
Employee Engagement Quotes

There are 83 quotes

"The future of work is not just about getting employees engaged with a company's vision. Future work will be about being engaged with an employee's vision."
"The employees who loved their jobs more, who were most engaged, who were most productive, were one of the highest correlations with Revenue growth answered yes to the following question: 'My supervisor or someone at work cared about me as a person.'"
"It's not really about compensation or giving them bonuses, but it's really about three things: mastery, autonomy, and purpose."
"After one year, we started to see the benefits: engagement of our people, our people were solving the problems."
"Viva Insights analyzes all of your different work habits."
"Quiet quitting is when organization lose skills and abilities without actually losing headcount because people aren't going above and beyond anymore."
"We try to make everyone within the business think and act like owners."
"Employees who are engaged and thriving are 59 percent less likely to look for a job with a different organization in the next twelve months."
"This is an employee-driven process and asking employees what they want, what changes they want, is something that is new and something that is significant."
"Maintain a day one culture. Even with 600,000 employees, it's about adding value every day."
"What we're doing is buying people's engagement into the suggestion system. We want you to engage your mind."
"I just kind of want to go through a start to finish HQ with you guys."
"The company mission is so strong and straightforward that everyone participates because they have that common belief."
"The number one driver of engagement is the ability to listen."
"Become a magic innovator who's dedicated to creating an organization that will fully utilize and fully honor the gifts of every single person who comes there every day."
"If you want an employee to be more than just not a liability... you've got to offer them a reason to be that."
"We're allowing our managers and others to use those points as gifts to our employees, and it's been just an amazing thing to see."
"Creating a safe, trusting environment is the best way to get people to do their best work." - Olivia Wilde
"Making people work hard is not what makes them passionate, giving them something to believe in and work on is what drives passion."
"I think that as small as 35 people you should have dinner with every single employee, and ask them what makes them happy in life."
"More than 2/3 of employees don't feel engaged at the workplace. That's a problem, don't you think?"
"We were hanging out with our employees after hours and one of them was like why aren't you doing the farm stand on Saturdays?"
"We know that we have to have happy, engaged, and interested employees working in this industry."
"Motivating employees to attend and engage in training involves making it relevant, interesting, and offering incentives."
"Employee Engagement... this is the work of Employee Engagement... sometimes Employee Engagement is a function of HR."
"The key to employee engagement is not does the company have values, but can I live my own values."
"Kaizen is about a culture where all employees actively suggest and implement improvements to the organization."
"Safety communication: communication should be ongoing with employees. If you see something wrong, say something."
"Most people like to be part of something different. You've got to get your employees excited about being part of a unique organization."
"Later theories of management put much greater emphasis on the social aspect. We like to be informed, we like to be asked about our opinions."
"Building a culture of employee engagement through individual relationships is crucial."
"Most people in these environments do more work than anyone expects of them."
"Senior leadership, top leadership in business should go right down on the floor and see how your business is running as often as you can."
"Instead of me selecting people based on strengths, I select people based on what they view their strengths are. You get so much better results from your employees, you get better results from anybody that you deal with."
"It all starts at the head, your people will not work for you and they will be recruitable forever until they believe in your mission and they see where they fit in your company."
"Surveys and feedback... a dedicated individual who's responsible for creating questionnaires, surveys, and requesting feedback from the staff."
"The more agile the organization, the more engaged the employee."
"If our people don't know what we're trying to do, how can we get them pushing in the right direction?"
"Doordash is asking its employees all the way up to CEO to make a delivery once a month."
"It's fantastic just to see how Disney University develops the world's most engaged, loyal, and customer-centric employees."
"Toolbox meetings are used most successfully to inform employees of worksite hazards, assist with safe procedure reviews, and help develop employee awareness."
"It is very hard to sustain high levels of customer focus, customer centricity, customer advocacy unless you have also earned the same thing from your own employees."
"Unlock the intrinsic motivation of knowledge workers."
"The HRBP model aims at achieving strategic role, change agent role, administrative role, and employee champion role."
"More and more the workforce is passionate about companies that are doing right by society and this is an increased value."
"You also need to be super focused on connecting employees located anywhere."
"Make sure you're designing your award and recognition program around your values."
"We are focused on celebrating Pride with our employees and our community."
"Imagine the difference between a company with motivated, engaged employees with clear goals aligned with business strategy, and one with unhappy employees, a lot of conflict, weak leadership, and a lack of direction."
"At the end of the day, it's the organizations that talk to, listen, and seek to respond to their young employees best that will win the battle for talent retention and remain relevant over the next decade."
"Employee engagement is an emotional state where we feel passionate, energetic, and committed to our work."
"We don't just survey in order to improve engagement, we also have to take action on the feedback that we've received."
"Driving results, leading change, and engaging people."
"78% of employees want to provide feedback, ideas, and solutions to help the company grow."
"Inner work life is what's going to drive your productivity and your engagement."
"We are helping leaders find new ways to create a place where people want to work."
"The first Friday of every month is wacky tacky tie day."
"Employee Center is actually an employee-facing portal."
"My role as executive vice president enables me to listen to your voice, what you like, what you don't like, to shape NLW into the great company I know it can be."
"The extremely valuable feedback gathered from employees and management personnel is vital to the success of an organization."
"Motivating goes a long way; it is important to create an environment in which employees feel enthusiastic about their jobs."
"It's really about boosting your employee engagement."
"High involvement organizations create systems and processes that facilitate employee involvement and engagement."
"Engaged employees are those who understand what they need to do, add value to the organization, and are satisfied enough with the organization to do whatever is necessary to see that it succeeds."
"SuccessFactors is strong in that area when it comes to employee engagement and workforce analytics."
"The most important thing was to send a message to our employees in the hospitals that hey, we're looking."
"Effective managers can actually improve employee engagement and reduce turnover."
"The more one-on-one time that managers spend with their employees, the more that employees feel that their contributions are appreciated."
"The annual company banquet, a festive occasion, brings together employees and their families for a night of celebration."
"The significant findings of the risk assessment will be shared with all the workers through team meetings before the office return."
"Every year we do something really cool for our employees."
"We have spent a lot of time thinking about that dilemma and creating a culture where people actually do want to come."