
Unexpected Events Quotes

There are 1103 quotes

"A distraction can mean a curveball... something that's coming at you that you don't anticipate."
"Life is what happens when you're busy making other plans."
"Adapt to things that are unexpected. Nothing is a coincidence."
"You're going to be surprised with something when you least expect it."
"New beginnings might be sudden, out of the blue, a bit shocking, but invigorating and exciting."
"They finally escaped the most dangerous enemies they've been against all season... and right as the tension is at its peak, they get hit by a semi-truck."
"We can never catch a break here at this house; there's always something crazy going down in Toronto."
"Life is just what happens when you're making other plans."
"We are hurt a lot more by things that we don't expect to happen."
"He told me he wanted to get married someday and that I've accidentally got pregnant – perfect, I've always wanted to be a dad."
"They did not expect to fall in love with you. It was so unexpected for them."
"Some opportunities start to come out of the woodwork, you know, some really cool stuff that, we got an email two days ago."
"Holy crap, I never thought I would see that in that movie like this is one thing I really like."
"What do you encounter when you encounter something unexpected?...It makes you curious."
"Wait, Ruby, you, uh, your snow golems, they're acting weird again. I think they built some machine that throws poop at your house."
"It's probably the most sudden and unexpected death scene that I can recall from a game, and I remember feeling robbed the first time that I played it."
"Love's gonna hit you like a ton of bricks. You ain't gonna know what to do."
"The challenges with crisis or anything bad that happens to other people is we never think it'll happen to us."
"It'll never happen to us until it's too late, and boom, it happens to you."
"The world can be a crazy place, just when you think you're educated enough to understand how this crazy cosmic rock works, bam, something truly peculiar happens and we're all forced to admit that none of us are truly clever enough."
"The bad guys drive their car into the ocean. Did they do that? And a shark ate their car."
"Somebody did something to work like curved her one night, and that girl then fell out of a golf cart and hurt herself."
"This Panda needed that jacket and this man came so close to it that it decided to grab and get the Garment itself."
"Datter's Law says any useful idea about the future should at first seem ridiculous."
"When Gerard slipped, we fell into an alternate universe."
"A Black Swan is something unusual that has a great impact."
"If police raid a place and there's a load of drugs there."
"You would never think that that could happen here."
"Everyone stopped and watched for a second just trying to figure out what the hell was going on."
"What if the Four Seasons Total Landscaping was the beginning of crafting a legal defense?"
"Oh, he's back! Oh, oh, oh! It's caught in the boat. Wait, I was going to hit it with the sword. Can you kill that thing, the bomie? Oh, oh, what the [__]! He exploded!"
"I'm still not done processing yesterday's hearing it was unexpected and quite a lot of ways."
"Nobody ever thinks it's gonna happen to them until it does."
"The other guys, where Johnson had cold feet when it came time to jump off a building."
"So something very strange, let's just all agree, something very strange just happened."
"Are your sims randomly gonna get possessed for the rest of your gameplay experience and crack you up? Yes, I love it."
"His cat Mr. Panda had other plans, so it will be dry for our Easter weekend."
"If you do not expect the unexpected you will not find it."
"I can't believe that happened... that's wild."
"As he was coming up the hill, it looked like the car just came to a halt."
"Do not forget to save your game. You never know when something unexpected may happen."
"It's the fight you couldn't have possibly known you wanted so badly until the briefest of glimpses of its potential were considered."
"Unless a meteor strikes the office, this game is not getting delayed."
"I shat myself when we started this broadcast."
"It's freaking nuts, it's not familiar to you anyone?"
"The Blood Plague was a spontaneous event that would have been impossible to imagine before it actually happened."
"I'm not gonna lie, that was the funniest [__] ever."
"What has happened to Bet Longshan? No, I'll tell you what, Bet Longshan is ahead of Gianluca Georgie." - A sudden turn of events in the race's dynamics.
"I was just expecting little objects to move... not like a face."
"But, that is when everything took a very, very unexpected turn..."
"It should not have been possible for this to happen, and yet it did."
"It's just the craziest story. Military police officers Eddie Gropes and Marco Tredese drive down this road on the lookout for something unusual when suddenly it runs right across their path."
"This is terrible. This is something that you never occur."
"As much as I want to think this couldn't happen, well, crazier things have already happened."
"Castles of Kalindale, alright, my number ten is the fact that there was a surprise pandemic this year."
"I was thoroughly shocked because I was not expecting that at all."
"Jeff Longo believed it would be a typical day until he saw something on the sidewalk."
"I got so scared my game crashed for a second."
"You'll receive unexpected gains in love and romance."
"Life is filled with unexpected moments, most of the time it's a minor curveball, but other times it can be a life-altering instance that can take you from being free to behind bars in the blink of an eye."
"Sea of Thieves latest stream mishap features vomiting monkey."
"This is absolutely the craziest moment I've ever seen in all my years of calling fights."
"It's wild that Jesus shows up that he's born to the earth in such a disaster and a mess but why wouldn't he? That's just his style to show up in the mess."
"One of the wildest, most unexpected stories kind of out of nowhere with no seeming explanation."
"Lucky is back... our little one, but how did she even get home on her own?"
"I was shocked and scared, you know, 'cause I didn't know what was happening."
"The world that we live in is sometimes a stranger place than we can ever imagine."
"Some of you are going to get a shocking position or a surprise opportunity that puts you financially in a better situation long term."
"It's crazy how one incident like that can decimate an industry."
"What a gift, so it wasn't like some kind of black Swan situation."
"Has anyone else had a major plot twist moment in their lives?"
"I thought he was really cool, his death was shocking, but that's what these types of shows should have, characters die, and when they do, it should be shocking."
"It could happen in suburban America just like in a fancy home in Shiraz."
"Sometimes all it takes for a couple to realize they're meant for each other is a fatal car crash, an unexpected baby, and a sprint to an airport."
"That one day where things are just going as usual, and then all of a sudden, bang, it pops off."
"There appears to be a creepy doll sitting in the window... However, the TikToker announces that she doesn't own a doll."
"My relief was short-lived the next day as I got out of my house to clean some of the decorations."
"April 4th, 1991: a chance encounter at a pay phone ended with tragedy."
"I'm in total shock that this is happening to me."
"Miracles are regular unexpected fantastic things that prosper you."
"That's something you would not see in a million years."
"Remain flexible, opportunities may show up unexpectedly."
"In the moment as you've said might turn out to be the best thing that ever happened to you."
"Looking at some kind of story of unexpected surprising exciting developments regarding trips travel skill space education and your marriage type partner."
"The TV came back on in the middle of the night... it was so freakin scary."
"Anytime you can talk about a poop Geyser. Right everybody likes that."
"Expect the unexpected. If you can be mentally prepared, you'll have an advantage over other people."
"Literally, aliens could show up tomorrow, and I'd be like, 'Oh, of course, aliens.'"
"What's just happened to you doesn't happen. It never happens."
"Like when you get to those surprises bad things happen."
"I can't believe I just freaking saw that. Just unfreaking believable."
"Everyone thinks it's never going to happen to me... is the day that you really need to think about."
"I wanted to have the ability to come moments like this to say I hadn't seen it."
"Unexpected financial gains, tangible or intangible."
"I'm in awe, man. I just... I got nothing to say. How did that happen?"
"Jenna Ellis didn't realize the moment that she was at a fake elector hearing that wasn't really a real hearing and Giuliani was farting on her."
"Trisha Paytas: 'I went to jail... Actually, I wasn't in jail. It was a prank that she played.'"
"Animals were just amazing. Did that just happen? It's one of those moments, nature's wild."
"Oh [], go, I went in the back. Oh hey, oh what up, I slipped. That little []'s evil."
"It's a real bad time to be wow a captive uh Manatee uh Hugh died unexpectedly on April 29th after showing changes in his behavior until he suddenly became unresponsive in his habitat."
"Let's just say they got the shock of their life."
"No, no, she didn't see that. I've hit like 800 things, you see your wheelchair doing burnouts?"
"Jake Paul just knocked out some other dude in like 12 seconds. So, I mean, I literally clicked it on and then all of a sudden I seen boom."
"This is a circus bus and oh obviously yeah I forgot to mention keenu in the car."
"What happened next took everyone by surprise."
"Fear the day there's just a big shit on the floor."
"That legit happened. That was the dopest coincidence ever."
"There's going to be so many shifts people you thought would never move away are going to move away."
"One of those food drops broke in midair and now it's raining soup."
"Expect the unexpected... this is a time of transformation, it's a time to really feel into what's holding you back."
"That was crazy, that was crazy, that was crazy for everybody in the room."
"This isn't supposed to happen. None of this is supposed to happen."
"An absolute hero overcoming an absolute freak incident."
"The most important things happen when you least expect."
"So now they have the boxing falls off a truck."
"Nothing suspicious here, you're just walking across my lawn and suddenly you end up in prison."
"Embrace the unexpected adventure, it could lead to soulmate connections."
"Did you just FaceTime some lady was very disturbed in the nude was half what?"
"If you got shot at a Denny's, that's badass."
"Reality is always stranger and far more detailed than any fiction mere writers could dream up."
"It's a Christmas miracle! We didn't have any front credits, so I'm like, what? It was just starting."
"Guys, I don't know how this happened, but I'm going to try to get the security cameras."
"One night the nurse rushed in with emergency supplies and nearly dropped them when she saw the man floating two inches above the bed."
"Oh my god it's a lizardman comeback the arc of sotek it heard me making fun of it it wants to prove a point here."
"What happened next would go on to shock the state of Kentucky."
"Something is radically changed in America, coming out of nowhere and hitting like a thunderbolt."
"Hug your pets. You never know what weird little thing might pop up and scare you half to death that you'll never see them again."
"It proves a miracle; it was an absolute Miracle."
"Sometimes things don't go as planned, but try to make the best of it."
"The only thing that can cap off this year the way it's supposed to is that if a bunch of aliens came and tried to take over."
"Are you ready for more? The universe is testing you with this surprise."
"Seeing the deer stand on its hind legs right in front of the camera made the individual think it was a skinwalker playing with him."
"What goes around comes back around, and when it does come back around, it ain't gonna come to your front door, it's coming through the back."
"You just busted a hole in the [ __ ] floor like badass."
"There's never been an avalanche in this area."
"There were many Russians in 1968 who saw the moral travesty... I invite them to do what others have already done and join hands with us."
"I swear to God and I was like serving food that morning too my first day serving food and it's happening right there all of a sudden lock down these guys come out with pellet guns and [expletive] shooting us."
"This has to be the most unexpected start to a season... tied for the most wins in the entire league."
"What is yours will be yours you'll what you get in your life you'll know that it's yours it's mine."
"Oh [ __ ] a dragon" – Abruptly broke off in the middle of a not particularly good essay.
"Unfortunately for these people that attended this theme park on this day, that was not what went down."
"So happy he got pregnant, like, I would've been kind of disappointed if he didn't have an alien baby. Like, we don't even know whose baby it is. It's just the new heir to the rags-to-riches series, I think."
"Little did Chelsea know that this night, she would encounter a real monster."
"Unexpected home situation: 'All the doors and windows opened.'"
"Immigration stays and you were in the tower all of a sudden is oh oh well sorry."
"Hey, they started booing me, where your jacket at? I said it's still on stage, they booed the jacket off me."
"San Francisco specializes in aggressive craziness in a way that is deeply unexpected to me."
"The resounding thunk of the glass when the cat makes contact with the door."
"Oh [ __ ] it's Panic! At The Disco, baby! They're back, they reunited just to kill this dude. Oh man, I wonder how all those people got through the door. This dude should have locked his door, shouldn't he?"
"The groom missed the dance because he was up drinking in the bridal suite."
"She was hysterical and asked me to please look at it so I stepped into the dark forest and to my absolute fear the dark figure moved."
"Netflix pulled the show faster than anyone could have ever expected."
"Kevin, did you run over a group of monks? Please, Kevin, tell me you didn't run over a group of monks."
"Those things aren't supposed to happen here in this community."
"It's just I never imagined she'd go like this, you know?"
"I swear I saw something run past behind us, we thought there was somebody outside of the vehicle."
"The biggest, most awful, most tragic event in human history... caused by a lone high-school girl."
"I think my plans just change for the rest of the year. That's a mega giant!"
"Until you've had a crack head launch a pretty decent plank at your face from across a busy street, have you even lived?"
"What was supposed to be a very relaxing afternoon with my family turned into the most terrifying day of my life."
"Maybe sometimes you are some opportunities waiting for you around the corner that you didn't even know."
"Sometimes nature has a way of surprising us, whether we're fishing for a massive catch or simply enjoying the beauty of the natural world."
"It turned into this whole different like die hard movie scenario that I'd never expected."
"Yesterday her daughter was fine reassuring her that she's having a blast and she'll call her tomorrow, the next day she allegedly drank a bit too much wasn't feeling great and an hour or two later she was dead."
"I wonder, Jorgen Thorstein, hardware labs director. Oh, I know. Hello, die, die, die, die. That happened, straight record. Wow, Hanami manager, glad I hired you unfortunately."
"Wow, this is gonna happen super synchronistically, it's gonna feel like it happens out of nowhere."
"We believe that he surprised Moses and Moses reacted with that surprise and shot the victim, killing him."
"Poorly known but when they do emerge from their hiding places they can cause enormous problems."
"There was a literal wall of fire shot up from out of nowhere."
"The beauty of life is sometimes it surprises you."
"You might think your hands are clean till the wind blows up in ways."
"99 bucks left of the machine when it happened."
"Sweet karma strikes in a way that I couldn't possibly have foreseen."
"Nobody deserves to be mauled by a bear. But hey, it's a cocaine bear."
"Oh my god, I can't believe that just happened to me."
"There's negligence here, major criminal negligence in my opinion."
"Sunday, September 13th was supposed to be the happiest day of her life; instead, it was the day her body was discovered inside the Amistad building."
"It just keeps getting weirder guys, it just keeps getting weirder."
"Accidentally helped his dad with a face mask. Perfect timing created a scene that very few people can explain."
"Sometimes, a growling stomach leads to unexpected encounters."
"The two start fighting before Buffer can finish his introductions."
"It's the kind of world turned upside down moment."
"You wake up, you don't think that's going to be your last day or that's going to be the way that you go out because of some misunderstanding about a fender bender."
"Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water some joker chucks a shark statue in there and before you know it you're back in therapy."
"That was the most clutch thing I've seen, what even happened?"
"That's tragic, tragic boating accident happens to the best of us."
"Sometimes things happen in life that change your life."
"It's objectively one of the funniest things that has ever happened."
"When parents brought their children to Saint Peter and Paul Catholic School following the wedding, they were shocked to see that their beloved teacher had not returned."
"The egg on the defense of getting is crannium pushed in by gabe newell."
"I want to thank you guys for being beside me, because you never know when water's going to fly out of their hands or a fist."
"If you ever wake up with that many messages, something's wrong. Somebody died or War started."
"The situation really escalated quickly, catching Coloradans off guard."
"Whatever happened to them happened when they were... caught off guard."
"You are being protected from something unexpected; keep an open mind."
"She never knew that accompanying a family member on a simple trip to get some sherbert would lead to her winning."
"Finally, when it comes closer to the higher bird, something strange happens."
"No one was prepared. The city was suddenly shut down in the middle of the night."
"Who would have thought a routine pizza delivery could take such an unexpected twist?"
"It snowed last night even though you didn't see it snow."