
Orderliness Quotes

There are 284 quotes

"Twelve rules for life: an antidote to chaos."
"To clean up your room means to accept that it's actually necessary for you to take that little bit of chaos that's in front of you and cast it into habitable order."
"We should do it officially and properly, we should do it with like timed dancers and no interrupting."
"Every need will be met through offering... everything is now in divine order."
"Have your house in order, who are you submitted to, who's your accountability?"
"You're setting them up for success, you're setting them up to be able to take advantage of that sense of order that they innately are born with."
"Cleanliness is godliness - if your hair is messy, so will your life be messy."
"They really just want to have everything in good order."
"Life is a series of events played in the correct order." - Motivation for navigating life's challenges.
"I just love it when it starts to get cleaner, starts to get tidier."
"All things be done decently and in order."
"It pleases my sense of organization and categorization. I know where everything goes, everything has a spot."
"God only knows what will happen to you if you put your house in order."
"He wanna do things decent and in order because he's serious."
"Organizing just makes me feel so much better."
"...it won't end up being a tangled mess."
"Life feeds on negative entropy... the device by which an organism maintains itself stationary at a fairly high level of orderliness really consists in continually sucking orderliness from its environment."
"There's something really pleasing about coming downstairs in the morning to a nice clean and orderly place, even if it only stays like that for a few minutes when you've got dogs around or if you've got children or a messy partner."
"Clean this damn room up, look like a hot ass mess in here."
"...and so that's why you guys see this organization everything has a spot to go and that's because my mental health needs it like if it if things don't have a spot to go They're gonna end up all piled on my dining table or the couch or like something crazy like that."
"Nothing else appeared to be disturbed. TVs, video recorders, stereo systems, everything appeared to be where it should have been."
"Things are so much more orderly than I'm used to living in the Philippines."
"My life is sequences and numbers. Nothing else."
"In the modern world, to have everything a bit too neat and tidy...I find a bit weird."
"Things are a lot more ordered here... it's very clean in Japan."
"Partnership and friendship, orderliness, self-control, and justice hold together heaven and earth and gods and men."
"My house was cleaned so I walked in and it's just perfectly set in order the house is in order."
"That's what I like about it, is that it's ever so neat."
"Let everything be done decently and in order."
"...tidy up every day...just like cleaning and tidying a room it can be a very cleansing experience."
"Everything just went straight back into its home, you know."
"There's no freaking thing as an unassigned space on a ship."
"God likes things being done orderly."
"Now the quarry is tidy again and all the engines are being really useful."
"You're not panicking, you're not looting."
"Everything has its place and everything is away."
"Whatever we do, do it in decency and in order and excellence."
"Waking up to a clean kitchen, dishes are done, everything's spotless, everything is where it's supposed to be."
"Christianity is real, it doesn't have to be sloppy."
"...cleaning routines and order just brings you a sense of sun and peace."
"While your feelings are confusion or your feelings are chaotic, I am a God of peace, I am a God of clarity, I am a God of order."
"When you are all done your grocery shopping, the last thing you do is you put your groceries away."
"But make sure everything is done in decency and order."
"We believes simple is better than complicated order is better than confusion quiet is better than loud"
"Finally, I have my house back in order. It feels so good."
"The premise: let all things be done decently and in order."
"I'm not like a clean person, I'm a tidy person. Like, I like everything having a home, I can't have anything sitting out, it needs to be put away."
"This has been consistently good. Everything in the right order. Good observations. Giving information. Everything in the right order: position, speed, and gear."
"Looks great in here, nothing looks weird, everything looks in place, great shape."
"God is not the author of confusion; He does things decent and in order."
"She lived a life of extreme routine, everything orderly, everything in its place, and that was very important - it gave her a sense of control."
"The places were spotless, the streets were spotless."
"Everything has a place, everything has a home, we know where everything is now."
"Artemis appears to have been so-called because of her soundness and orderliness and because of her desire for virginity."
"I do not like disorder in God's church."
"I quite like the organization inside the bag because it makes everything just easy to find, and there is a place for everything."
"Formal and orderly queuing is the mark of a civilized man."
"It's so important to have permanent homes for everything."
"I'm much happier when things are in an order."
"These material things do not matter whatsoever as long as you keep everything in order, you're a nice person, you have good values."
"I too decided to write an orderly account for you, most excellent Theophilus, so that you may know the certainty of the things you have been taught."
"Everything needs a place and put everything in its place."
"To make the world a better place, I just want to be a little tidier."
"There's just something really satisfying about cleaning your data... knowing that my data are in order."
"How order is emerging from chaos."
"We don't observe a chaotic world; what you observe are very nice patterns all around us."
"All things be done decently in order."
"The transfer of power was amazingly orderly."
"Inward moral excellence that shows itself in an outward orderly existence."
"But let all things be done properly, and in an orderly manner."
"Let all things be done properly and in an orderly manner."
"Desire to prophesy, and do not prevent speaking with tongues, but let all things be done decently and according to the proper procedure."
"Blue dragons are psychographically unique as well and possess an innate need for order and precision."
"Doing the dishes and doing a five-minute pickup... that's what gets a house under control and keeps the house under control."
"Having a tidy house almost all the time is awesome."
"If stuff is on a shelf and it's got titles, I usually have to have it alphabetized."
"It's just like little soldiers all lined up, just tickles me to death."
"Everything is clean, everything is how it's supposed to be."
"The cantonment was an ordered, very English haven for the men stationed in this distant corner of the British Empire."
"Ensure that you have a place for everything and everything is in its place."
"I'm an organization freak when I'm traveling, everything needs to be organized, it needs to be nice, it needs to be orderly, it keeps my head on straight."
"I love a clean car; it makes me feel put together."
"If you keep it clean, everything else will fall in line."
"Try not to make a lot of mess in your cabin... the cabin host's job is to clean, not to tidy."
"It's all just very organized which is bringing me a lot of happiness."
"You seem to be quite organized... you come across as being chaotic, but you're not chaotic."
"We love a bit of housekeeping; we also always need to make sure that our house is swept and clean."
"Reset the couch... the couch sets the stage for the entire living room space, so having it tidy makes the entire room feel more tidy too."
"I've never been unmotivated to do it because I am one of those people that can't relax when things aren't like they should be."
"You make me feel as though I have a well-ordered life."
"You won't find a single thing out of place in this house, and it feels so good."
"Now everything is where it's supposed to be, everything is super tidy."
"Wisdom is knowing things as they are and putting everything in its place."
"I'm a very clean person, and I like things very tidy."
"I'm like such a sentimental person, don't like change, and I don't like messes."
"My mama always told me to put things back the way I found them."
"I like keeping everything in a tip-top shape."
"All police discovered when they searched their fellow officer's home and car on February 1st, 1994, was that Lamont Claxton, LC for short, was neat to the point of being compulsive about order and cleanliness."
"Wow, it feels so nice to finally have that ordered."
"Everything is looking nice and put together."
"If your living space is messy, your mind is messy."
"No Church website should be cluttered and disorganized."
"Make your bed every morning or at some point, have it made before you walk into your room to go to bed."
"I just love cleaning... I like the idea of taking a complete train wreck of a place and slowly but surely making it right again."
"Stand up straight with your shoulders back, clean your room, and be responsible."
"When they entered the apartment, they were struck by how tidy it was and clean."
"Order, tranquility, good connections with family and friends, and nature."
"Everything is so clean, neat, tidy, and just organized."
"All things should be done decently and in order."
"Every tool that I've ever owned, if it's got a place where it can be put back specifically for that tool, I've always managed to put it back."
"It's nice and clean, and I'll try and keep it that way."
"Everything in its place, a place for everything."
"Keep your stuff in descending order, lots of little boxes, and you'll be really organized."
"Everything should be done decently and in order."
"It's surprisingly quiet and calm and organized and clean."
"I love to be organized because it gives me a sense of peace."
"Japan was like back to the normal world; it's clean, it's quiet, people are nice."
"This house is going to be full of peace, things are going to be in order."
"I love it, I mean, neatness and cleanliness is next to godliness."
"I learned orderliness, I learn patience."
"Everything is well arranged in Canada. Everything is organised. Total cleanliness."
"The process is one of orderly growth, having its sequential stages, like the growth of a tree."
"Everything must be just so in your world."
"Be vigilant, get your house in order, do what you can where you're at, keep God first."
"Everything was clean, tidy, whatever you want to call it."
"I can't stop until things are clean."
"There really is a place for everything and you can make sure that everything is in its place."
"I cannot function, I cannot thrive in a mess."
"My house is spotless, I am very house proud, so everything's clean."
"I never lose things, never. That is because I have a place for everything, and everything in its place."
"I am slightly OCD, so I don't like for my house to be messy, everything is organized, it has its place."
"Cleanliness is next to godliness here."
"We have to take care of our own backyard, clean your own room first."
"You like to keep things clean and tidy and feel that stability is the most important aspect of your life."
"I'm a neat freak, everything got to be perfect."
"That kind of discipline and orderliness is beneficial to every element of a person's life if they can apply it."
"Do everything in its proper time, keep everything to its proper use, put everything in its proper place."
"It's all very clean and very nicely done."
"A well-tied knot provides a measure of order in a world filled with dangling threads."
"Everything in Logan's mind had a place; there was no room for an odds and ends drawer in his life."
"Everything has its own home, everything is organized."
"Everything looks so good and nice and neat and clean."
"Every single thing in your house should have a place."
"You're not crazy town, you're just very ordered."
"Life is long enough to do things properly, orderly."
"Everything looks great here, and your sewing center is so tidy."
"Attention to detail, you know, I want to keep the garden kind of nice, pristine, and proper."
"It helps you set up your shop successfully and do things in the right order."
"The universe operates according to regularities."
"And thus were the forces of evil defeated by the forces of neatness."
"Chores get easier in every way, when we learn to organize, and put away."
"Be as neat and tidy as you possibly can."
"If you want calm, order, courtesy and politeness, that's Canada, 100%."
"It's so important to have a place for everything."
"I've got a place for everything, and everything in its place."
"Everything is tidy, this pleases me so much."
"A clean space is really relaxing; keep it organized, keep it clean."
"You've got your house in order, you've got an open mind, a beautiful intelligent heart."
"Orderly people like to have everything in its separate place and properly structured."
"Everything's upright facing up so there's never any digging."
"I like a clean house. I love having a house that's just spotless, that's neat and tidy."
"My biggest OCD is that bed better be made, and I mean crisply, before working out all the wrinkles."
"I just feel better if I have a neat house. I don't function; it's not really for anybody else, it's for me."
"Neat and orderly as all things should be."
"One sleeps in a systematic and orderly fashion, welcomes sleep in, and doesn't interrupt it."
"Do things in order, and it will go your way."
"I like to keep it organized because I'm an organized person."
"I like things neat and tidy and orderly."
"If you're like me, you want everything the same and perfectly neat."
"I will literally make the bed before I get into bed; that's how important it is for me."
"I love it when the instructions are super in order."
"I crave organization and I crave things to be in their place."
"I keep everything labeled; there's a rhyme and a reason for why everything is here."
"Keep clean, keep it clean, nice two-nut single file and game on guys, game on."
"Let's get life back in order, let's get this house cleaned."
"There's a place for everything and everything is exactly in its place."
"She just loves when everything is clean and tidy."
"Obsessed with organization, it just makes me happy."
"I can't stand visual clutter; it gives me anxiety."
"Ultimately we speak on behalf of the elegance, the orderliness, and the freedom of the mind."
"Keeping everything straight and orderly always helps."
"Having investigated everything carefully, I have written it out in consecutive order."
"It's nice just to be able to have it all nice and organized."
"I love when things are clean and neat, tidy, smell good."
"Everything is clean as a whistle."
"It's a really orderly and organized country."
"It's been a really busy chaotic morning but I have to say the house looks like a show home."
"I make my bed every day now because I like to go home and go, 'Damn, that's a badass bed.'"
"I have a place for everything, and I put everything in its place."
"Let everything be done in a fitting and proper manner."
"It's just very organized and clean and orderly, like Japan."
"Everything has its place as you tuck the saw away and nothing's going to fall off when you set it back up."
"Everything will be all organized."
"The world is ordered and knowable, and that is even seen in our spelling and phonics program."
"Thanks to the Koala Brothers, Alice's kitchen always stayed tidy."
"I love streets that are just nice and orderly, and has trees and a wonderful sidewalk and a bike lane."
"I feel like I cannot decorate my home until I clean my home."
"The city was first lighted at night; all citizens were ordered to hang lanterns over their doors."
"Everything is in its place, and when you need a tool, you can find it in a snap."
"I feel like even if the rest of the room is a bit of a mess, if the bed is made, it's got a base."