
Empire-building Quotes

There are 206 quotes

"An empire isn't built in a day; it's built every day."
"They have built an empire that has been able to outlast all of their peers."
"You've been building an empire, you just haven't physically manifested it yet."
"Iceland to India adventure: we'll forge a Viking kingdom, create a hybrid Indo-Norse culture, and build a mighty Indo-Norse empire of India."
"The end game idea is to become the supreme controller of Rome and also have 50 provinces under your empire."
"Lead your empire into galactic glory and take out everything else in the galaxy."
"In the pursuit of greatness, we built our empires upon death and suffering."
"By nine seventy-five, strong independent Scandinavian kingdoms had been born, and in Denmark at least, the once independent-minded Vikings would attempt to become an empire."
"Working around these choke points is going to be huge to the growth of your empire because it allows you to create a picket line that you can then fill in from that line backwards into your empire."
"Sultan Murad I, grandson to a lowly nomadic warlord who migrated to Anatolia, had become the overlord of both the Byzantine and Bulgarian Empires in addition to large swaths of the former Serbian Empire."
"The Imperator wants to build a diverse, broad-based Empire, similar to that of Tiber Septim."
"Out of them alone, you could build a planetary empire that dwarfs most of the interstellar ones we see in science fiction."
"In seven years of marriage, the pair had four children and built an empire together."
"Leverage makes empires, it also breaks empires."
"An empire builder is every single one of you that is grinding out every day and every night trying to build your very own empire, and you never, never give up because you know that your empire awaits."
"You don't build an empire off a 15 cent hamburger; you build it by owning the land."
"Reforge Charlemagne's former Kingdom by uniting the French and Western traumatic regions with Aachen."
"You guys are going to be building an empire."
"The Germans were busy celebrating the formation of their powerful, prosperous new empire."
"Russia is seeking to build its own modern empire again."
"Alexander would spend the next year consolidating his Empire, attempting to create even deeper ties between his Hellenic and Persian subjects."
"Success requires enduring humble beginnings to create mighty empires."
"You guys are emperors yep you are yes you are you're building your own empire you're building your own destiny."
"Empires are not built in a day. That's what we're doing, we're going for the gusto."
"We're going to build empires that simply cannot be penetrated by anybody and we ain't gonna be scared of nothing."
"We're gonna be playing in a complete sandbox and we're going to go for the classic colonize the colonizers run here again starting as the Sikh Empire and subjugating Great Britain is an achievement."
"I will build my empire. One bullet at a time."
"One reason for that is that they managed to get in good with a guy who laid the groundwork, the foundation that they could then build off to build a greater Empire."
"Truly, truly, this has been my favorite Empire to play."
"This season is fantastic, another 9 out of 10, incredibly strong and powerful in spite of its flaws."
"This is not the story of a character, this is a story of an empire built from the efforts of a slime turned to God."
"How awesome is that? We just really went ahead and built our empire up from the ground up."
"Building empires: the entrepreneurial genius of Rob Dyrdek."
"In just 10 years, Napoleon Bonaparte went from an unknown artillery officer to the emperor of the largest empire Europe had seen in a thousand years."
"You want it all with this person, you want to feed into this, you want to build an empire with this person."
"Maybe we can do it. Our first empire will be that of Italia."
"We're gonna build a benevolent sangrophage Empire."
"Congratulations, you grow your empire. Each colony's productivity is tied to its size."
"Build a glorious Empire out of blood and marble."
"Ants, bees, and wasps are masters of both empire building and military tactics."
"We shall rebuild the empire in time. We shall become greater than what even the greatest empire once was."
"They built an empire so powerful that when the Aztecs came knocking, the P'urhépecha crushed them."
"You can't build an empire without paying your workers."
"Emperor Doomhammer expressed plans to expand the Empire to the Badlands of the eastern rim."
"Nebuchadnezzar's creation of this city was a reflection of his ambition and desire to establish a powerful Empire."
"Building an empire can never be done by yourself. It's done by integrating the right team."
"Empire building is not like a game of chess. The chaos doesn't magically end when you win the game."
"These are the core worlds of a super bird Empire."
"If you can truly get all roads to lead to Rome, yours will be an empire of great riches and luxuries."
"His idea of meritocracy was a foreshadow of the type of empire he's gonna create."
"And just like that, ladies and gentlemen, we have become an empire."
"Mindset is the foundation of everything. With the right mindset you could build an empire, you could lose an empire and build another one with the right mindset."
"There is nothing of Greater importance to secure the future of this Empire."
"You're building your empire, you're doing spirits work."
"This is generational wealth, yeah, it's not a job that's empire that is an empire."
"You're building this Empire one brick at a time."
"Rome is falling so it's time to build a new Empire."
"Not just an economic empire...but a military empire."
"A voxel sandbox MMO where you explore a vast universe of procedurally generated connected worlds as you build an empire with friends."
"Tech will give you a lot more and a lot more powerful bonuses to your empire than unity."
"Modern houses not having to be the environment but modern houses being able to be built into an empire."
"You're gonna have to set boundaries to protect this empire that they're about to build."
"I really feel like right now you guys are trying to build an Empire here with the right people."
"Maintaining good relationships means building empires together."
"We took the ignorant that they called us and turned it into a [__] and capitalized off of it and built the Empire off the ignorance."
"It's extremely satisfying watching your realm grow from a tiny community to a sprawling Empire."
"They were actually able to create an empire."
"I'm more thinking about building me and my Empire more than like what a man is bringing to me."
"DLC for empires expanding, like Persia's 'expansion pack' by Cyrus the Great."
"You're building it from the ground up; you're building an empire, you're building a legacy."
"Stalin is not thinking in terms of defeating the Germans; he is thinking in terms of establishing a Soviet Empire deep into Europe."
"Its pioneering system of flexible manufacturing, combined with authoritarian rule, allowed it to create the eternal wonder of the Terracotta Army."
"The process of empire building sparks new resistance movements and conflicts resulting from expansion."
"Next, we've got LEGO, the company that quite literally built an empire."
"You're meant to build an empire, you have a castle inside your soul."
"You cannot build up an enormous empire, almost from scratch, just by being nasty, and by fighting other people."
"We can make this empire the place we believed it to be."
"It would be so amazing to be able to, like, really just create my own empire."
"We're looking to take over the industry and build an empire."
"The Roman Road to Global Empire was always smooth as when they affected a generous and honorable stance."
"What wars they waged, what seas, what dangers past, what glorious Empire crowned their toils at last, Ventress I sing on soaring pinions born."
"Empresses do not stay on the market long. They're marriage material, they build empires."
"Empress and Emperors do not stay on the market long, they're marriage material, they build Empires."
"Scotland was a crucial part of the development of the British Empire."
"She leveraged her influence and expanded her empire, building a media conglomerate encompassing television production, film, publishing, and more."
"I'm in the business of Empires. I build them."
"The Romans structured a man-made worldwide empire out of architectural forms."
"The Emperor's Imperial Fists, conquering the stars, setting watch over them, and then forging onwards."
"The Imperial Fists were empire builders and crusaders, practical and pragmatic."
"To build an empire, you cannot build an empire with everybody, you have to find a solid partner."
"Once you build a brand, that's like an actual empire."
"I'm out here getting this money, I'm trying to build this Empire."
"Stellaris is a really fun game in terms of just like exploring the galaxy and creating a peaceful little empire and going to new places."
"I want to grow up, know everything about her, so we can build our empire together."
"Charlemagne eagerly promoted learning throughout his empire."
"Billy Durant was about to build an empire in less than two breathtaking years; he even had a name for it, he called it General Motors."
"She did what she could with what she had and made an empire out of it."
"Cyrus the Great created an empire that was explicitly and intentionally multicultural."
"I'm happy to be building an empire with my king."
"Built an empire with his entrepreneurial savvy."
"I'm trying to build an empire and I'm thinking about all those things, generational wealth."
"You're supposed to build a legacy, an empire."
"The domestication of the horse... allowed large empires and kingdoms with complex trade networks to flourish across the Eurasian region, giving shape to the world of today in more ways than we can count."
"From these foundations grew the structure that would eventually, for a time at least, support and indeed enable the spread of the British Empire."
"We're too busy building empires, we don't have time for the petty stuff."
"This empire... was not built overnight; it was acquired piece by piece in a very methodical manner."
"You're gonna create a freaking massive empire."
"Pablo was basically a criminal, um, patiently, and he... ultimately built an empire."
"Trained as a Banite Sith, Darth Maul did his lineage proud by returning from near death to build an Empire of his own."
"I think he's probably just very focused on like growing his empire."
"On a mission to build an empire and leave a legacy."
"I'm building an empire; you won't know everybody's name, but as long as you can make an impact on the people who work for you and with you, then you're doing the right thing."
"I'm building for longevity, I'm building a empire."
"You're destined to build this very powerful Empire."
"The path was set for Philip's empire, whether he realized it or not."
"The British gained their empire despite their government."
"They were about to become co-owners of their own billion-dollar empire."
"I want to build an empire with my significant other."
"The squire that studied kings and built his empire."
"Eddie the Fat Man Jackson, charismatic son of a pool hall owner and his chief lieutenant Courtney the Field Marshal Brown, a former city bus driver, had built an empire on a par with men like Mickey Barnes and Frank Lucas of New York."
"I'm ready to meet my mate, building an empire, I don't want to do it by myself."
"We're going to build an empire and everyone's going to be part of this."
"We can conquer the world. We can build an empire from the ground up."
"Stellaris is a grand strategy game where you play an empire managing your resources, economy, politics or diplomacy, and military in order to survive in space and hopefully expand."
"Rome built its empire through alliances, treaties, and military conquests."
"Persia set a template not just for great empires but you can do empire in this way; you don't have to do it the Assyrian way."
"We are building the empire together."
"Your visions, especially for building your empire... that's a great word."
"He's made his mark by moving quickly; in a short time, he's built an international empire."
"Build your businesses, build your empires, and make sure that you are living a positive legacy for the people that will be coming after you."
"So what Disney came to Hollywood with just a suitcase and a drawing and then he creating chemos and he built this Empire."
"Imperialism involves the building of empires, and in that sense, the phenomenon is very old."
"You are very young to have amassed such an empire. To what do you owe your success?"
"Ptolemy managed to build up an empire that would prove the longest-lasting of all the Hellenistic kingdoms."
"You can spend your life building an empire and then die... and then we'll be as forgotten as my great great great great granddaddy."
"My advice to you is find a queen and build an empire."
"Those without ambition are going to struggle in my new Empire."
"I'm buildin an empire, I'mma build it from the ground."
"I'm trying to build an empire, they're just trying to build a name."
"I'm looking for someone to build an Empire with."
"They're looking to build a foundation; they want an empire."
"She's building an empire, alright."
"The creation definitely, for lack of a word, ethnically integrated, multicultural empire."
"We don't just exist in one role because we've given 100% of everything that we can to build up this daughter, to build up this empire."
"There is no separation of us when it comes to what it means in order to build an empire."
"If we're together and we're building an empire, that's cool, but I want someone who can add to me too."
"That's how you build empires: you reset yourself and you go again."
"Where we're going to build an empire together."
"Just like that, we are in an even better spot, and we are now an empire, which is pretty cool."
"You're the Empress, they're the Emperor, y'all built empires together."
"The strategy map where you move armies around and build your empire is beautiful and full of interesting choices."
"Build an empire that stands the test of time."
"I'm doing it because I want to create an empire, help people."
"They're on their way to creating their own empire, and so I feel like this person wants you a part of that."
"You just get resources and build stuff, and as you watch your empire just explode in front of you with dozens of different opportunities."
"It's all about just building up our empire and saving people."
"You're going to tower all these fools and you're going to build your own empire."
"You're focused on building an empire here, you're focused on building your life."
"One day he's about to build an empire, not by himself but with his partner while he's saving our health."
"You're building your own empire, and you're manifesting different things in life."
"They're looking to build an empire with you."
"Let's get stronger, let's build an empire, let's network with each other."
"You're laying a solid unshakable foundation, you're building your empire."
"Y'all know what the emperor and the empress do, they build empires."
"God is helping you guys with building an empire."
"You have built yourself an empire, or you are on the verge of building an empire."
"You're focusing a lot on your own stability, building that up, creating your own empire here."
"Disney has built itself and become an empire because it has built itself on families."
"You're meant to build your empire here in this world."