
Self-treatment Quotes

There are 50 quotes

"Buying myself a really expensive piece of jewelry is fine, but what I really want is just to like feel like I treated myself a little bit and see something pretty, and I can accomplish that just as well with a bunch of flowers."
"Daily self-treatment will help to prevent sickness and disease and bring your life into focus and balance quickly."
"Look at what's going on inside of you. How are you treating other people? How are you treating yourself?"
"Take yourself out on solo dates. No one is going to treat you better than you have the ability to treat yourself."
"If you're the type of person who would never swear at a child, demean a child, kick a child, bully a child into doing things faster, why would you do that to yourself?"
"Treat yourself just like you would treat everybody else. You treat everybody else the way you would want to be treated. It's all the same."
"The way you treat your neighbor tells me how you treat you."
"Being a good friend to yourself, treating yourself like you would treat your friends."
"The world will treat you exactly the way you let them treat you."
"I've been using it myself for a couple of years now, actually, and I really do notice an improvement in the thickness and density of my hair."
"You have to hold yourself to that standard yourself. Nobody's going to treat you better than you allow yourself to be treated."
"I think now it's a good excuse like you know good excuses like okay I need like to get my hair like perfect it's festive season parties we're coming back to it all you know and treat yourself for someone you love for sure."
"Everything is one. Treat your neighbors as you would treat yourself."
"How you treat yourself is the blueprint to how you show others how to treat you."
"I'm gonna do my thing, I'm not gonna hurt anybody, I'm gonna live, I'm gonna treat people like I want to be treated but I'm going to do my own thing."
"How people treat you is how you treat yourself."
"The only thing that's fair is how you treat yourself. You only have control over that."
"Treat yourself gently, be kind to yourself."
"All I know is that Jesus has said to treat thy neighbor as you would treat yourself."
"I need to be treated the way that I treat myself or better."
"The way you treat yourself inside is gonna reflect on the external."
"Something that you are taking personally over here can actually represent the way you're treating yourself over here."
"I'm very grateful that I was able to treat myself to something."
"Our yoga practice is such a reflection of how we treat ourselves off the yoga mat."
"Please do not forget to also treat yourself."
"The way you treat yourself inevitably is going to influence or even dictate the way you treat others."
"At the end of the day, love yourself first, and you will get treated with the type of treatment you deserve, not anything less than the best."
"When you learn to show up and treat yourself essentially the way you want other people to treat you, you automatically develop an expectation that other people are going to treat you that way too."
"It's about how you treat yourself."
"I think thoughts are very powerful and how we treat ourselves."
"I can't control how other people see me, how other people treat me, but I can control how I see and how I treat myself."
"Be as kind to yourself as you would want your client to be to themselves."
"I went in intentionally like I want a brand new car. I've never been able to treat myself to a brand new car."
"Smile at yourself, treat yourself the way you would treat your very best friend."
"Adversity doesn't have to define you; we may not be able to choose what happens to us, but we can choose how we treat ourselves and others."
"People are only going to treat you as serious as you treat yourself."
"I treat myself like a goddess, like a queen, like the divine entity that we all are, all the time."
"You are my neighbor, treat your neighbor as you would treat yourself."
"If I'm not treating myself well, how do I have the tools to treat other people well?"
"I'm just gonna treat myself to a lot of water, a lot of sleep."
"Start treating yourself like your best friend."
"Treat yourself how you would treat a lover or your child."
"We set the bar for other people on how we want to be treated in the way that we treat ourselves."
"It's super simple to use, very quick and easy, but literally is that spa treatment at home that I'm sure we're all craving at the moment."
"Making sure that your closet is full of clothes that you really love and feel good in is one of the best ways that you can treat yourself nice."
"People treat you the way you treat yourself."
"How you treat yourself is also how people around you will treat you."
"You're treating yourself a lot better, and that's a beautiful thing."