
Punishment Quotes

There are 1284 quotes

"Punishment is a stupid way of dealing with crime."
"Punishment will never fix anything, and what it is doing is breaking spirits."
"Punishments ought to fit crimes; there ought to be a level of proportionality."
"He gave a Celestial punishment of the Soul which shocked all gods and ghosts and directly killed the Dragon King."
"When a player gets sent off, it isn't to punish the team and it isn't to punish the fans of that team, it's to punish that player."
"I believe in justice, and I believe in the punishment fitting the crime."
"Justice involves some punishment, not excessive punishment."
"I think they should abolish the death penalty and instead add a new form of punishment where someone is tied down and forced to watch 'To Boldly Flee' every single day until they die."
"What can we learn from it versus how should we punish her?"
"When we exclusively concern ourselves with did a person do wrong rather than is the punishment enacted upon this person reasonable or proportionate, it's very very easy to simply turn a blind eye to the harm done to certain individuals because we consider them guilty of some form of wrongdoing. That is bad."
"The biggest thing these white collar crimes had in common was that the perpetrators often faced just a slap on the wrist as punishments."
"Public pressure... 'You've got to punish him more. It's not enough that he's in solitary confinement.'"
"False allegations of sexual assault are extraordinarily rare and should be punished seriously."
"Persuasion is more powerful than punishment."
"Inflicting hard rules and penalties doesn't prevent a misdeed, but rather forces a person into hiding and repression."
"Julian Assange will be punished not for a crime but for exposing crime, and that is what's truly criminal."
"Elves always see what you do and report your behavior to Santa, or in this case, punish you for doing bad things."
"If you are thankful, He shall give you more; if you are ungrateful, then the punishment of Allah is severe."
"It is simply unreasonable to punish people out of retribution."
"We're destined to get punished, but this is one step in the right direction."
"You are deserving of eternity in prison with no chance of parole. You took an innocent life and my family's emotional health as well."
"I don’t know about you, but I don’t think the punishment for rolling dice on the sidewalk should be hard manual labor until death."
"Punishment without understanding is not justice."
"The idea of original sin has always seemed absolutely obscene because essentially you're being punished for something you didn't do."
"We're punishing people for something they didn't have a part in, and now you wanna tell me that this is a book about morality? Well, maybe it's about what not to do."
"Ruby needs to be made an example of not only in her punishment but also in her humiliation because that's what these people thrive off of."
"Chelsea Manning has served a tough prison sentence. The notion that the average person who was thinking about disclosing vital classified information would think that it goes unpunished, I don't think would get that impression from the sentence that Chelsea Manning has served."
"Taking away stuff honestly out of everything on this list, I put this as number one. It's the removal of happiness rather than the inflicting of sadness."
"This is not part of the punishment. This is not an okay sentence for someone who's female and has to go to jail."
"Same-sex marriage is illegal, and any act promoting same-sex relations can be punishable for up to seven years in imprisonment."
"Redemption is the belief that a person can learn, can grow, and still contribute after punishment."
"Let's not forget that the purpose of the criminal justice system is both to rehabilitate and to punish, but if we can rehabilitate somebody, that is a huge win for our system."
"I don't believe that it is somebody's fault if they're not convinced of something to be punished for it."
"This is not a crime prevention bill. This is a punishment bill, a retribution bill, a vengeance bill."
"Morally punishing people for beliefs seems grossly unethical."
"Do you want villains to get punished but do you want the villains to learn before they have to pay the ultimate price?"
"I think we have a great case and I think he's either going to spend the rest of his life in prison or he's going to get the needle."
"He should rot in prison, and then they should leave his body. Then let the maggots get it."
"He should be staying there forever until he dies. He should never be let out."
"Gatsby believed in the green light and the American dream, it stood for his creator punished him for this belief."
"China cannot punish each and every one of the freedom-loving countries of the world."
"If you rape someone, you should never see the light of day again."
"The law makes the broadly defined crimes of secession, subversion, terrorism, and collusion with foreign forces punishable by up to life in prison."
"I think for her 10 to 25 years would be great for the boyfriend you know the estranged ex-husband life in prison that's easy give him life in prison..."
"They need a one-way ticket straight to hell both of them..."
"It's all about treatment over punishment and really learning how to help people."
"People like us had effectively sentenced Justine to a year's punishment for the crime of some poor phraseology in a tweet."
"Punishment idea: all ESL clubs can play in the Champions League but their money should be given to smaller clubs."
"Allah made Hellfire for the people who deserve to be punished for the people who will be unjust in this life."
"Anytime you take somebody's life intentionally [...] you should get life."
"I hope the man rots in jail, his quality of life is going to be nothing."
"Doesn't it seem insane to punish your kid for wanting to have sex? It's the most normal human thing on earth."
"The mercy of the Lord is upon those that fear him, well they don't fear him in hell."
"If you commit a crime, you should go to jail."
"They'll punish you and persecute you for violating their speech codes and oppressive mandates."
"Punishment should be more important than rehabilitation in criminal justice."
"No sentence in the world will ever be enough for what he has done."
"Every criminal deserves to be punished to the fullest extent of the law, especially when they're carrying out premeditated crimes like this one."
"Punish the wrongdoer, don't just release him."
"Should they be punished? Should they be forgiven? What should happen to them?"
"The judicial system should not shame defendants that could be judges cruel and unusual penalty punishment exactly."
"I hope his 76 sentences pass in a slow miserable depressing existence as a reminder of the many lives he shattered."
"Hopefully Steven spends the next couple New Years in the concrete shoe box."
"Gary Newman deserves a life behind bars for his grossly permitted plan to deceive, seduce, and murder Carly."
"If this man has done one third of what they’re saying he has done, he should be thrown in jail tomorrow."
"The gods cursed the rat cook all for serving the king's son in a pot."
"The process is the punishment in this situation."
"Manufacturing illegal drugs, corruption and bribery, government membership to terrorist groups, kidnapping, money laundering, all right, so 50 years imprisonment for money laundering."
"The comeuppance that he receives is not consummate with the crime that he commits."
"If you ban him for life, what's the reason he has to get better?"
"The worst punishment is reserved for those who commit to nothing and stayed on the fence."
"Enjoy that pudding off the tray and concrete bed for the rest of your life in jail."
"Life in prison for child predators: a necessary punishment."
"For his naughty behavior, the other bishops stripped Nicholas of his bishop clothes and tossed him in the clink."
"We confuse justice with punishment and punishment with confinement."
"He was sentenced to 15 years to life on each of the two charges."
"I hardly think leaving should be a crime punishable by both pursuit and imprisonment."
"Pong was punished largely because she opposed the CCP."
"You're someone who makes false promises, Juliet. I'm sentencing you to being trapped in a Friday the 13th movie, and you cannot be the survivor. Absolutely not."
"The punishment was not commensurate with the magnitude of the wrong."
"You cannot pray for criminals, you punish them."
"There is Justice in the world and he will spend all his birthdays now in prison."
"Breaking and entering has a sentencing range from nothing to life."
"When people are tortured that deserve it, I'm relishing it."
"He's sick, he's perverted, and I'm glad his ass won't get out of jail until he's 85 plus years old."
"Arachnids of all sorts are to be revered, and anyone who mistreats or kills a spider must die."
"He was jailed for being rude to a bureaucrat."
"The church punishes the victims more than the victimizers."
"Krampus is described as a large, horned half-goat half-demon figure that drags those without Christmas spirit to its netherworld."
"War crimes shall be punished, if evil is not punished it will come back."
"Should he be put down for the crime that he committed when he was only 16 years old?"
"I think this is punishment from The Establishment."
"Focus on changing the system rather than punishment."
"She was allowed to live, she was imprisoned in her castle."
"It used to be deadly punishment for small crimes."
"17 years is a long time though. I feel somewhat bad. That's a lot of time. I could see seven, but 17? It's a long time."
"If you commit a crime you should not get a slap on the wrist."
"The game will let you go too fast and punish you for it."
"There can be no greater heresy! Let him be an example for ALL who would break our covenant!"
"Worst thing that could happen to him is him living out the rest of his life in prison."
"I hope to my very core that he rots away behind those bars for eternity."
"This punishment of this world is nothing compared to the punishment of the next."
"We're looking for the minimum effective dose of punishment."
"Having your vote taken away for breaking the law is justified punishment."
"Was Kenny Richey responsible for the death of Cynthia Collins? And if so, does his punishment fit the crime?"
"The punishment should be proportional to the crime."
"This is the end, and you have entered eternal punishment."
"The narcissist demands complete obedience from his followers, he punishes the wear one and the strain lamps."
"No one should actually die from that but it should be the death penalty."
"This is a request that Martin Grossman be given the next most severe punishment allowed by law: life without parole instead of execution."
"Certainly, if she was gonna escape and somehow survive this, I do think she should be punished."
"He named it the same. This atrocity cannot go unpunished!"
"They are not patriots; they are a direct threat to our democracy and will be punished as such."
"No earthly offense, no matter how bad, can possibly be deserving of Eternal torture as a just punishment."
"Throughout history there have been people who have committed some of the most heinous crimes fathomable. For those crimes, they have been convicted and sentenced to death."
"Everybody that commits those type of crimes should get the same penalty."
"You impose a sentence to punish bad behavior criminal behavior and that's going to be a large component of this sentence."
"Detectives are hoping Theon gets something else permanent: a jail sentence."
"I pray to god that he has the most horrible traumatizing time in prison ever."
"I think we over punish people today in society, especially for non-violent crimes."
"I think I would rather have a death penalty than spend my life in prison."
"I want to close the story out with his punishment."
"The evil scholars are more to be feared than even the Dajjal."
"They have been punishing cloud nine for being too far away."
"He would buckle us across a log and whip us until we were unable to walk for three days."
"Life in prison without the possibility of parole."
"A lot of the changes seem to be punishing whiffing harder."
"The CCP virus whistleblower Dr. Li Wenliang was punished by Wuhan police because he posted several warnings on a WeChat group."
"Hopefully all those monsters will get the full extent of what's coming to them."
"Prevents excessive bail and ensures fair punishment."
"Krampus was there to take and punish the bad children running amok in town."
"Persephone punished the nymph Minthy by turning her into the plant known as mint."
"You're forced to rely on your teammates, and are punished for not doing so."
"If you embarrass the liars in our government and expose their lies, jail for you for a very, very long time."
"But I think anyone could agree like there's no other way to kill him and punished him at zero for that option."
"There is no mercy or salvation, only punishment."
"The only thing that you that God applies in Christianity as far as I understand is the punishment."
"Even in punishment, God's heart is moved by love and mercy."
"An omnipotent God that sanctions an infinite punishment for a finite crime is the devil."
"Hell isn't an infinite punishment for a finite crime."
"If you take the fear of punishment away, even you could admit that everything this is is just evil. It's monstrous."
"Honestly, I don't know if being in here is necessarily a punishment at this point."
"Prometheus stole fire from the gods and gave it to man for this he was chained to a rock and tortured for eternity."
"The true punishment is surviving beyond this."
"I firmly believe they deserve a fierce, fierce spanking, and I'm going to promote it Non-Stop. How's that sound? Bankrupt PayPal!"
"Justice and punishment are not always the same thing."
"I don't care about your cheap color. Don't obey God? Die hell, your britches going. Going, all right. Hallelujah!"
"He does not deserve to live. You don't kill an eight-year-old and expect to live with the rest of society."
"I'm gonna beat you up, it's gonna punish you."
"Our lives should be burdened by punishment, not bolstered with longevity."
"Penny's the best punishment we've had done, still. There's a fondness in my heart for that."
"She just needs something I think she needs like you know call me a weird fetishist but I think she needs to be punishable right you need to be able."
"They should throw them in prison and throw away the key."
"Bad people should be punished for their actions."
"He did abuse his wife and had the last two years in jail..."
"If you really want to punish someone, you should punish them for their virtues."
"This is what families have to deal with years and years and years later and I am sure at this point some family members have died before they got to see Lawrence receive his full punishment and that's just so backwards."
"Punishment is how we built everything we have."
"Punishment is coming, this was not a secret, this was prophecy."
"Some believe that Vanessa is actually Ursula's true form that Ursula is actually a mermaid but she appears as this octopus creature because it's actually a punishment from a crime in her past..."
"Punishment serves as communication between society and wrongdoers."
"Our relationship started out as a punishment, who would have thought we'd end up dating."
"He deserves to be in prison for the rest of his life... He put them through torture all just because he was greedy and too proud to ask for money himself."
"I truly believe he deserves to go to prison."
"Although officially the prison rejected the idea of punishment, the reality was that the prison guards utilized a wide range of torturous punishments."
"Cast him into the Maw, return him to the darkness he served, his eternal suffering awaits. Justice, I sought answers and found only anger."
"There's a big difference between responsibility and punishment."
"To this day, David still awaits his punishment on death row."
"Throw his ass under the jail, no sympathy, no compassion, nothing. Absolutely nothing."
"He dealt harshly and firmly with those in Israel who dealt in wickedness."
"Roshan's saga: a thief punished by gods, trapped in eternal struggle."
"They wore the badge because it was their duty."
"If he eventually appears as someone who is sentenced to break eating and all he experiences is pain then he has truly accomplished being a brick eater who has gone through pain for eternity."
"Two days after doing so he was caught by police and was sentenced to 50 years in prison where he remains to this day."
"Originality is often punished in a system that rewards conformity."
"We're just adding a racist punishment onto a racist system."
"If you're a judge and you get found that you're on the take death penalty that's pretty."
"You gotta serve your time, bro. You gotta serve your time."
"It's just a stern punishment to use it frivolously."
"In the end, Tommy and his crimes were deemed so horrific that he received the death sentence."
"Every misuse of energy is punished by that energy itself."
"I am the punishment of your god against you because you have disobeyed your own god."
"This is one of the longest sentences imposed in the UK for a single count of murder."
"I want the people involved to go to jail. I want them to get what they deserve."
"Maybe you think of a custodial sentence, maybe you think of a fine, but having your hands removed seems disproportionate."
"Now failure to follow any of the following rules and guidelines that we are going to read to you can result in various different methods of punishment."
"I'm in the chair and finger guilty man executed."
"If men do not repent and better themselves, the father will inflict a terrible punishment on all Humanity, greater than the Deluge."
"Do you really think that this is the one Infinite Creator punishes children? That's always been telling to the world and it's choice and free will what you wish to believe."
"He pulled to prison for another [ __ ] with a shirt off."
"Roman realizes that even after he died in his previous world, he has been reincarnated into Roman Dimitri's body and sees it as a punishment from the gods for not accepting Ascension."
"The fact that he is being punished really says something."
"As doling out the punishment rather than receiving it is always going to be a good laugh."
"Why are fraud carries 20 years... No, he's looking at serious time right there."
"Fraudsters who inflicted losses on Italians as savers should end up in prison for a long time."
"This trap proves Jigsaw is a master of doling out both physical and emotional pain."
"For behold, the Lord cometh out of his place to punish the inhabitants of the earth for their iniquity." - Isaiah 26:21
"Solitary confinement... is insane and definitely cruel and unusual punishment."
"You can't be punished forever for something you did like punish your that's why it's called a punishment then you know and a punishment ality."
"The only criminal laws we need is that the next people who degrade the legacy of Luke Skywalker serve 50 years at Gitmo."