
Bitterness Quotes

There are 200 quotes

"Holding on to bitterness and resentment is like drinking rat poison and hoping that the other person dies."
"Holding onto bitterness is like taking rat poison and waiting for the rat to die."
"Cynicism and bitterness are not your friend."
"I get that they're a little bit bitter. I gotta be real with you."
"Turn your pain over to Jesus. Don't feel it and grow bitter from it."
"The world is a harsh place, and it's very difficult for people not to be resentful and bitter, often for good reason."
"Let us not lose this opportunity with bitterness or complaining."
"Bitterness only consumes the vessel that contains it."
"You can't suffer pointlessly without becoming bitter, and you can't become bitter without becoming cruel."
"Life is difficult and it's tainted by malevolence and it's cast in tragedy and you need something to offset that because it otherwise it embitters you, and if you are embittered then you become vengeful and cruel inevitably."
"Life is hard. It's tainted by malevolence and betrayal that can make you bitter. You need a meaning to offset that."
"I always will have a little bitterness to people who, in my eyes, I feel like kind of left me with no closure."
"At what point does a person become rehabilitated and now everything after that is just bitterness?"
"Overcome bitterness by remembering four magnificent truths."
"I'm bitter because of the imbalance in how people are paid."
"Truth is seldom sweet; it is almost invariably bitter."
"You gotta be a bitter [expletive] to say, 'Oh, you must be going broke.'"
"Do you like tea? Sometimes tea is bitter, like the truths that are coming out on this test."
"Hate bitterness, they're just wasted emotions, they just eat you up and it hurts and you suffer."
"The alternative is ending up bitter and alone."
"The pie was warmer than my past wife's heart."
"They feel slightly bitter about what's happened."
"Forgive to overcome bitterness and gain freedom."
"It's okay to be bitter about stuff. You have to eventually work through it and get over it."
"Watch out that no poisonous root of bitterness grows up."
"People may not think that my game is that great... they're just bitter."
"It's like you're drinking poison and hoping the other person dies."
"I feel like there's a little bit of bitterness there."
"Bitterness is like drinking poison hoping it will have an effect on the other person and it's the opposite, it destroys the internal world of an individual."
"The two scariest people I ever met, their issue was actually bitterness. They both actually ended up in prison for life for murder because bitterness is murder in diapers."
"The truth is bitter so that it has no alternatives."
"I thought we were gonna lose, and I was prepared to accept the result. I would have joined the 'remain and reform' position. But that's not what went for, so [ __ ] all the remains can just shut their [ __ ] mouths."
"The nice guy will begin to become bitter or hostile when their romantic interests chooses someone else."
"It was the beginning of the end, an end so bitter, so bloody."
"Bitterness and the belief that one can easily predict the future are highly correlated."
"You ain't gonna get nowhere in your life if you sit there with bitterness and pray for people's downfall."
"Unforgiveness is the poison we drink, hoping the other person will get sick and it doesn't work."
"If you're never going to forgive him then you're the one taking the poison pill hoping he's gonna die or he's gonna be affected."
"The mantra for her is that 'males lost access to my heart decades ago; they can't die fast enough for me.'"
"Most people are bitter and most people are weirded out."
"She buries them under a mountain of anger and bitterness whenever someone disagrees with her."
"Beatrice can be seen as a passive-aggressive, neglectful, bitter, verbally, and sickly abusive mother."
"IPA means India Pale Ale, it usually has some real hop aroma and at least reasonable bitterness."
"Resentment is like drinking poison and hoping it kills your enemies."
"There's no moving on, I'm just going to be stuck in a bitter world."
"I hope you die before me... but I pray to God you have a massive stroking and choke on your tongue."
"The bitterness makes it all the more cathartic and satisfying."
"It's like salting the ashes so that nothing grows there ever again."
"You cannot receive a miracle with bitterness inside of your heart."
"Bitterness is the subject of this evening's talking points memo."
"They're just very bitter towards the other person, not able to let go of the rage and the anger."
"Life is so difficult and challenging that unless you give it everything you have, the chances are very high that it will embitter you."
"Bitterness opens the door to demonic activity."
"Women, it is a bitter thing to be a woman."
"I do not allow the poison of unforgiveness to get seared into my heart because it's not worth it."
"If I don't forgive, the root of bitterness will get into my life and defile the whole testimony of God inside of me."
"It's just too many bitter people on the internet that are just pissed off with their own lives; they want to come and project it on you."
"There is a certain kind of vitriol that spews out of people who feel like they have been rejected, who feel like they have been left on the outside."
"Bitterness gets into them and it gets into their kids."
"The Lord led me amongst the lepers and what before was bitter, he made sweet."
"If you can accept that voluntarily, regardless of its intensity, then you won't become embittered and resentful."
"As soon as you treat it competitively and get bitter about it, then that's not funny."
"Unforgiveness is like drinking poison and expecting it to kill the other person."
"Justice was served but the whole ordeal still left me with a sour taste."
"Anger is a resource but can turn into bitterness and resentment if it stays around too long."
"Bitterness is a waste of time. It's a waste of energy. It's a waste of brain cells. It's a waste of blood pressure."
"All because she would not get bitter. She would not let a bitter person make her bitter."
"Quit living in the past, quit bringing up junk. Quit talking about how forget it. You'll stay bitter the rest of your life. Move on, get on with it."
"I was worried that since I got a double shot it would be bitter, but it's actually not bitter at all, it's very smooth."
"We have a choice: we can get bitter or we can get better."
"Forgiveness is letting go of the past, letting go of anger. I cannot be bitter anymore in my life."
"The person you are holding bitterness against is the key to your freedom."
"If you're going to deal with the root of bitterness, if you're going to deal with somewhere in our hearts, that the root of it, you have to first acknowledge it."
"All men kill the thing they love. Some do it with a bitter look, some with a flattering word or a court-sized perfume bottle. Less romantic but just as practical."
"I want to take back every nice word I ever said about you. I want to scribble out every love poem I ever wrote."
"If you have a single root of bitterness, a single thought of Revenge, a single Grudge, any Envy, any jealousy toward husband or wife, God help you."
"Forget the past. Forget the bitterness."
"I'm sure I sound angry and bitter but that's because I am."
"Bitterness, offense, jealousy, envy—all carry the appearance of wisdom but do not bear the fruit of peace or righteous living."
"Don't let my life be characterized by bitterness or regret over the things that I didn't do."
"Your life is precious. Don't waste your time in bitterness."
"We all have things that we could be bitter about in life, right? I just choose not to waste my time in that way."
"That bitterness was blocking my blessing."
"Live and learn, you know? Forgive and forget. But I feel like once you're that bitter at that age, you just stay bitter."
"You have a choice. You can choose to stay stuck and bitter or you can do yourself a favor by willingly forgiving the past and let it go."
"Bitterness and D&D don't go hand in hand and it's best to keep those things separate."
"Don't let bitter saltiness in your voice like it's a saltine cracker."
"If the Negro succumbs to the temptation of using violence, unborn generations will be the recipients of a long and desolate night of bitterness."
"The bitterness of today's political arguments is related to the fact that politics can do little to assuage many of today's grievances."
"An argument is gonna get bitter the moment that two people are convinced it's a stupid thing to have an argument about."
"Revenge is the poison you swallow hoping the other person will die."
"This man willingly chose a life of hatred, paranoia, and isolation. He's a bitter with a huge God complex who wasted his entire life because of a delusional need to prove that it was all worth it."
"Forgiveness liberates yourself from the weight of bitterness and fury."
"You just want your heart, and He doesn't want a bitter heart."
"They see you as an inspiration, but they're bitter."
"Revenge is not sweet; it is a bitter pill, and that pill is erosive. It eats away at your soul."
"Revenge is a bitter pill. It eats away at your soul."
"Life is too short for a man to hold bitterness in his heart."
"Don't carry around the burden of bitterness."
"This is the only one I've ever can remember that lasted this long and was this bitter and was never even remotely close."
"It's like you just look bitter that you're not young and beautiful anymore."
"When a person is bitter, they are not sweet."
"People start talking, and everything they say is filthy about that person. That person is bitter."
"Bitterness never produces good fruit in the end."
"Bitterness has a way of poisoning you so much so that you lose your wisdom, you lose your objectivity, you lose integrity."
"If you become a better person and you don't deal with your bitterness, somebody will recruit you into his conspiracy."
"I just don't want to forgive. Somehow bitterness and unforgiveness almost felt like a protective wall that I could hold up against this other person. But bitterness wasn't really protecting me. It was actually eating away inside of me."
"Survivor is a game about hurt feelings and ending dreams. All juries have an element of bitterness. It's just a degree of how bitter."
"You know, the talk shows are full of bitter people, right?"
"Do I want to be some sour bitter dad?"
"You kill bitterness with forgiveness."
"They say the truth is bitter but believe me it's not bitter, it's harsh."
"When we commit our sufferings to the Lord, it benefits us rather than causing bitterness."
"Be patient, never compromise, give your destiny time to find you. Bitterness always comes to those who look back on a life of choices imposed upon them from the outside."
"The only way to guard your heart from bitterness and hate is to forgive. When you forgive, it's actually a method, a way to guard your heart from the enemy getting into your thoughts, into your heart, into your life."
"He's telling Absalon, this Spirit of bitterness is telling Absalon, 'Hey, you can do a better job than your father. Your father doesn't care about you.'"
"We need the ability to rebuild trust. If we don't have that, we're stacking tractor, truck, garage on top of each other and we're living in an ice castle of bitterness and unforgiveness to people we once loved, most often very much."
"In God's mercy, he allowed me to forgive so that I could live the rest of my life free from that bitterness, free from the unforgiveness of actually getting to do it to his face."
"If you've got a root of bitterness, it is going to absolutely destroy. It gets bigger and bigger and bigger."
"Bitterness makes life black and white and very sad and very gray, but the Lord wants you to live in a world full of colors."
"Bitterness then attracts resentment, jealousy, all of these nasty emotions that come with it."
"Bitter people are not fun to be around. When you're dealing with bitterness, there's always something. Enough is never going to be enough."
"If your heart turns and you start to become more than just spotting an issue but become a source of criticism, bitterness, you have to leave."
"Let people be bitter, let them talk. It's not a reflection of you, it's a reflection of them."
"Washijo is representative of the lack of equity in every part of society, how unfair treatment can lead to bitterness and his consequent perpetuation of the very same barriers that blocked his path."
"Follow your dreams. Life is too short to live someone else's life and be bitter."
"You don't die a bitter, angry person. That's the only moral imperative there is."
"Love life: escaping bitterness, avoiding negative patterns, shifting mindset on love and relationships."
"There should not be this amount of acrimony."
"Bitterness breeds, forgiveness frees."
"I will probably always be bitter and betrayed and hurt by the end of Game of Thrones and just like the last two seasons in general."
"Even the most bitter person had to be at least impressed for like 10 seconds."
"We can only, who know this truth, respond to it like John did. It's both bitter and sweet."
"Everything had fitted terribly well," he thought, "except for his shoe. He was bitter about his shoe."
"Hurt is a reality but bitterness is a reaction."
"When you decide to simmer in hate and bitterness, you are committing spiritual suicide."
"There is a bit of like I was saying earlier although I feel a bitterness here there's also a sense of Attraction."
"Sometimes, instead of you getting it, the prophetic word, you got jealous and bitter and didn't get what God had intended."
"I wish I could feign excitement but the bitterness soaks my lips like the residue of something pungent."
"You've got to relinquish bitterness because when you relinquish bitterness, you give an open invitation for the Holy Spirit to give you peace and joy."
"May the fox build his nest on your Hearthstone. May the light fade from your eyes so you never see what you love. May the sweetest drink you take be the bitterest Cup of Sorrow."
"Resentment is like me drinking poison hoping that you die."
"Don't let that bitterness get on the inside and keep your heart pure."
"I took that as personal rejection, which opened up a seed of bitterness in me, and that was selfishness."
"Protect their heart. When, God, someone is accusing, or someone is blaming, or when someone doesn't feel like they said exactly what they were supposed to, I pray that, God, you would guard their heart from bitterness."
"You're gonna be hurt and you can either forgive or be bitter, and what happens is you're only one person and if you're a bitter person against anyone, it affects your relationship with everyone."
"Forgiveness always poisons hoping they die."
"Hope hell is hot enough for that man, cuz he never did like the cold very much."
"There is no room for hypocrisy, why use bitter soup for healing when sweet water is everywhere?"
"Like Guinness, the piece of music I want to talk about today has a very bitter initial quality."
"They worked out with [ __ ] The Rock godamn damn dude they work out with the rock we don't even get [ __ ] you Bobby dude [ __ ] you did nothing for us dude up with The Rock You scumbag."
"Bitterness hardens your heart on the inside and changes your features on the outside."
"Bitterness is like drinking poison thinking it will kill the other person."
"You need to clear your heart, your spirit, of all these kinds of bitterness. And if you're a prophetic person, this will be one of your challenges, and you must know how to handle it."
"...the relationship between Milly and Lawrence became increasingly bitter especially when Lawrence's career took a spectacular nosedive as it was prone to doing."
"I don't get why she's so bitter... if he's willing to cheat with you, he's going to cheat on you."
"You can't complete any of those tasks with bitterness in tow. It's like that bag of bricks that I was talking about earlier. Just put that shit down."
"Letting the bitterness go with your ex is the hardest but best move if you're going to get through court. You don't have to forgive, just let it go."
"Unfortunately, there are some people in this world who not only are they not satisfied with trying to destroy us, they then seem to take it upon themselves to become very bitter about the fact that we might actually be doing okay."
"Bitterness, once it wounds the soul, that wound controls you. It controls the way you think, it controls your emotions, it also controls your will."
"We got to get rid of all this bitterness, man. We got to get rid of the stuff that's happened in our life."
"Your haters are mad that you're enjoying your life, whether it's going out, having fun, or taking vacations. They feel left out and bitter."
"It was a very bitter kind of liquid."
"As surely as God lives, who has denied me justice, the Almighty, who has made my life bitter..."
"It's better to be empty of possessions than full of bitterness."
"What you do with the offense determines your future. Either you become stronger or you become bitter. There's no in between."
"Bitterness just says I'm not going to move forward until I see their obituary."
"...when you see that devil rise up in them of jealousy, when you see that devil of hate and bitterness and anger rise up in them from a bitter divorce or whatever, listen to me, they will stop at nothing to get back at whomever."
"Don't ever let that grudge get to the point cuz it's really a form of bitterness."
"So this thing where, like, even if the relationship was halal, even if it was a previous marriage, you still feel something, you still feel some kind of jealousy or bitterness towards it, is a natural, normal thing."
"It breaks the chains of bitterness and the shackles of selfishness."
"See to it that no one misses the grace of God because of bitterness."
"They do go after revenge. They can be extremely bitter and super petty if you hurt them. So I would always suggest never to hurt a Cancer because seriously, I don't think a Cancer will come back from it."
"Revenge at first thought sweet, bitter ere long."
"Bitterness is allowing anger to fester and continue. When you're bitter, you have unforgiveness. Paul says don't be bitter."
"They go through life looking for ways to screw people over in ways they themselves got screwed over or taken advantage of."
"Bitterness will destroy your life and your family."
"This is a story of the root of bitterness that destroys a family and a nation."
"To be bitter is also a way to sell off great things God has proposed for you."
"Bitterness is a trap. It's a very serious trap."
"The moment you become bitter, you can't manifest wisdom."
"There's two types of Liverpool fans, you got the ones who are actually quite sensible and then you got the ones who are just a little bit bitter and want to annoy every fan."
"Bitterness always kills the bitter."
"Have you ever experienced a seed of bitterness in your heart?"
"I refuse to be under the curse, bitterness is a part of the curse, I refuse to be under the curse."
"Some of you, your bitterness is against your wife. You're bitter against God, and that's why you struggle with sexual immorality."
"I was bitter against my wife for about a decade."
"Watch this woman who is disappointed but not bitter."
"Bitterness is a sign you are not adored. When you walk a life that is unforgiving to those who wrong you, you have not been adored yet."
"Finally, he found that the long-for peace so bitterly achieved created more bitterness than ever did the anguish of achieving it."
"Through love, all that is bitter will be sweet."
"There needs to be repentance in your heart of harbored bitterness towards parents."
"Life is too short for any man to hold bitterness in his heart." - Marshall Major Taylor
"Life is too short for any man to hold bitterness in his heart."
"Bitterness will get a person to that point where they become so upset with God."
"Embrace the bitter because that bitterness is smashing cancer and helping to keep you safe and healthy."
"The ultimate goal when Satan has definitely destroyed a person's destiny is the root of bitterness."
"It's not easy for you, or no. But there was a bitterness, earlier."
"Bitter, vengeful people die lonely and brutally."