
Religious Tolerance Quotes

There are 245 quotes

"We claim the privilege of worshiping Almighty God according to the dictates of our own conscience, and allow all men the same privilege, let them worship how, where, or what they may."
"I am not to destroy another person's house of worship. That's what my ethics teach me."
"Many important 'founding fathers' of the United States were deists, and if you believe, as many philosophers did, that God keeps a distance from human affairs, then the persecution of people for their religious beliefs starts to seem like cruel fanaticism."
"Most of us today will agree that persecuting a religion or its people simply for their beliefs is totally wrong."
"We need to be treating each other like we love each other and not breaking fellowship because of the topic of Calvinism."
"Let's get this thing right, I have a son Christians into the Temple Mount through the gate of mercy, some Jews, Muslims, Christians, and others as well as divert from their groups walking towards their respective shrines to mix with friends of different faiths in various informal clusters scattered through the temple."
"Allah tells us in the Quran to come to terms and agreements and find similarities with the people of the book."
"Elizabeth was more tolerant of Catholics and maintained peace in England between different religious groups."
"Allah speaks in the Quran... about the Christian church, the Christian cathedral, the monastery, and the Jewish synagogue and the masjid, that these buildings must be protected."
"All religions were worthy of respect and in this way, he reflected the spirit of religious tolerance that is enshrined in Indonesia's Constitution."
"I've always said we should help a Hindu become a better Hindu, a Muslim become a better Muslim, a Catholic become a better Catholic." - Mother Teresa
"One of the biggest points for certain religious people, who are the good ones, the ones I like to call the good ones, who aren't hateful of people like gays and such, they're actually forgiving, nice people."
"Islam cannot be spread by the sword and has not been spread by the sword."
"But of course stealing implies that the other had little or no say in the matter and obviously nobody's about forcing people to become catholic even the catholic church says you can force people to become catholic."
"As a Muslim, I have to respect that you have a different religion."
"A religion that has taught the world not just tolerance, but acceptance."
"Can Muslims and homosexuals live side by side? Indeed."
"There's no significant difference between different religious Frameworks in wisdom cultivation."
"Ashoka attempted to create a religiously tolerant environment."
"Iran has a history of being hospitable to Christians and Jews."
"I thought we settled this 60 years ago with the election of John F. Kennedy... fighting any religion, fighting Catholicism is just incredible."
"No person should lose their family because they are of a different faith."
"It was a city of poets and scholars. While things changed later, the Golden Age of Al-Andalus, as this society was called, was marked by a remarkable spirit of tolerance and cooperation among all religions."
"Frederick's legacy: Abolishing judicial torture, promoting religious tolerance, and fostering scientific innovation."
"Our Hindu scriptures openly talk about it. Hindus are tolerant towards homosexuality."
"If you're a Calvinist and you can't fellowship in sweet love with non-Calvinists, there's something wrong with you."
"Why would you condemn anybody for doing anything in the name of God?"
"Even though it may have been offered to a false deity, it is still a creature of God."
"Gay sex does not harm a person's relationship with God."
"Jews should not be persecuted because of their religion."
"Anyone can believe whatever they want. I support any person that wants to follow any religion. Sure, I think that if you grow up in a place like this you don't have an excuse to promote genocide and then go after a victim of said genocide."
"Do not treat someone differently because they're not a Muslim."
"Pre-Islamic polytheism was in a sense accepting and pluralistic even when it came to beliefs that are not polytheistic."
"I am technically an atheist, but I don't feel the need to go out there and attack people's belief in God."
"Just because you're Christian doesn't mean you can't support equality/gay rights."
"I will say religious belief is not a mental illness, but I think that there's a colloquial version of delusion that may qualify for some religious claims."
"I don't actually give a crap if people believe in God or not... but I do care how people treat each other."
"I'm a Satanist myself. If anything, he teaches open your mind a little."
"If he's willing to have conversations with you that don't involve the religion, oh my gosh, have them."
"My heart is never to force religion on anyone; it's always to love everyone."
"If we can agree that Christians can be oppressed then we can agree that other classes of people can be oppressed."
"You cannot point to a specific disbeliever and say that guy over there that Paul over there is going to Hell Fire that Vanessa there is going to Hell Fire."
"For while this year, it may be a Catholic against whom the finger of suspicion is pointed, in other years it has been and may someday be again, a Jew or a Quaker or a Unitarian or a Baptist."
"Don't think that just because there's a hang-up on Christianity that means we're giving everything else a pass."
"By lumping all religion into the category of inherently harmful, you are ignoring important distinctions between faiths."
"I won't like to pull a person to my religion."
"Every religion has a good thing to make our world a beautiful peaceful."
"You won't believe what I believe, I won't believe what you believe. To you be your way, to me be mine."
"It's okay, it's tolerated, but I don't think that it's necessarily the type of thing that they would say that 'yeah, it's probably the case'."
"Whether you're Christian or Jew or Muslim, whatever, I think you look at this and say they're coming for me next, we gotta stand up."
"Islamically, I have to respect your right to live how you want to live."
"We have to respect all the prophets, and that's something beautiful that we see in Islam."
"People should be allowed to say look I think this is a sin according to my religion but you're free to do whatever you want."
"This is why I'm asking those of you that have any faith in God, have any understanding of what's written in this book. Do you think God is sitting around, 'Well, Trump supporters, go to line three, Biden supporters, you go to line one'?"
"We can be better than this; atheists and theists should not adopt an us-versus-them mentality that is ultimately self-defeating."
"The United States, with its long history of greater religious tolerance than in Europe, made the country especially attractive to persecuted Jews."
"Islam is a religion has a space for all religions."
"God's not a respecter of people groups... we need to appreciate the diversity in the world."
"It's just wild to me that someone could honestly think that everyone just because they don't share your exact religion is such a terrible person that they would never be able to enjoy a realm filled with peace, love, and happiness."
"Muslims and Christians can come together as brothers in humanity."
"No difference of opinion among Christians justifies unkindness or hostility toward those who hold different views."
"It's okay if this doesn't resonate with you or your pastor, imam, or rabbi. Just take it as the educational video that it is meant to expose you to alternative viewpoints."
"Therefore, I judge that we should not trouble those who from among the Gentiles are turning to God."
"Divorce is not the unforgivable sin nor is remarriage the unforgivable sin."
"There's absolutely no reason that saying, 'Oh, you believe in a god, yeah I don't,' should be the reason for dividing families, should be the reason for wars and battles and fights and wasting time."
"Even if I disagree with some of these messages and I think that they miss the Mark, I praise God for that and I pray that that happens a million more times."
"I'm not saying you have to praise this way, just don't judge people that do."
"In Islam, it's not 'hey you're black' or 'hey you're white,' it's about your manners and humanity."
"I don't believe in any form of racism. I don't believe in any form of discrimination or segregation. I believe in Islam. I'm a Muslim and there's nothing wrong with being a Muslim."
"You never think that I've got the best religion. If you do, you're going to bicker and have a terrible relationship."
"Love your neighbor, that's a good thing. But 'kill all the atheists,' that's not really a good thing."
"Your religion is for you, and my religion is for me."
"Liberal religion buffers criticism of more fundamental religions."
"I believe in everyone's religion, I would never take anyone's religion away from them."
"To not be friends with people solely based on the fact that they are not Christian, I don't think that is wise."
"He wouldn't dispute a priori the idea that Muhammad was a true prophet but I don't understand what that means."
"I think there's a difference between believing that somebody else's religion is wrong and respecting it."
"We need to realize that Jesus that that's not jesus' way but Jesus is not also like tolerance shouldn't you shouldn't be tolerating certain Behavior."
"If someone believed in Jesus... as long as he was a monotheist... that does not affect his salvation."
"We have to distinguish between Jewish and Zionism, Jewish is a religion which is one of the books that we as Muslims believe in and Zionism is a political faction which belongs to animals that are inhumane."
"We must respect all religions, for all religions in the end have the same goal which is enlightenment." - Ashoka
"Why does faith generate controversy? It's extreme, narrow, demanding, and very intolerant of other religious attempts to try to link God to man or man to God."
"Love is love. There's nowhere in the Quran that says it's wrong."
"We are about people, other people of the book."
"No, David has never attacked me or disassociated because of my Catholic affiliation."
"For centuries now, many have believed it to be a spiritual portal of some kind."
"No one is asking any Southern Baptist to change their theology. I'm not asking you to agree with my church. I am asking you to act like a Southern Baptist."
"Islamic rule was therefore not a case of convert or die at sword point."
"It's not fair to judge an entire religion for the acts of a few people."
"Let's not think that just because it's not of its origins in Christianity means it's wrong. Maybe we could look even at pagan religions and say, 'Huh, they captured something of God's nature in the created world that's really beautiful.'"
"We do not believe in forcing our religion down anyone's throat - we just give them the information and then people make their own decisions."
"Pluralism is the best prescription to bring about reconciliation between a variety of different religious worldviews."
"Charles insisted in his coronation that he be anointed as the defender not of the faith but the defender of faiths."
"Never be afraid of a God's love, no matter the differences."
"If you're going to be this Godly person, it means that you're gonna have to accept people who are not like you."
"In the essentials unity, non-essentials liberty, in all things charity."
"I do want to thank you for opening my mind. I'm not used to prophecy and things of that nature but I am a person who believes that everyone should be able to practice religion in a way that makes sense for them."
"It's illegal to have a Bible in Saudi Arabia, yet we're allowing them to build schools and preach their literal interpretations of Islam."
"Polytheistic religions have this sort of built-in tolerance."
"I see him as being a believer in Christ like me and that's enough for you yeah that's enough for me."
"The Catholic Church is not our enemy. Many who recite the Creed are our brothers and sisters."
"The beautiful thing about him [Paul]... is he showed as much grace for the legalists as he did for the people that were eating the sexual immorality eating the food sacrificed to idol."
"I genuinely love the Jehovah's Witnesses even if I think they have dangerous and horrible theology."
"We're proud of our faith, but not to put ourselves above others."
"Tolerance essentially says I have the truth, you are in error, but I will generously indulge you in your right to be wrong."
"Let God be the judge, let the Holy Spirit do the conviction, and we do the loving of people."
"Sure I can basically say shit, fuck, motherfucking, cocksucker, asshole, piss. I could say all those things and Jesus is gonna be totally cool with it, man."
"Jesus wasn't a hater he had a stance for sure he wasn't a hater."
"You should never punish all of the members in a religion."
"We've got to stop behaving like Jesus is scared of sinners."
"Forced conversion is not found; it doesn't represent the history of Islam or Muslims."
"Islam emphasizes living in peace and harmony with people of other faiths."
"I think we can all agree that we should not force our religion on other people. We shouldn't impose it but propose our religion."
"If watching something that has any form of spiritualism or content that is aside from Christianity threatens you as a believer then don't watch it."
"Rome's polytheistic religious practices were remarkably tolerant for the time and throughout the centuries even incorporated many deities of their former enemies."
"Encouraging religious tolerance in Scotland and generally being pretty and tall, she had a shock of red hair and was 5 foot 11."
"If you respect every religion then why do you go and con the people of other religion? Look at your own selves before pointing a finger at India." - Kappel Kumar
"Of all the differences in religion, the exclusion of one of the others would say, 'He evocatively said if anybody dreams of an exclusive survival of his own religion and destruction of others...'"
"I will respect your religion, but only as much as you respect my religion."
"Do not allow your religions, or lack thereof, to harm or diminish one another."
"It does me no injury for my neighbor to say there are 20 gods or no god."
"Elizabeth I was successful in avoiding any serious religious conflict by finding a balance between views of Catholics and the more extreme Protestants."
"The worst Muslim is better than the best non-Muslim. At least you're trying."
"They had this kind of sense of religious tolerance and openness."
"They got nowhere with her, and so when James the First comes to the throne in 1603, they're hoping that since he was raised in a reformed Protestant church that he would be more sympathetic with the Puritan point of view."
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus and non-believers."
"No one is going to hell because they're a Jew."
"I think if this were to happen nowadays, there wouldn't be this much religious backlash."
"Those things are simply not consistent in any way with the core values of secular humanism. There is no threat to Christians, Jews, Muslims, scientologists from secular humanism..."
"If anybody harms a Christian and a Jew who lives under the Islamic they will not smell the fragrance of paradise."
"The Protestants were being far more inclusive and generous to the Eastern Traditions than the Roman Catholics of their own day."
"...ultimately as long as the person is good or it's trying to be good and they want to be better and they're finding that through little bits about religion that should be okay and we shouldn't tell somebody what to do or not to do in the name of religion."
"The Bay Psalm Book was a translation of the book of Psalms, created for a group of Christian Evangelical dissenters who settled in Plymouth, Massachusetts, in search of religious tolerance." - Bay Psalm Book
"Cyrus the Great... may have been what has kept some religions alive. Without this move, it is possible that we may not have Judaism, Christianity, or Islam today."
"We now can admire and love people of other religions because the later documents from the present Holy Father suggest that grace is working in other world religions and that some of their rituals, the Holy See is not their place to decide which ones are salvific."
"A Christian community existed in Ethiopia during the time of the Prophet, seeking refuge from persecution."
"Enough, enough for 20, 30, 40 years we grow up, all we ever hear is hate between members of these religions."
"That's the way of Jesus where a Muslim and a Christian can look at each other's work."
"Sikhism does not believe that they are the superior ones. They respect every other religion because every other human being who believes in different religions come from the same God as the Sikhs have come from."
"If we are all to be a kingdom of priests and a holy nation, please God, let us stop the bigotry that comes in the name of religion."
"All the big religions and paths have different roots towards the one. Understanding other views can be healing for someone traumatized by one religion."
"That's what Christopher Stendall talked about when he talked about 'holy envy'. You look at your neighbor's tradition and go, 'But that's really interesting. It's not mine, but I can learn from it.'"
"We are Muslims, Christians, Hebrews, but we love one another. Absolutely. And that's what our challenge is. We've got to outgrow these divisions that tend to make us enemies of one another."
"I see Hindus defend Muslims a lot more than Muslims do."
"We can't take two religions and try to mix them together."
"Christians treated lovingly, Muslims under subjection."
"My intention is not to take anybody away from the church... it's never my intention to take somebody away from any church."
"Don't get it wrong, I get tempted by the rewards that all come along with making songs. But what does it mean if I'm a Muslim and you're a Jew, and because of that alone, we don't get along?"
"In essentials we should have unity, in non-essentials we should have liberty, in all things we should have charity."
"I came from a country whereby both religions are very much tolerant of each other. Muslims and Christians coexist pretty much really well."
"I'm proud to belong to a religion which has taught the world both tolerance and universal acceptance."
"It also had numerous viziers with Jewish and Christian origins, not to forget the generations of Armenian viziers it had."
"Let people live and have their own religion; if someone is into something different, accept that."
"Just because people have religious differences, it doesn't mean that you can't be friends."
"I'm rather a devout Muslim and in my eyes, it's not up to me to tell said person how to live their life."
"If you are a Christian, you do not have to believe that all other religions are simply wrong all through."
"I care about both Muslims and ex-Muslim because it's not like a switch flips in my head and someone's label makes them the worst of people."
"Do not criticize another's religion unnecessarily."
"We have religious tolerance... so people never fight each other, that is very good."
"Killing people for their religious beliefs, any religious beliefs, was wrong."
"No religious violence would be accepted, no matter who the perpetrator or who the victim."
"I respect all religions and all beliefs."
"If someone believes in Allah, believes in Muhammad Rasool Allah, isn't that enough for them not to be called kafir?"
"All believers, do not insult what they invoke besides Allah, or they will insult Allah spitefully out of ignorance."
"He streamlined legal codes across the continent, shook up politics, fought for religious tolerance, reshaped the world."
"He tried to cozy up to the Hindu by abolishing the Jizya tax and by financing Hindu Temples."
"Genghis also encouraged religious tolerance in his secular Mongol Empire."
"This book is not anti-Jews nor anti-Christians."
"Allah does not forbid you from dealing kindly and fairly with those who have neither fought you nor driven you out of your homes."
"It was founded by a Quaker named William Penn, who allowed people from all religious groups to come and settle in his Colony."
"William then issued a letter claiming that if he and Mary inherited the throne, they as Protestants would tolerate Catholics and Protestant dissenters."
"This is about religious tolerance as well."
"Man's religion is something we cannot eliminate from his system without destroying him; therefore, it is folly for any man to go about attacking another man's religion."
"Muslims are not taught to hate anyone; we don't have a policy to hate, to exterminate, or to persecute."
"He does not have to agree with your conception of God, he can use any conception he likes, provided it makes sense to him."
"The Sikh religion and the Guru Granth Sahib has no hate for anybody and it states quite clearly that we should all live in peace together."
"Hindus have coexisted with Muslims for over a thousand years peacefully."
"We respect other religions. That adds a lot to world peace."
"Lured by the fertile soil and the religious tolerance that Penn promised, people migrated from all over Europe to Pennsylvania."
"I don't believe there is any wrong religion; I just believe there's different details in which it's a little misconstrued somewhere in some places for some people."
"I think life would just be so much easier if every religion or religious person understood that all of the religions are correct."
"...a land where Christians, Muslims, and Jews have lived in tolerance for centuries..."
"God has made different religions to suit different aspirants, times, and countries."
"And throughout history, Islam has demonstrated through words and deeds the possibilities of religious tolerance and racial equality."
"To you is your religion and to me mine."
"If your God has a problem with you respecting other people, maybe you need a new God."
"I don't let people come at me or attack me from a place of religion. Whatever they say, it's like, okay, you're right, but that's between me and God."
"I do respect all religions, and I know that those religions are there maybe for a cause."
"Nobunaga was pragmatic with Christianity."
"He was extremely tolerant of Jews and Christians alike."
"People committed blasphemy in the time of the Prophet, peace be upon him, and he wasn't penalizing, and that's why people could actually play around with the religion as they did at that time."
"It's okay for people to be religious, as long as they don't impinge on the rights of others."
"The tolerant land of three religions would eventually be turned into the most intolerant of all Christian countries."
"I'm not going into religion on this, but even despite me not being religious, I can still appreciate that it's important to you."
"To you your religion and to me my religion."
"He issued an edict of toleration for the Christians to end the Valerians' persecution."
"Allah does not forbid you to deal justly and kindly with those who never fight against you because of your religion."
"In the tithe of the empire, Rome in its great edicts declared universal religious tolerance."
"She wants to create a 'via media', what's known as the middle way."
"Inter-religious dialogue becomes not so much a matter of being politically correct or being polite, but an occasion for learning and for growing from learning from other people."