
Positive Living Quotes

There are 186 quotes

"Faith is the courage to live as if everything that happens is for our highest good and learning."
"You are a Creator and you are in heaven when you use your creation. You will manifest Heaven every day in your life and enjoy the beauty of a living experience on this wonderful planet."
"We were born into heaven to create and to enjoy life."
"Life is just more fun and life is more light, and you worry less."
"It's about laughing, loving, growing, giving... and giving passionately and generously and graciously."
"It's our core message that God's for you, he's got a good plan for your life, that you can let go of the past, you can overcome an addiction, you can have great relationships. It's a message of hope, living a life of faith, and being happy about where you are."
"Live your life, ladies and gentlemen, be excited about life."
"Go out every single day of your life, live fully, love openly, and make your difference today."
"Make sure to live your life to the fullest and have yourself a damn good one."
"It's okay to be too happy and enjoy your life for a while."
"Be proud of who you are and who you've become. Always be grateful. Spread the peace and love because it wasn't created to die."
"Guess what, we live, and we live really good!"
"Embrace what's going on and have fun and enjoy your life."
"You're committing happiness, that sounds good."
"Live, love in the moment, don't hold grudges, let the little things go."
"Be kind to yourself, be kind to one another, keep living your life."
"Hold on to your loved ones, tell them you love them, and just try to spread more love in this world."
"Just enjoy life, whatever we can do, we gonna do."
"Oh yeah now this this is where they sort of bow genuinely this is amazing that's good amazing beautiful life beautiful life no stress no stress oh I've seen you stress no stress anxiety jealous yes Cheers."
"Life is good and always striving to bring to me the highest good."
"Stay happy, stay healthy, and live long and prosper. See you next time."
"Trust yourself and focus on the love and the positivity."
"Don't forget to live your extra light, and I'll see you next time. Bye, guys."
"Celebrate and enjoy life because you're doing a great job."
"Put some joy in your life, put a smile on your life, and the short time you have on this infinite planet will be more enjoyable, instead of being a bitter sad little [__], just go and do something."
"If you're having a good time, you're doing it right."
"Stay positive, take precautions, listen to the experts, and carry on living."
"Our main concern should be life and living a good and free life."
"Live like it's heaven on Earth that's also my favorite do that every day."
"So until next time take care of yourself show your body love go out be confident and take on the world."
"They see you as someone that's just getting your groove back, you're enjoying life, you're not focusing on the negative so much."
"Have a wonderful day, drink some water, do some high kicks and high five somebody like till next time see you folks."
"Move with love and light, with pure intentions. Don't think of yourself as lost because you're not."
"You're here to enjoy that life, you're here to feel good and to help others feel good too."
"If I feel like my life has value, then I'm going to live and go out into the world as such."
"Thank you for allowing us to live, laugh, and love here."
"If you can't laugh and enjoy life, you are doing it wrong."
"We're living in joy, we're living in confidence, we're living in peace."
"We're here for a good time... try to make some good out of it."
"The purpose of Art of Living is to make life a celebration... Celebrate the diversity of the planet."
"You will die the way you live. If you live negatively, if you live in fear, you will die negatively. If you live in peace and positive, you will have a positive passing."
"Make sure to drink some water, eat some good food, and love yourself today."
"You want to live in love, joy, and peace, not in shame, guilt, grief, fear, and anger."
"Just do it, have fun, be positive, and if you're not happy, you shouldn't do it."
"When we love who we are, when we love what we're doing, love finds its way to us."
"We are not confused or self-hating. We are happy, we are free, we are loving and finally living our lives."
"Live fully, love openly, and make your difference today."
"Love your life, love your family, have a positive mindset."
"Life should not only be lived, it should be celebrated."
"I think life's for living and life's for laughing."
"Life experience is not meant to be heavy all the time. It's important to have fun and embrace life."
"The best advice I can give is, 'Don't forget to enjoy the ride.'"
"Concentrate on the goodness of life, they enjoy their life."
"I don't need to be high because I'm high on life."
"Just imagine living in a way where anything happens in your life, it's in your favor."
"Life is too short to be stressing over anything or anyone. Just keep moving forward, keep having fun, keep doing you."
"There may not be every name we’re used to talking about, but hell you cannot take this away from Elysium."
"Living in love, living in the heart, and living in this higher vibration energy is the best possible thing we can do."
"Life's too short we're trying to live and be prosperous."
"Let's live our life in such a way where the Holy Spirit is ungrieved."
"Remember life is short and cherishable so please cherish every moment every second."
"That's good. We have to have fun too, of course."
"Celebrate your life like you already have what you want, celebrate and be in the moment as if that moment is here now."
"Everyone likes to have a little bit of comedic value in their life, a little bit of joy."
"Focus on having a good time, live your life."
"Heartstopper isn’t writing a story about trauma, but a story about doing your best to live your life despite the trauma."
"Miracles are a part of my life on a daily basis, bringing with it optimum love and good health."
"Keep doing amazing things, keep staying positive, keep moving forward in life. And if you don't do it for yourself then do it for the people around you."
"Start my day with gratitude and you'll have a greater life."
"People are trying to help each other live our best lives."
"Release expectations and enjoy every day; let worry go and choose love."
"Everyone should enjoy life every and each day as much as you possibly can."
"To me, if it feels good, do it. I feel like we need to move away from things that make us feel bad."
"The day this outperforms a 5950X, you're almost getting Threadripper performance here with better gaming."
"It's time to inject some fun back into your life."
"Not giving up is potentially a happier way to exist."
"Life is worth living and life is fun, and it's great to get out and drive a car."
"Always live with love, with humility, with Integrity, with compassion, with joy."
"Stop being cowards and start living like champions."
"Life is there to be enjoyed, don't miss out."
"Life is too short to eat this, life is beautiful."
"I try to live my life every day like it's a birthday."
"This is not the journey for sorry; it's the journey for empowerment, love, and good energy."
"We're healthy, we're wealthy, we're whole, and inspired tribe, we are unapologetically free."
"Surround yourself with good people, always learn, always move forward, live a good life folks."
"Living above fear, that's the frequency, and if you're staying above fear, all of your emotions sort of sadness and all the depression and all the sorrow and all the negative vibrations they disappear because they are no longer in your reality."
"Laugh often. Life's too short to take seriously. Find humor, tell jokes, and have fun."
"We're actually here to have fun and love our life."
"You are a badass... stop doubting your greatness and start living an awesome life." - Jen Sincero
"What do you want to spend it doing? Laughing, having a good time, having fun."
"In life, you gotta have fun, man. You gotta enjoy what you do."
"Everybody is allowed to go live their life and enjoy. There's nothing to escape."
"Make sure to be safe out there, make good choices, go outside today, get some fresh air, read a good book, eat a good meal, hang out with your friends, tell someone you love them, even if that person is yourself."
"So go out, be bold, be blessed with your life and your pursuits."
"If you think about like nourishing yourself with things that are very light and like make you feel good and veggies and healthy things you just feel happy."
"Do things you love, so more things you love come towards you."
"I'm always about the life of just enjoying the Good Vibes."
"Your advice is to enjoy positive things when they're happening, enjoy your blessings as they come."
"Enjoy your life enjoy being around people and enjoy relationships connections and people you meet alright alright let's keep it poppin and moving forward."
"Your attitude is your own choice; you can wake up every single day with a positive attitude."
"Just let yourself enjoy life, let yourself have fun, let yourself be happy."
"Live your life well and good things will happen."
"Choose love not fear. Just a reminder to keep your consciousness uplifted."
"life is short and it's the only one you're getting so enjoy it and do good while you still can"
"We're all given a limited period of time on Earth so it's really to make the best of every day and enjoy your time here."
"If you're not having fun in life, then you are missing out on huge opportunities."
"Let go of comparison, go after your dreams, and live your best life now."
"Live laugh love life, you only got one life to live."
"I feel so free and truly living my best life."
"At the end of the day, I think it's all about energy and it's the energy and enthusiasm you have for life."
"You're moving forward in a healthy, positive way."
"Be silly. Be kind. Be weird. There’s no time for anything else."
"Raise your vibration by living a healthy lifestyle and caring for yourself."
"It's not about getting things for the sake of getting things, it's about vibrating at a high positive energy for your own greater good."
"You have the ability to create heaven on earth."
"Go find the love and go have fun out there on the water."
"Live life to the fullest and focus on the positive." - Ricky's wisdom
"Embrace Life, enjoy now and tell others how much they mean to you and how much fun you're actually having."
"Life is so much better when you live it in a happy place."
"Eat clean, move every day, and you will shine brighter."
"Until we meet again remember, make sure you put some colour in your life."
"May you live your gratitude through the actions of appreciation, joy, and acceptance."
"Hey I'm saying no to drugs have a good week having a life easy does it thank you."
"Be happy, be free, be kind, and be safe."
"You don't have to live in condemnation, you don't have to live in guilt, you don't have to live in shame, you don't have to live in regret."
"Living authentically increases happy feelings and positive thoughts and behaviors."
"Go have the day you deserve and pay it forward. Peace."
"We don't need to just drug ourselves up to not feel bad; we can actually feel amazing."
"You have to let people know what is harmful for them but also in a positive way of what they should be doing with their lives."
"I hope you are living a good life as well."
"Be good, make awesome art, and I will see you next time."
"Eat delicious food and have a wonderful week."
"I can't complain, I've been super blessed, living my best life."
"Living like you're living your best life."
"Let's inspire a billion people to live a glad to be here life."
"We are not a glum lot, and there are so many of us out there that are thriving and having amazing lives in recovery."
"I'm here to inspire amazing women, including you, towards a healthier and happier life."
"Life is way too short to not enjoy what you do."
"Feel really good, have fun in your reality, enjoy your life, and you're going to see how easy and effortless manifesting really is."
"It's a lifestyle based on positive faith, positive thinking, positive talking, positive acting."
"Life can start to become a real pleasure and the idea is really to find pleasure in life."
"Not to become obsessed or guilty or ashamed of it but to be able to have a great, healthy, positive life."
"Making the most of life, I've been loving it."
"Live your life, be good to people, have fun. That's why I stay turnt, don't know the price, never depressed."
"Life is what you make it, and I want to make it a good one."
"I want you to live your best life now, a life full of joy, faith, love, and hope."
"I could get used to this, honestly loving life so much."
"Make your life into a song of bliss."
"Stay joyful, stay healthy, stay courageous, and lots of love."
"Try to make the best of everything you do in life, and most importantly, smile."
"As always, please be good, do good, drink your water."
"When you live a life like that, you're a happy guy, and then you root for people."
"Make it wonderful by starting within yourself to have integrity, generosity, kindness, straightforwardness, tolerance, forgiveness."
"Live your best life, won't judge you."
"We're just men advocating for other men to live happy lives and do well."
"Enjoy yourselves, that's the main thing."
"We live very comfortably when we're in an optimistic place."
"Thank you for living your life, go eat some good food."
"I'm going to live my best life possible."
"I would continue to live my life positively and without taking myself too seriously."
"You can live the dream with confidence."
"Oh look, we choose to be happy every single day."
"I'm doing the fill your life with laughter and love challenge, 20 funny challenge: fill your life with laughter and love."
"Happy pigs, happy lives, happy everything."
"...any healing and health is about resolving issues or resolving problems that allows you to go on with your life and to go on with your health in a very positive way."
"You deserve to have fun, and joy is a cornerstone part of a good whole life."
"Stay safe out there, and if you're having a wonderful day like today here in Texas at 64 degrees and it's sunny, enjoy it."
"I hope you're all staying cool, happy, healthy, moisturized, hydrated."
"Life becomes more fun and more proactive."
"She is living her actual factual best life."
"Life is too good to be dwelling on some of the small mishaps."
"I am working hard and dedicated to living a positive life in society."
"I live in a friendly universe that's designed to serve me."
"I want you to start living a happier life today," the narrator encouraged.
"When you hate to see the years go by, it's because you've lived a good life."
"He feels empowered to live a good life."
"When we get excited about life, we get a life that is exciting."
"Go live your best, bestest, bestest of life."
"Spread your peace, spread your love, live life with a good vibration."
"Universal forces always work for you when you live right, period."
"Flow with the energy, that's how you live a happy life, that's how you stay stress-free."