
Student Welfare Quotes

There are 50 quotes

"We can't expect students to be successful in school if they're hungry while they're here."
"We are doing them all a disservice by trying to fit all of these students into this little cookie cutter model that only benefits colleges, the government, and the lenders."
"Every student in the United States should have free lunch, full stop. Every school in the United States should have AC."
"The school management sponsored the legal fees of those students."
"For-profit colleges continue to fail their students, time and time again."
"It shows me that this district cares about not only the students learning or academics but their safety as well." - Senior Rachel McCullough
"We have a duty of care to make sure that when they do leave those gates, they leave better than what they came in."
"I personally don't want students to be harmed and damaged as a result of what our government did to us in 2020."
"Let's worry about how folks do not want to come to your damn university because of how y'all treat them damn kids."
"I think the principal failed him by letting him just walk away."
"The American Academy of Pediatrics strongly advocates that all policy consideration for the coming school year should start with a goal of having students physically present in school."
"Plans are being put in place to allow students home safely for Christmas."
"Is making our kids really stressed out so we need to reduce the amount of homework teachers are allowed to assign."
"Every kid deserves a new book bag for school."
"A living wage for graduate students is extremely important."
"Kids shouldn't treat other kids bad to the point that they want to drop out of school and commit suicide."
"Shout out to my Arabic teacher that looked at us yesterday mid-lesson and said, 'I'm worried. Y'all look exhausted and depressed.'"
"Stop forcing high school students like us to despair and face the horrors we all leave in the world, please."
"Administrators that couldn't care less about student welfare are all too common in public secondary education."
"Mia's family and loved ones continue to fight for a safer world for students and vulnerable people."
"Your course is not more important than someone's mental health."
"Psychological safety is important, and students of color deserve to feel psychologically safe in school."
"Students of color should never have to feel unsafe or threatened by other groups on campus."
"Masks are in place for the safety of students based on verifiable science."
"The structure and routine of a school day is so critical for this population of students."
"He feels responsible for Szymon's death. It may be too late to save him, but he wants to save the students."
"Students are unhappy. We don't want students to be unhappy."
"Schools that ban phones dramatically improve kids' well-being and test scores."
"...build some greater understanding about the supports that could better help students."
"It's one of the chief responsibilities of Ohio State to ensure that those students feel comfortable and welcomed."
"We care about all of our student athletes across the board for all of our sports."
"Finland was the first country in the world to provide free lunch to every student."
"We as the teachers know what's best for our classroom and we know what's best for our particular students."
"The solidarity and the commitment of the students and the workers to get a better work program — that will help the students."
"All students deserve to be free from hate and be safe to learn and thrive."
"Let's do what we can to support our students every step of the way."
"This is a school that cares deeply about its students and the opportunities they will have."
"UVM puts a big emphasis on their students' health and well-being."
"The campus and almost all the housing areas are very safe."
"Teachers have a responsibility to create a safe environment for their students."
"The achievement I am most proud of is the institution of a fall reading week at Queen's University to improve student mental health and academic performance."
"Hungry kids don't do well in school and kids who don't have a stable place to live won't be able to get their homework done."
"We want to minimize disruption to children's education."
"Personally, my own view's that student nutrition is a huge problem and we should be giving food away to students."
"We want to make sure our students don't have the distraction of hunger keeping them from being their most successful at UTC."
"We talked about how we can better work together and combine both of our strengths for the good of all the students in this classroom."
"We know students are provided the best opportunity to learn and thrive when they're learning in person."