place in the world right now."
"There is no military solution to this conflict. The only way that Israelis and Palestinians are going to be able to live in peace and with some relative security is through a negotiated settlement that recognizes the basic rights of the Palestinian people."
"Instead of endless war, we are forging peace in the Middle East."
"I hope we've learned our lessons in the Middle East about the forever wars."
"All of this stuff happened while America was distracted with Iraq, Afghanistan, and the larger Middle East issue."
"Normalization requires the two-state solution. The Saudis were extremely clear... They said there can be peace and normalization with Israel when there is a state of Palestine along the 1967 borders with the capital in East Jerusalem."
"The fact is that the Trump administration has played a key role in the establishment of relations between Israel and the UAE."
"No new Wars. He under his administration got the Abraham Accords unprecedented peace in the Middle East."
"I think the Middle East is about to blow up again because the Iranian regime clearly has an incentive to get into a war."
"The Abraham Accords; that was the Holy Grail of geopolitical politics."
"Let me explain how we got into the Middle East and why it's difficult to get out."
"The economies of the Middle East matter more to the world today than they have for most of the last half-millennia, largely because of oil."
"If the Middle East were to vanish tomorrow, we'd have some adjustments...but within a couple of years, we'd be totally fine."
"I was shocked that this is the world that we live in, that everything I thought I knew about the Middle East was a lie."
"The actual news involves peace breaking out in the Middle East."
"After decades of division and conflict, we mark the dawn of a new Middle East."
"I really hope that Jared can pull this through [Middle East peace]."
"The whole idea about putting so much religion on the Israeli side and on the Muslim side...it's the reason why this conflict is getting worse."
"Every single rich country in the Middle East has no problems, but all the poor countries have issues like suicide bombings, terrorists."
"We're here this afternoon to change the course of history. After decades of division and conflict, we marked the dawn of a new Middle East."
"These agreements will serve as the foundation for a comprehensive peace across the entire region, something which nobody thought was possible."
"Millions in Syria and Iraq shortages accident warned that situation is likely to worsen due to a lack of Water Resource Management."
"On December 2nd, 2010, Qatar won the bid to host the World Cup in 2022. This would be the first ever World Cup hosted in the Middle East, a perfect opportunity to shine a positive light on the region and its culture."
"Let's take a step back. The idea that there's a Middle East conflict, singular, is ridiculous."
"The Abraham Accords... look to me like the most noteworthy move towards something approximating peace in the Middle East."
"If we focus our efforts on expanding the peace, which implicit in is this confrontation of Iran, we can actually receive pretty good outcomes, much faster than people think. Not perfect, but pretty good outcomes."
"The ultimate way to understand the Middle East, or the constant that's lasted for thousands of years, is the geography."
"World Cup 2022 could bring a needed positive sense of the Middle East across the globe that could drown out the negative global stereotypes."
"Surely it cannot be a great sign for Palestinians that the map Netanyahu held up during that speech, entitled the New Middle East, completely erases the Palestinian territories."
"The end of the First World War in no way brought the turmoil which had wracked the Ottoman Empire for years to an end."
"If Israel put down all of its guns tomorrow, there would be no Israel."
"All this came at a time when an Arab Cold War was brewing."
"As American influence fades, peace is gradually returning to the Middle East."
"He saw the Iraq War as America's effort to control the Middle East, to assert itself and at Russia's expense."
"The once fertile crescent that gave birth to the world's agriculture is now a desolate land and is now practically unrecognizable from the last decade."
"This is a game changer for Israel, the Middle East, and the world."
"Yesterday was a day where he cut a historic Middle East peace deal, the biggest Middle East peace deal in 30 years."
"Libya is a disaster, Iraq is a disaster, Syria is a disaster."
"Americans know that the Middle East has been a cauldron, a graveyard for American forces."
"This is a model case of the entire world and specifically for the Middle East."
"Most people think, 'Well, we're interested in the Middle East because of the oil,' and there's a lot of truth to that."
"For centuries the histories of the classical world and middle east empires have been discussed but little effort has been given to the history of arabia. This ignorance is true not just of the west but also of the arabs themselves."
"George Bush invaded the Middle East and kept telling us 'because they hate our freedom, we got to keep killing people' and it just bastardized and twisted the definition of the word freedom."
"You know you can be the smartest analyst of Middle East affairs and you will still be wrong if you go against what the Bible says because eventually the Bible is found more accurate than all of those predictions."
"It's a major accomplishment that the Trump administration was able to broker the Abraham Accords between the UAE and Israel."
"The only way of bringing stability and peace to the Middle East is a two-state solution."
"Faisal and the Arab army have the honor of taking the surrender of Damascus."
"Stability in the Middle East is vital for the security and development of the region and beyond."
"It's absolutely amazing to see how these Arab nations are making peace with Israel."
"There is no one single player in the Middle East that allows himself to ignore any message from China." - Avi Malamed
"Saladin intended to destroy the assassins and their influence in the region and moved his army into the Syrian coastal mountains."
"Nowhere did those two things come together more explosively than in the Middle East."
"He plunged Iraq and Iran into one of the bloodiest conflicts of the post-Second World War period."
"Emphasizing women's rights in the Islamic world is the critical wedge into that world."
"A United States war with Iran in Iran would be more costly, more deadly, more chaotic than any war that we have ever waged in the Middle East. That's scary. That's frightening."
"Advocacy for Palestinian freedom isn't the same as advocating for genocide against Jews."
"If you think that you can't possibly be secure if Palestinians are free, then maybe you've taken a wrong turn somewhere."
"The fascinating thing about the Arab conquest."
"He created trade between Israel and the UAE for the first time ever."
"The headquarters of the One World Religion is going to be in the Middle East."
"The Levant is now our clay and Egypt is in disarray."
"This is the vision of a rich tapestry of the Middle East in a country like ours that we wish to see multiplied across the region because it's a vision of hope and tolerance."
"Truth and Reconciliation for all Israelis and Palestinians."
"The situation between Iran and Israel is looking extremely grim."
"Iran and Saudi Arabia's diplomatic relations: strange bedfellows with deep-seated animosity."
"The magnificent nation is bordered by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to the south and east, Iraq to the Northeast, and Syria to the north."
"Many believe that the ongoing turmoil in the Middle East, the armed struggle between east and west for control of Jerusalem, is the final clash predicted in the ancient prophecies."
"Everything we're still hurting from - the drug war and intervention in the Middle East."
"Trump announces Israel and Morocco to normalize relations. He's bringing peace, yay, in the Middle East. This dude does not stop." - Carlin
"Iranians are not Arabs and they don't speak Arabic."
"Rick: Because it wasn't a religious war. It has got nothing to do for being a Shiite or Sunni. That was a territorial thing, and also ambitions of a dictator, Saddam Hussein."
"The new Emir began with a reformist zeal that had the royal families of surrounding Gulf states worried."
"Middle East is a really rich region with a really rich culinary history."
"The conflict between Arabs and Israelis is not just about land but in my opinion there's a religious aspect that can't be ignored."
"The whole situation in the Middle East has transformed over the last few years but the pace of that transformation has accelerated."
"Israel is the only country in the Middle East that categorically allows freedom of worship."
"We've finalized a historic peace agreement between Israel and the United Arab Emirates. This is the most important diplomatic breakthrough since the Egypt-Israel peace agreement was signed over 40 years ago."
"The Israel-Palestine, West Bank, Lebanon, Syria situation is highly volatile."
"The Middle East can provide Britain with over 126 million barrels of oil a year."
"He's trying so hard to get America not involved in another War here's the problem re the problem is that the region is on fire right now it's not just Gaza Hezbollah on Israel's Northern boundary is raining in Rockets."
"It's impossible for a traveler to be hungry in Palestine."
"I don't hate Israel. I don't hate Palestine."
"There is no peace that doesn't include Jerusalem as the capital of the State of Israel."
"The only hope for lasting peace in the Middle East is Jesus."
"Who would have ever believed 30 years ago that the Sunni monarchies would look to Israel for their security?"
"The players are all being set up in the Middle East exactly as the Bible says they're going to be."
"The announcement could Herald the end of a long-standing era of conflict in the Middle East."
"We must stand for stopping the bombing, for ending this brutal war, and for justice in the Middle East."
"The Syrian-Turkish move is a game-changer in the Middle East."
"Our commitment to Israel's security against these threats from Iran and his proxies is Ironclad."
"Take communion at the Garden tomb and float upon the waters of the Dead Sea."
"What's happening so crazy crazy news yesterday was that all the Middle Eastern uh countries have cut the oil supply."
"It's been a bleak landscape with a war going on in the Middle East...we need a little bit of good news everybody."
"Watch Lebanon right now and what happens in that area in the Middle East because all of these things are connected."
"The Middle East has never exactly been a place that has been a beacon of stability after all."
"I believe in everything is right okay so I'm not a Sunni I'm not a Shia and I yes I support my organization okay because I believe that they are doing a great job to bring their biggest enemy of mankind in Iran so I'm supporting them."
"The UAE approves its first embassy in Israel. This is a significant moment in Middle East peace."
"Biden will keep the US embassy in Jerusalem. Middle East peace initiatives continue."
"That's what brings peace to the Middle East: a clear and consistent message from the team of the president to de-escalate."
"More and more young American Jews become aware of what the Israelis are doing to the Palestinians."
"All of these countries have had very good relations with the Israelis."
"Israel faces threats from Hamas, Hezbollah, Palestinian groups, and the Houthis."
"Education for women changed then what happened in the Middle East."
"We have made historic peace deals in the Middle East."
"If you want to stop meddling in the Middle East, stop meddling in the Middle East."
"We're looking very closely at the situation in the Middle East."
"What's happening right now in Jeddah is incredible, is happening in an incredible way."
"The only real answer to this is a democratic state between the river and the sea."
"These endless wars, this chaos, the problems in the Middle East, all of these things are gonna, or at least they're gonna try to get resolved."
"An awesome outing, my first Middle East convoy with the GT Black Series."
"Peace in the Middle East is something that we've always been striving for."
"Killing Soleimani was the right decision, but engaging in another forever war in the Middle East would be the wrong decision."
"There's a disparity between the people who signed the Abram Accords and the people living there."
"Everyone knows where this is very likely going. It's a question not of if but when Israel strikes Iran's nuclear facilities."
"A war with Israel would be a general one that will bring about the destruction of Israel."
"Here's to a little more peace in the Middle East."
"I honestly believe Gaza and Palestine are on their way to achieving freedom."
"President Trump made additional progress on reaching peace in the Middle East."
"Human Rights Watch issued a 213 page report arguing that Israel is committing apartheid against Palestinians."
"It served as a hub that linked trading caravans between the Mediterranean and Arabian Seas."
"Trump's peace plan has the propensity to change the complexion of the entire Middle East."
"Enhance your growth through exposure to new ideas and information much faster, easier, and cheaper than ever before."
"Islamic and Western civilization have the same roots, their dawning in the Fertile Crescent."
"This is beautiful to know and to see that we became good friends with Arab countries."
"Most of the families in the Gaza Strip do not have access to water, both drinking and running."
"He was a strong advocate of rejecting The Tyranny and injustices of so many regimes in the Muslim World."
"The most mysterious ancient structures found in the Middle East."
"This is a historic day. The Israeli delegation heads to Bahrain to establish formal diplomatic relations."
"The Middle East has a really ancient history."
"Real peace only comes from Israel through Yeshua, the Prince of Peace."
"The single greatest mistake our country made... going into the quicksand of the Middle East."
"It's time to unpick Soleimani. It's time to pick apart Soleimani."
"The Muslim public opinion is still very much on the side of the Palestinians."
"Our desire for peace in the Middle East is vital."
"If Russia and the U.S. were teamed up in the Middle East, that would solve a lot of problems."
"I see a leader coming to Israel who will bring about peace in the Middle East."
"The entire world is in flames right now, and he was the only one to bring peace to the Middle East."
"Jewish sovereignty, Israeli sovereignty from the river to the sea, is a blessing not just for the Jews but for the Arabs as well."
"There is nowhere in the Middle East where Christians have so much liberty as in Israel."
"The modern Middle East is a region troubled by war, terrorism, weak and failed states, and civil unrest."
"The map of today’s Middle East was mostly drawn after the First World War."
"It was a military disaster, but its name has gone down in Arab history as a synonym for heroism and hopeless courage against huge odds."
"The roots of the Middle East conflict were planted after the First World War."
"This is what you call Islamic rule."
"Almost a million living in Yemen, in Cairo, in Iran, in Morocco."
"From 900,000 Jews in Arab and Muslim lands, currently, it is estimated there are less than 15,000."
"It's just new findings in the Middle East and it is exciting."
"Palestinian support for peace with Israel was skyrocketed when it became clear that Israel has no interest whatsoever in allowing Palestinians to have a state."
"You're getting your request to perform in the Middle East."
"We begin today with an International effort to deescalate boiling tensions in the Middle East."
"This conflict is not just any conflict in the Middle East."
"There are lots of difficult problems in the world, and the single-minded obsession on the Palestinian question is strange at best and misguided at worst."
"Solving the Palestinian-Israeli problem would unlock all of the other problems in the Middle East."
"We just want peace in the Middle East."
"Those who think that peace can prevail in the Middle East without the Palestinian people enjoying their full legitimate and National rights would be mistaken."
"He will appear in the land of the Arabs."
"I was in Syria once I was in southern Turkey I was in Iraq I was and you know a variety of different areas within the Kurdish territories that are experimenting with direct democracy."
"You're trying to kind of deal with the cognitive dissonance of people who are supporting Palestinians who started this latest round in Israel by taking hostages, killing, and raping people."
"Last day, the sun is shining of course, we're in the Middle East."
"Praying for peace in the Middle East is about peace with God. There is not going to be a lasting political peace in the Middle East. Praying for peace in the Middle East is about peace with God."
"You really feel like you're being brought back into hundreds and hundreds of years ago in the Middle East."
"Antichrist will do something that no one has ever pulled off before, he will actually bring peace in the Middle East, most likely he will bring an end to global terrorism."
"It's very easy to blame Zionism as the great destabilizing agent, but the region does very well destabilizing itself."
"We must and we will pursue a comprehensive peace between Israel and all her neighbors in the Middle East."
"America's unconditional support for Israel's policies towards the Palestinians enrages huge numbers of people in the Arab and Islamic world."
"It's a long way from that and involves a lot of difference by the press not to notice that the United States has now appointed itself the arbiter of border disputes and inter-Arab disputes across the Middle East."
"The United Arab Emirates is one of the economically dominant countries in the Middle East."
"I do think that the results of this election will change the way Putin approaches the Middle East. Whether it'll be the same or might be emboldened and maybe be more adventurous."
"The vision of a democratic, more prosperous, more free future in the Middle East is not dead."
"If, in fact, the Middle East is a place that, instead of Saddam Hussein, finally has an Arab democracy in Iraq, that will be a fundamentally different Middle East than we found."
"I long for the day when my people and your people can eat and break bread together openly in the Middle East."
"Why is there always conflict in the Middle East? Literally, it all goes back thousands of years."
"I've made a lot of predictions about the Middle East, and the overwhelming majority of them came true."
"The whole nature of the Middle East today is a product to a great extent of the settlements after World War I which begin to radicalize the Middle East."
"I've been wanting to go to Dubai for the longest I want to go to other parts of the Middle East too because I am Middle Eastern."
"A good relationship between Saudi Arabia and Iran would virtually end the majority of problems in the Middle East."
"Zionism the idea of building a state of Jewish Farmers on Arab land in the Middle East is a stupid idea to begin with I've always thought so."
"There are 10 royal families that one can look at, for example, in Bahrain, you have a royal family, United Arab Emirates you have, a number of royal families."
"Forget that, blunt said, something is going on over there in the Middle East and it's only getting worse."
"It’s one of the most intractable conflicts in the world - the ongoing Cold War, and occasionally hot war, between Israel and its Arab and Muslim neighbors."
"The environmental challenges of the Middle East are impossible to ignore for anyone immersed in that Region's geopolitics."
"The Middle East has always been associated with two natural resources: oil because of its abundance and water because of its scarcity."
"This comes as a Data for Progress poll found two-thirds of US voters support a ceasefire in Gaza, including 80% of Democrats."
"The Middle East ended up being a contested area in the Cold War... it was a frontier zone between the freedom-loving peoples in the West led by us and the victims of communist slavery in the East led by the dastardly Soviets."
"We achieved a series of historic peace deals in the Middle East."
"I think if we can solve some of the problems in the Middle East, we can solve a lot of the problems in the world."
"He said, 'Edward Said wrote a book in 1978 called Orientalism and in this book he tries to argue that a dominant European political ideology created the notion of orient to basically subjugate and control the narrative about Middle East, North Africa, Asia...'"
"Egypt boasts the largest naval fleet in the Middle East and Africa."
"Why does that matter? Because he's Muslim, Destiny supports Israel. I'm a little more pro-Israeli, you know? That's sad stuff, but uh, that's life, brother. I wish there would be peace in the Middle East."
"She's been a journalist for the last 14 years, a war correspondent and writer focusing predominantly on the Middle East for the last seven of those."
"This is an international landscape and a regional landscape in the Middle East that's changing in some important ways right now."
"Everybody always asks me why the Middle East is my favorite region and this is it. We're walking through bazaars, we have different colors and smells, and everybody's saying hi. It is just the most incredible feeling to be here right now."
"the ancient patriarches of the Middle East... have reestablished their absolute independence from external Church influence."
"Memories in the Middle East are long, and although the Crusades may have been forgotten in the West, they are still vividly remembered where they happened."
"It could be a Misfits in the Middle East."
"I believe this is the beginning of a new era of freedom in the Middle East."
"The stakes involved in the Middle East... had the potential for one of the most dangerous confrontations since the 1962 Missile Crisis."