
Fate Quotes

There are 12522 quotes

"I don't believe in coincidences. I think everything happens for a reason."
"There is such thing as right person, wrong time."
"There is no fate but what we make for ourselves."
"When you hear a pick a card reading that is reading on your current energies, you can decide to make changes if you hear some stuff that you don't like. You can always change your fate or your destiny at any and all times."
"A lot of the times, those [coincidences] are put in your path for a reason."
"Oh my God, the plane I was supposed to be on crashed. Thank God I overslept."
"You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain."
"Trust more and know that everything worked out exactly as it was meant to."
"Everything happens for a reason, in God's timing."
"If I cannot protect him from the grinding gears of fate, then give me a strong blade and enough strength to shatter fate metaphorically."
"Ichigo has seen how cruel fate can be, and it's for this reason that he wishes for the strength to not just protect his loved ones from fate but to shatter it completely."
"The crushing gears of fate were broken by Ichigo; his wish to receive a blade strong enough to shatter fate was fulfilled."
"Suzan points out that it must be fate that they met."
"It's the Lord's doing, and it's marvelous in our eyes."
"It all happens for a reason. That's beautiful."
"Fate is not real; it's based purely on the predictability of a person as to where they will end up."
"Faye's involvement is the catalyst for fate changing."
"Fate is the central pillar of the game's storytelling and it enables the core theme of the game to happen."
"Real character comes out when you're accepting fate."
"My heart tells me that Gollum has some part to play yet, for good or ill."
"Just occasionally, fate puts ordinary people, not just thrill-seekers, into that same deadly zone where life hangs by a thread."
"Everything happens for a reason, and it's an important time to stop, think, assess, and refocus on what you truly want."
"You are not destined by this; this is not your fate. You can change anything at any time."
"The best possible decision could have happened, leading you to where you're meant to be, leading you to your soulmate."
"It's really this is all just meant to happen, and it's unavoidable."
"It's like meant to be. It's just meant to be."
"Written in the stars, you might say. Terrible start for Everton, great goal."
"Life is destined. Whatever happened is going to happen. All that [__] already written."
"Fell in love with Megan so incredibly quickly was a sort of confirmation to me that everything, all the stars were aligned, everything was just perfect."
"But Gia is not dead, she comes back alive in 2013 and now she's ready to do whatever it takes to not relive the same fate."
"Banish fear, look at that freedom of fear and surrendering to your destiny, the universe, your fate. Things that are better for you are coming."
"If the universe is giving you a sign, you better listen to it because it's not going to change until you change."
"In a cruel twist of fate, you've ended up in a haunted house, possibly by the hands of some malevolent mastermind controlling every action."
"It's just up to the Universe to roll the dice for me."
"Naruto is one of the truest and best examples of redefining your fate from a social standpoint and forgiving those around you for wronging you."
"It almost seems like fate is inevitable, but it's not tied to a person."
"Nothing in life is a coincidence, everything is a sign."
"What is meant for you will stay, and what is not meant for you will leave."
"It's those who grow beyond these chains of fate that ultimately get to live their life to its fullest."
"Eclipses are when the fates of humans and the world are being aligned, like the rails of a train changing direction."
"All things shall work together for your good."
"The wheel of fortune plays a major part in the lives of your average Riojan. They do not believe this is mere chance; they believe the gods act to bring down the mighty and raise up the meek."
"You and I have a date with destiny, but so it is with assassins and emperors."
"The moving finger writes; and, having writ, moves on: nor all thy Piety nor Wit shall lure it back to cancel half a Line, nor all thy Tears wash out a Word of it."
"The cosmos is lined up around you; you're right in the right place at the right time."
"Are we just supposed to lie down and die because some machine decided it? Is that our fate? Yeah, well [__] fate."
"Fate only binds you if you let it. Do what is necessary, not because it is written."
"Worrying is not going to affect the outcome. What's meant to be will be."
"This could be a way to really connect with a stranger that is sitting right next to you, by just leaving your fate up to the sky."
"The theme of JoJo's part 5 is that you can change your fate."
"Whenever fate as a topic is tackled in any medium, I'm immediately drawn in."
"Remember, however this plays out, is for the highest good of everyone concerned."
"I'm not one to believe in coincidences. I believe everything happens by design."
"There are no accidents or coincidences in this universe; everything is happening in divine order."
"Providence makes sense out of the nonsensical things in life."
"We're not all going to experience everything. We all experience what we're meant to experience, not an ounce more, not an ounce less."
"The universe is fighting so hard to give you what you want."
"There are no accidents. That's one thing I've come to realize very fully."
"What is meant for you will never pass you by; trust that anything lost will be replaced with something greater."
"Fate has a way of turning things in your favor, often when you least expect it."
"Sometimes everything happens for a reason. Well, not even sometimes, everything always happens for a reason."
"Surrender to divine timing. The universe is looking out for you."
"It's very important that you remember this phrase: What is meant for you will find you."
"Living like everything happens for a reason is a healthy perspective."
"My wild conceptualization involves the weaving of Fate, foresight, and the nature of time in the Galaxy."
"Things are working out as they're supposed to."
"Unfortunately, both participants' lives would end in tragedy."
"So I wish for strength. If I cannot protect them from the gears of fate, then give me a strong blade, and enough strength to shatter fate."
"Procrastination is like playing Russian roulette with your destiny."
"Because Doflamingo understood well that the worst fate one could suffer... was to be forgotten."
"We have as free will, nothing is set in stone."
"There's this Invisible String Theory where there are people near you or in your life that you're meant to be with but don't come about until the perfect time."
"Nothing is by coincidence in this life. I firmly believe that everything happens exactly how it should."
"My readings are accurate to a point, but only you can change your fate, and ultimately, you have the final choice of everything within your life."
"It is in fateful moments that miracles are born."
"Rejection is protection and redirection because whatever is meant for you will never pass you by."
"This job would never have come to you if it was not meant for you. Whatever is meant for you will never pass you by."
"Trust that what is meant for you will always find its way to you."
"Every decision you make is going to shape your destiny."
"Unexpected money coming your way... it's written in the stars."
"It looks like Six might have been captured; Lord knows what happens from here."
"Your ambition should be something that transcends the world below and the starry sky above, something that shines in unison with fate itself."
"By seeming accident, but because I don't necessarily believe in accidents, that everything in this life and what we call reality serves a purpose."
"The story of Foundation is about how the larger forces at work in society – political, economic, social realities – impact the fate of civilizations."
"When one door closes, another opens, so trust when things don't work out in your favor that there's a reason for it and there's something much better coming your way."
"A goddess who gets rejected by her master is fated to wander alone for the rest of eternity."
"I love you from the bottom of my heart, so at this time, I set you free because I truly believe that if we are meant to be, then we will be at the right time."
"Do you believe in fate? No. Why not? Because I don't like the idea that I'm not in control of my life."
"None of us can escape who we are and the only way John Wick will ever have freedom or peace now or ever is in death."
"Lady luck is on your side; fate and destiny intervene in your situation."
"It's divine timing for you to meet your soulmate."
"If it falls apart, it was orchestrated to fall that way for a reason."
"You are never alone. Although you may not understand it now, everything happens for a reason."
"I don't know what I did to God, but God is not happy with me."
"Divine guidance isn't a matter of chance or luck; it's God's way of subtly steering the events and circumstances around you for your good."
"Everything happens in divine timing. Everything happens for a reason."
"In 1981, a man saved the life of a three-pound premature baby boy... In 2011, the same man was saved by a paramedic who turned out to be the baby he saved 30 years earlier."
"The fact that I'm even alive to tell the tale must be a sign that the gods were watching over me."
"Spirit guide: What is meant to be will always find its way. You need to trust in your current path."
"If you keep on ignoring these signs, you will reap what you sow."
"What is meant for you will never pass you by."
"Whatever is meant for you will never ever pass you by."
"Sorry for eavesdropping, but if you get close enough to him, the ends of the string will reconnect to each other."
"Do you believe in destiny? Are our lives written in the stars? Can two people be meant for each other?"
"Amor Fati, which says to love fate, to love every moment exactly as it is, instead of judging it based on your own personal preferences."
"Life doesn't run on perfect timing... everything happens when it does at exactly the time that they are meant to happen."
"I'm a big believer that things happen in our lives for a reason because it leads us to where we're sitting right now."
"You must also accept your own fate, your own death."
"You don't always get to choose your path; sometimes it's chosen for you, and it turns out to be the best thing that could have happened."
"It's almost like everything that happens is meant to unfold like a story."
"Virtues and sins, the primary factor for determining a soul's fate is their record of virtues and sins."
"Karma is a [ __ ]; the things you try to fight against the most is really what happens."
"Either die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become the villain."
"Your fate depends on whether or not you get your act together and to what degree you decide that you're going to live out your own genuine being."
"Many are the plans of a man's heart, but God's purpose prevails."
"At the same time, through the experiences in the tangent universe, Donny has achieved enlightenment and he is no longer afraid of dying alone."
"Everything meant for me will naturally show up on my path."
"Fate determines that he must do his fighting alone, but Greed reminds him that he has him now, and Fate will never be alone again."
"Fate thinks about how, in this world, there are halves and there are Have Nots. What separates them are the special powers bestowed by the gods: their skills."
"There is no light at the end of this tunnel; both parties have the same destination."
"If the world wants to crush me, then it shall. I don't want that to happen, but I don't want to beg it not to."
"There are no accidents, everything has some reason for it."
"If it was prophesied that someone would end up sacrificing themselves for you, would you accept that fate, or would you do anything you can to change destiny?"
"There are no accidents or coincidences; everything is happening in divine order."
"Fate, which takes into account the relationship between our inner and outer worlds, is diametrically opposed to chance."
"So what we think disturbs our life is actually fate and our unconscious conspiring against our rigid personality for the purpose of our evolution as individuals."
"What is best for you arises out of fate, which brings to light those aspects of yourself that your ego has suppressed."
"God is... like a surgeon; he can orchestrate the tiniest details of circumstances."
"This film teaches that no one can escape from destiny."
"It didn't have to be this way, it just is this way."
"If it's meant to be, it's gonna make sense. It ain't gonna be some crazy wild out the box thing, it's gonna make sense."
"Our fate and future is inside of us; it's decisions at the end of the day, not conditions, that determine that fate and future."
"I'm a firm believer that everything happens for a reason, and that in some way, this was meant to push us in a better direction."
"We put our fates in the hands of a madman; truly, we have reaped what we have sown."
"With all six Alliance gems, I think I can change fate and win the war, but not without your help."
"The stars have really aligned to bring you two together."
"The fate of the world does not look bright. Entire consequences can come from a lot of good intentions."
"Every person either you deal with your fate or your destiny. If you manage your destiny well, then your destiny will do its work for you."
"Maybe it was fated to happen anyways. She will do the best she can to make this a blessing and not a curse. She is married now, after all."
"There's no fate but what we make for ourselves!"
"Breathe, what is meant for you will never pass you by."
"I feel like what's meant to be will be, no matter what."
"The fate of being born an Omen is a tragedy, and in a way, you are already considered dead."
"There's something liberating about accepting your fate."
"Wolverine could never live the life that he was hoping for. He wanted a kid, he wanted a life of happiness, he wanted to be left alone, but... he was born a killer and he will die a killer."
"Fate is a fickle thing, and it seemed that if a strong Emperor did not take the throne, all the gains made by Nikephoros and Tzimiskes would evaporate like seafoam."
"If everything happens for a reason... when one door closes, another one opens."
"If it's meant to be, it will be. Don't force anything."
"Read it, run from it, destiny arrives all the same."
"I struggle to comprehend myself. My fate is one on which no one would envy."
"If they can get it done, they can get it done; if not, it's just not meant to be. I'm done with this."
"If I die doing epic science, okay. He died the way he lived: very slowly and painfully."
"Do you think you can't cheat fate? In my case, I build it myself."
"Everything's timing; everything's meant to be."
"It's not meant for you then it's not meant for you. If it is meant for you, it'll come back around."
"There really is a fate worse than death, and that's dying without knowing the Savior, Jesus Christ."
"What use would life be if it was preordained?"
"One of the wise ones: 'The sun don't shine on the same man all the time.'"
"Happily ever after, everyone gets a soulmate, but at what cost?"
"The best-laid plans of mice and men often go awry."
"Karma exists absolutely, checks it here on the river see what rampage decides to do."
"The accident of birth should not determine the fate of the child."
"A blessing in disguise because there's something that's so meant for you."
"Old English literature describes wood as inexorable, hard to change, stronger than the plans of any man, and Beowulf gives us the fatalistic line: 'Fate goes ever as she must.'"
"Destiny arrives all the same, doesn't it? Just inescapable."
"Destiny is truly back, forevermore until such a time as she dies in the future."
"If it's meant to be for you, it's gonna be for you."
"Men are not prisoners of fate, only prisoners of their own minds." - Henry Ford
"You're no longer desperate, you're just like 'what will be will be'."
"Everything works out because it's already worked out."
"Perhaps the greatest question facing the human race is to discover where we came from and to find out what is our ultimate fate."
"Everything happens for a reason, and everything works out for the best in the end."
"There's no such thing as a coincidence, we are energetically aligned."
"Not only did they go to Disney at the same time, but they ended up in the same childhood picture together. Meant to be, indeed."
"For those of you who have longed for this, let me caution you: the old adage is true, be careful what you wish for. When the gods are truly angry, they grant us our wishes."
"The more we dabble with Destiny, the more it punishes us."
"Wow, whether you believe in soulmates or not, that's pretty nuts."
"My aesthetic is kind of a curse. I didn't choose it, it chose me."
"Once you are cursed, that's the rest of your life, baby."
"Karma, it turns out, has a hell of a right cross."
"This happened by accident... but there's something beyond us working in this moment."
"Decisions, not conditions, determine our fate, our future."
"Regardless, you'll end up with who you need to be."
"They feel like the universe really brought you together, it was more than a coincidence."
"Why do bad things always happen to good people?"
"It's just life kind of what's that expression you know, sometimes life's just putting you on the path you're meant to be on."
"When you meet someone, it almost feels like Destiny."
"Everything happens for a reason, you're in the right place."
"If you love someone, you let it go, and then if it was really meant to be, it will come back to you."
"Trusting in yourself is the key. Don't wait for everything to line up, do something that expands your world."
"This idea of fighting your inescapable fate is a storytelling trope seen all throughout literature."
"Trust in the mystery of the universe, things have been lined up for you for a reason, it's all about divine timing."
"The universe has a way of leading you into where you're supposed to be at the moment you're supposed to be there."
"Your life, his life, even my life, it's not up to me."
"Destiny will involve themselves in this, destiny fate will bring you back together and this relationship can reunite and it can be a wish fulfillment."
"What is right for you will never pass you by, especially with this good karma."
"Destiny is intervening, luck is on your side."
"Explore this side of it further, see the kind of components that you usually use."
"People are where they are because that's where they supposed to be right now."
"Love will show up in time, in divine timing. I know you hate that, but I had to say it."