
Housing Crisis Quotes

There are 271 quotes

"The housing crisis in the United States was also driven by a lot of greed from individual homeowners."
"With its features and cost-effective pricing, the Tesla home promises to bridge the housing crisis in Utah."
"These techniques could allow housing to be delivered more rapidly in high-density urban areas, helping to tackle the housing crises currently facing many developed nations."
"The moratorium started without any promise of landlords getting their rent payment back."
"The original sin of housing in America is that we have turned housing into an asset."
"All it took was for the foreclosure rate to go up to 2% of all housing units, and prices went down 25% nationally and up to 65% in certain cities like Las Vegas."
"This has exposed a much larger issue going on here in New York City."
"Sky-high home prices with fast-growing mortgage rates, coupled with a low inventory of homes available for sale, are now creating a home affordability crisis."
"Housing has become the great divide between the young and the old, the well-off and the less so."
"Now a cold-hearted economist will tell you we don't have an affordability crisis, we have an affordable rental crisis."
"10 to 15 million households could get evicted come January."
"Having some of the least affordable housing in the world is akin to intergenerational theft."
"Homelessness encampments are a manifestation of how broken our housing and homeless system is."
"The trouble with landlords selling is that in today's incredibly tight housing market, buyers will likely be the occupants, reducing the stock of desperately needed affordable rental housing."
"This is not a problem that's just going to go away with more policing and criminalization. It will take concerted efforts at every level of government to address the systemic failures that have led to this current housing crisis."
"Homelessness is not an act of God. It's not the result of economic collapse in this country. America did not run out of housing."
"The housing crisis in America cascaded the markets around the globe into a free fall."
"Nationally, rent is more than 20% higher than the start of 2020."
"Millennials are the biggest generation, and we just didn't build any homes for them."
"The COVID-19 pandemic has triggered an almost unprecedented housing affordability crisis."
"There is not enough housing in the state of California, especially in the Bay Area, and it's affecting whether people can live."
"The real housing crisis is that... we haven't seen that volume of house building since the mid-'70s."
"We are continuing to invest in meaningful ways... to solve this housing crisis that Canadians are feeling so acutely."
"The housing crisis is a massive waste of human life; it's completely avoidable, it's totally unnecessary, and frankly, it's a moral crime that we continue to treat shelter as a commodity that can be bought."
"Our housing crisis is out of control, and it's one of the big reasons we have a homeless crisis."
"If you're a kid right now, you're never gonna get a house."
"Affordable housing is going to be a massive issue."
"The younger generation can't afford homes at these prices."
"But that's all going to change as evictions roll out, as mortgage delinquencies turn into foreclosures, and people move into rental housing and the inventory jumps up and the pandemic's over."
"Two out of three houses were abandoned. It's [ __ ] terrible."
"Landlords sustain a system that requires housing, a basic human necessity, to be withheld from poor and working-class people in order to turn a profit."
"82 percent believe that our country is facing an unprecedented housing affordability crisis."
"Would you pay $1,200 a month for a bunk bed in the shared space? Renters in Los Angeles and San Francisco are opting for pods in communal home with a desk, locker, and personal TV."
"Mitch McConnell's proposal doesn't even come close to keeping jobless workers in their homes or stopping the economy from further backsliding." - Senator Ron Wyden
"Being a landlord is not a job. These people buy up all the properties and hold them hostage. They are part of the problem."
"Housing affordability is the primary reason for homelessness."
"Inadequate housing affects billions globally, yet some countries fare worse than others."
"When jobs are down nine percent from their pre-pandemic levels... that's really bad for your local housing market."
"The response... was at the right time... there's a shortage of workers and there's a shortage of a place to live..."
"The issue here is not the lack of housing, although that's a separate problem in California, but it's basically the lack of treatment."
"President Biden has called on Congress to extend the eviction moratorium."
"If the world was only home to a billion people then things like housing crises wouldn't be a problem."
"They are still paying the debt that they borrowed from a bank on a house they're never going to get."
"The housing crisis that Aunt May fictionally fights against in Spider-Man 2 becomes all too real for much of the US."
"California is facing a housing shortage as the median price of real estate exceeded seven hundred thousand dollars for the first time in the state's history."
"We are currently experiencing a housing crisis because the banks, which got bailed out, now own all of those properties."
"The coronavirus pandemic put tens of millions of Americans at risk of being evicted."
"If we're going to tackle the housing crisis, we have to work together and pursue agendas that are serious."
"House prices have been surging across the world since the lockdowns of 2020 and are growing at unsustainable rates far above the rate of income growth."
"Housing is becoming extremely expensive, which is making it very difficult for all people."
"No one should be evicted from their apartment or their home for being able to fail to be able to pay their rent and or their mortgage until this crisis is over."
"If there is a housing shortage, it's only because no government has built council homes for the last 40 years."
"We're talking about record low mortgage applications, skyrocketing evictions, low consumer confidence, bankruptcy and a home building bubble."
"It's about people who don't have a clear future of being able to have their own homes and raise their own families."
"Sometimes student loan debt puts us in a crisis where the only option is to stay home, and sometimes there's no home to come back to."
"We need to build more homes, build more homes, build more homes!"
"Living with multiple roommates, buying the avocado toast, buying expensive coffee—because all of the other things, like just saving up to go buy a house, it doesn't seem that easy to do."
"The only scarcity is the moral will to do what's right. We are those with sub-minimum wage jobs who can't afford sky-high rents."
"We're going to see more homeless than you can even comprehend unless we fix the affordable housing crisis."
"Home affordability has fallen, making it more difficult for people and Americans to build generational wealth."
"A dual housing crisis in America, and Biden's approach aligns closely with expert views on how to fix it."
"I think tiny house living is very important and I think it's a very good workaround for the dire rental situations."
"That's what it feels like, the homelessness crisis, the evictions that are looming."
"What's happened is a lot of people are just snapping up properties and renting them and as a result locals don't have enough properties to rent long term."
"Nearly a quarter of the homes put on the market weren't bought by the families that needed them but instead by institutional investors."
"The housing market is in shambles. In the US alone, 70% of people who want to buy a home can't even afford to anymore."
"All we want is sovereignty it's so hard to pay rent this is for the Auntie sleeping under palm trees."
"Now you're stuck as a serf, renting your home."
"Housing should not be seen as a commodity. It should be seen as a need because it is a need without a house, without shelter you die."
"The number one issue that young people bring up is the housing crisis."
"This is actually inspiring, imagine how many people are losing their homes and I'm showing people how to build a house in a day."
"We're on the verge of the worst eviction crisis our city's ever seen."
"Millions of Americans face evictions in coming months."
"Things start to get a little crazy... almost $5,000 a month for one bedroom."
"The widening affordability crisis in the housing market is unmistakably exemplified by the astonishing surge in housing prices."
"These guys have figured it out, how to solve worldwide housing shortages."
"Eight million Americans lost their homes in the Great Recession... the wealth gap between the richest... and the other 90% is bigger than it's been in a hundred years."
"Those in support of Housing First believe that more resources and support from the government are needed to truly end the crisis once and for all."
"Unfortunately, if this line is going up and this line is staying flat, if not going down, the outcome is going to become more and more people that can't afford to put a roof over their head."
"A big part of the problem is that the housing market is incredibly short on supply."
"Everyone has a role to play, and in the housing crisis or any other fight, organizing is key to victory."
"The affordable housing crisis in America is a national issue."
"This building is asking for a 28% rent increase."
"Right now we have evictions in this country starting to skyrocket because so many people are broke, so many people cannot pay the rent."
"The government's failure to sort out our country's housing is just as worrying as the assumption that climate change will mean an increase in global temperatures of 3.5 degrees by the end of the century."
"Spiking unemployment and foreclosures were catalysts for the last housing market crash."
"Even if landlords eventually get government cash, they may forever be less willing to rent to low-income people at low prices because of the way they were treated by government policies."
"A moratorium policy merely delays the threat of eviction as renters continue to accumulate debt."
"Continuing the eviction ban unfairly shifts economic hardships to the backs of housing providers."
"You don't get to stay two more days there, you gotta go couchsurf."
"Record rents, record homelessness, and now evictions have tripled. What the heck is happening to New York City?"
"Americans have been brainwashed into believing they don't deserve time off for retirement."
"The immigration driven housing crisis is making [raising a family] impossible."
"It's really simple: we need to build way more homes."
"The rent is just too damn high for most people in England and especially if you live in a big city."
"The perfect storm is you got inflation at an all-time high still they still trying to work on an entertainment now interest rates are significantly higher than they were also moratorium in so it's a lot of people that's going to be evicted."
"It's not built to last, it's not built to be a home that we're gonna pass down and use to create any kind of wealth story of our lives."
"Eviction is a big problem very unfair to a lot of people."
"California's housing shortage is so bad the university is considering a floating barge as a dorm."
"It isn't just that home ownership is becoming a reality for millennials later in their life than the previous generations because for many it isn't considered a reality at all."
"I just feel weird going there and buying a house when I know there are people that don't have houses."
"Young people facing the prospect of never owning a home."
"It's absolutely abhorrent honestly that it's gotten to this point that the option is essentially like stay and get sick or risk getting you know even long-term health effects from this or leave and have no home and nowhere to go."
"That's a huge problem, and it's going to result in mass evictions."
"China's real estate crisis is intensifying, underscored by a surge of unfinished buildings across the country, igniting public outcry and concern."
"You cannot have the whole of the working class subsidizing your mortgages so that you can make capital gains out of a house when there is a housing crisis."
"Consumers are stuck due to edging up rents and housing prices."
"The people that live there may not be able to get back into those buildings for weeks for longer we don't know they may have to find alternative housing."
"Chicago, Illinois, will provide up to 15 months of rent assistance for renters and landlords impacted by the pandemic."
"California has a whopping 1.5 million tenants that are behind on rent, they simply cannot pay or refuse to pay rent in the state."
"The main reason I'm running one is because the situation the housing situation for black people in Pittsburgh has really gotten terrible."
"We have an affordable housing crisis in this country and it's about to get worse."
"So the 3.8 million renters get evicted, they can't pay the landlord who owns the house, the landlord who owns the house has no money coming in. How is he going to afford that second home that he's renting out? Do you see foreclosure spike, dude?"
"At what point is there going to be just no place left for affordable housing in the United States?"
"If it's between losing your home or paying more interest over the lifetime of your loan, paying your debt off more slowly, most people would probably take that second option to be able to keep their home." - Narrator
"You need to solve the Mental Health crisis, you need to solve the addiction problem first before we solve the housing problem."
"We are now locking in long-term Investments that are going to provide certainty to builders so they can continue to build the homes that are necessary to defeat this housing crisis."
"President Biden must declare a state of emergency on housing and issue an executive order to work against unreasonable rent hikes."
"We have an out of control housing market, the capitalist system here in the United States is not only pricing food out of the reach of millions but it is even more aggressively providing housing that is so expensive that people literally cannot."
"We need government to step up and get serious about Airbnb, it's exacerbating London's housing crisis."
"I don't know how to fix the fact that a studio apartment in a shitty neighborhood is twenty-two hundred dollars and that a decent apartment in New York City is three to four thousand dollars."
"We just do not have enough supply of houses."
"You constantly hear from politicians... saying we just need to build more homes."
"Politicians around the country and around the world have focused on luxury housing development instead of the growing need for affordable housing."
"There's a balance between government and private sector but we need to build 500,000 homes a year in California to get ahead right now."
"Exorbitant housing prices have crushed the hopes of the new generation."
"Our housing system is broken in maybe the wealthiest time and the wealthiest society in human history."
"It's wild that these Wall Street entities were able to profit off of the housing crisis that they caused."
"Millions of families across the UK are struggling to find affordable housing."
"Many are living in temporary or overcrowded conditions, desperate for somewhere decent to live."
"My fear is where is this going to end? Where are we going to be able to house these families who are homeless because they've been evicted from accommodation which they can no longer afford?"
"But these reforms are an actual serious attempt at tackling the housing crisis."
"If we want to be serious about reversing the housing crisis we've got to make it embarrassing to be a landlord again."
"On a quest to solve the global housing crisis."
"Just like many places around the country, we're starting to see this kind of a crisis for housing."
"It's a desperate situation, in part brought on by soaring rental prices."
"People are actually camping out in their RVs because rent is so unaffordable in this city."
"Housing is the number one issue in LA county."
"That's probably one of the best things that ever happened to me was going broke during the 2008 housing crisis because it forced me to get to the thing that I knew I was supposed to be doing in the first place."
"Apartment hunting is not super easy right now in this climate. I feel for everyone looking for an apartment right now because one, the prices have been like skyrocketing and on top of that wages have just been staying the same, you know? It's just not humane at all."
"Lack of affordable housing is the greatest presence now facing our cities."
"Housing is so expensive in Colorado that school districts are becoming landlords to attract teachers."
"So at a certain point, people are just not going to be able to live here anymore."
"One of the main reasons that this ban has been enacted is because New York is in a housing crisis right now."
"The reason why we're in a housing crisis that we're faced with today is because successive liberal and conservative governments have actually stopped building co-op housing and social housing 30 years ago."
"It's not just the fact that incomes haven't gone up spectacularly, it's the fact that they just haven't gone up to keep pace with housing."
"People are losing their homes because they're not going to have the money to make the necessary repairs."
"Australia's housing crisis has become one of the worst in the world."
"These plans are not addressing our housing crisis."
"If we're going to understand inequality in America today, we have to understand the human cost of the housing crisis."
"We cannot fix poverty in this country unless we fix housing."
"...we are going to solve the housing crisis because I know what Canadians are capable of."
"There's a crisis of an expanding and aging population of renters."
"I had family that literally rented a bed in a room in a two-bedroom apartment which sounds nice until you realize it should have asked two people it housed eight."
"Who would've thought that America would ever have to deal with 20 million people losing their homes?"
"What's this I mean rent's so out of control that this area of New Jersey I could I mean I could see it being like an alternative to New Yorkers."
"Housing is the lifeblood of our community, and it's reached a crescendo of urgency in the last year."
"There is definitely a movement for people being very angry about the rise in the actual number of second homes and homes that are vacant for so many months in the year when you have people that are desperately in need of property."
"Homelessness is lacking a fixed regular adequate nighttime address."
"Homelessness means you lack a fixed regular adequate nighttime address."
"Housing, whether you're renting or buying, is very unaffordable."
"Housing affordability is still the number one struggle."
"Denver has 10,000 short-term rentals out of 400,000 housing units, you think that's the problem with the housing shortage?"
"The only way to fix affordability is to build a bunch of stuff, flood the market with new housing, and let the market solve itself."
"Skyrocketing prices for houses are turning the dream of home ownership into a nightmare."
"Housing has put homeownership beyond the reach for many."
"Homes are now unaffordable for median Americans in 99% of counties they analyzed."
"Millions of people, particularly young people not being able to afford a home, is one of the biggest problems in America right now."
"We're starting to get a glimpse of what the real housing crisis is going to be moving into the next couple of years in this country."
"...the only solutions you can do is either you are lucky enough to get a rent Support Program... or you have to live with your parents or share an apartment with a lot of friends."
"This is what happens when you have a housing crisis; people have to become creative."
"We have an affordable housing crisis in the US and we need the federal government to step up."
"Housing has become so burdensome in America that some families can no longer afford other essentials."
"The worst affordability of all time is causing a tremendous crash and collapse in home buyer demand."
"We are simply facing a housing shortage, a major housing shortage."
"The problem with today's housing market is that the relationship has broken down over the last decade, and home prices have gone up way more than income."
"Canada is definitely having a housing crisis."
"Home ownership is out of reach for Generation Rent."
"There isn't a single U.S. county where a full-time minimum wage worker can afford a modest two-bedroom rental."
"Housing is unaffordable; it's ridiculously unaffordable."
"If we want to beat the housing and climate crises, we need zoning and parking reform."
"We're in a housing crisis; individuals need housing, and housing is the first stepping stone to getting your life back on track."
"Now since most New Yorkers are already living with roommates and there's a housing shortage and rent is way too high, we can pretty much bet that any converted apartment is going to get snapped up pretty quick."
"We have a real housing crisis for people who are suffering every day because of their need for a place that works for their family."
"The city of Hong Kong has been experiencing a housing crisis due to the lack of space and inflated property prices."
"Housing is not supposed to be something that you then become interdependent on in order to satisfy society's standards."
"Landlords across America have just unleashed a devastating wave of evictions."
"It's important that you understand if your city is in the crosshairs of this rental eviction crisis."
"Lowering drug prices, cutting taxes for families and workers, addressing the housing affordability crisis."
"It’s no secret that with the insanely high cost of living, people are finding it much harder to find homes and live in good places."
"If this is a shift to the future, if this is a genuine Fresh Start, then we need to be taking both the climate and the housing crisis really seriously."
"These rising costs aren't stopping anytime soon because we're currently in a housing crisis."
"It's all wonderful to say that you're trying to keep people healthy and safe, but pretty soon we're gonna have a ton of evictions."
"We have housing shortage... maybe we need to build more homes."
"There is no silver bullet to the housing crisis, but we will pull every lever at our disposal to help solve it by working together."
"We have serious housing challenges in our country, and those opposite have done nothing about supporting what we're trying to do to address them."
"Britain's youth are in danger of becoming a generation who can't afford to buy their own homes."
"To counter a steep challenge in a context with no public support, across the Yugoslav region and surrounding countries, similar housing initiatives are emerging."
"The housing ladder isn't a thing anymore; it doesn't exist, it's broken."
"We are continuing to invest in meaningful ways in partnership with municipalities, with unions and Building Trades, with provinces across the country to solve this housing crisis that Canadians are feeling so acutely."