
Gender Identity Quotes

There are 1013 quotes

"Ancient cultures understood androgyny, and there's plenty of historical precedent for the idea that an androgynous personality is actually more of an ideal."
"Sounding the alarm on the dire consequences of allowing trans-identifying biological males into female prisons."
"Even one biological male in a woman's prison or in any woman's space affects all of us, affects all women and girls."
"This space where I can be both a sir and a ma'am feels the most right and the most authentic."
"Not everyone who has a period is a woman, and not every woman has a period. Period. Accept it, move on."
"I don't play the game of turfs or whatever where they think that the defining experience of womanhood is like to be brutalized by men."
"A lot of people have experiences socially, personally, psychologically that they don't feel conformed to the social expectations surrounding hegemonic sexual and gender identities."
"Gender identities are accepted because they are meant to bring comfort to people who don't feel some connection to the social expectations around sexuality."
"I almost burst into tears when I opened the envelope, pulled out my new passport and saw the X stamped boldly under sex."
"To me, being non-binary means having the sense of freedom to explore my gender in whichever way I want; I don't have to perform or pretend to be someone; I can be my authentic self."
"Trans women are women; womanhood is an umbrella term; it includes people who identify as a woman."
"Now that we've disregarded biology as a determining factor for whether someone is male or female, we're left with this ridiculous situation where an athlete might count as a woman in one competition but not in another."
"The life outcomes were better for the people who were able to get these puberty blockers."
"The binary is bullshit. Sex typically refers to your biological traits... Gender is about your identity, your expression, and it's often based on ideas about sex."
"There are hundreds of millions of people who are left in a state of confusion, dismay, dysphoria, and ostracization because the binaries that people have built up around them... exclude them."
"The reality is that a trans woman's biology is a female biology."
"Loki's gender fluidity came as a welcome surprise to many of us."
"For a hell of a lot of trans people out there, transition is medically necessary."
"Gender, however, is a fundamental part of one's self-identity. It isn't a game."
"The evidence that biological factors play a role in determining gender identity is, in a word, overwhelming. There isn't a serious scientist alive who would dispute that."
"A trans woman's dream is not existing in a society where gender is whatever, but in a society where the gender binary exists but people just call her female or woman. Like, 'Oh hey, what's up? Oh yeah, she's my friend. Oh yeah, I like her.' And there's like, 'Oh, thank God, I'm being identified by other people in the way that I express myself and that blends with my gender identity. Holy shit, this is fucking awesome.'"
"Most trans people...just want to live their life, expressing their gender identity and just having a life like the rest of us."
"Gender identity is very much tied to cultural norms. At one point in time, having long hair meant you were a woman... these are social things."
"Gender should be seen as and treated as an identifier that can be self-declared."
"I may not understand your experience, but I know that gender identity is a thing."
"Most trans kids are just exploring their gender identity."
"I'm Griffin, and I don't identify as a man. I'm non-binary. I still have elements of my identity that are masculine, elements that are feminine."
"Define 'woman'? A person who embodies their own understanding and expression of womanhood, regardless of societal norms."
"Understanding and accepting diverse gender identities enriches our society, rather than diminishing it."
"In the world of the omegaverse, you can have a man who's pregnant or a woman with a pen1s, and they're accepted as a man and a woman respectively without any question."
"Being trans is entirely a neurological thing; it's not just some societally influenced thing."
"The irony is not lost on Nora that it took a trip into manhood to help her appreciate her own femininity."
"I really like me. I really like being me, and I really like being a woman."
"A woman is anyone who identifies as a woman."
"I think that by using someone's pronouns you are acknowledging their gender identity, their subjective sense of 'I am a woman, I am a man.'"
"I've been repeatedly called transphobic myself for thinking that a 6'4" biological male who becomes a transwoman athlete and starts demolishing biological females in a swimming pool... is ridiculous."
"Trans women should be accepted as women no matter how they present."
"I want to live in a world where trans women, maybe who don't have the luxury to pass, can wear a dress in public and will automatically be 'she/her' just for the fact of wearing a dress."
"There is a very real internal understanding of gender...if it doesn't match that internal understanding of what your gender is, it becomes self-destructive."
"When someone, for example, identifies as a woman but is not participating in the performative aspects of being a woman ever, I don't think that precludes them from saying that they are a woman."
"What makes a woman a woman is not just the performance but the internal acceptance of the performance as an expression of their own subjectivity."
"I believe that gender and sex are different, that gender is socially constructed meaning that humans created it, and that gender is a spectrum."
"I'm not trying to tear apart anyone's family or indoctrinate anyone's children or invalidate anyone else's gender or sexuality, all I'm asking is for people to see me as myself."
"Women's rights activism has to also believe that gender identity is real, not just biological sex."
"For all of the conservative crying about the 63 genders or whatever, this is nothing. This is what they think, this is what they get outraged over, while Bernie supporters are getting outraged over minimum wage and health care."
"Gender is completely arbitrary and socially constructed. There's no right or wrong, just let people identify however they want."
"Gender isn't the parts that make up your body, it's what's in your head."
"Children do not have the mental capacity to make these decisions fully formed and educated decisions." - Argument against children deciding on gender identity changes.
"Gender identity is a person's deeply felt internal and individual experience of gender."
"You can have feelings of gender dysphoria without hitting all of the criteria for a diagnosis."
"The biggest piece of advice that I would give is that it is not transphobic to question."
"Allowing kids to transition and be themselves leads to lower depression, lower anxiety, and lower suicidal ideation and risk."
"People shouldn't be treated better or worse because they identify as the opposite gender."
"They're attracted to somebody who owns their womanhood or their manhood or whatever gender you associate with."
"Everybody has masculine and feminine within them, and I think but I think when it comes to polarity, if you're a man, you probably want to have more masculine qualities, and if you're a woman, you probably want to have more feminine qualities."
"The more and more I got comfortable with my gender identity, the more I got to play with the drag Gottmik side, and now that it's solely my art, it's just the best thing in the world."
"All persons should receive equal treatment under the law, no matter their gender identity or sexual orientation."
"Misgendering is...harmful, disrespectful, and exhausting. We can fight misgendering by remembering that we cannot and should not be assuming anyone's gender."
"Dress however you please, call yourself whatever you like, sleep with any consenting adult who’ll have you... But force women out of their jobs for stating that sex is real? #IStandWithMaya #ThisIsNotADrill."
"If a person has transitioned from male to female and has a gender recognition certificate, that person is legally a woman. That is not something [you] are entitled to ignore."
"Trans people can have different experiences."
"Should a skirt be seen as feminine or masculine? Well, we know from India where the lungi is popular, for Scotland where there's a kilt, that this is a variable."
"Human biology is really complicated, and I think that gender identity is real and intrinsic."
"I do support transitioning adults...and I think even for kids who persist into puberty if they still experience gender dysphoria, the decision should be up to that child with the clinician."
"I do view gender and sex as two different things, and I definitely do view gender as a spectrum."
"Gender is a part of the human experience and every single person experiences gender in a different way."
"Your gender doesn't change because of your fashion preferences, and your fashion preferences don't define your gender."
"I would still be a woman even if I didn't wear makeup, I would still be a woman even if I didn't wear nail polish, and I would still be a woman even if I didn't wear perfume."
"Non-binary people really came into the mainstream this last decade, kind of riding on the coattails of trans women's increased visibility in the media."
"No matter how far someone goes, it doesn't make their gender identity any less valid."
"I think first-person is my gender queer identity... if I lived in a society where what we are, gender assigned at birth, was like placed literally no restriction on terms of how people review your expression or your role, I don't think I would feel the need to identify as genderqueer."
"Before Ryland could even speak, he managed to tell his parents that he is a boy. I could just see it. It wasn't him trying to be a brat; it was like painful. It was truly painful for him."
"Life's hard, and if you can be happy through changing your gender identity, that's amazing. I'm happy for you."
"No trans women are definitely women, like chill the [__] out, what are you talking about?"
"Gender is a social construct and a matter of identity."
"Women who've suffered violence... work really hard to help these women and now we're taking away grants because they disagree with this idea that it's possible for a man to become a woman."
"Despite all of the trying negative things that society puts on gender roles, I would say that I'm a much happier person having transitioned."
"Woman is something no man will ever feel. Woman is not a skill that any man can hone. Woman is our word, and it is ours alone."
"There's no question that gender identity disorder is a condition, and gender dysphoria is a condition and a painful condition at that."
"I can either just talk about my gender experience and risk having to make an amendment later, or I can try and wait until I think I'll never change again and talk about it then."
"The existence of trans people is a pretty strong argument in favor of the idea that maybe slapping gender expectations on somebody from the get-go can not work out great sometimes."
"It's our position that a person's right to safe and humane treatment does not change based on their gender identity."
"Catalina, quite literally neither one thing nor the other, carved out for herself the freedom to transgress."
"Why can't I be a girl right now if I choose to be referred to as she?"
"Even if they were dominating, which they usually aren't, even if they were dominating, who cares? Trans women are still women."
"People are who they say they are. People understand the reality of their own relationship with gender better than others do."
"I believe that trans men are men, trans women are women, non-binary people are valid. I don't consider this to be an abstract ideological position but rather the basis for the material oppression of trans and gender non-conforming people."
"I think we can all agree that her self-identification matters, and I'm happy to and only have referred to her as a woman."
"What are we doing to this whole group of kids that are potentially just gay kids? The phrase people use is 'you're transitioning away the gay.'"
"The discourse around Eilish shows how little room women are allowed to explore their identity."
"My sex and my gender are not a costume for you to try on."
"You don't own periods, you don't own Womanhood. You experience both, and both are different for every person."
"The trans community and the trans movement are really shaken the course of what people think gender identity is supposed to be."
"I think it's possible for a hairy top who doesn't take hormones to be considered a woman."
"The absolute lie that gender is completely disconnected from sex."
"It affirms the wrong idea that someone has that they are the opposite sex and it gives them a very negative, uh, confidence to continue to affirm their own delusions."
"Regret and de-transition are incredibly rare."
"You can't really divorce the idea of a woman from the biological traits of an adult human female."
"My son is James and my ex-wife has been trying to transition him to a girl since he was two years old."
"Gender has more than one definition... for discussion's sake."
"A woman is an adult female. That's what a woman is."
"I'm non-binary and trans masculine, so I identify with the pronoun they/them/theirs."
"Trans women are not men who become women. They are women who happen to be trans."
"Once you start gatekeeping womanhood, femininity is always going to be part of the criteria."
"The sad thing is terfs are usually cis women who have been sexually abused or assaulted, internalizing a deep hatred and disgust of people who they consider biologically male."
"AGP is not the explanation for all trans women."
"It's an adult human female. That's all that needs to be said."
"Gender is a matter of social identity rather than a prescriptive biological thing."
"In a pinned comment under this video, I'm going to list some organizations who can help you if you feel at risk due to your sexuality or gender identity."
"Nobody can replace us, but once a person transitions to whatever gender they want to, we have to acknowledge that they are that now, that gender."
"The vast majority of these children will grow out of these feelings if only we allow them to... Instead, we intervene with these medical drugs and procedures."
"The evidence seems to be overwhelming to me that we've had an intimate interrelationship with them for several thousand years."
"I discovered gender dysphoria... and I discovered the trans forums."
"It's such a bold act of misogyny to think that a man can just put on lipstick and some heels and say, 'Now I'm a woman.'"
"Every individual trans woman is braver than every U.S. Marine combined."
"I think it's pretty clear: it's a disconnect between reality. You're born male, you're born female, but then your brain is saying something else."
"Isn't it funny that you could be banned on Twitter for saying men are not women? It's a fact."
"If a person says that they're a woman or they're a man, then that's them telling you their gender."
"This whole preferred pronoun thing is nothing more than passive-aggressive manipulation, a power play by attention-starved egomaniacs."
"For these individuals, having a gender identity that does not match the sex designation on their birth certificate can result in confusion, possible discrimination, harassment, and violence."
"Boys can become girls, girls can become boys."
"The president believes that trans rights are human rights and that no one should be discriminated on the basis of sex."
"It's violence and abuse to misgender someone to not use the proper pronouns."
"If you are born a biological woman, that is his good design for you."
"Trans women are women. So if we're going to truly celebrate the beautiful, diverse spectrum of womanhood, then we need to celebrate black women. That includes black trans women."
"We can know it's male or female or whatever and I think that actually says a lot more than just that conversation."
"The best way I can describe gender dysphoria is heartache, isolation, and perpetual loss of a life that you need."
"Three-year-olds don't know if they're trans."
"It's certainly not a statement to say trans women aren't women. It's just saying that all of womankind, however you define that, is taking back the power."
"We're stopping the physical development of children based on a belief that they are born in the wrong body."
"Gender is a performance, life for trans people is in a sense one neverending play."
"I look inside myself and ask, do I feel like a man or a woman? And the answer is, I feel happy."
"People felt that having pronouns tied to the binary didn't allow for full expression."
"If we knew what gender identity disorder was, we wouldn't be doing surgery on kids."
"Through transitioning we habituate to the gestures of womanhood, and socially that makes us women, regardless of biology or psychology, checkmate transphobes."
"I think it's immaterial to me and this and women's spaces whether or not that person really believes it or just gets aroused."
"Karen White raped someone with her penis, you know."
"If you rape someone and you get arrested and you tell them you're a woman, that gets recorded as a crime committed by a woman."
"Gender identity gate is open at birth for a normal child. All kids can either be a boy or girl." - John Money
"For me, I'm genderfluid so some days I wake up and I'm feeling feminine, other days I wake up and I'm feeling masculine, some days I wake up and I'm feeling neither honestly, today I'm feeling tired."
"If you don't intervene with children, the vast majority of them grow out of it."
"I felt trans, I just didn't know the word. Like at 5, I was like, why am I being separated and going with the boys and not with the girls?"
"A couple of decades ago, nearly everyone everywhere believed that marriage was between a man and a woman... another five years after that and nobody even knows what a man or woman is anymore."
"Feeling like a woman doesn't make you a woman."
"Trans is saying that the boxes are what we are, and if you were put in the blue box when you were born, you go into the other one."
"I've never seen anybody in bad faith use their gender identity as a way of like meme baiting other people."
"Now like most people my idea of trans women has evolved immensely over the last 10 years."
"He's denying scientific fact... denying that trans men exist." - Sajid Javid
"Gender is a matter of identification, so the number of genders that exist is arbitrary. It's as finite or infinite as we want them to be."
"This surgery is for patients who identify as non-binary."
"Non-binary means a person who identifies outside of the binary."
"I'm trans, my pronouns out of drag are she/they. I'm the happiest I've ever been."
"To be conservative is to believe that there is such a thing as men and women, and that there are only two sexes."
"To view trans women as not women is transphobia in its purest, most basic form."
"Trans women are not men who dress up as women to cause violence or harm to cis women."
"JK Rowling is apparently the worst person in the world. She refused to give in to the big one which is men can be women and women can be banned."
"Women are beautiful. Don't erase them, please."
"The House of Representatives passed legislation today to protect women's sports leagues by Banning male athletes who identify as female from competing."
"If you can use public bathrooms without stares, fear, or anxiety, you have cisgender privilege."
"Societal pressures are always going to be there for trans men, for every man."
"I use they and them as my pronouns, and when someone uses they and them as my pronouns, I feel like that person is listening to me, that person cares about me, and that person wants to have a conversation with me."
"It ain't about being more than a man or oh my God I'm just more than you because I got this yo I think really is me as a woman before you met me I achieved my goals and I get to be the woman I wanted to be."
"Trans men aren't men and trans women aren't women... that's transphobia."
"Here's your friendly reminder that gender is a human. So, once mom decides you're a girl, you're a girl. That's it. You don't even have to talk and mommy's going to decide for it and that... yeah, exactly."
"A man in a dress is a very off-putting thing, especially a man in a dress who really thinks he's a woman."
"There's no way to accept it. But my point is that the story that they tell, it's always just, 'Oh, it was a boy and he liked to wear dresses when he was two years old.'"
"Let a man be in his masculine energy. Encourage it."
"The degree of happiness in this finale is all the more striking when we consider the office's starting exercise to capture the humdrum grind of everyday work life."
"A couple of decades ago, nearly everyone believed marriage was between a man and a woman. Now nobody even knows what a man or woman is anymore."
"Only women can give birth. It's a factually true statement. Only women give birth. There's only one type of human being with uteruses and vaginas. Yes."
"What does it mean to say that a man can really be a woman?"
"Either a man can become a woman or a man can't become a woman, and those two beliefs are mutually exclusive."
"Consider respecting what you're told when someone tells you what gender they are."
"We are dealing with reality, there are girls and boys and there's no right way to be a girl or a boy."
"Refusing to refer to us by our pronouns creates alienation that results in suicide."
"Man is man, woman is woman. You can't transform yourself into the other."
"People can't call you men, they can't call you man, they can't. That is illegal."
"There's no simple answer to what a woman is. There's not even a singular biological answer to the question of what defines a woman."
"So a trans person could have dysphoria but according to the DSM having sexual feelings attracted to their gender identity reverses the legitimacy of their identity."
"The goal of the transition closet is for our students to be able to wear the clothes that their parents approve of, come to school and then swap out into the clothes that fit who they truly are."
"Who looks at a person's gametes when gendering someone?"
"It's God that determines whether we're male or female."
"I won't refer to as a man or woman because that's respectful and that is what you want."
"You inspire me so much. If it wasn't for you, I would be a confused person with no gender."
"I don't feel like a boy I don't know what to do."
"There is nothing intrinsically male about X Y chromosomes. Women have testosterone, cisgender women have testosterone, they also have body hair, they also have muscle mass, and there are women with penises."
"It's not bigoted to say that there are two genders, male and female."
"Why do people even try to figure out what a woman is or what a man is or what anything is for that matter?"
"There are two genders, male and female. It's coded within our DNA. It's not bigoted to say that."
"I'm not a trump, I'm not a threat to the prom woman sports because I am a woman."
"My concern with some of the dogma that we have in the left... is that self-iding for gender is something that we've all agreed is pretty cool and based."
"I want people to consider gender a relatively non-substantial part of their identity."
"I will never understand how it is to be non-binary but I will do my best to use the pronouns that anyone tells me to use."
"It's hurtful not to use people's preferred pronouns. It just kills them inside and causes depression."
"First graders are being taught that just because someone looks like a boy doesn't mean they are."
"You've got kids that are being told it's okay, you can decide your gender."
"Being misgendered can be an incredibly painful experience."
"Trans women are the future. Trans women are not the future of women, there's trans women and then there's women and you're all women."
"If somebody says they're a woman, they're a woman."
"When my child was four years old, he asked me if scientists could turn him into a boy. I didn't understand then that he was trans."