
Low-carb Quotes

There are 61 quotes

"If you quit eating carbs, sugars, and starches, your body is forced to use an alternative fuel source: fat."
"There is a tremendous amount of evidence for the fact that low-carb is something that works."
"I really think if you want to see exactly what kind of diet you want to implement if you were doing a low carb diet this would be a really good video to start with."
"Low carb vegetables is a mainstay for the diet."
"Diet... very low carbohydrate diet... that's really the most important thing you can change."
"Going low carb might be enough...but there are additional benefits of taking it all the way down to ketosis."
"Just eat real food, eat low carb food, eat until you're comfortably stuffed. That's how simple this is."
"These are ridiculous so coffee coffee and hazelnut on my favor favorite but their one net carb it's a healthy version of a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup."
"Replacing starches with non-starchy veggies can help manage carb sensitivity."
"If you want to lose fat, eat very few carbs or no carbs."
"What worked best for me is to significantly reduce the carbohydrates in our diets."
"Better neurological health with a low-carb diet."
"Improving hormone balance with a low-carb diet."
"A proper human diet by definition is low in carbohydrates."
"What makes a low-carb lifestyle sustainable or even like a weight loss journey sustainable is you being able to actually stick to it."
"I'm not low carb; I'm low insulin."
"Unlike some other low-carb breads or alternative tortillas, they don't stay together when you put food in them, but these stay together really well."
"Zero to one gram of net carbs, zero sugar, high in fiber."
"Keto is dope if you have a compelling reason to do it, but if you don't have a compelling reason to do keto or low carb, consider some adequate carbohydrate."
"Cauliflower tortillas, tortillas are notoriously high in carbs."
"Low carb little balls of magic cheese, yeah, made a whole mess of those today, and they don't even have any carbs in them."
"Low-fat diets can work, but low-carb diets work better."
"If you're following the keto diet or trying to cut down on carbs then this creative hack is for you."
"Improving type 2 diabetes with a low carb approach can improve weight, blood pressure, lipid profiles, liver function, and self-esteem."
"Of all the people who choose low carb, 97 of them get improved blood sugar. 97."
"One of the advantages of low carb is sustainable because it's a way of life."
"Stick to low carb despite difficulties."
"Even low-carb marketed foods can cause significant glucose spikes."
"Props to low-carb YUM for doing the work to make Fathead dough recipe into something using coconut flour."
"Low carb sausage balls, can it be done? You better believe it."
"Low-carb empanadas: Can it be done? We're gonna find out by testing two of the most popular recipes that I could find online for these little Argentinian hand-held pies."
"Low-carb empanadas: You better believe it. NomNom.com, you knocked it out of the park again."
"Thank you so much, guys, for joining me. I say this every time: these videos are a way for me to maintain my low-carb way of eating, and looking into that camera as often as I can helps keep me honest. So, I appreciate that you guys have come along for the journey."
"This is a carb clever meal. All the starchy beige carbs like potato replaced with a green fibery carb alternative like celeriac."
"If the carbohydrates are the problem, you will be healthy if you don't eat them."
"Everything gets better when you stop poisoning your body with a high carbohydrate highly inflammatory standard American crap diets."
"If you continue to turn down the carbohydrate knob and approach zero carbohydrates a day, that's when they feel their best."
"This is the best low carb cake stuff I have tasted like ever."
"Fat satisfies in a way that carbs never can, and you simply don't need to eat as much."
"Magic Spoon is a cereal that is high in protein, low in carbs, and yet it still tastes delicious."
"When you take on something like a low carbohydrate diet, you get better control of your insulin levels."
"Doing low carb, you want to make sure you're eating enough fats and proteins."
"The sweet spot is to eat an adequate protein, adequate fat diet as low in carbohydrates as possible."
"A proper human diet is by definition a lower carbohydrate diet."
"For that whole serving, it's only seven grams of carbs. Amazing!"
"I'm staying below 50 grams of carbs... I don't have to count calories, so that's an aspect I do enjoy."
"I love these for snacks, they're just roasted seaweed, they're so good and really low in carbs."
"Eating zoodles is actually a really good way to cut back on carbs."
"Just because you're on a low carb eating plan doesn't mean that you've got to be stuck with an all meat menu."
"This is formula diet. When we come to real food, there is pretty good evidence that a low-carb ketogenic diet is probably the optimal way to go."
"If patients are able to maintain a very low carb diet, they will be able to really manage their insulin resistance."
"If you're doing keto, this might be something that you would like, you know what I mean? A low carb, this right here gets you right."
"Low carb wins, it's not even close."
"A low-carb diet is very effective to help lose weight acutely."
"I have been doing keto/low-carb... but these are actually recipes that anyone can use."