
Family Values Quotes

There are 2498 quotes

"Your kids get the message that they really matter to you and that a phone or a device or computer is not more important to them."
"The best we can do is a loving course from compliance to commitment. That your kids need to do what you're asking them to do out of compliance, but at some point, if all I teach him is compliance and don't give him the why, then when he's there... he's moved to a commitment to our family values."
"Most people just want to be able to work a job, provide food for their family, hang out with their family and their community."
"The greater treasures of life are not to be found in the Emerald City but simply by appreciating our home and family."
"There's no level of success that is worth neglecting your family."
"I don't want my kids to live like this. We're better than this."
"A good man is a good man, and he's a great example for being a family man."
"I think the home, the family unit, is the foundation for everything in a great society, a great country."
"I've never wanted to be on TV or be famous. All I wanted was a family."
"The heart cannot function without blood; a car can't move without an engine; and so, a house can't be a home without the touch of a godly woman."
"What I've seen is the significance of family, the importance of having values that are Transcendent of this, the importance of God."
"Everything seems to be going well as if they are going to win; individualism will take over, until they are called back by tradition and what tradition is more obvious than that of family."
"No amount of money, and I'm telling you I was making millions, and I left it because my kids were being hurt. With entitlement, they were being hurt with people's advice, and they didn't have a mother at the front saying, 'I don't care what the world's opinion is, this is the truth, and this is where I stand.'"
"Social justice and activism really starts in your own house. What are you saying to your children? What are you reading with your children? What kind of conversations are you having with your own children? How you're raising them? What are the core values in your house?"
"The best of you are those who are best to their families."
"It's imperative in such troubled times as these that we remember what is most important to us: family."
"My sense of identity and values is very closely tied to my family and particularly my grandad."
"If you care about having a loving, healthy marriage, having a loving family surrounding yourself with parents, children, grandparents, a community that gives you a sense of belonging, a sense of heritage and culture, you care about a higher purpose and the belief that existence is more than just atoms randomly knocking into each other... then Islam protects all of these things."
"The greatest gift I could ever give to my children is showing them that I honor, love, respect, and admire their mother."
"A man that does not take care of his family is worse than an infidel."
"The best way to show your value for your kids is to show the values for your spouse."
"For Kaiba to perform such an act to make sure his only living family member is safe really speaks to his character."
"North Dakota is the safest state in the nation because we respect life, because we value family as the cornerstone of our society."
"When your children tell you they admire you, that to me is special."
"My parents always...instilled in us as young men to be hard workers."
"The most important thing is the family. Keep your family healthy, good, and take care of your family."
"I want to do something that actually means something rather than just... I want my kids to know they had a dad who cared for them and wanted to do something that's meaningful."
"The best of you is he that is best to their families, and I am the best of you to his family."
"For all intents and purposes, I woke up this morning looking at the picture of my family and making my commitment today, as I do every day, that I'm going to live an honest, virtuous, and responsible life."
"I'd rather be a family man, find a woman that will gladly cook and clean for my children and me while I provide for them and look after the family life, which actually is important."
"There is only one rule Grandpa Pig and that is everyone waits their turn."
"I'd rather be worth $1 million and have a family and love my life than have $200 million and have nothing."
"What strengthens the family, strengthens society."
"Naruto took a firm stance: He wasn't related to most of Konoha's villagers, yet he still considered them his family because they were important to him."
"What I want you guys to think about is like we want to be great fathers and mothers, we want to have close family time."
"This is a perfect example of an actual good parent. They identified an issue... they cut out the source to that issue... because they didn't care about the money, the views, or anything but their daughter or son or child."
"Their family is so impressive because from day one they have been nothing but kind and patient."
"Don't turn down no food, sir. No free food gets turned down in the Bloomfield family, you know what I mean?"
"Immigrants are natural conservatives. They have strong family values, they believe in hard work."
"Our number one family rule is be kind. If we do that in life, then we're doing the right thing."
"When you have a kid, you realize family values are everything."
"A strong country starts with a strong family."
"Everything outside of [men and women coming together and building families] is just noise."
"I don't need anything from you. I have the most important thing that money can't buy: a real family."
"No government will ever raise a child better than a loving family."
"If you're not sharing with people in need what you have, you are not my son."
"Having a good man around is valuable to your children."
"Real Men of God serve. Real Men of God put their family before their lusts. Real Men of God fear God and depart from sin."
"The most important thing that you do as a human being, which is to have children and pass on good values to those children, to build for the future, has become something that we discard."
"There's a lot more virtue that attends to being a responsible mother, marrying dad, and then there being two parents there to help raise the kid."
"Recognizing that the family is the most important and sacred institution in any society."
"That's your mother; you only get one of them."
"If more people went home and got families, we would be better off culturally."
"I want my kids to live in a world where when they buy something, they actually own it."
"Honor and courage and bravery and your last name is all you've ever had. It's all you're gonna have."
"His family is more important than any of this stuff, and that's pretty cool. Not a lot of people would do that."
"My mom preached that there was no playing games with that. She also made us feed the homeless on Saturday mornings... it kind of helped us become better people."
"Most importantly, try to be a good husband, try to be a good father, and try to be a good American."
"The American way of life means you follow the law, you work hard, you honor God, you raise your kids with strong values."
"Destruction of strong family values... we're losing some of those values."
"The lifestyle my grandparents gave us through stability and independence, that's wealth."
"Family first, that's the way it works in Andale, from the day the first four families decided to stay here."
"I think families should stick together. I certainly agree with that."
"You don't betray the family. You don't leave the clan. You don't leave the war."
"The underlying concept of Samoan culture is called 'fa'a Samoa', which translates to the Samoan way. It's the traditional way of life in Samoa, and it encompasses the fundamentals of respect, family, and spirituality."
"You see, if I lose my job tomorrow, I'm still a man, as long as I'm responsible, treat my wife correctly, raise my children; that's responsibility."
"I am a supporter of anyone who I believe is good for America, good for my family."
"We live together, we play together. This is my family."
"Your job is not to upset your husband or whatever; it's to constantly protect your child."
"The best of you are the best with their family, and I am the best among you with my family."
"A child should honor his mother and father, and his days will be long in the land."
"Please don't take a second for granted. Hug your family, tell them you love them."
"Life is wonderful, and it's that simple truth which has driven me as I built businesses, raised my family, and embarked upon my many adventures."
"Look, maybe us Mormons do believe in crazy stories that make absolutely no sense, and maybe Joseph Smith did make it all up. But I have a great life, and a great family, and I have the Book of Mormon to thank for that. The truth is, I don't care if Joseph Smith made it all up because what the church teaches now is loving your family, being nice, and helping people."
"Everything has to make sense, and nothing means anything to me but my family."
"Traditional nuclear family is the best vehicle we have to raise solid citizens."
"Loving yourself is about giving. It's about becoming a great dad, not cheating on my wife."
"Mom and Dad make it very clear that we shouldn't point out others' mistakes or blame others for our wrong response. When we make a true apology, we swallow our pride, apologize for what we did, and own our offense, regardless of what happened before or after it."
"We love everybody the same, right Darius? We have always taught my family to be that way."
"The Revival of family, the Revival of Faith, the Revival of belief in a nation and patriotism."
"Tom Selleck stands out as an exception, his preference for quiet family time over the chaos of Hollywood nightlife speaks volumes about his priorities and values."
"Cancer is... so into family... they really do look to settle down and build a life for themselves and to have children."
"The older I get, the more I just am grateful to be alive and healthy and have a family and people I care about."
"I would honestly be happy that my significant other is spending time with their family because I like seeing that they're family-oriented."
"Guys, always be nice to parents because parents are the best."
"Think about how sad that is. He can provide a good life to his family, and his son's like, 'you still fell off.' That's a wild thing to hear."
"Family's too precious. The last thing you want to do is drive them away because you might lose them forever."
"Teach us to cherish and to care for family and friends until God calls them home."
"I did everything I could to be a family and make them proud."
"The middletons are a deeply private family; they don't give interviews, they don't go on television, they very much keep themselves to themselves."
"God is confronting our churchianity... getting us back to the place of resurrecting family altar, prayer time, spending time in the word, fasting again, speaking life into our children."
"The greatest thing I can do for my children is to love their mother with a passion."
"It's just something where my wife and I have said this is something that's important to us, we want to instill this in our children."
"The mysteries of the past, the uncertainty of the future, the only thing that matters is family, Duty, and hearth."
"Muslims and Christians come together and say, 'Let's set aside Prophet Muhammad and Jesus... but listen, when it comes onto these issues with family, let's unite.'"
"What is most important to me at the end of the day is I'm a good father, good husband, I make my mama proud, I make my ancestors proud, I make my future ancestors proud."
"I'd want to be like my father, who was married to the same woman for 51 years."
"People's egos oftentimes get in the way of them living a more fulfilled life."
"The values my parents instilled in me... family is most important."
"Todd said, 'I started this business from scratch; it's a part of me. This is my family. I don't want to leave anybody behind.'"
"The strength of the Church lies in the efforts and ever-growing testimonies of its members. Testimonies are best cultivated in the home."
"Life is about building memories with your family, with your friends, with the people that you care about."
"Your children are going to respect you more if you do the right thing... they're going to respect you when they're older and they fully understand the sacrifices made."
"Is your family meaningful to you because of proximity, or is there something more there?"
"Restore the families, restore the vision, restore their first love when they first met Jesus."
"You have a responsibility to care for, protect, and love your children." - Matt Walsh
"Even though I'm aware of the futility, I'm glad to be alive. I like it. I'm glad my children are alive, and my wife, and I'm glad to be talking to you. And this was all very nice."
"I'm just very passionate about people understanding how good these families are that have come here, that have made these dreams happen. Your father is a hero. Your father, to me, is beyond what the American Dream is about."
"We need strong families, strict discipline, clear guidance."
"Confucius's philosophy focuses on three main themes: education, family, and ritual."
"There is a conspiracy... they destroyed the family value by destroying the Father Figure."
"Family should stick together son, no matter what."
"We are social animals we need each other defy death go forth and build a loving family."
"Every day, speak God's promise over your family."
"I just want that family aspect. I've been in this industry for so long."
"The death of Marcella changed Jaime into wanting to become a family man."
"Perfection isn't needed nor is it required in order for someone to receive family love and pride."
"I value family and with family comes marriage."
"There is no purpose more noble than motherhood."
"The basic building block of life is the individual, a man and a woman coming together in a relationship that is going to produce the next generation." - Andrew Klavan
"When you turn on your TV, when you go to a comedy club, when you listen to the media, the cultural message is not one of 'kids are great' and 'let's have more.'"
"Parents have been given the sacred responsibility to support, encourage, and train up their children." - Kirk Cameron
"Men got an incredible amount of purpose from starting and maintaining a family."
"Young men should aspire to find a good woman and start a family with her. That's what you should be aspiring to do."
"Nothing is more important than the family and the health of their family."
"Family is the most valuable thing in the world."
"A family, but not a cartoon one obviously, something real."
"Righteousness exalts a nation, so righteousness within the family brings blessings."
"Every day I am blessed to know that because of His Atonement, I may someday be resurrected to live forever in a loving family."
"She was very family-oriented, very loyal to her friends, very caring."
"The best thing you can do to honor your dad is to live your passion."
"Whoever works for the sanctity of marriage and the family will always be fought against and opposed in every way because this is the decisive issue."
"Things are being done to a god-centered way. Our farming has to have a foundation, and it has to be successful if it is a god-centered program and a family-centered program."
"Be happy because I'll make sure they have money. What they need is ethics, morals, family, principles, and happiness."
"The family is the cure for every social, psychological, and emotional ill on this planet."
"He sees the orphanage kids as genuine family."
"He loved Joni. She was the love of his life on this earth. And she was his partner. The co-founder, the co-leader of Daystar. The family."
"Family life can be challenging, but it's still the greatest thing God ever gave mankind."
"Family and happiness is priceless, and respect means everything."
"There is no family so poor but that the evening meal can be eaten in an atmosphere of warmth and gentleness."
"You can't replace a father in the home with a check."
"We are human! We like our kids to go to school, we love our kids!"
"Republicans are the party of parents, of education, of small businesses, of freedom, and of family."
"If people don't value their children before they're born, why would they value their children after?"
"Love of country is an extension of filial piety, of the love of your own family."
"Each of the kids having their own personal private space was important to us."
"Don't believe everything you read on both ends. Hug your families and enjoy the freedoms that you do have. Try to think of things from other people's perspectives which were really bad, myself included."
"Spouse and children are not commodities... they make you more alive."
"You pass it on to my grandchildren and you make sure that your grandchildren, my great-grandchildren, still know how good that Jesus is."
"We're just here to teach patriots kids families how to get that back so that's not like being a patriot is not a dirty word anymore."
"Lean in right now. Do it for your kids, do it for yourself, do it for your country, and do it for your God."
"You're not just doing it even for you, you're doing it because it ultimately is the glue to the family."
"Having a wife, a child, and a family is the greatest blessing in the entire world."
"I realized I already had the best treasure in the world: family, and nothing could ever take that away."
"My life away from the screen couldn't be any better, you know, grandkids, family, yeah, it's perfect."
"If you actually want to save the country, get married and have five kids, you actually are serving your country if you do that."
"Honestly, everybody can go to hell. My wife was a good wife, she was a good mom, she was an entrepreneur, she came from nothing to something."
"Families are profoundly important... it's nature, not a sociological or political thought."
"Family first, right? But when my family needed you, you insulted them. So f*** you guys."
"That's no reason not to have a dog. That's like saying you shouldn't have friends or family, and I shouldn't have had the kids in the first place."
"The American founders understood marriage and the autonomous family were the true bulwarks of Liberty."
"No culture can be sustained where the children are not honoring their father and their mother."
"It's family and our faith that matter when it comes down to brass tacks."
"Sometimes we feel like we have to do big things to be of service, but what did she do? She served right in her family, and that was so significant, so meaningful."
"I care about people, I care about little kids, I care about little babies and families."
"Be thoughtful. Most of your viewers will be parents or prospective parents or grandparents."
"Christmas isn't about what you can buy in shops. Christmas is about the people you gather around you and what you do with your time."
"I'm very fond of that, and I hope for that for our son, and I can't wait for him to experience like a genuine Halloween."
"The Christmas of today, with its emphasis on cozy material consumption inside a single family home, epitomizes the dreams of the capitalist class."
"For me to have his back and I got her back and I appreciate that, facts, just family."
"To wrap arms around this radical left and say we're all on the same team right now is to deny reality. These people want to hurt our children and break up families. They weaponize our legal system to hurt their enemies."
"I just wanted to put out an extremely pro-life message because in today's landscape it seems like everything that we are hearing is about women needing to be selfish... family is aspirational, you are aspirational, you are enough."
"What makes you happy is the familiar things your family a place."
"We need to fix the declining birth rate. People having large families is good for society, it's good for people."
"The conservative side is positioning itself as the party of families, of men and fatherhood."
"I'm rich in love, my family love me, and that really, that's really all that counts."
"There's nothing my children can do that would make me love them any less."
"He was an incredible artist by all accounts, he was an amazing family man, just an incredible individual."
"I think that charity thing which has come more into play as we've got more successful...reflected in our kids' attitude to doing things."
"Love your husbands, love your wives, love your children."
"The main things the family has taught me is respect and honesty."
"I want to see families work again, I want to see strong fathers, strong families. Sign that prenup, but if not, work on your frame, get in shape, make some money, get a house or an apartment, get a car, get on your grind right."
"I dream of a world where dads can still be heroes."
"Nobody ever had a successful family and said, 'Hey, I would have traded my family for a Lamborghini.'"
"I'd trade all the money in the world for the love I have for my family, friends, and audience."
"Parents care about their kids more than anybody else."
"No family should be forced to send their kid into a school system that doesn't align with their values."
"Family is the most important thing, that's why this film is so important."
"The normative family held together by marriage... is the only possible basis for a safe and successful Society."
"Cut yourself some slack, Anthony. You are both a decent person, a fine secularist, and someone who doesn't want to offend or bother the people in your family who value you. And all of those are good things." - Matt
"Love my family, love me. That's really all that counts."
"The easiest way to pay your parents back is just to be happy."
"Choosing his family over money is a brilliant move."
"They don't value healthy families and healthy kids."
"I've always felt that I was unbelievably lucky to be in America. My father raised my brother and me to believe we were the luckiest Jews in Jewish history to live in America. And he was right."
"Finding the good in life and her family is so important."
"Home is where the heart is, absolutely. Hola familia, saludos."
"Love your family, love your love for animals."
"If you have grandparents, make sure you always love them and show them respect because this is messed up."