
Compromise Quotes

There are 3427 quotes

"Never compromise the big mistake I see many entrepreneurs make is that they compromise."
"I would compromise so much...just to keep happy families, and then this resentment starts building."
"Do you want to win on your terms, or do you really want to win?"
"There's some self-sacrifice in relationships."
"Don't compromise on something that you're not going to be happy about. You're not compromising; you're sacrificing."
"We believe that peace can be achieved. We are prepared to take political risks. We are prepared to give and take. We are committed to establishing a peace process."
"The ultimate result was indeed a compromise between all parties: Northern Ireland, the southern state, and Britain."
"There's something so human about taking something great and ruining it a little, so you can have more of it."
"Sometimes you just got to compromise yourself and go with the flow. When in Rome, as they say."
"Colin Kaepernick kept his integrity, got the bag."
"Do you want to be right, or do you want to have a happy relationship?"
"When we do political actions, we are necessarily working in a system where we have to make compromises on almost every level."
"Everything is progress, and so I think it's balancing the line of like, I want to be true to my passion, my vision, but there is a little bit of compromise."
"Diplomacy is the art of sitting down with people that you inherently disagree with and trying to find a compromise that avoids conflict."
"Aren't relationships all about meeting in the middle? Compromise."
"If socialists have to gut up for a second and say, 'Okay, this isn't quite the socialist revolution that I wanted, but I do want to make sure the planet survives,'... we gotta do work we didn't want to do."
"We are supposed to be able to compromise. We're supposed to be able to come together, get together to solve issues."
"Relationships are totally about compromise sometimes."
"Compromise is the most important part of any relationship, platonic or otherwise."
"The key to love is compromise. The key to love is also loving yourself."
"Even the great modern acts of peacemaking...result in deals that...are imperfect in all sorts of ways, but it's the least bad resolution...and it spared many, many lives."
"We're much more willing to make sacrifices, be flexible, and find a compromise when there is a connection there."
"Unity is not uniformity but finding the compromise that moves us forward."
"Relationships are not 50/50; relationships are whatever I have and whatever you got, and we'll meet somewhere in the middle."
"Different people make different deals with the devil."
"If you do compromise once, it's easier to do it the next time, and you know, you don't want to betray your audience's trust."
"I don't know what the word 'compromise' means if working families are living today in more economic desperation than since the Great Depression."
"Democracy is a form of forced compromise where multiple people have to come together and they have to tacitly agree to not murder each other despite not getting what they want."
"Compromise is the art of dividing a cake in such a way that everyone believes they have the biggest piece."
"Compromise does not mean compromising your values... it means being driven by and, when necessary, standing up for your values and convictions but doing so in the real world."
"It's more interesting to speculate on compromises that could actually work than trying to divide people further than they already are."
"In the throes of development, nothing is absolute. It's an act of constant compromise with the team, the schedule, the budget, and the technology."
"We have witnessed shouting matches on television, in grocery stores, and local school board meetings, and from so many political platforms that we often forget that compromise and unity are not dirty words."
"Americans live their lives more as people that are just a little bit late for something they have to do, often something they do not want to do, but they do it. Impossible things every day that are only made possible through the little reasonable compromises we all make."
"95% of my privacy being safe is better than 0%."
"May the church in her militant little remnant fight and resist unyielding to any compromise with the world."
"Life is all about making compromises. That's part of learning to live with different people."
"It's not perfect, but it's a compromise. We're making slow progress to get to the ultimate goal, but we're learning along the way."
"The talks can be protracted and very difficult, but eventually compromises are reached and decisions are made."
"Thank you for this lesson. Yeah, best brother. Remember, a compromise is always better than the conflict."
"Compromise makes a feel-good relationship impossible. Compromise is the enemy of harmony. Compromise is the enemy of fulfillment. Therefore, the enemy of happiness."
"Earth, the Kid: 'A man comes into my life, and I have to compromise? For what?'"
"Relationships are a compromise of teamwork between two people."
"I wish that we could consider winning as finding the middle ground and finding where we're similar, and finding the truth."
"The definition of somebody who compromised and saw all sides."
"Both sides have to show a willingness to come up with a deal."
"Never forget that compromise is not a dirty word. Life depends on compromise."
"Relationships come with a lot of compromise."
"Once we understand each other's needs in the relationship... we can properly compromise and communicate."
"One of the most tragic things that I ever saw was a person who had BPD who was in a relationship with someone who wanted to be in an open relationship, even though it's not what they wanted."
"Despite personal beliefs, there's a lot that we can agree on, and sometimes in order for positive change to happen, we need to be willing to find a middle ground."
"I think the most dangerous thing affecting us is the inability of the right and the left to come together and make any meaningful change through compromise."
"Democracy is built on dialogue and compromise."
"Governing is an incredibly complex undertaking that inevitably involves a great deal of trade-offs, pragmatism, and compromise to do competently."
"Both sides here, I think, are going to have to learn to compromise, and it's going to be a messy process, but the hope would be that at the end of this, we do eventually arrive at some sort of resolution to the issue."
"We should find common ground. Isn't that middle ground?"
"Let's just give them what they want, if what they want is fair and true."
"How far do we go in order to try to maintain a certain type of lifestyle? What part of our morals are we willing to give away?"
"We must reject the politics of revenge, resistance, and retribution and embrace the boundless potential of cooperation, compromise, and the common good."
"If somebody cares about you, they'll find a compromise with you."
"Being a partner and a parent is hard sometimes; it takes compromise."
"People are complex, issues are complex, and finding answers which will satisfy everyone is almost always absolutely impossible."
"A compromise really isn't that. A compromise is coming to a conclusion that's better than the conclusion that you would have had by yourself."
"Whether you agree or disagree with his political opinions, it's clear that [Senator McCain is] really trying to bridge the ideological divide and do what he feels is right for the country."
"Compromising is courting. It is trying. It is like, 'Hey, you matter to me.'"
"Politics in the adult world is all about compromise."
"Can we do both? Can we take the best of both?"
"I don't want Star Trek, you do. So I get it."
"There's got to be a middle ground. It's unfair. I shouldn't have to cut it out."
"This was kind of a bit of a lose-lose situation for everyone involved."
"The danger is if you don't know what your principles are, that's when you compromise your principles away."
"Solid pastors don't compromise in the way Michael Todd does in this video."
"There needs to be compromise, a willingness to grow, and forgiveness."
"Compromise is where everybody comes to the table and everybody gets up with winning or getting something."
"Relationships are compromised, they're giving things up, but when they're right, they give you something back that is so much bigger than what you give up."
"It's not centrist; it is the place in which you can have a conversation and you can compromise."
"What matters is winning. And if we can't win a full victory, let's win the victory we can win. That's politics."
"Two-thirds of voters say they prefer a political leader who will compromise to get things done."
"Relationships aren't about submission, they should be about compromise and equality and partnership."
"Being more reasonable without being right, that's the thing you don't want to advertise weakness but there is strength in simply being able to say no..."
"It's just sad to see somebody so easily sell out their morals and beliefs."
"I think that's necessary, I think that we have to scoot it over. It's okay if it looks a little bit weird from the outside, we'll just pretend that it's not weird, okay?"
"The best way to have a healthy society is to have compromise and discourse... but we don't do that right now as a society."
"How do you express the love of Jesus and and do so in a way that doesn't just compromise everything how do you honor God obey his word and treat your neighbors and your friends and your family members who have decided to go down this wrong path."
"The resolution is not one side triumphing over the other, but a synthesis between the two."
"Why would they want to lock us into what they think is the best of both worlds?"
"That's fine, we'll take the double withoutly."
"Meet someone halfway; you'll see them do even more."
"Don't be a purist, but don't compromise your core values."
"We compromised our way into an existential crisis, we need progressive change now."
"We have to find a way that everyone can be kind of okay with the middle ground."
"Marriage is about compromise—we compromised and it was beautiful."
"Compromise is necessary to work with other people."
"When opposite sides live in the same house, you have to understand the position of the other hand to be willing to compromise."
"There's only so much compromise you can give before it itself undermines the fun you could be having."
"Unity is a good thing – but never at the expense of truth."
"We're going to have to strive for... the least unacceptable solution."
"The government doesn't deal in solutions. It deals in trade-offs. People in political power are fallible."
"Most men will happily have less sex for more peace."
"You got two people that want to wear the pants, man. You know, take turns, pass the pants back and forth."
"Embrace the boundless potential of cooperation, compromise, and the common good."
"You have to let the other side win sometimes."
"When you compromise yourself in order to win, not only do you feel compromised, but you don't even win."
"We need to find a compromise, we need to find a way to live together."
"You're settling when you're compromising your values and your core beliefs."
"They still want to at least remain cordial or friends."
"Even if they don't agree with every prescription that I have... fundamentally we believe in the same things."
"It's a sad story of unprincipled compromise in the face of an authoritarian regime."
"I kind of see it as like a draw in an odd way."
"If we could come up with a solution to this problem without taking meat away from meat lovers, then we could probably all live in harmony."
"I'll make my wife happy going to settle for fifteen thousand dollars for the bike and then I'm gonna buy another motorcycle."
"Aiden ultimately embodies love as potential for growth, compromise, and building something steadily over time."
"We just need to discuss it a bit... find out where our differences lie... and then we work on that... we compromise."
"Sometimes the solutions to your problems can make your problems even worse."
"Finding the actual compromise is always going to make some people unhappy."
"Settling means taking the poor decision because it's convenient."
"It'll be somewhere in between, and it'll be the right choice."
"Unfortunately, I won't be able to offer you the full money."
"In a country when sections are both the left and the right hate you... you have to find friends in both camps."
"How do you not see it? Here's the compromise: I agree with you, it doesn't make sense for him to be a groomsman, but he can be an usher."
"Sometimes you can just compromise, sometimes you can just let things be."
"Let's come up with a compromise and solve this problem."
"Democracy requires compromise, organizing, and advocacy - and listening to those who don't agree with you."
"If you settled for less because you were afraid of reaching for more, if you walked away from what you believe even once."
"I really don't want to dive into this guy's life on that deeper level but I'll meet you halfway."
"When you turn politics into your ethnicity, then any compromise is dishonor."
"Any compromise is a victory for falsehood. There is no victory, no real victory possible if you abandon the truth."
"The perfect is the enemy of the good, and if you're going to have to make some compromises, you're not going to get the perfect world that you want."
"If you believe in something, then fight for it. What are you doing compromising?"
"A democracy is very diverse, people coming together and trying to reach the solution that can be reached at that time."
"The most important thing in a couple isn't getting your own way, it is coming to the finish line together with compromise."
"Silk pillowcases are so expensive I remember I was looking at them online and I was like it's okay I'll just have damage here for the rest of my life."
"Your love can get over these differences and you can meet in the middle where the lovers are."
"Trying to meet in the middle is not working for them. That's gonna get crazy."
"The left takes the extreme position, the right settles with the compromise, generally speaking."
"In a relationship, nothing's perfect, but it's about navigating those situations with love."
"This transit promises wisdom about compromise, balance, and the true nature of partnerships."
"Compromise with tyranny will always get you more tyranny."
"Relationships are about give and take. You have to be willing to bend."
"Whoever succeeds me will have to find consensus in Parliament, where I have not. Such a consensus can only be reached if those on all sides of the debate are willing to compromise."
"If people on both sides are not really 100% happy, then probably you feel like you've got the balance right."
"It's better to make a compromise on cable management than to make a compromise on the functionality of your machine."
"There has to be some sort of in-between here where you can buy something like this... rather than just toss away."
"Yes, I think the one thing that always happens when you have divided government is that people no longer see principled compromise as weakness."
"And they'll be able to have these differences. But this holds the promise that after the fights are over, we'll be able to find principled compromises on those areas, as well."
"You just kind of gotta compromise with the team."
"Trying to find Common Ground, that's all about partisanship is that's all compromise is trying to find common ground."
"I'm not gonna let perfect be the enemy of good here."
"Relationships are more important to me than being right."
"Compromise where you can, but where you can't, don't."
"I am convinced that in the long run giving up some freedom of action, not giving up our ability to protect ourselves or pursue our core interests, but binding ourselves to international rules over the long term enhances our security."
"They are compromised and they have made pledges against the god of the Bible in order for them to be better accepted by this world."
"If you don't do the ish yeah the ish we'd still be paying so yeah maybe another five years yeah."
"We've got to be ready to start working, and a word that a lot of people aren't going to want to hear: compromising..."
"You guys are meeting each other halfway, which is a good thing."
"We have to get to the point where we can try to find that middle ground where we can all stand together."
"Why does Ukraine seem hesitant to explore a compromise with Russia?"
"Willingness to compromise is something that Americans expect of us right now."
"There's compromise in every type of situation when you're in a relationship dealing with two different people."
"Understanding and compromise are essential for cohesively living together."
"If you want to be able to reconcile things, we gotta meet in the middle somewhere."
"There's a happy medium for everybody where we can grumble but agree for the most part getting rid of the worst problems."
"Let's just chill for a bit. That seems like a pretty good compromise."
"And the great story of American governance is compromise."
"And the third thing would be is a point I made earlier, is stop thinking you need to make a trade off."
"Do you think your message is so important are you willing to compromise?"
"Sometimes you just gotta split things when it's that close and there's really no real winner."
"Compromise, communicate, negotiate, and compromise to facilitate this sacred union."
"Physical touch is their love language so it looks like we're going to have to make some concessions and get creative here."
"You may not be able to change that, but that doesn't mean you settle for really bad compromises."
"Even if it wasn't his preferred role, why wouldn't he just run with it?"
"I love you so much. If it's a status thing for you for me to socialize with you amongst your friends, I'll hide in the corner."
"Can you settle for a seven or an eight instead of having to wait for a ten?"
"I'd rather give Kyrie what I don't want to give him than to lose both of them, I'd rather just take the L."
"Having less decoration slots to work with means we're just gonna have to give up something."
"Diplomacy trades off a fingernail for a head. You don't chop off your head to protect a fingernail."
"The bond should embody compromise, communication, and working together."
"By merging varying points of view, you can generate an extraordinary new idea. Compromise with others and collaborate to discover a better solution."
"The road to the civil war was one long chain of compromises and attempts to keep an unstable balance from toppling over. It's almost insane to imagine the history of the United States going any other way."
"They want to make things work, they want to just figure out all the little details."
"If they're doing it for the kid, you just gotta do what you guys want to do."
"What I'm against is bipartisan and compromise in a direction that benefits only the Democrats."
"Everything is a trade-off, everything is a compromise."
"I don't think you should ever have to compromise anything."
"Finding a place that works for everybody is definitely tough, but not impossible."
"Launch is a giant engineering compromise so you're always trading one thing for the other."
"I'm surprised how few compromises, almost no compromises."
"Every relationship is a give-and-take. It's not going to be perfect, you're not going to get 100% of what you want."
"You can't have it your own way all the time."
"I actually think overall it works out for all parties. It looks like a good move."
"Whatever you want will never be as great as the thing that you and someone else can build through joint compromise and sacrifice."
"There's no such thing as the ideal policy, there are only trade-offs, and you have to figure out which trade-offs make sense."
"If both sides have a genuine desire for a settlement, then that settlement could be reached here."
"It's not that we weren't liberal, what does he say, uh in essence at the same time we have to show Republicans that we're nice."
"Making this fair for you, making this work for you."
"And that's what agreements are, baby. You gotta give up a little bit to get some other things in return. That's business, that's the way it goes."
"I think the third outfit that we picked out is sort of like a good mix of the two things that we've been talking about."
"It's not that I ever really needed to make any serious compromises."
"Some people don't want certain things out there, sometimes for the greater good even though you know what's right, you have to just play along."