
Future Risks Quotes

There are 61 quotes

"The other scenario is that it's the last invention we'll ever face then 'cause extinct species don't invent things."
"The relentless pursuit of military supremacy would lead to machines capable of destroying humanity itself."
"The biggest issue in 20 years will be population collapse, not explosion."
"There is an increased likelihood of pandemics in the future due to increased exposure to non-human pathogens, urbanization, globalization, and climate change."
"It's conceivable that AI could take control and reach a point where you couldn't turn it off, and it would be making the decisions for people."
"We're creating a society that will go to a really dangerous place."
"The probability of things getting monumentally worse is much, much higher."
"Not tsunamis, not earthquakes, the nuclear war is down the road."
"If we refuse to learn from our mistakes in the past, we are doomed to suffer an even worse fate in the future."
"We need to keep these people accountable and speak out against them, or we could very easily fall into a future where we own absolutely nothing and we must pay monthly for everything."
"How secure is my banking information... how easy would it be for some stranger in the future to not just shut down my internet but also help themselves to all of my private information."
"If you don't hold Donald Trump accountable... the next president who happens to be an aspiring dictator will get to do everything Donald Trump just did with impunity."
"Once we're talking about AI systems that are far more powerful than the entire human race combined, then the human race is in the position that the Beast of the field are with respect to humans."
"If anything kills over 10 million people and in the next few decades, it's most likely to be a highly infectious [ __ ] rather than a war."
"If we don't change it, it is going to get 10 times worse."
"By 2060 climate change could be just as deadly as Covid-19."
"Do we build gods or do we build our potential exterminators?"
"Will there be, you know, will we stumble into some other conflicts and kill another million people on the other side of the planet?"
"All that they're doing is setting up the West for an even greater geopolitical defeat and disaster."
"There's going to be a hell of a lot more SHTF when those weapons start to circulate around the globe..."
"If it occurred now, a storm the size of the Carrington events might bring about an internet apocalypse, taking many people and businesses offline."
"Unless we teach technology certain values and teach technology how to caretake our best interests by learning about its best interests, you can expect technology to quite literally oppose the best interest of humanity in the future."
"The worst cliff that we're heading towards is due to market systems. There's a fundamental flaw in markets."
"You don't want to see what the future holds if Trump's still in power."
"If we don't understand the past, we might find ourselves in a lot of trouble at some point in the future."
"What we have learned is that once they have the capability to slaughter us, eventually they will use this capability."
"Candidates who dispute the results of a valid election... pose a danger of interfering in future elections."
"The number of people dying of resistant organisms could potentially even surpass cancer."
"We have to do something now otherwise we're screwed long term."
"Society has the most to lose with the embrace... of conversational AI."
"Both urgently need further investigation, and both suggest future dangers."
"If we stayed complicit any longer, there was little doubt there would be more victims in the future."
"But given the stakes, the risks are still unnervingly high: nuclear war and dangerous pandemics threatened the amazing global civilization we have built."
"If our own narrow-mindedness ended up causing a cataclysm more serious than anything we have ever experienced in our past, let's hope that open-mindedness prevails."
"One of the biggest risks of the future of civilization is AI, with both positive and negative impacts."
"There is a chance that that's the world that awaits us and that's what we need to avoid."
"I have some concerns about Advanced AI... super Advanced AI is one... and probably the second biggest risk after that is population collapse."
"We are going to see a catastrophic Cyber attack in the next two years."
"If we don't make capitalism embrace the people that it's left behind, the next time it won't just be villages and businesses that are being burned down, it will be the system that has lifted so many people out of poverty."
"The concern is that the human body will be changed to such an extensive degree before we know it that it is not really fully human anymore and then we become susceptible to things that are also out of alignment."
"They're selling us the rope today that they will use to hang us tomorrow."
"If the relationship between pharmaceutical groups and science is not challenged, other catastrophes may already be in the making."
"Last year's gain is going to be next year's pain if you will."
"The benefits are overestimated because it has not taken into account that there's a potential huge crash waiting around the corner in 20 years."
"We face a future with three to four degrees of warming, which is beyond catastrophic."
"Artificial intelligence is the biggest threat right now."
"We're trading away the present to gamble on a possible future, and in my experience, that almost never works out."
"The 2020s remains the decade of danger."
"Mega Threats: Ten Dangerous Trends That Imperil Our Future and How to Survive Them."
"If we don't do anything, then it's very well likely that we'll have multiple outbreaks and pandemics to come."
"If we're not getting correct sleep, it can lead to sort of Alzheimer's in the future."