
Intentionality Quotes

There are 2924 quotes

"I stopped being transactional like looking at that person as a dollar sign, like I have to sell, I have to complete, I have to transact. And I started being intentional."
"Your dreams won't make you happy unless you're intentional about them."
"I never would have imagined in a million years that I would have this life... I'm just grateful for everything versus before, where my language and the way I related to life was not quite as intentional."
"Let that manifest the outcome you will get. Do not make your 'why' because I want to make extra money. Make your life purposeful and intentional."
"Being really intentional about how you create that environment is crucial."
"The more exposed you are potentially online, the more intentional you have to be about thinking clearly on where you draw the line."
"Affirmations are declarations to yourself and the universe of your intentions to make something true."
"Your mindset and having a powerful mindset and being deliberate about what you're going to think about begins the moment you wake up."
"Dress with the intention of how you want to feel. It shifts your energy."
"Productivity is efficiency, but the other part of it is living intentionally."
"Consistency compounds. Put consistency with intentionality and you've got a powerful combination."
"If you really want to be transformed, you have to live an intentional life."
"To go uphill, you have to be intentional. Nobody ever went uphill by accident."
"You are finally taking conscious leadership; you're doing things with conscious intention and taking back control of your life."
"I'd rather be super intentional and aware of how I'm moving about in the world so that I don't cause myself harm or other people harm."
"There are going to be times where you can't get me and that is intentional."
"I've been really intentional about trying to build community in Dallas."
"Knowing your core desired feelings is really about you becoming an intentional creator of your life."
"Every time you take an action...have clear purpose. Have purpose over everything that you do."
"Living your life in intention, intelligence, in direction, not in reaction."
"Design life. Don't live life and let life happen to you."
"Reading the news should be intentional rather than reactionary or default."
"We need to stop saying 'I need more time' and realize that we're not going to get more time. We just need to be more thoughtful and intentional towards the time that we have."
"I feel like everything I do is really out of love."
"When someone has real intention in dating, they are asking intentional questions about who you are."
"Make sure that everything you put out is conscious. It's not a reactive thing, not attacking anybody."
"Life change, in any area of your life, is an intentional act."
"If you want to build some wealth so you can be outrageously generous, it's an intentional act."
"Make sure you've got a solid, personal intention behind your change, or else it will just be simply too difficult."
"Day after day would roll into week after week, into month after month, and without the intention of who I actually wanted to be and how I wanted to live my life, it just felt like there were a lot of days that all kind of meshed into one."
"Your thoughts and intentions can have profound effects on the world around you and the world inside you."
"Being intentional means you could start designing the future that you want for yourselves."
"Being intentional about sex... feels super romantic and fresh and brand new."
"I learned that the ultimate lesson is to determine what the questions you're going to ask at the end of your life are going to be, find out those questions, and then live each day intentionally so you're happy with the answers at the end."
"I know who I am, I know what I care about, I know with what intention I work towards."
"The power of intentionality... is a period of great innovation, great breakthroughs."
"Being purposeful and having real, certain intentions each day—no matter how big or small—is very important."
"A virtuous friendship... is not incidental but is intentional."
"Seeing identities as something that other people are manipulating in you, the logical next step is to be intentional about which identities you want to be activating, strengthening, reinforcing, etc."
"Equality looks like being intentional with your adoptive child."
"You've got to find the balance between intentionality and trust."
"Intimacy, friendship, that type of fruit comes from intentionality."
"It's the excellence it's the intentionality one of the things that I have written about."
"Being intentional with your relationships, though, it means really being truthful with yourself and saying, 'Is this a person who deserves more of my time, and intention, and energy?'"
"Being intentional is so important; it really encapsulates like a posture of the heart."
"Minimalism looks different for everybody. For me, it is rooted and based in intentionality, living with what we need and saying no to everything else."
"Minimalism means being intentional with the way that you live your life and trying to get rid of anything that doesn't align with your values and beliefs."
"Minimalism is not a list of do's and don'ts. It is a guiding principle to help you stay on a course that's going to bring you less stress, more joy, more fulfillment, and help you be more intentional."
"The more purposeful you are with your cues, the better people will treat you."
"I am gonna live my life with intention... not gonna shy away from falling in love, from having my heart broken, from investing in friendships, from trying new jobs."
"Ensure that you are communicating from a place where you actually want effective communication."
"No one becomes successful at anything, no one wins at anything, unless it's a series of intentional acts."
"Intentionality and self-care is so freaking important for me because I know that God has put me in this position."
"If you want your child to have a childhood, you have to be very intentional about it."
"Being clear and intentional is very important, especially in a public forum like YouTube."
"Being able to live a life of intentionality... allows you to live a complete life."
"Every word has been picked out for a reason and is used for a reason and placed where it is for a reason."
"As soon as you date with direction in mind, your dating life is going to change because you're actually going to be able to dismiss people who are a waste of your time."
"Are you crafting, designing, and intentionally creating your life, or are you just coasting in the passenger seat?"
"When I hear the word mindfulness, to me what it really means is intentionality."
"You do not win as an accidental act. Winning is not random."
"Doing intentional, purposeful hair care is key; you're doing this with a purpose, your purpose is you want your hair to be nice and healthy, and you want it to grow."
"The whole goal of being productive... is to be intentional... and what that does for me is give me more time with my family because at the end of the day, I don't feel guilty if I didn't finish the laundry... I feel guilty if I didn't spend time with my children."
"Be intentional about who's around you, what you put in your body, and how you treat yourself."
"What you plant, you can choose... what do you want to plant and what do you want to grow?"
"You don't do critical thinking by accident; you do it on purpose."
"When I'm insulting people now, I'm trying to not cast a net that's wider than what I want it to be."
"When you have decided it's the right time for you to really meet someone, you go into love with a completely different intentionality."
"In my experience personally, there's been a huge benefit to be gained from decluttering the excess and working to be really intentional about what I bring in next."
"That stuff like this is implemented with a lot of thought and a lot of precision, and with very exact intent."
"Every time I declutter, I'm always just struck by this renewed sense of intentionality and purpose and peace that it brings to my home."
"With focus and intention, I can shape energy in any direction."
"It's about being intentional about the kind of relationship that you want. It becomes about what kinds of things will help us to create the relationship that we want."
"It's done so deliberately and so repeatedly, I have a hard time imagining it's an accident happening over and over again."
"Life is finite, we're all going to die someday, and therefore the way that we choose to manage our time and be intentional with the small time we have on this earth is really important."
"Changing your core takes intention because we all have a default setting."
"Just because something is in a certain way doesn’t mean that’s the right way, and just because by default something is going to happen if we don’t pay attention to it doesn’t mean that’s what we really want to happen." - Max Tegmark
"The mens rea in obstruction cases is always going to be intentional."
"Our intention is everything. Nothing happens on this planet without it."
"Yes, it can be a bit heavy-handed with the satire in the social commentary at times but I think that that was the intent."
"Intentionality, the most useful thing you can do when you sit down to work."
"Honestly, it's kind of evil. They're just pretending they don't even see the problem. They absolutely see the problem, everything they did here was absolutely intentional, and they fully understand what they're doing."
"Never get it perfect, don't try, just be intentionally imperfect."
"Do not become a statistic. Become seriously intentional about how you spend the time that you have."
"Everyone should be free to date who they want, but if you are gonna date, make sure you're dating with intention."
"Live your life intentionally and purposefully."
"Make sure everything you put out is very intentional and that there's a lot of passion behind what you're doing."
"Most people live their lives for an outcome, they have the intention of an outcome versus the intention of a process."
"Guys, when I tell you like, sometimes when you're intentional about something, like, it literally all just falls into place."
"Racism isn't necessarily intentional; it's not necessarily conscious."
"Purposeful dating is about making sure that I date my future and not my past."
"Life will throw you a random outcome if you don't consciously decide what you want out of your life."
"Save your voice, plant your seed strategically. Don't just stand it everywhere, plant with intentionality."
"You create your reality; your intentions create your reality."
"Treat recharging like an intentional, valuable part of your day-to-day life."
"Your soul is the grand cosmic composer's intention."
"Intentionality just means that you know we're not going to go from Friday night to Sunday night and spend everything we made in the previous five days."
"I feel like the weather I get the more I realize that life is so short and like let's be intentional about the time that we do have."
"Life is so short and like let's be intentional about the time that we do have."
"We're not victims. We can design and live the life we want if we just learn to live intentionally with purpose."
"We both actually really want to intentionally make an effort."
"Design should be purposeful, functional, and relevant to its original intention."
"Moving from compulsive to conscious activity."
"Prayer is supposed to be a discipline, something we do regularly, intentionally, when we plan and then engage in on purpose."
"Miracles are possible, and it's through your intention, it's through your directed focus, this magic wand that you have to create a miraculous kind of turnaround."
"Deliberate practice is about practicing with the intention of improving."
"I think what kids need at the end of the day is just a parent who is intentional in helping them grow to be the best version of themselves."
"The moment you say to the universe I want to meet new people, they'll be right here."
"Remember be lit live intentionally and transparently and don't stop loving."
"Attention, intention, prevention. God is good and God is good at being God. Amen, amen."
"Every day I live my life by design and not by default."
"Taking things slow shows that you're invested in getting to know someone without giving off red flags."
"So a lot of questions have started being more intentional here."
"Every day I build my life with purpose, passion, and intention, knowing that I am the architect of my own destiny."
"Build a family altar... Everything we do for God is intentional."
"Deception through disinformation is intentional, misleading, and deceptive." - Ron Matsen
"Reset yourself, it's all about resetting and being intentional."
"Every detail is deliberate; everything the characters do has consequence."
"When a man is trustworthy, he is intentional about demonstrating it before it is required."
"Marriage and romance can really die, but being intentional about it is so important."
"Intention and visualization equals magic work."
"Intentional time spent is crucial in relationships."
"I think a lot of us need to practice with more intent. Not just whacking balls, but having some small goal."
"It's so important to be deliberate and intentional."
"When that intention is clear for you, the energy and the power in it lends itself literally as the air beneath our wings."
"Some are malicious but some aren't trying to do harm they just accidentally do so."
"Success requires intention and failure only requires neglect."
"Just intentionality I think is the most important thing."
"I'm doing it with the intention of conciseness at heart."
"Just because something was intentional doesn't make it good."
"The Purge... they have an intention, they have an idea."
"This is how great things happen. They don't just happen accidentally."
"I love kind of having an intention for my journals every single time that I create them."
"He knows what he's doing and why he's doing it."
"Our actions may be impeded, but there can be no impeding our intentions."
"What would it be like if you apply this same intention the same power and energy to breaking your fears of food?"
"Everything I do is for a reason, with purpose."
"If your intentions are unclear, then no amount of productivity can really get you to what you're pursuing."
"They don't do anything without a very specific plan and a very specific strategy."
"Being intentional with any area of your life is so, so important."
"Bold and direct with intent means that your words have meaning."
"Nothing good is going to happen on accident."
"Calm, collected energy. Intention. The words. Choosing what we bring."
"I don't think any of that was by coincidence."
"You could do something that looks more intentional or a little bit cleaner."
"Set intentions for what you want to attract."
"Our words and intentions have immense power."
"Intention without surrender can be a fast path to delusion."
"Your intentions create your reality, be aware of them and be willing to put them into practice in your world today."
"You clicked on this video for a reason, you didn't just accidentally end up here."
"Keep it deliberate sweetie. If you are intentional and deliberate with where you're putting your time, your energy, your space, your spirit, your heart, you will be very focused on what you need and what you can be to others."
"It's a true call to action but ensuring that you are not acting hastily or impulsively but rather you choose this path here that is in alignment with you."
"Be very intentional right now, whatever you plant seeds for right now, it will come, it's not a question, it's not a maybe, it will."
"Being intentional and aware of how the universe works can be so empowering."
"Your intentions and your energy is everything to what you're trying to attract."
"For pure will, unassuaged of purpose, delivered from the lust of result, is every way perfect." - Aleister Crowley
"Choose comfort over fashion. Slow living. Doing things intentionally."
"Intention is the creative power that fulfills our dreams... as your will so it is your destiny, powerful."
"Disney doesn't do anything without a reason."
"Definitely could be done, just be content with what you have and follow the plan."
"Saving money and just be intentional with it."
"It's not kind of sprung up on them, it's not by accident. Everything we're seeing at the moment is by Design."
"Premeditation is clear, this wasn't a crime of passion."
"You are intentionally doing a trick that you're supposed to be doing."
"Every single element in Devil Daggers is designed with intent."
"Hold your intention for a relationship that is mutually beneficial."
"To say that aspects of the Mona Lisa are just 'happy accidents' is to deny all the evidence."
"I don't know why they're doing this all consciously."
"Every choice we make shapes our reality. Choose wisely, with intention and awareness."
"This month has been a really good refresher... to be more intentional."
"Results in this kingdom are intentional, results in this kingdom meet they don't just appear they are made by a combination of spiritual laws."
"If you're extremely intentional and smart about it year after year, you will win more than the other person."
"It's literally a gift from the universe that you have continuously set intention on."
"This was all an intentional moment of lesson."
"Your words are meaningful and I said what I said on purpose. I know exactly what I'm saying. I am calculated when it comes to all this stuff. I am saying exactly what I mean to say. I am not just shooting my mouth off on the internet."
"Intention is anything that moves the needle in your favor."
"Making a mistake isn't the same as intentionally sabotaging a teammate."
"Make this the year you prioritize good sleep; simple changes can make a big difference."
"Every dollar that comes into the house, I'm going to be very intentional with these dollars."
"Intentionality is super important, especially you guys made me feel incredibly loved."
"A successful person lives their life with intention. You will not be successful by accident."
"Nobody wakes up a millionaire and goes 'How did that happen?' It's intentional steps."
"Waking up early is about living an intentional life where you're in control."
"It’s so stupid that it has to be intentional…"
"If we're not intentional about it, it won't shift. So, you can start choosing a new figure and consciously tell your money blueprint to shift to that."
"We have to do this work intentionally, be intentional with the roles we take in life."
"Human intention structures possibility in the world."
"Human beings have the potential of behaving as the best human being possible and ultimately as a result producing something equivalent to a kind of consciousness awareness and intention for the earth."
"Every part of Cyber Shadow feels intentionally designed."
"You can learn to be more intentional in your behavior."
"Imagine if you put that much intention into making her feel loved right now."
"They feel a very powerful, strong direct energy towards you, like they want to make this work."
"Every action is deliberate and with purpose."
"Planning ahead when I want to go on vacation helps me stay organized and prepared."
"I like to be very intentional when I give people gifts."
"Everything is based upon the intention. If you listen to the Quran, you will get the same reward."
"Just because something is intentional doesn't mean it was a good idea."
"Don't just spend another year winging it. Be intentional about life and what you want out of life."
"Skincare should be intentional. Every product in your routine should have a purpose. There needs to be a why behind it, and it should really serve you."
"Everything I do in my life is with intention."