
Scientific Breakthrough Quotes

There are 177 quotes

"My guess is once we crack the neural code, it will be as momentous for our society as the cracking of the genetic code."
"Now a similar form of solid carbon has delivered a massive breakthrough in renewable energy."
"The breakthrough of the year last year for 2021 was a machine learned system called AlphaFold, which could learn to fold proteins from its amino acid sequence, a 50-year challenge in biology."
"Charles Darwin knocked us off our pedestal with his theory that all species, even humans, are connected to each other through a long history of evolution."
"These accomplishments are just the tip of the iceberg, because without Pasteur’s revolutionary germ theory, modern medicine would not be anything like it is today."
"If anything can break the impasses in physics, it's conflicts of principle. When conflicts of principle arise, that's when major new paradigms emerge. That's the excitement."
"This is a cool breakthrough, mostly cool because it's unbelievable complexity of its experimental setup and just the depth of understanding of how to build this system, and how to measure it, and how to control it, is really interesting and absolutely at the forefront of things that we understand."
"This is the first time life has ever been found underneath an Antarctic ice sheet, and it's proving that sunlight might not always be a requirement for life."
"Who knows if we will have a Juice moment that will also change completely our understanding of the solar system."
"This startling revelation was a huge breakthrough for the scientific community."
"For the first time ever, an American lab produced more energy through fusion than was used to create the reaction."
"Scientists have finally cracked a decades-old space flight riddle."
"The search for Planet X transformed astronomy, leading to real breakthroughs like the discovery of Pluto and our solar system's most distant object."
"In a breakthrough uncannily similar to Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, a team of scientists has successfully brought pig brains back to life."
"Superconductor breakthrough could represent biggest physics discovery of Lifetime."
"This is an enormous scientific breakthrough independent of commercialization."
"Teleportation technology may seem light years away from actual realization, but Chinese scientists in 2017 were actually able to successfully teleport photons to a satellite 300 miles away."
"It's hard to overestimate the importance of that moment. For the first time ever we had genetic material from an extinct branch of humanity, another ancient hominin other than ourselves."
"A discovery like this offers a glimmer of hope."
"For the first time, one scientist from our civilization cycle has proven that clean energy was possible."
"This was the first time that people had seen the interior of matter had seen the atomic arrangements inside a piece of crystalline matter."
"Plastic eating bugs: Breakthrough could greatly aid in the global plastic pollution crisis."
"In yet another recent efficiency and durability breakthrough, a team led by scientists from the Korea Institute of Energy Research (KIER) have broken records for semi-transparent perovskite PVs."
"It's extremely hard to anticipate how much will research change when we finally crack open the truth."
"Einstein's general theory of relativity finally explained the why of gravity."
"The most exciting breakthrough in cosmology is the discovery that the universe is accelerating."
"They discovered the cosmic microwave background radiation."
"This is going to be a tremendous breakthrough, the biggest in human history arguably when it comes to getting mankind to other worlds."
"And getting the call on Sunday evening and hearing that we have 95% efficacy. This was extraordinary."
"This is one of the greatest scientific accomplishments in history. It will save millions of lives and soon end the pandemic once and for all."
"This teenager has changed the future of medical science with her simple but genius invention."
"German scientists have figured out how to make paralyzed mice walk again."
"AlphaFold has reconstructed 200 million proteins, basically every protein of every living thing that's ever been sequenced. This is completely revolutionary."
"Major breakthrough: faster-than-light travel with the new classifier drive."
"This discovery could change the foundation of science."
"What made Apollo special was that he was responsible for us discovering the cure to our recent parasitic mite problem."
"That, ladies and gentlemen, is the full story of Project Cobalt and the Beverage Ears."
"Science has reached the point now where we can build machines that exploit those other worlds and quantum computers are perhaps the most exciting of all of these."
"It seemed as if science had stumbled upon a miracle cure that was going to change the face of medicine forever."
"Every now and then someone makes a discovery that goes so viral it becomes headline news."
"CRISPR is revolutionizing research... poised to revolutionize drug discovery."
"Moon's magnetic field Chang's recent lunar exploration not only revealed hidden lunar Secrets but also pav the way for Innovative insights into our Celestial neighbor."
"The recent lunar Revelations not only broaden our understanding of water reservoirs but also Mark a watershed moment in the fascinating world of lunar exploration."
"The discovery of phosphorus mineral China booed by the success of its chongi 5 Mission recently revealed an astounding lunar breakthrough."
"Investigators now have the breakthrough they'd been waiting for all these years."
"Out of the ashes of classical physics would emerge a new revolutionary framework."
"Planck's great contribution came when he realized that he could obtain the required cutoff in energy."
"I just want to be clear... we've successfully created high affinity neutralizing antibodies against kovat 19."
"They were able to reverse the signs of aging."
"AlphaFold 2 got an error of 0.96 angstroms which was three times more accurate than the next best system."
"The structure prediction problem had essentially been solved."
"For the first time in human history, researchers observed underwater volcanic activity so massive that it formed new land masses above it."
"The James Webb Space Telescope smashed another new record."
"Einstein's paper in 1905 is heralded as a turning point in our understanding of the universe."
"This could be one of the world's biggest breakthroughs."
"Scientists have just stumbled upon a new superconducting material that could change the game entirely."
"It answers the Riddle That Einstein once asked he said how can you go millions of times faster than the speed of light without breaking the speed of light and remain constant inside the Newtonian physics I figured out how to do that."
"Oxygenic photosynthesis, a chemical innovation made by tiny bacteria nearly two and a half billion years ago, is the fundamental root of most of our modern ecosystems."
"Enough specimens have been preserved so that scientists could reconstruct the bird's entire genome."
"Measuring the mass of a star for the first time. Monumental discovery confirms theories about white dwarf evolution."
"The discovery of the Denisovans has been a GameChanger in evolutionary biology, painting a picture of our past that's far more intricate than previously thought."
"I believe it's not going to take much more analysis before I have a breakthrough. I believe I'm that close."
"A big moment will be when an AI system comes up with a new scientific discovery."
"Never in the history of science have we taken a leap like that. It would be the most important leap in the history of physics."
"Einstein didn’t produce his papers on general theory of relativity or special theory of relativity in 4 hours."
"That discovery indicated that it was possible to search for planets around distant stars and it was profoundly important it's changed the whole field has changed our understanding the universe."
"The fact that they went from nothing, almost no Fusion yield at all, to getting a surprise shot and then this ignition moment is a pretty impressive feat."
"Scientists have already cracked the biochemical reversal of the process of aging."
"There's some breaking science that I think is so spectacular, so exciting."
"If Dan Fisher is right, it's a huge step forward in explaining mammoths' extinction."
"It would be one of the great scientific discoveries of all time."
"In what sounds like science fiction, scientists have brought an ancient creature back to life!"
"There is a backup copy of youth in our cells, and that is a big deal."
"The miracle and what has made our modern lives possible is that someone figured out how to perform the same trick with electrons inside a solid piece of material, in silicon."
"It's a truly groundbreaking discovery, one of those things which will go down in the textbooks and in the history books as a real cornerstone of how we think about the universe."
"If scientists discovered new Force carrying particles, it would be a decade-long awaited breakthrough in physics"
"Dinosaur tissue claims: scientists have managed to find intact soft tissues within dinosaur bones."
"The entire story of DNA research will have to be rewritten from scratch."
"What he described in that paper was a new perspective and new theory to think about the immune system that when I read it I thought that this is makes so much sense and this is going to completely revolutionize our understanding of immunity."
"His greatest achievement, E equals MC squared, also becomes this thing that can destroy the world."
"But now, if dinosaurs could be cloned, why, Grant's field of study was going to change instantly."
"Dr. Pääbo's research team wowed his fellow scientists and the public by mapping the molecular foundation of what it means to be a Neanderthal."
"Discovery of life on an exoplanet."
"For science, we've done it, oh my god we've done it."
"Alpha fold reached Atomic accuracy across all test proteins."
"We reached Atomic accuracy across all test proteins."
"Science was so unique, they walked out one day and caught lightning, turned it into electricity."
"NASA demonstrated an ability to produce oxygen from CO2 on Mars."
"We're close to something big here," Dr. Sorenson whispered. "The key to unlocking the secrets of the ancients."
"The LIGO Observatory as well as the Virgo observatory is one of the most important things that happened in 21st-century physics."
"Using this information, we were able to create the first serum-free culture system of pure A1 reactive astrocytes."
"Their aging was delayed by 30 years."
"This is huge so we could now start to make beta cells in the laboratory if that's the case then we can start transplanting them into human beings which is pretty darn cool."
"The clinical application of biofilm science has clearly eliminated indescribable suffering and has saved lives."
"Reverse transcriptase has revolutionized molecular biology."
"When a person is cremated the heat usually destroys any evidence of foul play. At least that was the theory until a scientist in Texas found a way to test cremated remains and in so doing made forensic history."
"CRISPR will change the human race forever."
"That's the first optical trap ever seen by man."
"The major technology breakthrough in single particle cryo-EM particularly facilitated by the camera technology."
"After eight incredible years of labor, Einstein came up with something better."
"If we didn't have that RNA Discovery 20 years ago, we never would have come up with a vaccine in a year."
"Placing the molecules transiently in two different states has allowed us to crack the diffraction resolution barrier fundamentally."
"Her co-discovery of CRISPR Cas9 genetic engineering technology with collaborator French scientist Emmanuel Charpentier has changed human and agricultural genomics research forever."
"Harvey's research was a major breakthrough in anatomy and changed how people understood the anatomy."
"This discovery was rated by Science magazine in 2006 as one of the breakthroughs of the year."
"The real breakthrough came when Voyager 1 observed a sharp increase in plasma density."
"We are about to nail down gravity with an exact theory of what physics really is."
"We are on the verge of one of the most incredible breakthroughs in physics since Einstein and Niels Bohr."
"The thing about the trim protocol is it actually makes aging go in reverse."
"Once this mysterious equation is solved, humans will be able to use gravitational anomalies to manipulate gravity and to safely get everyone off the planet."
"When Cooper goes inside the black hole Gargantua at the end of Interstellar and transmits that data to Murph, she is finally able to solve the equation and save humanity."
"The Dirac equation: a masterpiece that harmonizes the quantum world."
"Physicists are very lucky. This is a great break for astronomy and cosmology, and it's all based on this uncertainty principle."
"We made the atomic metallic hydrogen."
"Einstein's key physical insight... really saved the day."
"This is the first major scientific advance that comes out of Novo."
"...it was enormously exciting because in the realm of... they just turned on the highest energy machine in the world."
"This was that moment in science where everything changed about how we thought about the whole universe."
"...if you give them these mRNAs, you have no tumors left; they don't ever grow."
"That was, I think, the most remarkable medical or scientific accomplishment in my lifetime."
"We've cracked the code on how to reprogram the cells."
"This sort of makes it a big deal, a huge deal, such a huge deal as a matter of fact that certain scientists have already started speculating that it could maybe invalidate the Standard Model of physics."
"Few breakthroughs in science have had the kind of sweeping, immediate impact that CRISPR has."
"The ability to see atoms and molecules with electrons blew open this entire field."
"If they succeed, it could change our understanding of the universe and our search for life beyond Earth."
"Dolly was a female domestic sheep and the first animal to be cloned from an adult somatic cell."
"The major breakthrough in our understanding came with the techniques of molecular biology."
"If this is the observation of the mysterious axions, it can actually solve a lot of mysteries at the same time."
"We've never been able to do that before, so getting those observations was very exciting."
"The new drug was an exciting advancement in blocking cell receptors that like to hide the cancer in someone's body."
"We have revolutionized the science of biology; that is the dream of dreams."
"The results were phenomenal, and Science, one of the most important journals in the world in science, chose our study as one of the world's top 10 breakthroughs of the year."
"The Perovskite solar cell... caught the attention of the scientific community as its efficiency increased all of a sudden from a very decent number to a very high number."
"You're looking now at something that had a huge impact on physics."
"I think in the next decade or so, we're going to find out some really fantastic insights using the technique."
"These neuraminidase-targeting molecules have unprecedented breadth to seasonal and zoonotic influenza A and B viruses."
"It's incredibly exciting when you see a company making a drug using technologies that was developed in a little fume hood at the back end of a lab in Princeton."
"We did it, the worm HHO Drive works. Imagine how this will revolutionize space travel."
"It will change everything, DeepMind's AI makes gigantic leap in solving protein structures."
"This idea that you could start to get this sort of data within live cells... blew many of our minds."
"We didn't recognize that DNA was genetic material until 1944 when Avery, McCloud, and McCarty did their famous experiment."
"With AlphaFold 2, we're able to predict the 3D structure in a matter of seconds."
"It has been five hours since the experiment started, and the soul of Bruce Marek is still contained."
"For the first time ever, scientists studying so-called MOND have been able to partially recreate part of the universe."
"I've never had an experiment turn around as dramatically as this one has."
"Fusion Energy - One of the Great Scientific Leaps of the 21st Century."
"Louis Pasteur proved once and for all that it was germs in the air that caused disease and infection."
"The discovery of the cosmic microwave background was a major breakthrough in our understanding of the universe."
"The real breakthrough was done by Heisenberg in 1925."
"We now know faster than light travel is possible."
"I never thought I'd see a resonance cascade, let alone create one."
"To achieve fusion ignition in the laboratory would be a first-in-the-world accomplishment."
"What really would constitute a great scientific discovery is the sort of thing that would make scientists sit up and take notice."
"What we were experiencing in witnessing what this device could do was having a sciencegasm, the world's best."
"The energy out will be greater than the energy in."
"Do we need this? And when you said, you know, what's a Eureka moment that you suddenly realized?"
"Science be praised, this could end the war."
"Arguably, Haber-Bosch process is the most important invention of the 20th century."
"One of the greatest proved, among other things, the relationship between matter and energy."
"So using the chemical isotope cobalt 60, she showed that the laws of nature were not always symmetrical, disproving the law that had been accepted for more than 30 years."
"The discovery of evidence pointing to past universes would represent a monumental shift in our understanding of cosmology and the very nature of reality itself."
"Entanglement plus individual quantum systems will give birth to a new technological revolution."