
Fortune Quotes

There are 7403 quotes

"When you get the Wheel of Fortune, it means that anything you turn your hand to is going to have a positive outcome."
"This wheel of fortune, your fortunes are changing, and all of a sudden, you are now getting the beginning has begun; it has started manifesting into your life."
"Good fortune is what you make for yourself. Good fortune is good character, good intentions, and good actions."
"Be open to what you don't know, but feel inside. That burning sensation will lead you to abundance and good fortune."
"The Wheel of Fortune talks about good fate, good luck being on your side. So this is a really lucky week for you guys."
"It was a miracle, a gift from God had dropped from the sky and fallen right into our lap."
"Fortune favors those who can rise out of the ashes."
"Fortune favors those who prepare for extreme black swan events."
"Fortune favors those who can read human psychology."
"The greatest skill...fortune favors those who can read people."
"The best way to demonstrate your gratitude for being more fortunate is to lift up those who aren't."
"Keep up the hard work, and the wheel of fortune will turn in your favor. Luck is on your side."
"Fortune favors the bold; nothing favors the timid at all."
"The gods reward those who take bold risks. 'Fortune favors the bold,' a popular saying throughout Orden, comes from Rioja."
"You are breaking out of the Hermit mode, the wheel of fortune shifting, bringing you happiness and cheer."
"This is a time of good fortune and abundance; be willing to receive all of the good things in your life."
"Your patience is gonna be rewarded; you will have unexpected good fortune."
"Jupiter entering Pisces brings a lot of good luck and good fortune."
"The totem doesn't actually bring bad luck but instead brings good fortune to the person who stole it."
"This event is all about bringing good luck and fortune."
"The will of fortune, which indicates that is a very successful surprise, your luck is changing."
"The greatest lottery of all time is being born in America."
"Hope and light, that's what the wheel of fortune is all about."
"It seemed like Equestria's two royal princesses had aligned the heavenly bodies with Rarity's good fortune in mind."
"Fortune was not kind to me in this world; where do I go? I go, I wander in the mountains, I seek peace for my lonely heart."
"Fame and fortune can be as fleeting as they are rewarding."
"Luck is on your side; it really seems like everything's working out for you guys."
"Fortune favors the bold; nothing favors the timid."
"Life is just... there will be things that are unfair and sometimes you have good fortune, sometimes you have bad fortune."
"Associate with the happy and the fortunate instead."
"I really need this audience to understand that we are obnoxiously fortunate to be in this position right this minute."
"Your whole entire fortunes are shifting and changing."
"The lesson I'm trying to teach here is that fortune can multiply your diamonds, but the lesson the game wants you to learn is that fortune is not a guarantee."
"Positive energy surrounds you; love, joy, and good fortune awaits."
"The first type of luck is blind luck... The second one is luck from motion... The third type is luck from awareness... The last type is luck from uniqueness."
"We were very, very fortunate compared to 99% of humanity."
"If that's not a message from above to say that your luck is about to change, then I don't know what is."
"Luck and bad luck are sprayed in equal measure in everybody's lives."
"You won't be concerned and then great Fortune."
"Fortune always favors the brave, and never helps a man who does not help himself."
"Your luck is always changing; follow the natural cycles of rise and ebb."
"Fortune favors the bold, the strong, the brave."
"You are going to find your pot of gold. Things are going to shift and change for you."
"Poppy, he left you his entire fortune. Do you know what that means?"
"A string of luck so potent, it can gather fortune from others and unleash it in one go."
"We're both in the same category of being very fortunate very blessed we are very fortunate we are very blessed."
"Sometimes all you need is a little push in the right direction. Fortune favors."
"Trump is the first person in the history of mankind that's made me wonder if somebody could legitimately luck their way into becoming a billionaire."
"Just imagine what could have happened if the man hadn't come to that landfill."
"Here's three of cups, so you could receive an offer from the universe."
"Yo Melo, man, we've been very fortunate in our careers."
"I release any resistance in me to accept the good."
"I mean, honestly, I'm super, super fortunate to be in the position I am today."
"Something really, really nice, really beautiful is showing up here for you."
"Life is precious; I realized only last night that I kept my sanity intact due to dumb luck."
"Lady Fortune is on my side now more than ever."
"Luck is on your side, but there's something curious."
"Pain Gaming threw everything at the wall and came tantalizingly close to taking down the Mad Lions."
"Jupiter is the lucky planet... in determining how the planet of good luck success and good fortune bestows this lucky energy onto us."
"It is rare indeed when a person has the good fortune to meet a saint."
"It's a month. It's not May, it's not June, it's not July. You can have the good fortune to arrive at spectacularly beautiful moments."
"Increase in wealth coming your way, possibly from unexpected sources."
"Fortune is fickle. You may be at the bottom one day, and things change."
"The luckier you are, the nicer you should be."
"Very healing week for you, a week of good fortune sadness being replaced by joy."
"Fortune gratification wishes, something is happening this week Pisces for each and every one of you that does feel like a wish fulfillment of sorts."
"This change is highly auspicious, filled with good fortune."
"This is going to feel like you hit the lottery because you're going to meet a very high value soul mate."
"The wheel: Something is turning in your favor. Hit you like a ton of bricks. This is growing into something nice unexpectedly."
"If you're lucky enough to be born in this country, you've won the lottery already."
"The wheel of fortune here is a great amount of abundance."
"Instead you are fortunate that I am in a merciful mood."
"There's positive movement forward in the universe. Destiny intervenes to bring you good fortune."
"Good luck and success are predicted for you, I think that's really really clear."
"Money going in your favor like it's coming in for you."
"You've already passed this test, it's time for you to move on. The Wheel of Fortune, it's about Karma, it's about passing a test."
"What would you do if your life savings turned up out of nowhere? I'd say all things considered, that would be a pretty good day."
"If you find someone you like, you are lucky. Thank your lucky [ __ ] stars."
"Walk away from old habits, change your fortune."
"You are going to strike gold. There's something very valuable on its way to you."
"It's amazing how quickly things can turn for your favor or against."
"I don't necessarily see it as a challenge I see it more as being incredibly fortunate."
"You will noticeably have a crucial week ahead of you. One miracle after another will be bestowed upon you and you will experience a great deal of success and good fortune."
"Good fortune is coming for you guys in relationships."
"Unlocking fortune: it's a journey of self-improvement, not a quick fix."
"Good karma: the key to unlocking your fortune in this lifetime."
"Respect seniors, care for the suffering, unlock fortune."
"Even in funny ways, like a sickness can unlock your fortune, as seen with Nikola Tesla."
"Defend the weaker, confront enemies—unlock your fortune with Mars."
"Leo season is a fortunate time for you Aries; there is going to be some lucky things happening, some positive manifestations, some blessings that you've been hoping for."
"The universe is being really kind to you, they're actually giving you someone who is going to be very warm, who has your best interests at heart."
"This is a very, very benevolent month for you."
"The Ace of Cups: opening yourself up to good fortune and happiness, following your bliss."
"Separation brings good fortune. Okay, in other words, you need to get to where you need to be. Separation wouldn't be here unless it was in your best interest. Accept it."
"Ace of Pentacles: big opportunity coming in."
"This person is going to change your fortune, they're going to open up a new path for you."
"Your luck is infinite. You're always in the right place at the right time."
"A positive turning of the tide of Good Fortune is predicted."
"Negotiate this week, you'll end up with so much more, and it's connected to your wheel of fortune."
"Divine source loves you so much, it's still giving you good luck to still be here."
"Luck is on your side... the universe will grant your wish."
"I feel so incredibly lucky I am the luckiest person in the entire world."
"The pinnacle: money's coming your way, the wheel is turning in your favor."
"There's truth to the saying, 'Fortune favors the Bold.'"
"You're going to be having some good fortune and good luck."
"This is destined and faded to come in for you. This is about the wheel turning in your favor."
"I felt lonely at times, but I got really lucky."
"Your time has come, you feel it. Ace of Pentacles in this Three of Pentacles, everything is going to be working out in your favor."
"I'm like very fortunate and very thankful I know not everyone is gonna like luck out the way that I have but yeah it's worked out for us for sure."
"Beautiful messages are coming in, and the wheel is turning in your favor."
"Fortune favors the bold, and luckily for you, Buccaneers and Pirate Republics have a clear advantage."
"Your future Fortune is absolutely guided and protected."
"Luck is on your side... It seems like it's gonna be presented as being very difficult in January for you guys but it's if you have a level of spiritual discernment you'll be able to see things before they happen."
"I've also been very lucky, but I don't enjoy my life."
"The wheel of fortune... it's such an important moment in time."
"There's some good fortune coming into your life."
"The universe is granting you some new money or they're giving you just unexpected money."
"Courage is a virtue, fortune favors the bold."
"Fortune favors the bold, distraught, and the brave."
"Luck is on your side. You just have to know where you're aiming."
"The universe is saying, 'Right now, we're shining the light on you. We're giving you something to be really happy about.'"
"Jupiter represents growth, expansion, wisdom, and good fortune."
"Expect light, inspiration, and good fortune to come your way."
"People who value small things in life, they get bigger fortunes, bigger things."
"I'm double lucky. I'm very lucky to have her, and I'm lucky in that I know how lucky I am."
"This person may have asked you what do you do for a living, because I feel like this person you were dealing with it's almost like they gravitate in love towards people who have got some sort of status."
"Luck and fortune is on your side, but also the cat, you know it's about independence."
"Luck is on your side, the universe is protecting you and supporting you every step along the way."
"Unbelievable, we owe it to our abilities and luck."
"He will live wealthy for the rest of his days... instead he let the fame, fortune, and clout infect his mind."
"Things are absolutely turning in your favor and Lady Luck is finally on your side."
"May you live in interesting times" - a kind of depth to the thing.
"You need luck in life, you can't rely on it but you need it, and it's lovely."
"Life is a game of luck, a real man makes his own luck."
"It was high adventure. I'm lucky. I'm just really lucky."
"Your stars are finally aligning, things are finally coming together."
"Norris Murray was a loving 42 year old mother of four living in South Carolina when she was blessed with a 5 million winning lottery ticket."
"People who expect to be lucky, who expect good things to happen to them... go through life from one piece of Good Fortune to another."
"The wheels of fortune are turning in your favor."
"If it doesn't bring your blood to a boil, if it doesn't make you question life strength health and how god damn fortunate you are, then you're yet to work hard enough."
"I've been granted very fortunate things today."
"I am a very fortunate person when it comes to these type of things."
"April looks lovely, you will be feeling a bit of a Midas touch in April."
"He was so lucky I'm so lucky that a decent man saw that this boy was lost."
"There's a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow."
"The Wheel of Fortune starts turning in July, opening doors to new opportunities and directions."
"The Wheel of Fortune is coming in, so I see financial gain and celebrations and wish fulfillment."
"Let's draw one together. Oh, uh, oh, oh no, um, select... Uh, I'm gonna do the leftmost fortune slip, yeah, that one. What I get? Successfully drawn. Open it up quick, let's see what we've drawn. Great fortune, yeah, so we have luck on our side."
"It's like they found the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, literally."
"Hope this moon treats you like the precious being you are."
"Survival demanded a good crew, a lot of guts, and a lot of luck."
"Speak up and next Sunday with the Wheel of Fortune, everything starts to come into focus."
"There's no doubt about it that I'm very lucky."
"Luck is on your side and because you've recognized some form of pattern and you're actually acknowledging it and responding to it things are going to work out in your favor."
"Luck is on your side and the Wheel of Fortune is spinning in your favor."
"I get a sense of fortuitous timing on something."
"A change of fortune happening in your circumstances."
"Stay close to the Divine to activate your good luck factor."
"Those regarded as the luckiest increased their wealth whereas the unluckiest reduced it."
"You have a lot of luck, a lot of happiness, and a lot of blessings and favor over your life."
"The floodgates of abundance have been ripped open for you."
"You're on the up and up with fortune coming in, your fortunes are changing for the better."
"We're very fortunate, very blessed to have the chance to keep going forward."
"You know when you just find something or something amazing happens to you and everything just kind of falls in together into place?"
"The fortune and faith are turning in your favor."
"I feel like Charlie you got the Wonka ticket."
"Your fortune becomes everyone's fortune, Libra, everything you bring into being now will leave a wondrous legacy."
"The scales are tipped in your favor. You have new victories coming to you."
"Humanity would engage in battle for the planet primarily with the United States appearing to have the most luck."
"Your days of being financially strained are over with, you've got great fortune and privilege coming to you."
"The connection is blessed with good luck, reconciliation, and an opportunity for healing."
"You're coming into a fortune at a very lucky time as well, Leo."
"The Wheel of Fortune is turning for everybody with this moon."
"Grasp Fortune by the forelocks when you see your chances seize them."
"Luck is on your side and you have this vibe about you that's pulling everybody in."
"Wealth and power surround you and smooth journeys lie ahead."
"There will be fortune after difficulty for you."
"Good fortune is headed your way and I feel like you're leaping, this is you like finding the energy to change your life circumstances to leave one place to arrive at another that is going to be much more fulfilling for you."
"The universe was on his side even more than he realized."
"Deaths touch from the Wheel of Fortune, that's amazing."
"Every dog has a day." - Implying that everyone gets their moment of reckoning.
"When Sally's body was discovered, a fortune from a Chinese cookie was found in her pocket. It read 'you'll always be surrounded by friends.'"
"Maybe the greatest stroke of luck he had came in the form of a computer that his father left behind in his room."
"It's the same thing that makes me say I'm lucky."
"The origin of every great fortune is a crime."
"Something very enlightening, something very positive, things are about to go in your favor."
"Speak your spirit, situations you used to find difficult can no longer deter you because Good Fortune is before you."
"You guys earned it, and good fortune is coming towards you."
"Fortune favors the bold they tell us in the ads actually fortune follows whoever the hell it damn well likes."
"It is where things are turning in your favor, a big turning point for you."
"I feel very fortunate. Yeah, I know I do. I do."
"An unexpected moment brings a huge blessing."
"A lot of success coming for you and the 10 of pentacles, like a major financial success."
"Luck and progress, finally seeing forward movement."
"The stars couldn't have aligned better for you."
"I think it's incredibly fortunate and I think he feels that way too."
"Another thing that comes to mind is regarding Yusuke's unreal amount of good luck that comes throughout his story."
"Lady Luck can be a fickle and sometimes cruel mistress."
"The 28th and 29th of July will be your lucky days for success and overcoming obstacles."
"He couldn't believe his luck. He brought them inside, soaked them, and cleaned them."