
Real Food Quotes

There are 79 quotes

"You can get your life back, and all you have to do is eat real food."
"Eat real food... try to get everything from real food."
"I find Mark's points potentially persuasive, but in my philosophy, the way I like to eat is ingredients you can see and pronounce. Real food."
"Food isn't like a drug designed to inhibit metabolic pathways; real food gives your body thousands of building materials so your body can fight diseases."
"What should we eat I've told you what they've got wrong what I'm going to tell you what you should eat number one eat real food that's where we started."
"If you just switch to real food and get off of processed food, that's a huge step."
"I think this is a really good feather in the cap for eating real Whole Foods."
"Focus on stocking real food that is as real as possible and very limited in processed ingredients."
"Shop the perimeter... that's where the real food is."
"Welcome to the Salted Pepper where we cook for real life using real food and we keep it real simple."
"Don't go down the middle of the aisles, stick around the outside where there's just real food."
"Just eat real food; if we just ate real food, the chance of developing type 2 diabetes would be very low indeed."
"We need real food, we don't need supplementation."
"I want clean ingredients, real food, and that's what we're eating now."
"Delicious, finally some real food."
"If you ask your grandmother... she'd say you're insane. You can't eat that, you need to eat real food."
"Real Food Works but clearly we're not eating real food 73% of the items in the grocery store are not real food they are ultraprocessed food."
"Real food has both, you need both."
"Eat real food. Choose that food for the nutrients it provides."
"A real advocate for real food and therefore the reduction of ultra-processed food."
"Eat real food, choose that real food for the nutrients it provides, and eat a maximum of three times a day."
"Eat real food. Eat real food. Eat real food. Food that came out of the ground or animals that ate the food that came out of the ground. That's a great way to start."
"It makes these real foods the most delicious food of your life."
"Here's to your good health, always remember keep it simple and eat real."
"Eat real food. Choose that real food for the nutrients that it provides."
"You can do this just by eating real food."
"Do not undervalue the power of real food."
"Let's focus on the reality that eating real food without all the junk and all the highly processed sugar and all that's the real culprit."
"We love helping you come alongside of you to eat real food on your journey to better health."
"The most important dietary guideline we need to get out to the public is eat real food."
"Eat real food, eat food your grandparents would recognize, avoid processed food if you can."
"...and so often people are neglecting their pets, just grabbing what's most convenient on the shelf, not doing enough research. When we decided to start changing our dog's diets, The Farmer's Dog popped up because we wanted to give them real food."
"Just get back to basics. One of the best things you can do is eat real food."
"Eating real food, that's the most important thing."
"If you just buy real food, it's cheap."
"Real food is supposed to give us two things: macronutrients and micronutrients."
"I am absolutely an advocate of real food."
"Healthy foods are the real, the naturally occurring, the unprocessed, and are really nutrient-rich."
"Eat real food. If it has a label, it's probably bad for you."
"Once you can start getting all the nutrients that the body needs out of the real food that you're eating, then a lot of these cravings go down."
"It's particularly just eating real food, trying to stay away from the processed food as much as you can."
"You're getting it all in the most bioavailable, bioabsorbable, bio-usable form by eating real food."
"Just eat real food, just keep it real, it's just really, really easy."
"If you're walking a lot in Europe and you have this awesome real food that you have access to, it's going to be a lot easier to be in shape."
"The healthiest way to do a keto lifestyle is eating real food."
"Make peace with food. Real food is nutrient dense, full of fatty acids, amino acids, vitamins, and minerals."
"We praise the good; we provide a trust mark for hospitals, medical centers, restaurants, school districts that procure, market, and sell real food."
"We need to normalize not comparing real food to store-bought food."
"Eat real food. What do I mean by real? Eat an apple instead of an apple-flavored fruit bar."
"Our most memorable meals are often the ones that are prepared by somebody that loves us and they're made from real food."
"Nutrients in real foods like organs are so much more abundant than they are in synthetic multivitamins, orders of magnitude higher."
"Eat real food that your grandmother would recognize."
"Eating real Whole Foods and trying to keep it as close to that as possible doesn't have to be perfect, but the closer you get to that, the better you're going to be."
"If it either grew out of the ground or it had eyes, it's real food."
"Look for real foods, not processed food, not fast food."
"Real food is best, and it also made me look at different avenues of health."
"More than 50 of them were feeding real food to their pets, that's amazing."
"Eat real food and don't get sucked into those fad diets that are in our society."
"Just eat real food, you'll be more full up, you'll be less likely to binge."
"Cooking fun with real food, make a meal from appetizer to dessert."
"Once you pick a fig properly, that's the real experience, and that's when you realize that oh, I've been deprived my entire life of fresh food."
"Eating real food has to be a good thing."
"Real food is the most nourishing thing you can eat."
"This is real food. This is real food as well."
"By focusing on real food, we can actually beat the odds against sugar, processed food, and obesity."
"It's just all real food that has just been frozen for our convenience."
"I love this because he's just wanting us to eat real food and focus on eating real food for three weeks and taking out all the garbage."
"If you're stocking your fridge and your cabinets with real food, that's the best way to go."
"Real food, food that you know where it's from, food that you're going to enjoy but food that's real food."
"I love food that is made from real ingredients."
"If you went to the trouble to fast to try to improve your health, then why don't you break that fast with real food instead of a shake that was made in a factory?"
"Eating real food means enjoying abundance, not deprivation."
"I always say, 'Food? Never touch that stuff. I don't eat food. I eat real food.'"