
Neurodiversity Quotes

There are 200 quotes

"We have neurological diversity and we shouldn't be too quick to judge."
"Half of being in a relationship that's successful with somebody who's neurodivergent is asking, 'Do this thing that I need or I expect of you in a way that works for you.'"
"I hope it's inspiring to people with learning differences and neurodivergence everywhere."
"Autism isn't developmentally delayed, autism is a different operating system."
"Think of it in terms of it not being right or wrong, but just a different way that people take in information, organize that information, and then how they share that information with other people."
"ADHD isn't something you grow out of; it's a neurodevelopmental thing."
"I just want people to understand that neurodivergency looks different on everybody."
"Imagine finally having an explanation for the way that you act... Some people see their neurodivergency or like mental health issues in general as something they want to break away from, and other people see it as a huge important piece of them."
"I interviewed 13 people from four countries around the world about their experience being black and neurodiverse."
"God made our brains wired this way for a reason, and when you understand that, that can be your magical power."
"Neurodivergence... to diverge from the norm. To think differently than other people. To feel differently than other people. To relate differently than other people relate."
"The power of neurodivergence and, and of incorporating these people more into our lives and accepting them for who they are is the group is strengthened as a whole by the differences within it."
"They say they're neuro-diverse, that they maybe think differently from others and they respond differently than others but they're not quote abnormal."
"Cringe. That peculiar feeling of second-hand embarrassment. Often weaponized against people who aren't conventionally attractive, and just, like, neurodivergent people in general."
"Masking isn't about losing yourself, it's about embracing yourself, your true, authentic self, your true, neurodivergent self, the real you."
"Not many people want to be told that they're saying things that are incorrect. Rather, what can I old were you when you realize you had Asperger's?"
"Neurodivergent folks are worthy of love, attention, and support."
"Being able to understand what other people want and what other people want to talk about, this isn't some magical brain secret that only neurotypical people are capable of experiencing."
"Autistic people see, hear, and feel the world differently."
"Stimming is a lifeline to an autistic person."
"We need to let our autistic children be autistic."
"There's no one way that neurodivergence takes shape at the table."
"Neurodivergency isn't an excuse for not being outraged by things that are in fact outrageous."
"It's the most foolproof way. I mean, I'm neurodivergent, so maybe it's the most foolproof for me because I'd never be able to feel it in the air or whatever neurotypical people do."
"In my book 'The Autistic Brain,' I fully discuss on all the different kinds of minds work and provide scientific evidence for that."
"Those of us who are not autistic can learn to be conscious about it."
"Autistic workers are 20 percent more productive than their neurotypical peers."
"I think we need to create a better, more welcoming Society for kids and for neurodivergent people as well."
"Embrace neurodiversity. There's a lot of things to learn from each other."
"Through neurodiversity, there's more appreciation of our intrinsic worth."
"Girls with Asperger's often escape into imagination, identifying with characters like Hermione at Hogwarts."
"Neurodiversity is sick. Autism, dyslexia, ADHD, you know, like, the FBI, they look for people that are neurodiverse because they think outside the box, you get me? I think, yeah, it's cool. Sometimes people don't want to think."
"Celebrating neurodiversity, diverse in your brain."
"I think if I was neurotypical, I never would have improved so fast."
"Trying to do it in a neurotypical way that's based on importance, rewards, and consequences is just going to frustrate the bejesus out of you."
"The biggest issue we run into usually has more to do with the way our society and cultures are centered around neurotypical thinking."
"Maybe it was just the fact that my brain was wired a little differently and people just had to deal with it."
"There are many strengths in people who may have autism features or Asperger features or ADHD that need to be appreciated and celebrated."
"We have this new vibe called neurodiversity, which I hope will keep the balance between the burden of ADHD and autism and the strength and the qualities of it."
"ADHD represents simply the more severe lower end of a dimension of normal human functioning."
"I'm neurodivergent and probably have some type of ADD ADHD, and notes help me."
"Teemo is a visual planning app that was made specifically for neurodivergence."
"I don't know whether autistic people ever really have all that much chill."
"Finding out whether or not you relate to other neurodivergent people can be a great way to discover whether you're autistic or not."
"But however it's treated, it's a real condition."
"Autism is a neurodevelopmental condition, it's not something that you can be cured from, but you are still a human being."
"Autism is a different way of being in the world, is a neurodivergent condition."
"Autism isn't something you have, autism is how you are."
"We talk about curing anxiety, curing depression, curing epilepsy, curing gut problems, curing sleep problems... but there we have no desire to change the autism."
"Neurodivergence is having a brain that behaves and learns and processes differently from the typical majority. We don't think it's a deficit. We don't think it's wrong. Humanity is neurodiverse."
"Each neurodivergent person is whole and complete as they are."
"Neurological differences should not be viewed as deficits... they should not be viewed as making a person less than whole or inferior in some way."
"Autism should never be treated as something that needs to be fixed or cured."
"Empathy goes both ways here as the uh more neurotypical member of the partnership I need to have a lot of empathy for Elizabeth's experience I need to get that her experience is real I need to take it seriously."
"Autism is an inherent part of an individual's identity."
"As holistic people, we don't get to decide when, why, or how autistic people get to feel some type of way."
"It isn't that there's something wrong with you, it's just that you're applying the wrong strategies to the type of neurodiverse brain that you have."
"Reframing ADHD is so important as a wiring difference and not a deficiency."
"You don't ever have to be ashamed of who you are, ADHD or not."
"I want to hold space for all these multiple truths about meltdowns."
"Narcolepsy and dyslexia that I've had, and ADD, OCD, high-functioning autistic, bipolar, these do have potential advantages to society."
"Autism and then you [ __ ] get [ __ ] superpowers dude."
"I'm done constantly adapting myself to neurotypical values and standards of people that I don't know and will never know."
"We should work on actually believing people when they say they are autistic, when they say they are neurodivergent, and also try and increase autism acceptance as well."
"Whatever journey you're on within understanding your neurotype is valid."
"Using structures or scripts for conversations with neurotypical people."
"...it's just really hard to maintain things in a neurotypical world."
"This story while theoretically having a positive message on the treatment of neurotic urgent people very much still feels like a neurotypical's guide to tolerance."
"The show assumes an extreme lack of neurodivergence in its own audience funneling its relatability through these neurotypical straight man Sidekicks yet performatively preaches acceptance through a character it refuses to acknowledge as neurodivergent."
"People who are neuro atypical may perceive the neurotypical world as very overwhelming and it can be very traumatic to them for a variety of different reasons."
"People who live with bipolar and other neurodiverse brain patterns have suffered in silence, isolation, and fear."
"ADD is just a difference, not a disorder."
"I felt like adhd is just objectively harder to deal with than autism in many ways."
"You're valid if you're struggling with this too and it's not your fault that you're struggling with it just because you're choosing to engage with your special interest in a way that's contributing to the struggle."
"Neurodiversity... covers autism. You're 100% right."
"People with neurodivergent brains are finding her creative workarounds especially popular."
"I think being autistic isn't so far from what you think is normal."
"Autistic people are deeply familiar, often to a traumatic degree, about how neurotypical people, especially in groups, will treat them if they don't fit in."
"Autism is simply a different way of being."
"Yes, his neuroses are often played for laughs, but he’s also given the opportunity to talk about his own experiences, and how they differ from those of his more neurotypical crewmates, in a way that feels honest."
"The one thing that the big takeaway for me regardless if you're neurotypical neurodivergent is to treat yourself with a little self-compassion."
"I want people out there to know that people with Autism have value it doesn't even have to be autism it could be any sort of neurode Divergence treat them with kindness empathy and respect."
"It's okay to be ADHD. Our brains do not work in a linear fashion. It's okay to break the status quo and have a different capability and ability."
"Neurodiversity describes the idea that autistic people and people with ADHD, mental health conditions, dyslexia, that they all have different brain types."
"I think because of how much those of us who are neurodivergent struggle, we kind of need these fiery, ambitious, ridiculous goals to fuel us."
"in summary, drug treatment like most of the [ __ ] on Earth doesn't cater to neurodivergence and no one cares enough to try"
"Neurotypical, uh, the idea of saying something is normal is stigmatizing to anything that is outside of that range."
"...if you live life on the spectrum like me you are not alone your brain is a gift and together we can learn how to better understand and care for the unique and many times challenging gift that we've been given..."
"Your neurodivergency matters and it's valid regardless of if you've had a diagnosis yet. You're valid. Your existence is valid."
"Life without autism would be extremely boring."
"The autistic experience of living in a world that wasn't designed for us means that a lot of us are also highly stressed and anxious."
"I encourage you guys to honor the way your brains work and the way that your systems were made to work and to begin to replace that neurotypical user manual with a neurodivergent one."
"But my prediction is that the accommodations we need to be integrated more successfully in society and to be able to thrive better are the same accommodations that neurotypical people would actually need and benefit from."
"Autism isn't something you have, it's not something that can be cured, it's not something you eradicate with enough hard work or medications or therapy. Depression, anxiety, you deal with. Autism is something you are."
"There's nothing wrong with being autistic."
"That doesn't mean autistic people can't thrive."
"Ultimately, you have now found a place in which your ADHD tendencies, the way your brain works, is to an advantage."
"There's a comorbid presentation of our ad and autism spectrum disorder. That's what it is, even though the DSM says it can't be that way."
"Trying to squash an autistic peg into a NT-shaped environment won't ever work and really hurts."
"I carried a lot of Shame for being a silly little neurodivergent person struggling to find their place in the world."
"You might be neurodivergent, with hyperfixations. Finding someone who genuinely listens to you talk about your passions is rare and precious."
"Make room for them to be as autistic as they need to be to not feel like they have to mask as much to fit in."
"I used to watch over my little brother who at the time we didn't know had Asperger's"
"ADHD is a disorder but it really exists on a continuum."
"I wouldn't be where I am today if I were neurotypical. Having a little autism helped me achieve my goals and not miss what most people thought I was missing out on."
"Neurodivergent doesn't have any negative implication at all it's a label that is actually very liberating."
"Autistic people didn't exist. You had to be social, otherwise, you were going to die."
"I think the majority of the industry is probably closeted disabled/neurodivergent, because it's just freeing, isn't it?"
"The amount of autistic people... If you have a look at literally anyone who has ever done anything cool, I can guarantee you, they're probably neurodivergent."
"I feel the same way, but instead of dissociating, I have an autistic shutdown."
"It's time really to embrace neurodiversity. The idea that brains come in many different varieties, and neurodiversity really means that brains are different but one is not better or worse than another, they're simply different."
"ADHD and autistic children are the most beautiful, loving, perfect specimens of humanity."
"Having autism, having Asperger's sounds fun, it sounds like you play by a different set of rules and no one can really do anything about it."
"The best way to understand is that autistic people have a different operating system. Some have Windows, some have Mac. The way you receive, interpret, and communicate with the world is different."
"The world expects us to just communicate in a neurotypical way and that just doesn't make sense for our brains."
"Stimming isn't just for kids. Breaking news: stimming plays a vital role in the lives of all autistic people."
"Most people, if not all people on the autistic spectrum, have some kind of sensory processing issues."
"Autism feels like it is impossible to accept sudden change of any kind."
"Autistic meltdowns they happen in public they happen by yourself they happen anywhere anytime."
"I recognize that there are some specific challenges associated with being in a marriage with someone who has a neurodivergent brain."
"There are some ideas about autism that are obviously problematic...shames autistic behavior and promotes conformity at all costs."
"You're a badass for doing what you do every day despite being neurodivergent because it's a superpower."
"I have ADHD. Try having dyslexia. It's not a competition."
"Minds that work differently are not so strange after all and everyone can learn from them."
"The term neurodiversity is increasingly being used to recognize that the core patterns of autism are not necessarily a cause of disability but can instead represent differences to be recognized or even celebrated."
"One thing I wanted to talk about now just to finish this video is autism and OCD, some people ask me how do you tell the difference between what is autism and what is OCD and what is ADHD and what is anxiety and what is suppression, and my answer is I don't and I don't care to."
"Stimming feels good to me, controls my body, is something that I do in response to a situation where I have a feeling, echolalia does not harm me, might harm your eardrums but I don't care."
"Autism isn't always nuro spicy, it's challenging."
"neurotypicals but then why are you so normal you're really normal."
"Processing a situation takes us more time and energy than it does for a neurotypical person."
"There is no ADHD brain on earth like mine, there is no autistic brain that is the same, there is no dyslexic brain that is the same, there is no brain that is the same."
"Sensitivities, neurodivergence, we see all people as people and everybody has a nervous system and it's all about growing capacity and how that person grows capacity is for them to play with and work with in trial and error with."
"I want to be a teacher but I can't because I'm autistic."
"...my sister just had a different neurobiology a different wiring in her brain."
"Being neurodiverse is definitely a gift in a lot of ways."
"You're not alone. We can learn to love the brain that we have."
"Nurturing neurodivergent children isn't about changing them but about changing us."
"Autism is not an illness or a disease, and there is no need for a cure."
"I feel like it's so necessary as a neurodivergent person and as an autistic person to be able to get out of your comfort zone in order to get stimulated in order to get inspired and experience these new things."
"Despite all the negatives that come with the neurotypical syndrome, there are a lot of important good aspects of being neurotypical."
"They are also some of the most loving individuals on the planet."
"They also have an extraordinary capability for executive functioning."
"Your brain just works differently. Nothing's wrong with us if we have ADHD. Our brain just works differently."
"Autistic spectrum disorder is neurological and developmental disorder like your brain developed differently."
"I don't feel like I've ever felt or conveyed emotions the way neurotypical people want me to."
"Challenges with executive function for autistic people and uneven productivity go hand in hand."
"Autistic people understand that, for the most part, neurotypical people do not want you to fix or solve all their problems, even if they are outright communicating those issues, problems, grievances to you."
"It's called neurodivergent, which is like you're not in the normal part of the bell curve, you're in like a weird many standard deviations on the bell curve."
"Autism is a spectrum, and all of the individuals who are diagnosed with an Autism Spectrum condition are so different from each other."
"Neurodivergent means having a brain that works differently from the average neurotypical person."
"Biodiversity is natural in the outside world; neurodiversity is natural in the human existence world."
"Autism is when your brain forms differently than other people's brains."
"I recently diagnosed myself with something else. I found out I am neurodivergent."
"It's things like autism, it's things like ADHD, it's all kinds of mental health issues, which we are seeing more and more of."
"Journaling is just another part of my neurodivergent toolkit."
"As much as possible, I want them with neurotypical peers."
"There are more opportunities today for neurodivergent children to be successful than there ever has been before."
"Neurotypicals are motivated by importance, rewards, and consequences, but ADHDers are motivated by interest, creativity, novelty, challenge, and urgency."
"Being autistic is a different way of thinking. Our brains work differently than the average human being."
"The autistic brain is wired in a way that is different from the norm."
"People on the autism spectrum and other forms of neurodiversity are here to help us to see and think and experience differently."
"This penguin is neurodivergent; he couldn't socialize in the wild."
"I'm an autistic ADHD disabled creator making content that is educational and also lifestyle content about life with neurodivergence."
"Some people say it helps them concentrate, some people say it can help with stimulation stuff for people with Asperger's and autism."
"There's nothing wrong with me or anyone who is neurodivergent."
"Regular life is more cognitively and emotionally demanding for neurodiverse people than it is for neurotypicals."
"It's important for us to accept and practice an attitude of compassion about the fact that our brain is just different and that that's fine."
"We need our own resources because our minds are different than someone that is neurotypical."
"ADHD tends to live a different sort of life; they're attracted to the world around them."
"People with ADHD are almost never lazy."
"Being neurodivergent affects pretty much every aspect of your life."
"Autistic brains are built differently."
"It's common for us to have senses that are more or less receptive than the average."
"Autistic communication is different to neurotypical communication, especially in the west."
"The way our society treats people who sense, think, and express themselves differently to the socially accepted cultural norm is nothing short of appalling."
"Together we could build a better world, a neurodiverse world where people of all neurotypes, including neurotypical people, all understand and respect each other's differences."
"Autism is a neurodevelopmental condition that impacts the communication aspect of the neurological paths and the brain."
"There's no reason to feel bad about being neurodivergent, ever."
"I believe all neurodivergent people were put on this planet for a reason."
"I'm not afraid to admit this is a neurodivergent hell, but I got to say, maybe it's that I've been beaten down by this so much."
"Neurodivergence has given people with atypical brains a generic term that they can use to describe themselves if they feel more comfortable with that."
"Neurodivergence drives innovation."
"I think it would be amazing if we could create like a society that basically accommodates different neurotypes."
"There is nobody that will work harder than somebody with a neurodivergent brain."
"It's not a moral failing, it's a neurological difference."
"We're not neurotypical, we're neuro-diverse."
"It's almost like they just are brought to tears sometimes because they can actually think clearly for the first time in their life."
"ADHD is a complex neurodevelopmental disorder primarily a disorder of behavioral control or behavioral inhibition."
"Autism isn't considered like an illness or a disease... their brain functions in a different way."
"Neurodiversity is such a blessing to society and to the collective."
"Autism... basically means, in a very easy way of saying it, your brain's different to a neurotypical person. Your brain is basically functioned in a different way completely."
"The burden of studying and adhering to neurotypical social skills should not rest entirely on the shoulders of neurodivergent people."
"They can be really good at some things that neurotypical kids or maybe just average out."
"I am grateful for the gifts that come with being neurologically different."
"It's important to spread education and acceptance for our neurodiverse community."
"My goal is acceptance and not awareness."
"This is called masking, hiding neurodiverse traits in the interest of appearing more normal."
"To be autistic, all you need is a brain that's wired differently."
"I am ADHD loner, you taught me so much about neurodivergency."
"I'm choosing to see being neurodivergent as this amazing superpower."