
Note-taking Quotes

There are 535 quotes

"When you write something down physically on paper, it actually embeds itself stronger in your memory."
"The weakest ink is stronger than the best memory."
"One thing I still do when I'm trying to study something really deeply is take handwritten notes."
"The reason why you take notes is because there's a learning curve; there's also a forgetting curve."
"Actively take notes and organize them when you're studying."
"Notes are a tool used to facilitate comprehension, memorization, and more effective future studying."
"Taking notes by hand is superior than on the computer."
"You can quickly write a note without ever turning the screen on by taking out the S Pen when the screen is off."
"If you're looking for a note-taking application for work or home projects, especially for school work, this is the perfect note-taking application."
"I really believe that the one and most important thing you can learn to do is write everything down."
"Now that we have that, what I want to do is I want to talk about adding notes and yeah, and then at that point, we're going to be pretty much done."
"The sheer amount of notes that I've had to take is staggering."
"There are these graph abilities where you can actually visualize all of your notes and all of the connections between them."
"Grab a piece of paper and a pen and start making some notes as we go through the video."
"Copying links to pages, sections, or notebooks...create hyperlinks through your notes."
"You want to take notes, make a study journal just for optimal trade entry."
"So these points, you know, write them down, highlight them. It will really help you in months and years to come."
"Writing it down makes it so much easier because you have it there easy to refer to..."
"It just kind of adds this next level of awesomeness to your notes."
"Graph paper has definitely become just my paper of choice when I'm taking notes for school."
"It's note-taking. Take notes on quotes you hear, things you learn, lessons you take away from books, articles, courses, conferences."
"Most people take notes for the short-term. But to me, when I put in that effort, to me, I was creating this lifelong treasury of knowledge."
"The Apple pencil is one of my favorite accessories... great for taking a fast note."
"This is the best tablet with a pen combination I've used in a modern Windows paper for note-taking... You have infinite pages."
"Are you making notes of what you like? That's great."
"Notion has made enough improvements... that it is now my favorite note taking application."
"BBC bite-sized... very basic notes but still notes nonetheless."
"I still have like a page and a half of notes and I've been filming for 30 minutes."
"Every idea that we have ends up on a post-it note in one form or another."
"I never used line paper underneath but I will always have in my hand when I'm making notes a ruler."
"When you're writing out notes and you're trying to pull from lots of different resources it can take some time."
"Have a notebook section to jot down different notes and organize your thoughts."
"Cornell note taking method is a dream come true for all the people who love to organize things."
"People who get ahead, they write things down."
"Notes aren't useful unless you use some sort of method to commit them to memory."
"Most of what we consider notetaking and information management these days will disappear. I'm talking organizing your notes gone, formatting your notes no more."
"I just love to have one of these with me in case I got to take notes or something."
"For those who are artists or who spend a lot of time taking notes... the most natural paper on pen-like experience."
"I'm a big advocate of both handwriting as well as typing your notes."
"Write down all the takeaway points and lessons from the books you read."
"I love notes, takes me back to my younger days." - Jamie
"I love writing down my notes. Writing stuff out definitely helps versus typing notes out."
"GoodNotes: the app feels and works just right."
"My notes are just an endless scroll that just keeps going and going."
"How to take good notes... Handwritten notes only... writing forces you to slow down. Notes should equal what you understand."
"The goal is that whenever you come back to note and you do touch it you have to see it again make it better leave it better than how it was."
"It’s important to remember that, amongst the movies, TV shows, and piles of plastic crap, Pokémon is, at its core, a game franchise."
"Those students who have the best math notes almost always have the best math grades."
"And I love that little map that you have that you can write down notes and be like you try to get clues from all these different pieces of the story."
"They're absolutely gorgeous, so I have some notes written on my phone of basically the last week, what happened."
"You know that's not really a terrible idea write that down."
"Listen to what people are saying, take diligent notes."
"Winning a queen is good if you're taking notes."
"Take copious notes because it's going to be the difference between you remaining amongst the clutter and you ascending into new places of influence and affluence."
"It's actually very fast, I've used this in class especially to take notes."
"You have a better memory for information when you take notes by hand than by keyboard."
"I'm a busy secretary, see I took up notes."
"Take notes on patterns you see repeatedly... the whole point of technical analysis is to notice patterns over time."
"These thoughts are fleeting, so it's very important that when somebody comes up as an idea, you can very accessibly and very quickly jot it down."
"I have no idea what kind of notes to take, so I just draw in it."
"Write down everything when someone is giving you a briefing or a task."
"Note-taking feels so much more natural; you can type things out super fast if needed but still quickly switch to drawing diagrams or sketches."
"...much more of a scrapbook-like quality."
"Take notes when you're active in your learning, it helps so much more in retaining information."
"So having those notes is important, keep a record."
"Such a cool gift if you're like a note-taker at night."
"Absolutely fantastic... one of the best devices out there for note taking."
"I have used it enough to feel comfortable that there's nothing about the note-taking and reading functionality that is such a problem that impacts my ability to use it the way that I want to use it."
"The Scribe is the only Kindle where you can read books on it like normal but you can also take notes on those books with a Kindle scribe stylus."
"Note takers are the money makers. Hustlers take notes."
"For our note, we want the following: we want to have a title."
"Write it down, put it in your notebook, put it in your own words."
"Mark up your text. It will help you remember in the moment and it will help you remember this information and these concepts when you go back to read it a second, third, fourth, fifth time."
"I hope seeing this note-taking session has helped you better visualize maybe what to do with the readings that you're doing so that you can use them later."
"Happy learning, everybody! Happy note-taking!"
"Plumb lines, people. Write that down, plumb line, super important."
"OneNote is a free note-taking app. I like to think of it as a three-ring binder, one where you can keep your thoughts, notes, and documents organized, and easily share and collaborate with others."
"Folders are the best way of organizing notes."
"Can you imagine discovering the best note-taking app in the world and not having that? Well, unfortunately, that's 99% of the cases, and I can't even imagine myself ever going back."
"Fireflies is an AI-powered note maker that can transcribe, summarize, and analyze meetings."
"Starting a new note and typing away is easy as any other. However, when you start digging in, it starts revealing its powers."
"If you're an ENJ and you're not taking notes already, what are you doing?"
"Stick to paper for the most part, not only are you learning ballistics better, but when you write that stuff down in a Data Book, batteries don't go dead on a data book."
"The biggest telling point of the Kobo Sage is those note-taking features I mentioned a little while ago. You can actually take notes in the margins of your books while you're reading with the stylus or even use Virtual notebooks to write whatever you want on the Kobo Sage."
"I loved taking my paper notes, I loved writing out as much as I could. It helped me retain my information."
"Get your pen and paper guys because this is definitely one you're going to want to write down."
"The trick is, if you do need to look at your notes, put body movement into it."
"I see notetaking as my personal superpower. It's how I stay organized and it's how I'm able to add so much detail to my videos."
"Sometimes I'll take notes on these."
"You can't add additional templates in Notability."
"Something to note and on that note I'll see you guys soon with a new one."
"Note-taking is focus. The better you focus, the better you're going to learn."
"Paul's a little bit more successful. He writes it down, and also you don't have to follow the law."
"Brothers, get a pen, take some good notes."
"And that includes both standby drain as well as my note-taking drain. So, the 13.5% is not what most people will experience, but if you did continuously take notes and you were an intensive note-taker, then that could you would approach this number."
"Syncing Obsidian 101: Since Obsidian is based on simple markdown files, syncing Obsidian for free between PC and a notebook is fairly easy."
"Write that down. Write that down."
"Supernote feels like it's optimized for long notebooks things that you write in daily and evolve over time."
"It's just really nice to have a specific area in your note-taking system to see those voice notes."
"So, if you're reading for comprehension, then you need to be doing so with a pen in your hand. You should take notes right there in the margins to promote active reading and to help you digest the content from the author."
"A note is atomic if when I go through that note actively searching for ways to reduce it I can't."
"That's all I have for you today. I hope you thought of some ways that you can make your notes more effective for your purposes, and I will see you in another video soon! Bye everybody!"
"This is the best note-taking system that I have actually come across."
"Linking your thinking by linking your notes is the funnest and fastest way to learn and remember as well as to develop ideas and create inspired work."
"Sequential note-taking... the polar opposite of first principles thinking."
"If you have notes like this, then you have such a huge advantage when it comes to how you collect knowledge and organize knowledge."
"The Zettelkasten is the smartest way to take notes."
"So anything that you select gets highlighted right there on the page... and you can export only the highlights directly to your digital notes app."
"Being able to take notes in this way is actually life-changing."
"The key idea behind zettelkasten is that you don't impose an artificial structure on the system."
"You are going to be a note-taking wizard so powerful even Gandalf would be scared."
"Now you know how to create mocks, but you might still be confused on how to grow and connect notes together to create mocks out of them."
"This is a place where you probably still want to remember to use a pen because you actually want them to see you writing down their words."
"GoodNotes is a powerhouse for note-takers everywhere."
"If you're looking for a note-taking app that lets you really get creative with your notes, Penbook might be the right choice for you."
"It helps me to go back to the notes later and helps me understand the article."
"It's okay to take notes. It's okay to not remember everything. Don't put that burden on yourself."
"It's really made to be a note-taking program with free-form information gathering."
"Let me just make a little note of this."
"Make a note, get a piece of paper."
"One of the things that I've just been blown away by is the speed of this it's super fast super performant and I don't think I'm ever going to go back to notion because it is so fast to take notes in this app."
"OneNote has been the go-to for millions of people for their digital note taking."
"This is a very, very informative video. Get your pen, get your paper, take notes."
"Someday something's going to happen in your life, and you'll say, 'Oh, Benny Hinn talked about that!' So make sure to write it down."
"Keep some a little notebook at your bench."
"Write it down, in the corner of your notebook, on your iPhone."
"...the point with capturing notes is that I want to get into the habit of capturing and if I feel the friction of 'oh maybe this is not atomic enough, I'm not doing it properly,' then I will be less likely to capture notes as a habit."
"Note-taking systems should force you to think and actually use that thing inside your head that you know we can use to think."
"Zettelkasten enables efficient retrieval of information because you have helped your mind by locating information on notes."
"You want to take copious good notes because you won't use some of it for a while and you'll forget it, and there'll be a point where I need it and you'll want to come back to your notes."
"Completely changed the way that I think about note-taking."
"...each time that you're going through the process of creating your own notes you're engaging with the material actively."
"GoodNotes has proper page rotation that rotates your ink along with your pages."
"Notability has one of the simplest active recall features you can get in a note-taking app."
"It's always a treat when one of our favorites, Ben Stewart, brings us God's Word. You're gonna want to take some notes on this one, so get out your pencil and your little note sheet."
"You can also create hyperlinks in GoodNotes that link to pages within the same notebook."
"Digital planners are interactive PDFs created for use in note-taking apps like GoodNotes, Notability, and more."
"If you don't have these and you're always finding yourself taking notes in your Bible, and you're like, 'Oh, I really want to remember that,'"
"That was a cannon moment, so write that down, guys."
"I narrowed it down to what I think is one of the most important things in note-taking which is the power of selectivity."
"So I want you to be incredibly selective."
"I want to see what your notes look like."
"It's one thing to listen to something it's another thing to write it down."
"I love notebooks that have that side outline and then have the notes. It's just my favorite way to take notes."
"So I can grab my pen any color pen and actually say you know change this whatever it may be but this allows me to keep everything together with my notes in one note on the one page."
"Physical note taking is always much better for your long-term memory than typing things onto a device."
"Writing information down not only allows us to refer to it later but the act of writing helps us process information better."
"Current brain research is showing that concurrent detailed note taking while learning often enhances learning."
"Actual output of trying to grab every word and spell it correctly interferes with deep processing or deep thinking."
"He probably because he walks around with a pen and pencil and writes down everything everyone tells him."
"Keep a notebook and pencil by you when you read."
"You really can do note taking with any application you really don't need a full notion database you don't need a bunch of tools to get everything to go into one place if you don't want to you can literally just use paper I promise."
"Seriously, I cannot make head or tail of this. And my notes are like this."
"...this is the video for you. I'll show you as a beginner how to get started with obsidian immediately and any of the core functions that you need to know so that you can make note-taking so easier and take all this in your head and onto your second brain."
"A note should be an atomic unit of thought."
"Treat these markdown files as atoms of thought."
"Because think of atomic notes, a single note is a specific unit of thought so that single note is probably going to have a very descriptive title to make it easy to search but also so I can reference it inline in text."
"There is a lot to like about Notability."
"I have been taking notes and planning on iPad every day for years."
"Always always make a note, write it down whatever you have to do always apply your scale."
"I've sized everything quick note about the manual field."
"Front of the note, which you may want or you may not want, but it's nice to have the option."
"We're going to show you how you can take your digital notes, your handwritten notes, your typed notes, any of those markups that you've done, and take them wherever you want to go across all those devices."
"When it comes to note-taking, I lean towards extreme simplicity. Friction is an important concept when we're talking about work. Friction describes the extra effort, time, or complexity that surrounds the actual task you're trying to accomplish."
"Another problem with elaborate systems is that they often aim to take everything out of your brain. I actually think when it comes to the big things in your life, keeping some of this in your brain is not a bad thing."
"The method I use for taking notes on books, I call it the corner marking method. It is as low friction as you can possibly make note-taking on books while still actually being useful."
"So far, I've been doing this for a couple of months now as a replacement for my stack of random notebooks. It has been successful and I think I'm probably capturing more notes than I otherwise would, and I love the experience of using it."
"Write this down because this is exactly what you need to focus on."
"Make sure you're listening, you're watching, you're writing things down on that little cheat sheet to help you take some notes."
"When you see certain things happen, when you see action you need to take notes."
"Mark in your mind or in your notes: you should be taking notes, everybody should take notes. That's how you remember things."
"Wouldn't it be great if this was synthesized into real-time notes? Well, that's exactly what Limitless offers."
"It's really important to write that down."
"Your brain does something special when you take notes by hand."
"Just jotting down some notes is important. I know I give a lot of information in these, it's a lot, um. So I think just being able to jot those down is... and I do a blog recap."
"This is the kind of book that makes you take a lot of notes"
"Note taking is not related to road learning."
"When you take your notes, everything goes out like that, that's a big deal, that's a really big deal."
"Less words on the page is a big deal if you're a note taker."
"Obsidian has some really cool features that I think are worth using that basically no other note-taking app has."
"So, what he recommended that academic made this, was these three locations for notes. First, we have the slip box. And the slip box is for long-term notes and ideas. Each note is a single idea and each note is given a unique identifier, which can then be expanded."
"There's a fine line between taking good notes and simply scrolling down every command."
"That's another potential, I need to write this down somewhere."
"In a way, you're challenging your knowledge and understanding whilst curating your long-term notes."
"Everything is highlighted like a bad student taking notes, who don't understand, you can only highlight the important messages, otherwise you won't get it, my man."
"Take lots of notes as you listen to this voiceover PowerPoint."
"Not Shelf 3 is a great note taking app with a lot to offer."
"I absolutely love it. It's completely changed the way that I take my notes, that I organize everything to do with my university life, and I couldn't say more positive things about it."
"100 bills weighs 28 pounds wow I'm gonna write that down for a book."
"...taking those notes as we go, vital, vital, vital."
"I got this so I don't have to keep writing in my notes on my phone. I used to write so much, y'all."
"He's gonna be on the phone kara write it down hail you're an [ __ ]."
"If you're in school, it's so much easier to download the professor's powerpoints and then you just use your pen and you just write on top of them."
"This is a waterproof notebook that I have right here so I can write down whatever measurements."
"If you want excellent grades in mathematics you need to learn how to take excellent math notes."
"I wrote down two words on my notepad: ethical and discrete."
"Make notes on a scratch piece of paper for margins regarding vocabulary words, key concepts, as well as comments."
"When it comes to note-taking there's two different fronts that you want to tackle: techniques and symbols."
"Symbols for note-taking should be based on meaning."
"...good note-taking habits will help you in several ways."