
Infection Control Quotes

There are 59 quotes

"To minimize the chance of the infection spreading, those who will not be returning with us have been laid to rest beyond the lake."
"Limit the workers to a single place so they weren't bouncing back and forth between locations, they were only in one home, and that would limit contact and reduce the spread."
"That's why the simple, tried-and-true infection control measures at the personal level are so important."
"If I wear a face mask and you wear a face mask, we don't reduce probabilities by... 50%. We reduce the probability of infection by 75%."
"Testing is how you monitor the rate of infection and you control for it."
"Previous infection plus vaccination brought down the incidence rate significantly."
"As long as the R number is below one... over time you will see reductions in the number of infection in the community."
"A tiny reduction in the spread rate per day is the difference between ending up with a few thousand infected or a few million."
"We must address every potentially important pathway to slow the spread."
"What's step one? Halt the inbound infections."
"Washing one's hands, Klein reasoned, had nothing to do with spreading infection."
"Containment is critical: Direct contact, droplets, and aerosols."
"Antibiotics: Cilin for broad spectrum, Aminoglycosides for serious infections, Vancomycin for MRSA."
"Encouraging signs suggest that the tiered approach helped to curb infections."
"Studies in hospitals showed high-tech ventilation systems lowered infection rates."
"Antibiotics: You need to kill the invading pathogen."
"To stop the spread, we need to get the R naught below one."
"Improving lifestyles could reduce the impact of infections and viral outbreaks."
"You're not going to see a surge of infections among the vaccinated."
"One of the most important things is keeping those people who are infected or might be affected away from the rest of the population."
"Sita agents began to wear biohazard suits and started evacuating highly infected zones and cities."
"The vast majority of infections are in unvaccinated people."
"Isolating the sick did reduce the number of healthy people exposed to infection."
"It is imperative you find a way to neutralize the infection."
"Nasal breathing helps scrub or capture and destroy viruses, bacteria, and fungal infections."
"Gloves and a gown are mandatory for contact precautions. Hand hygiene should always be performed before and after patient care."
"The correct answer is B hold supplies and linens away from their uniforms. This helps prevent the spread of germs between patients."
"When caring for a person with a communicable disease, your first responsibility is to help prevent the spread of infection to other patients, residents, visitors, and to yourself and your family."
"When I think about what really motivated me to do this work... I'd want the best surgical team but I'd also want the people who have the best Hospital infection control."
"Option A is right to alleviate discomfort and reduce infection risk; warm saline rinses are recommended as a non-irritating approach to eliminate harmful bacteria."
"Good infection control is the surest way to safeguard health and well-being."
"Once you have a resistant bacteria, you can spread that bacteria to your friend, your neighbor, your lover, the patient next door, the nurse who didn't wash his hands."
"The nurse emphasized the importance of hand hygiene to prevent the spread of infections in the hospital."
"It's always easier, it's always better to prevent infection than to treat infection."
"Manganese is if we can if I could ensure that all the crops that you are growing had adequate levels of manganese your bacterial and fungal infections would probably drop by 60 to 70 percent or more."
"If you stop infection, you end the spread. So remember, infection control and disease prevention start with you."
"The best way to avoid Trichinella infection... is prevention and controlling the source of infection."
"Vector transmission is when you spread an infection from one person to another using a vector."
"The goal of treatment is to cure infection, prevent recurrence, and achieve a pain-free, functional joint."
"HIV is preventable... if you become positive, if they stop the infection, the infection stops with them."
"Infection control is the foundation of your dental practice; you can't really take it very lightly, and it should be your top priority."
"Health officials were now facing an outbreak of fatal meningitis and they needed to find out how it was continuing to infect the population."
"The most effective infection control technique used in long-term health care is effective hand washing."
"With standard catheters, you can keep infection rates low at reduced cost just by instituting sterile placement techniques and good catheter management."
"The flu vaccine won't keep a person from getting sick, but it will tame the infection, taking it from wild to mild."
"PPE protects patients by stopping or preventing the spreading of infections."
"Early recognition of infection leads to early treatment and can help preserve the integrity of your new lungs."
"When it comes to protection from infection, wearing protective clothing and washing hands prevent the spread of infection or disease."
"Hospital cleaning is huge. It's one of the most important things we have to control infections in hospitals."
"Hand hygiene is our number one way to control infection."
"I have successfully adhered to proper infection control and prevention."
"Hand hygiene is the most effective way to break the chain of infection."
"Flattening the curve means slowing down the rate of infections such that your health system capacity will not be overwhelmed."
"It made a difference in terms of how infection prevention and control was done within Health and Care settings."
"Hand hygiene will reduce the transmission of microorganisms and increase patient safety."