
Multitasking Quotes

There are 2142 quotes

"We live in such an age of distraction... We don't set aside time when we're not multitasking."
"We're not wired for multitasking; what we're wired for is focus, and that's really our superpower."
"The amount of time that it took me to do this stuff today while also trying to babysit Leo really slowed me down, but I'm glad that it's finally done."
"The real focus today is multitasking and teamwork."
"Work at Nassau... Justin part-time works at Nasa, the other part of the time he works at Tesla, and the other part of the time he works at KFC."
"Streaming is really distracting. Talking all the time, being on camera, reading chat constantly, playing the video game, thinking about what I'm saying—it's hard to do."
"It's like basically dividing my brain into like a pizza, and I only have one or two slices to give the game."
"Streaming is a huge distraction. Imagine... it's like basically playing a video game in a room where there's a party and there's also multiple crying babies in the room at the same time."
"It's sort of like spinning two plates at once, and therefore it's going to feel like effort."
"Never underestimate the power of your subconscious mind; it can do a trillion things at once."
"It is actually impossible to read something carefully and to listen to something carefully at the same time."
"We know a lot of people are juggling work and home life these days, so being able to multitask has become essential."
"And now we're letting you run up to three apps simultaneously. This means while drawing or taking notes, you can watch videos on YouTube, chat with friends, all at the same time."
"Don't let them distract you; you can do both things at the same time."
"We're also making it easier to get started with new multitasking experiences... introducing Snap Layouts."
"You might be balancing a lot of things right now and they're like, 'Oh wow, look, they can handle their stuff.'"
"There's something even more compelling about a dutiful servant who will do anything you ask for them without complaint and devote their entire life for you, but they can also take on a squad of a dozen ninjas while simultaneously preparing a cup of tea and scheduling your day for you."
"If you're using half your concentration to look normal, then you're only half paying attention to whatever else you're doing."
"People put two screens side by side, their brain lights up differently. It's less stressful to do it that way."
"Multitasking is a myth... What's actually happening in the brain is sequential tasking."
"If I'm not on my phone, I'm on my computer. If I'm not on my computer, I'm watching TV. Sometimes I'm doing all three at once."
"Real quickly here, but it can be real hard to work one job while simultaneously building another, and one of the best ways to help you achieve your goals is through journaling."
"Multitasking is a myth. It's actually task switching."
"Assassin's Creed Brotherhood is my favorite Assassin's Creed game... it spins so many plates at once and somehow none of them fall."
"I've always, with the best intentions, tried to show people that like, I'm not complaining, I'm doing the work that I love, and I can do multiple things."
"The myth of multitasking is exactly that. It is a myth."
"Multitasking Queen: filming and doing laundry like so many satisfying endings to problems we have, the solution lies in the system we put in place."
"The secret to multitasking is that it isn't actually multitasking. It's just extreme focus and organization."
"Embrace the art of slow-motion multitasking. Not because you're in a hurry, but because you're in no hurry at all."
"The modern world seems to present us with a choice... We can make multitasking work for us, unleashing our natural creativity. We just need to slow it down."
"Multitasking on the Galaxy S9... you can have two applications open at the same time."
"This SGDQ has been awesome so far. I have a lot to do, but having the stream in the background makes it easier since we are saving lives, let's also save those frames."
"This is where Serral really shines... finding a way to be doing multiple useful things at once."
"Of course, where this new 16-core processor really shines is for those who want to work and play, and right now there is no better option for tackling both of those tasks."
"For me personally, I use my machine for more than gaming, so I'd pick the 3600."
"I'm jealous of the people that can game while working out."
"Life can become very simple when we recognize we can only do one thing at a time."
"Being able to get last hits while harassing your opponents is really good."
"You're watching the recording of the recording of the recording... if you wanted to show both your screens at the same time."
"You can run Windows with full fat Windows in a virtual machine with a real graphics card and play games but also do your important stuff in Linux."
"We ought to be able to walk and chew gum at the same time. We ought to be able to safely open, but we need resources to open. You need to be in a position where you can take testing rapidly and know whether a person is in fact infected."
"At max level you can search two things at once, really cool skill to have at max level."
"Remove everything that's distracting you... you can't be editing a video, talk on the phone, and check Instagram all at the same time."
"I often look at the digital books while I'm at lunch at work."
"How do I find time to balance everything, be a mom, work, do things for yourself? It's really really hard honestly."
"Stop multitasking, focus on one topic at a time."
"By all means, play a game or something, just put us on in the background, but trust me, you're gonna want to hear what we have to say."
"I think Abby thought, hey, I'll kill two birds with one stone."
"Starting a business from literally nothing as an influencer, you are your own legal team, finance team, creative photographer, editor, director."
"Dodged the bomb, dodged the red... got the double trick simultaneously."
"A business analyst is a multi-tasker responsible for generating ideas, developing them, and then implementing them to reach their goals."
"There's no Silver Bullet on the climate side, there's just a lot of things that we have to do at once."
"I listen to audiobooks all the time when I'm driving, doing laundry, cleaning up around the house."
"Keep your eye on the ball while you're flying."
"Every day is busy for me, some more than others, some less than others. Today is probably top-tier busy, so why not add more to this problem by filming."
"It's heartwarming and entertaining, and I got a lot of laundry done while listening to this book."
"Some people just want a little bit of trash to be pressing buttons on while they're watching something else on television."
"Women have been doing the work. We have balanced and juggled different balls all the time. But, we will, what we do know is how to get things done."
"Being able to control the movements of the attachment with the same hand and lever that you're controlling the forward progress of the machine makes for efficient operation."
"Productivity actually being boosted by having more projects to work on because then you can alternate between one thing and the other."
"A new system navigation makes Android's multitasking more approachable."
"It's easier when you play at home... you fold your hand and you just do, you're probably playing other games too."
"So if you hear football in the background, my son is studying and watching football."
"She's a realtor and she's a chemical engineer."
"With short 10-minute lessons, I love being able to complete them in between TV shows that I'm watching or often while I'm walking the dog."
"If you've been spreading yourself too thin or telling yourself you're simply multitasking, which I don't believe is a thing."
"People are capable of holding more than one thought in their head at the same time."
"You can bid on cards while casually doing something else and get insane deals."
"It is such a lovely thing to have a task that's so busies your hands while your mind is free to roam."
"Multitasking is one of the single most prevalent and prominent causes of unhappiness in our society."
"Video games require your total undivided attention you can't multitask."
"He goes out there and he's playing five different games within just the one game."
"Listening to audiobooks while cleaning has a twofold purpose of educating myself or entertaining myself depending on the type of book."
"Don't be a donkey... You can't do everything at the same time."
"I'm maintaining QHD ultra-wide while live-streaming."
"Working at a startup requires you to wear multiple hats."
"Async IO is all about doing other things while waiting on input/output delays."
"You actually know how to multitask better than anybody I've ever met."
"You can absolutely run multiple monitors with this card."
"Omg I love listening to this when I'm working and doing stuff around the house, highly recommend."
"Multitasking isn't necessarily a thing, it's just the ability to quickly balance between things."
"Utilize multi-window function for multitasking between apps."
"It's so rewarding to be productive in real life and in game too."
"My brain is an internet browser with 108 tabs open."
"Notability's multi-document view lets you multitask and get more done faster."
"When we switch between the things that we're working on or multitask, we're just giving in to distractions."
"It's kind of fun too heroic throw and fire off a rocket at somebody at the same time."
"Never get so focused on one single thing that you miss what's happening around you."
"This is about our self-trust and this is about where we feel like we have to wear every hat."
"Life does not happen when we are focusing on one thing."
"I can combine all of these and focus on everything."
"They are showing you, 'I know my content so well that I can speak to you on two different tracks.'"
"If anyone proves you can do anything and multiply it kind of next to each other simultaneously it's Elon, right?"
"Fast forward to like where you are now, I mean starting a business as hard as it is, but you are juggling your businesses, you're juggling your makeup career, your YouTube, your music career."
"As a nation, we can walk and chew gum simultaneously, and to assert otherwise is nonsense."
"I never thought that it would look like this, I mean a bookshelf is phenomenal, there's three televisions I can watch all the football games and basketball."
"Just brush your teeth first and then tell us the story. Why do we need to multitask?"
"Your ass has figured out how to raise children, have a career, retire, and manage lymphedema all in this time."
"Watch your favorite Apple TV show while multitasking on your iPhone."
"Child care, animal care, personal assistant duties, security, and transportation."
"Diagnose car issues with Zion in the background."
"The difference is like you step away from a sound check or you know you go on a long walk or you're in the grocery store or you go to a coffee shop and you just knock them all out."
"We've got the blue ball, I got the mod and have put split my computer in that two monitors."
"I treated walking and talking as two separate things, one at a time."
"I appreciate that, but you know, I'm busy doing other things, building up skill sets. Diversify, that's the truth to life."
"Your brain works better when it's unitasking."
"Your brain can handle only one thing at a time."
"Manipulate multiple objects at once with multi-select."
"As long as I'm enjoying it and helping, I can do both YouTube and work a full-time job."
"I get pulled in a hundred different directions each day at the studio."
"You're fighting against the moderator and you're fighting against... You have two people talking to you at one time."
"It's really hard to do, skating all the events, and you know, I've done it... It really helps when you're focused, you know?"
"We're constantly fragmenting our limited attentional focus with both external and internal distractions and multiple tasks."
"I'm doing the art, music, and the programming and the design and everything and I'm having a blast."
"Receive phone notifications without leaving VR."
"Those who built on the wall... worked at construction and with the other held a weapon."
"Every encounter turns into a juggling act, requiring precision and multitasking."
"I find sheet masks so easy with my lifestyle, especially if I'm reading a book or watching Netflix."
"People can focus on two problems simultaneously all the while realizing that one is more severe than the other while still disavowing and despising both."
"You've got to walk and chew gum at the same time."
"If you have some kind of means of expanding people's capacity to focus attention on multiple things... especially for a soldier I think it is very promising."
"You're dealing with a thousand issues... everything from the Ukraine to the budget to inflation."
"Stop multitasking... Every single time you switch from one task to another, you have to regain your focus and flow."
"I'm fired up. February 25th, during the open, today, yeah, I'm gonna do the open workout and then I'm gonna get married, it's gonna be great."
"One of the biggest features of Samsung phones is multitasking."
"You can still perform them on your iPhone with three fingers just like you can on the iPad."
"That's success. That is success. Multiple hats is the success."
"With Audible, your eyes and hands are free to continue about accomplishing your daily tasks whilst the content of a book pretty much downloads right into your brain, which is honestly just really cool."
"You don't need to do all three at the same time."
"We've gotta upgrade our software. We're smart enough to do two things at one time. We can do civil rights and civil rights well." - John Hope Bryant
"I'm really good at multitasking, actually I'm pretty bad at single tasking."
"Quick resume is sweet, saves the state of multiple games so that players can jump around like on their phones."
"A new thing that I've actually started doing is meditating and working out at the same time."
"Quick donations, as you're doing a little bit of backtracking here."
"I often found myself going back to base building farms and other infrastructure during pitched battles."
"Audible makes it so convenient for me to consume different audiobooks that I need for my research while doing other daily tasks like going to the gym or folding laundry or just driving in the car."
"Apologies if you can hear the washing machine as well but um I do have to have clean clothes."
"Money that's working for you even as you sleep... that's the only true way to become wealthy."
"I'm an adult entertainer, it just so happens I'm a TV star and a rapper."
"Work two jobs that have downtime, like an overnight security guard and remote jobs at the same time." - Garrett
"As you can see it's integrated directly into my Google Chat so I don't have to context switch while I'm figuring all the stuff out."
"The iPad Pro is the single best way to do split-screen multitasking."
"I think I've told this story on one of the pods but I literally had a sleeping west in my arms and interviewed someone for Second Try with him asleep in my arms."
"The RAM allows you to open more applications and load more samples into your sampler."
"I like the idea of being able to progress a character on an account while waiting in line at the bank and then go home to my PC."
"Your brain is powerful. Whatever you're doing with it when you're doing something else is what you remember."
"You can basically have a game playing on one side while you browse through a Twitter feed."
"Anyway, I think there you go, it goes to show you can have eight club gatherings of people painting at the same time active at the same time."
"I do a while watching TV so I'll put on a mask with the oil I'll just watch my shows and it's also helping get all the product in so it's a win-win."
"It's literally like a massage I do a while watching TV so I'll put on a mask with the oil I'll just watch my shows and it's also helping get all the product in so it's a win-win."
"Gibson was the producer, the director, and the screenwriter of the movie."
"I think you can hold the two things in your head at one time."
"I killed the ender dragon, the wither, and the warden all at the same time. That is insane!"
"Picture in picture is the most effective and easiest way to watch a video and work at the same time."
"It's the absolute best setup for recording and gaming on a single PC."
"If you're a heavy-duty multitasker, looks like the MacBook Pro has most of your needs met."
"You do everything when you're small - recruiting, promoting, selling, driving."
"So you can kind of like do things on the run."
"I'm the boss, I'm the manager, I'm the payroll person, I'm the janitor, I'm everything."
"You gotta have a buying strategy and a switching strategy and an old and a stable coin investment strategy and increase your token farming strategy all at once."
"You can actually do two of my favorite things."
"Trying to hold your life together, trying to balance a social life, balance your spiritual, your faith life, balance your work life and then also just try to just like be present in the moment."
"Multitasking increases errors, takes more time, and raises stress levels."
"People prefer mono-tasking, but our world demands polychronic attention."
"It's amazing you can just browse the web, check emails, play games, and most importantly, you can run top-of-the-line design software."
"We killed two birds with one stone that day."
"It's really just for listening to things whilst also being aware of other things."
"I honestly think there's no problem with enjoying your games how you like, especially if you're trying to commentate over them at the same time."
"I believe in trading while you have a job and that's how you learn and that's how you earn at the same time."
"You gotta have a bunch of memories at once so you can remember a bunch of things at the same time."
"Bring snacks like and a bathroom and maybe your laundry to fold."
"It's some serious level of multitasking, keeping tabs on a variety of things without opening and closing as many windows as frequently."
"Snap layout is just a more efficient way to work with multiple windows on your screen."
"My current PC is pretty much my catch-all PC. I game on it, I stream on Twitch, I edit video, I do a lot of work, you know, duties on there."
"It's nice to have, especially if you're doing weight training, it's nice to have it if you want to put your movies app on one side."
"You looked as if you were juggling, as if you were multitasking, being present with others while focusing on something within yourself."
"Solo streaming is just always hard, you know, it's like you got to focus on the game and the chat and like those are two extremely different things."
"I really want the window-snapping and the ability to set up multiple applications in a Windows windows way."
"Definitely have something with you all the time if you're watching a Korean drama or listening to a song you can translate anytime you want."
"How hard is it really to have a career and be a single parent to seven children?"
"The people of her homeworld Zenith are known for their talent of multitasking."
"Audible transforms chores into enjoyable and meaningful experiences."
"So many front lines just opened up. Frightening that I'm able to fight on this many different fronts."
"I enjoy listening to while I'm drawing or doing other things."
"The ability to mentally transfer between all of these different tasks... that doesn't come natural and that is trained into people."
"I struggled... I was trying to blog in one arm and falling asleep all like doing the same time."
"I can write so well with my right foot that to save time writing Christmas cards cards simultaneously write one card with my hand with my foot."
"It's not that he can't do it, it's that he can do it and he can do this too and this too and this too."
"There's too many things to think of at once."
"Women have the ability to multitask, that is not a myth."
"I love Audible. Audible is so easy. You can literally just have your phone out, turn it on. I like to hook my phone up to my speaker and just play an audiobook while I'm cleaning."
"Multi-food cooking: faster cooking, efficiency in the kitchen."
"It's called quick resume multitasking." - Ryan
"I'm a costume designer and maker. Can relate to the multiple projects."
"The biggest thing to managing so many things is time management."
"So many balls in the air and just hope you don't drop one."
"Don't throw all of your energy into like your big passion project, have something on the side because I think it's hard, it's harder to divorce your self-worth from what you're working on when you don't have like more than one iron in the fire."
"But when you try to do everything, you end up doing nothing."
"I like to study chess and listen to the rock and roll in the background."
"I'm not multitasking, I'm just working on something else while I remember what I was working on in the first place."