
Muscle Gain Quotes

There are 79 quotes

"Muscle enhances aesthetics. Whatever aesthetics you're going for, muscle can help you have the aesthetics you want."
"I'm aiming for in 2023 is eating more protein because one of my big goals for the year is to gain 10 pounds and just like gain healthy weight and healthy muscle."
"Users have reported 30-day gains in muscle mass averaging 8.7 pounds with a simultaneous 2 to 4 percent drop in body fat."
"Optimizing your sleep can literally help you gain pounds of muscle."
"Make sure you eat enough. Seriously, if you're not eating enough, if you are restricting yourself, you will not gain muscle."
"Your overall strategy... is to try to gain more muscle while losing fat or at least minimizing fat gain in the process."
"The guy has gained copious amounts of contractile tissue... look at the difference bro, holy [__]."
"Creatine does work for high intensity output... three to six pounds of lean mass gain are pretty common."
"I would say ballpark with average to good genetics, you could probably aim to gain maybe 1.5 to 2 pounds of muscle every month under absolutely ideal circumstances."
"It's almost time for the finale to measure our biceps and see who gained the most muscle."
"Have we as a society overly focused on losing weight and under focused on gaining muscle? Absolutely."
"Even in a [ __ ] bulk, when you're trying to gain mass, cardio I think is still going to be beneficial."
"I hope this was a little helpful and looks like and everything is I think where I ended up was somewhere around 30 to 40 pounds of muscle you can gain."
"Trained individuals are capable of increasing lean mass with little to no fat changes."
"Dirty bulking is eating everything and lifting a lot of weight and trying to put on as much muscle as possible while also accepting the fact that you're gonna put on a lot of fat as well."
"For leaner people, it's easier to trick yourself into believing that some of the fat you're gaining is in fact muscle."
"And then two, for the actual muscle you're gaining, since there's less fat covering it, it's going to be more visually apparent."
"When we look at fatter people and we look at leaner people and we see who can gain muscle better, then that is actually very insightful to whether or not one should gain a lot of fat or not."
"Forget about being ultra lean. Don't be afraid of some fat gain. Eat some food, get that little surplus in you know, and watch your gains blow up right before your very eyes."
"If you're on a carnivore diet then the weight that you put on will be muscle it won't be glycogen water weight and fat it'll be muscle."
"yeah you will gain more muscle if you eat more meat"
"I'm gonna send you Maps anabolic because Maps anabolic I bet you don't have to change your calories I bet if you followed Maps anabolic you'd add you'd probably gain a good four pounds of lean body mass just from doing that without having to change your calories."
"I've done it myself where I've gained muscle not changed my food intake."
"The one supplement that has totally positive effects from use for people who are looking to gain mass or strength."
"If you're just trying to get bigger, I would say find some foods that you like to eat."
"You can be the same weight but be several sizes smaller because you've lost body fat and gained muscle."
"If you're currently overweight and you want to lose some weight or if you're skinny right now and you want to bulk up and gain some muscle working out and eating clean alone just doing those two things consistently will transform your body composition."
"Cycling up gaining muscle is like cycling uphill, it's just hard. Don't try and make it any harder. Losing fat, like you kind of alluded to, is so much simpler in many ways and it's like cycling downhill."
"He not only managed to solve his ulcerative colitis and inflammatory bowel disease but also gained substantial muscle in the process."
"If three weeks after you finished your last fat loss diet you're like hitting Mega PR after Mega PR after Mega PR, like yeah I can believe that you gained that muscle over the course of the prep."
"Your strength training needs to be the cornerstone if you're trying to gain."
"About a year ago, I was 120 lbs, I gained like 50 lbs of muscle in 6 months."
"Most people overestimate how much muscle they can gain in a short period."
"A lean body mass increase, even when it comes with some fat, increases athletic performance."
"Regardless, the best case scenario for a novice trainer or beginner athlete is going to be gaining up to two pounds of muscle per month."
"I kind of want to gain a few pounds but muscle."
"Every meal you eat, only a portion converts to muscle."
"If you double your squat, if you double your bench press, I promise you you'll be bigger."
"The goal of this 21-day plan is to help increase your muscle mass, gain some strength, and start to reverse the skinny fat phenomenon by changing your body composition."
"Muscle is so protective that even obese individuals who gain a little muscle see significant improvements in insulin sensitivity."
"If you lost no body fat but gained 10 pounds of muscle, you have now become leaner as a percentage of body fat."
"You talk about a beginner just starting, right? It's totally different than like, I could put 20 pounds of muscle on a month right now."
"You're all thinking in the first year you should expect to gain about 2 lb of muscle per month, 24 lbs in the first year."
"15 pounds of muscle will completely change a physique; you go from looking small to jacked."
"In bodybuilding, there are two main categories of people: those who want to build more muscle, and those who want to lose body fat."
"You need to be in a calorie deficit to lose body fat; you do not need to be in a calorie surplus to gain muscle."
"If you're in a calorie surplus and your weight training, then that protein will help build muscle tissue, which would mean you're gaining muscle rather than fat."
"Gaining 2 or 3 pounds of muscle on your body... you're gonna look tighter and you're gonna feel more defined."
"Bulking, in order to gain as much lean body mass as possible, you want to be in a calorie surplus."
"Fasting and exercise is great if you're trying to lose body fat and gain muscle and just get leaner."
"A five to ten pound gain of muscle per year is a considerable achievement."
"Those who trained each muscle three times per week gained much more muscle."
"Once you kick that increased T levels naturally, you're going to lose that belly fat, you're going to lose that weight, you're going to build muscle, you're going to have more confidence."
"This very sub-maximal approach to gaining muscle and strength... it works."
"I think it's easier to lose weight than it is to gain muscle."
"Most people gain more mass with about four days a week of resistance training, maybe five at the most."
"I want to be the guy that gains 30 pounds of muscle in a year."
"For every pound of lean muscle that you add, your body burns eight extra calories at rest."
"Keep in mind that while it is impossible to gain muscle without getting some fat, we want to minimize fat gains as much as possible."
"Most people getting enough protein in to gain muscle or lose fat is probably not an issue."
"It is a lot easier to have a weight loss journey or muscle Gainesville journey when you're doing it with friends because you guys motivate each other."
"When we increase lean tissue, we therefore increase metabolism."
"Everybody wants that mythical idea of the body recomp, the ability to simultaneously build some damn muscle and lose some fat."
"Nah, this is the type of bulk where you try to purposefully gain as much muscle as you can while minimizing your fat gain."
"For me specifically, I am not trying to lose weight... I am just personally trying to gain muscle and like lose body fat."
"I'd like to work out and also gain muscle."
"It is absolutely possible to gain muscle in a caloric deficit."
"Gaining 25 pounds of muscle in a lifetime of drug-free training is pretty good and pretty realistic."
"The thing that's going to transform your body when you're over 40 is being able to retain and gain muscle."
"I'm about gaining muscle, not about trying to shrink yourself or make yourself smaller."