
Women's Rights Quotes

There are 2155 quotes

"The Cornerstone of feminism is choice for women."
"Even one biological male in a woman's prison or in any woman's space affects all of us, affects all women and girls."
"The United States stands eager and ready to work with every country willing to take action to address discriminatory legal and regulatory barriers that hold women back and impede economic progress for all."
"There's a real crisis in this country of older women who've taken time out of their careers to raise children and then they get divorced and then they enter their retirement years very poor."
"Ensuring that mothers have a right to maternity leave and to return to their jobs afterwards is a sign of a civilized society and one that encourages women to work."
"After years in silence and darkness, I am finally ready to tell my story and to speak up on behalf of myself and for the benefit of other women who face violence and abuse in their relationships."
"In the end, it shouldn't be politicians in Columbus that make these decisions; it should be women and their doctors."
"That's one of the reasons I'm going to win: women in my state don't trust them; men in my state think that this is a decision between a woman and her doctor, not a bunch of politicians in Columbus."
"A higher moral principle is that the women should be free to choose because of a whole host of historical reasons."
"I understand that not all women want to be objectified, not all women want to stand up 90% naked in a thong and almost be forced to get breast implants to compete at the top."
"I think women deserve to decide what happens with their body."
"No one can bear to live a meaningless life. Women fight for meaning just as women fight for survival."
"If you want to fight for women and families, you have to fight for women and family planning."
"Access to contraception and abortion are necessary for women's bodily autonomy."
"Meghan Markle reveals a very influential woman begged her not to give up her activism when she married Prince Harry because it means so much to women and girls."
"This team has shown an undeniable truth, an inalienable right that the equality of women must be guaranteed in this nation."
"We're trying to find the medium in which women are safe to go to the police and make genuine complaints."
"Allowing a state to take control of a woman's body and force her to undergo the physical demands, risks, and life-altering consequences of pregnancy is a fundamental deprivation of her liberty."
"I'm a firm believer that a woman does have, in fact, a right to choose."
"I respect women and their ability and their knowledge about their own body and their own lives."
"Our manifesto says we will give women a single income mortgage through the NHT so that they can rent to buy their own home and get out of that abusive situation."
"The real-world effects of overruling Roe and Casey would be severe and swift, with profound effects on women's bodies, health, and the course of their lives."
"The hijab is for modesty; it is not to degrade the woman."
"For far too long, black women have been ignored and left behind."
"It should be a woman's right to choose what they're able to do with their own body."
"I am Pro women's choice for them to do what they want with their body, point-blank period."
"Sexual freedom is an essential component of women's freedom."
"I've done political theses on the importance of feminism and women's liberation."
"Women, life, freedom — that's the rallying cry in Iran and cities around the world as protests continue demanding justice."
"Women-centric slogans like 'zanzendegi Azadi' have been very much at the forefront of these protests."
"Iranian women have borne the brunt of a political system predicated on their subjugation through daily policing and criminalization."
"We're seeing young women and women across Iran who are just saying, 'I will no longer comply.'"
"The protests in Iran are capturing our attention because we're seeing in real life how women are putting their lives on the line."
"Until the woman of Iran are free, we are going to stand with you — women, life, freedom."
"I just don't understand the whole debate. Like, women should just be able to govern their own bodies."
"I don't think that I'll ever invalidate a woman's feelings when she says, 'Hey, I've been abused.'"
"I would say that the life of the woman who has her own rights, and autonomy over her body would supersede the rights of a fetus."
"Women should pursue happiness and they should be able to do what they want."
"I don't believe in abortion, but I do not also think that I have the right to tell a woman what to do with her body."
"Women don't have a real choice; we have a very narrow set of predetermined choices within patriarchy."
"The advocacy of women's rights on the ground of the equality of the sexes is a definition everyone can agree on."
"Reproductive labor...has largely fallen on women's shoulders based on the myth that women are naturally more caring."
"Reproductive freedom...includes the right to choose to have a child."
"The United States is not the only place where we have fought for women's rights, but we are so much more advanced than so many countries and societies where women are still being literally killed."
"Feeling alienated from a movement which has transformed their lives in ways that many of them don't even recognize can further alienate them from activism or thoughts or ideas that could enhance the quality of their lives."
"Women are more free, they're more educated, they make more money, but it is fair to say that women are without a shadow of a doubt less happy than they have ever been."
"Because every single woman I know has a story about a man feeling entitled to access to her body. Every single one. #YesAllWomen"
"I shouldn't have to hold my car keys in hand like a weapon and check over my shoulder every few seconds when walking at night. #YesAllWomen"
"You should look after women and respect them and take care of them."
"Feminism could mean that women now have the option to do whatever it is that they want to do."
"If me fishing in France could do something for women's rights, I would take the hit."
"Women have made a ton of gains positively in society."
"By any reasonable measure, American women are among the safest, freest, healthiest, best-educated, and opportunity-rich women in the world."
"Women's rights and girls' rights definitely need to be protected and fought for."
"Women's rights activism has to also believe that gender identity is real, not just biological sex."
"Let women do what they want to do with their bodies; at the end of the day, it's their bodies."
"These changes and others elevated women from their previous positions as being subservient, to cutting their hair, wearing shorter dresses, and taking on the moniker 'a flapper'."
"It's no one's business how a woman chooses to dress."
"Now, if you're a woman in Alabama, it looks like you're going to need a great lawyer. Yes, just in general."
"Americans need to know who Leonard Leo is... responsible for the right of women to choose being taken away for the first time in a half century."
"These are very progressive companies that have the interests of women in mind."
"I want to respect women's choices to make the decision best for themselves."
"Encourage women to assert their boundaries. I know that's a mouthful, but to me, I feel like that actually gives more insight to the situation than just say no."
"Stay in competition, be stronger, get your nails did, get your promotion, and rally for women's rights."
"By many objective measures, the lives of women in the United States have improved over the past 35 years, yet women's happiness has declined."
"In 1895 Willard boldly declared, 'A wider freedom is coming to the women of America. Too long has it been held that woman has no right to enter these movements (…) Politics is the place for woman.'"
"And we are all better off for their fight and for their victory."
"Women were also aided by legal changes, like getting the right to own property, control their wages, and make contracts and wills."
"Not a lot of women are standing up for women's rights and the rights of girls to be whatever kind of girl they wanna be."
"We are not anti-women. How can we react against women when we are women, our mothers are women, our grandparents are women, our grandmothers are women, aunties are women?"
"Dr. Mukwege has devoted his adult life to treating the wounds of women who have been raped. The number of patients, traumatized patients who he has treated is I think over 50,000."
"Emma supports more than 30 organizations in the equality and women's rights movements."
"The right of a woman to make her own decisions about her reproductive health and about her body is a national right, I believe it's an American freedom."
"The most disrespected, unprotected, and neglected person in America is the black woman."
"It enables the emergence of the idea that women could be equal, or that they are equal, and that equality should be fostered, treasured, and developed."
"For the first time in our species' history, it suddenly becomes possible for women to control their fertility themselves, invisibly."
"It is wrong-headed and intended to harm when you pass laws that deny a woman a right to make decisions about her body."
"No one has done more for women than Jesus Christ."
"One courageous woman after another stepped forward to say enough is enough."
"Women have fought and continue to fight for a seat at the table and to be seen as an equal to their male counterparts."
"Social movements such as the #MeToo and the Time's Up are igniting change and bringing women together, yet it still remains taboo for women to speak out about woman-on-woman bullying at work."
"We should all be focused on the courageous bravery of the women who came forward and all of us should be focused on keeping women safe, believing women, and allowing women to speak their truth."
"None of this would have been illuminated if not for the heroic women who came forward, and I am inspired by all the brave women who came forward. But more importantly, I believe them and I thank them for their bravery."
"To support a woman's ability to make that decision does not require anyone to abandon their faith or their beliefs."
"I believe that abortion is a form of Health Care and that every woman should have access to it if she needs it."
"Donald Trump took away the freedom of women to choose. I'm determined to make Roe v. Wade the law of the land again."
"We're not gonna have full equality until women are treated equally in their professional lives, their personal lives, and their online lives."
"It is high time that your sisters and daughters should no longer be led to the altar like sheep to the shambles."
"Women must rise from their position as ministers to the passions of men, to be their equals."
"I claim the right to speak for the uninflated women of the country and denounce myself as a candidate for the presidency."
"I and others of my sex find ourselves controlled by a form of government in the inauguration of which we had no voice."
"The foolproof plan to making all of this happen: Let women issue a declaration of independence sexually and absolutely refuse to go to habits with men until they are acknowledged as equals in everything, and the victory would be won in a single week."
"Casual sex is not the key to liberating women; letting them control their body is."
"The great freedom of being an American woman is that we can decide how to build our lives, whom to marry, what kind of person we are and where we want to go."
"I think it's a decision that women should be allowed to make for themselves."
"Every woman has to make a choice over their body because it's their body."
"If fighting for equal pay, Planned Parenthood, and the ability to make our own health decisions is playing the woman card, then deal me in."
"When it's he said, she said, the probability that all those women are lying is just astronomically low."
"Violence against women is not something that any civilized society should tolerate."
"It's not just about the headscarf; it's not just about the right of women to veil or not veil. No, it is a vicious game being played, a game of identity politics, a game of which civilization will be more dominant, a game of who's going to be more powerful than whom."
"Western women are not protected by their fists; they're protected by the great speculation. They're protected by philosophy, by thousands of years of people saying, 'Hey, you know what? The other guy exists as well as me.'"
"The class system... has already broken down the patriarchal structure that used to run the world... we're already seeing massive strides forward for women's emancipation just based on market forces."
"How dare they tell a woman what she can do with her own body."
"I want to protect women's reproductive rights in any way I can."
"Michael Manley observed the system and recognized that if more of our society was women, family-dependent, then if you didn't protect women, you couldn't protect family."
"The point is this: the fact that women are making this reference at all should tell you how serious they are and how seriously we all should take this."
"I have dreams and hopes and ambitions. Every girl graduating today does, and we have spent our entire lives working towards our future, and without our input and without our consent, our control over that future has been stripped away from us."
"We're not going to change people's minds... but what I want to show the people in these positions of power is that we are not going to stand for them taking away our rights."
"Voice of America posted videos on social media of girls and women describing their experiences as brides and young mothers, sparking a global conversation."
"Girls are forced to leave classrooms where they thrived and into marriages where most of them never wanted to be."
"The liberal justices dissented with the decision, writing with sorrow for the many millions of American women who have today lost a fundamental constitutional protection."
"This Supreme Court opinion will live in infamy as they step backward for women's rights and human rights."
"A time when the government denied women control over their reproductive freedoms, forced them to move forward with pregnancies they didn't want, and then abandoned them once their babies were born."
"Women should have the right to decide what they want to do with their bodies."
"It should just be a healthcare right because if it's not, then all the women are going to be dying around the world."
"Has me too galvanized women, has it empowered them, given them the courage, provided solidarity so they can speak out and speak up?"
"Women in the United States no longer have a constitutional guaranteed right to an abortion."
"Joe Biden wrote the Violence Against Women Act and championed it."
"This is about making sure that women can control their own bodies and their futures."
"Feminist movements have campaigned and continue to campaign for women's rights, including the right to vote, to hold public office, to work, to earn fair wages or equal pay, to own property, to receive education, and to enter contracts."
"Women have been getting abortions for millennials as long as we have lived, so they will not stop people getting abortions."
"Do not underestimate the rage of women in this country."
"How dare they tell a woman what she can do and cannot do with her own body?"
"The Democrats will fight this decision for as long as it takes. We will fight; we'll fight like hell."
"It is our intention for the Senate to hold a vote on legislation to codify the right to an abortion in law."
"Biden's executive order... includes pro bono legal assistance for women facing assaults on their rights in certain states."
"I'm fighting for all the same things women in America have been fighting for since the inception of the country."
"American women today have less freedom than their mothers."
"Women deserve lots of things, even if the world tells us otherwise."
"Feminism's entire goal has been the sexual liberation of women."
"The reality is that there's going to be millions and millions of women that are going to remain in the country that deserve our protection."
"This is the time for the international community to really back up Afghan women."
"Women deserve to be treated with dignity and respect, and when they step forward, they should be heard, not silenced."
"Every year at this time, we talk about awareness, prevention, and the importance of women feeling they can step forward, say something, and be heard." - Joe Biden
"The popularity I think was the first time that the equality door was kicked open for women to get the same kind of entertainment options that men have had for years."
"State-enforced male guardianship laws...require women to have a male guardian's permission to marry, work, travel, or even refuse to have sex with them without a legitimate reason."
"A big part of me goes: leave woman alone; don't comment on women's bodies."
"I'm going to fight like hell to protect this right for Michigan women."
"When you take away a woman's right to make her decisions about her health and well-being, she is no longer a full citizen."
"I will continue to stand up for women and girls, sis and trans alike."
"All women and girls should be able to feel safe on the streets of London at all times."
"No woman should go through what that lady did."
"A future where no child is made to be a soldier, and no woman is exploited, and where the laws protect them even if they're vulnerable, even if they're weak."
"Any nation that fails to educate its girls or employ its women and allowing them to maximize their potential is doomed to fall behind in the global economy."
"The money of the woman is hers; you don't touch it."
"We should also be able to have a wide-ranging debate about trans issues to get to a place where women born with female biological bodies don't feel their rights are getting infringed."
"The fact that someone was killed...could literally have been any Iranian woman...has really shaken the conscience of the entire nation."
"After all this happened to me, I didn't give up. I make it clear to everyone that ISIS raped thousands of Yazidi women. This was the first time a woman from Iraq she came out and spoke about what happened to all of us."
"It's a woman's choice; it's her body at the end of the day."
"I feel like it's a woman's right to choose what she wants to do with her own body."
"I believe it's a woman's right. I believe in the right to bodily autonomy."
"It's her body, so, she should be able to make her choices."
"Ruth Bader Ginsburg was a beacon and an inspiration for many young women. She fought for the expansion of human rights and women's rights."
"The discourse around Eilish shows how little room women are allowed to explore their identity."
"The Communist revolution taught Chinese women to dream big."
"Islam gives women so much. It allows us to be whoever we want, act however we want, do whatever we want, and keep our income."
"You've got an individual state constitution that says there's a right of privacy. Why doesn't the right of privacy protect a woman's right to choose and have bodily autonomy?"
"It's going to have a tremendous impact on women across the country."
"Feminism was always going to become a movement that fought for female freedom, a woman's right to choose whatever life she wants."
"Remember that this is a woman's choice and feminism is about respecting a woman's choice."
"We support all women's right to feel comfortable and protected in the workplace."
"Fifty-five years ago, birth control pills gave women control over their own bodies, enabling them to chart their own reproductive destinies."
"The single best predictor for National fertility rates happens to be wanted family size as reported by women."
"The game is now up. Australian women must be safe in all workplaces, led by the parliament itself."
"It had nothing to do with women's rights, nothing."
"Abortion is your right and it is still legal."
"On the political front, in December 1934, the country granted full political rights to women."
"Women are not supposed to suppress, women are not supposed to downtrodden, they should get equal status in society with men."
"Women in Iran are fighting back and rightfully so."
"Empowering women to set boundaries confidently."
"In Islam, we condemn the objectification of women."
"Women could completely lose their access to abortion care."
"There's a place we can all meet each other, but not without honoring all of the history of oppression of women."
"Women have gained so much... but they also recognize what they've lost."
"I believe women can do whatever they want, they have equal rights."
"And their work toward a more just social order for others transformed the way that American women imagined themselves as well."
"Let us help the women who are caught in this. Let us help all the people who are oppressed by this, even if that involves our suffering to the point of death."
"I want to be Above and Beyond in protecting women and giving them the right protection and benefits when they're having babies."
"I don't knock anyone for doing it, and I don't knock anyone for not doing it... As women, we have the right to choose whatever we want to choose, and no one should question us about it."
"We will never allow a single inch of retreat from the hard-earned rights of women in this country, not one inch."
"They made it personal, they made people face and look in the mirror and listen to women."
"I meet women coming from Somalia and Egypt and Iran which is a kind of you know talk about a Handmaid's Tale I mean that's like 1984 for women."
"Women are treated like a joke, and everyone is standing by watching this escalating behavior and not spotting them as red flags."
"I think this is one of those issues that are going to bring people together and specifically women together regardless of partisan lane for sure."
"I think women are going to be angry and I think this is also going to energize young people."
"The advocacy of women's rights on the basis of the equality of the Sexes, fair play. But times have changed, our definitions have changed."
"It's about women's rights and women's health care."
"Women should just be able to date and have sex with whoever they feel like it."
"Disclosure has the potential to provide women with vital tools that facilitate healing and possibly prevent re-victimization."
"I support abortion rights is a universal right for all women in America."
"What's happening to her right now is not right. No woman should ever be restricted from making decisions about her own body."
"I support Roe v. Wade, that's what I run on, that's what I believe."
"Abortion rights is a universal right for all women in America."
"It is women who have the right to control their own bodies."
"I believe the right of a woman to make her own decisions about her reproductive health is an American freedom." - Pete Buttigieg
"Women didn't have the right to vote for a very long time."
"Every stage of my career I have fought for women's rights."
"Protecting women's reproductive rights is non-negotiable."
"A society where women and children can't feel safe walking down the street is broken."
"It began as a terrorist group, its entire existence it has been a terrorist group, it is still a terrorist group."