
Space Flight Quotes

There are 164 quotes

"I do believe the hardest part of space flight is on the families...our families did it amazingly well and with a lot of grace."
"The legacy of the Space Shuttle: a vehicle that for over three decades came to define human space flight."
"Every flight we fly with people on board and every test that we do towards those flights is lessons and data that we use to make flights safer and more reliable."
"There's something very magical to me about space flight. There's something very important and impactful about it."
"The overview effect that astronauts typically achieve when they accomplished their first spaceflight and looked back at the earth and realized that there are no boundaries or borders really observable from space."
"It'll probably be the most watched and biggest spaceflight events of the 21st century."
"Fundamentally a new era in space flight, a new air and space exploration."
"Public perception plays a crucial role in the progress of spaceflight."
"It was the first crewed mission with American crew from American soil in an American spacecraft in a very, very long time."
"This is obviously one of the biggest days in space flight history."
"Space flight is complicated but our astronauts that fly with us will not need to have a complicated view of what's happening."
"Tonight's got a bunch of very exciting stuff to watch if you're a space flight fan."
"The only reason we're able to do this is because y'all support us."
"Cargo Dragon takes flight continuing a busy year of deliveries to a crew of seven aboard the International Space Station."
"This is a new era in human spaceflight and we are so grateful for the service of not just our two astronauts that embarked on this mission but the hundred thousand plus people that participate in it."
"Space flight is also a soft diplomacy power."
"Falcon Heavy was the greatest thing that's happened in the 21st century of space flight."
"It will change that one fundamentally limiting factor in the Spaceflight industry, which currently limits spaceflight to very expensive niche products."
"It's going to take at least tens if not a hundred Starship flights with 33 or more engines each."
"Falcon 9 is designed and manufactured by SpaceX for the reliable and safe transport of people and payloads into Earth orbit and beyond."
"We thought SpaceX were going to be lifting the ship today, you know, wonderful sunset lift, beautiful picturesque lift, and they've trolled us once again."
"This is the only early 2023 crew rotation flight to the International Space Station."
"This is Endeavor's fourth flight, the leader for the Crew Dragon Fleet."
"Crew 6 is technically the end of the very first contract for crew rotation that SpaceX had with NASA."
"There's so much science that they take up with them in their payload."
"Crew 6 in particular is going to be doing actually 222 experiments."
"They're also going to be studying dietary things."
"They're conducting some fire safety investigations."
"They are going to be taking a look at the effect of human space missions on the space environment itself."
"So yeah, a lot of really cool science experiments coming up on this one for sure."
"The capsules are designed for five flights for certification, but SpaceX wants to get each of them up to 15 flights for certified use of each individual capsule."
"The storied launch pad which has been the beginning point for so many firsts is the perfect backdrop for today's historic launch that marks a new first and a new era in human spaceflight."
"Missions just like today's open the door for new countries around the world to pursue and participate in the benefits of human space flight."
"2024 promises to be a record-breaking year for space flight."
"Looking forward to this year in spaceflight."
"There's a chance they may not even do a spin prime, we may go straight to a static fire with this one."
"It's crazy that flight four hasn't even happened and we're already talking about flight five."
"Much of this is just people misunderstanding how space flight works."
"Everything takes about twice as long as you expect, that's just the truth of spaceflight."
"What I'm trying to do is to make a significant difference in space flight and help make space flight accessible to almost anyone."
"It performed the world's first propulsive landing after reaching the edge of space."
"It's really exciting to see the evolution and change of things here as we grow commercial space flight."
"It's all a more incredible as America's only space flight experience happens just weeks before the president's announcement."
"All in all, it looks like a very successful day for Starship SN15 during a static fire, which is one of the final steps on the road to its medium altitude flight."
"This is the breaking news on Twitter crispy NASA space flight said can I ask if that means not during this current window right and Elon said it seems unlikely right now so a additional testing during this window seems unlikely according to Elon."
"Spaceflight is getting cheaper, just period. It actually is getting cheaper."
"It's new, across how we think about spaceflight, and introducing more science autonomy into missions."
"Artificial intelligence improving space flight one piece at a time."
"Russian space flight continues to be active and successful Russians are cooperating with Americans Europeans and other nations as part of the ISS as a result many see the ISS as a symbol of peace among nations."
"Spaceflight is terribly unforgiving of carelessness and capacity, or neglect. I don't know what the Thomson Committee will find as the cause of this accident. But I know what I find."
"Anyone would agree that it's a major improvement from starship's first test flight."
"The most crucial impediment to routine space flight in Earth's orbit and still more for those venturing further stems from the intrinsic inefficiency of chemical fuel."
"It sounds like a no-brainer that reusing a spacecraft would make it cheaper. As it turned out, the real 'ti feature made it more expensive."
"...vostok 1 reached an altitude of 7 kilometers or 4.3 miles at this point the capsule released its hatch and Gagarin in his seat was ejected out similar to an aircraft ejection seat."
"Starship could truly usher in a new era of Spaceflight."
"The altitude buildup program or the incremental buildup program in altitude was a fascinating thing because we were learning about transitioning from aerodynamic flight to flying in space."
"Apollo 8 climaxed a year of manned spaceflight progress."
"Even though we are not recovering Starship today, test flights like these provide the critical data that we need through every phase of flight."
"Once a future astronaut has been assigned to a flight into space, that's when mission training starts."
"We just achieved our apogee at 290,000 feet."
"SpaceX launch escape system is verified armed."
"This is a big moment, not a lot of rockets load propellant with astronauts inside the crew capsule."
"The consensus is that everything is proceeding nominally."
"It's about the moment when your family members and loved ones realize they really hope they've left their phone on, they haven't put it on mute because you do hopefully get a phone call from the launch pad."
"It was the finest moment for American human spaceflight."
"The moment of liftoff is really hard to describe... it's almost indescribable."
"This kind of reuse of hardware has the potential to make spaceflights a lot cheaper."
"The risks of space flight were well understood at NASA but Grissom, White, and Chaffee did not die during a rocket launch or in orbit; they died on the ground during a routine test with help close at hand."
"Unlike most rockets, it took off like a plane and landed like a plane."
"Tonight's launch is targeting that T0 liftoff time here in Florida at 7:05 p.m. Eastern, 2305 UTC."
"That today's test flight is almost routine is a tribute to the comprehensive program that has moved step by step to prove that man can pilot an aircraft into space and return."
"The X-15 ranks supreme among crewed rocket-powered aircraft, becoming the world's first operational space plane in the early 1960s."
"Is space flight important? Absolutely. Satellites provide us with the ability to communicate with each other, find our way around planet Earth, and monitor the state of our environment."
"This is an amazing achievement in American history."
"Anyone hoping to operate commercial spaceflight in the long term must not only provide safe and strategic access to space but do so at favorable prices."
"Spaceflight is on the onset of a golden era and near Earth orbit in particular holds the promise of totally new business models for visionary entrepreneurs."
"Overcoming the Earth's gravitational force consumes most of the money in spaceflight."
"The revolution in spaceflight is opening up an unlimited future."
"We're really revolutionizing how we do spaceflight."
"We have a touchdown, stage one landing confirmed."
"Gravity assist uses the gravity of a planetary body to help slingshot a spacecraft, giving it acceleration."
"The technique can be used to not just speed the spacecraft but to allow methods of speed and direction change that do not require fuel."
"Falcon 9 has cleared the tower, soaring past the American flag at the Press site."
"SpaceX was the first company to launch into space a privately built spacecraft."
"Launch pad number seven, the birthplace of space flight."
"Japan had big plans for space flight; they wanted to put spacecraft into geostationary orbit."
"Human space flight is the ultimate team sport."
"Atlas V now weighs just one half of its liftoff weight."
"Choosing the right material for a rocket's hull is indeed crucial as it needs to withstand extreme conditions during launch, flight, and re-entry."
"That is booster tail number B1077, going for its eighth flight tonight."
"T-minus ten, nine, eight, all three engines up and burning, two, one, zero, and liftoff."
"At the center of your screen is the star of our first bit of live launch coverage today, this is SpaceX's Falcon Heavy rocket."
"There's lots of great ways to help support what we do here at Space Flight Now."
"This will be the first time a Cygnus spacecraft rides into orbit on board a Falcon 9 rocket."
"The United States moves forward in the mastery of space flight technology."
"Well, as far as John and I are concerned, if we get up and get down, that's a successful mission."
"The vehicle is now fully fueled and preparing for launch."
"Coming up on Max Q, the point of greatest aerodynamic pressure on the vehicle."
"Main engine cutoff, see stage separation there, and Mvac ignition."
"The orbital launch mount for the Starship launch pad at 39a is very exciting to see."
"Becoming a space flight now channel member includes a number of perks."
"You instantly go from two and a half to three G's to zero G's... and you know you've hit Miko, main engine cutoff, and you're in space."
"Stage one landing confirmed, got a good landing of that Falcon 9 first stage."
"As if that weren’t enough, the Falcon Heavy will be attempting to land ALL THREE of its massive first stages boosters, two by land one by sea."
"SpaceX are still aiming to use Booster 4 and Ship 20 for the first orbital flight test."
"SpaceX have made good progress installing aerodynamic shielding around the Raptors."
"Dreamchaser can gently return critical cargo at less than 1.5gs."
"The most dangerous part of space flight is leaving Earth, the launch."
"This is the way of spaceflight, learn from your mistakes, make adjustments, and improve the reliability of your vehicles."
"It's billed as the first all-civilian space flight."
"We've demonstrated that spaceflight is possible, that a space platform is feasible."
"Let us experiment, let us learn, let us see how this vehicle really flies and then learn what we need to fix."
"We just passed through Max Q, that is the largest structural load that the vehicle will see throughout ascent."
"Our booster landing today marks our 101st overall successful recovery of a first stage."
"It is really one of those things where you can't believe humans have been able to control so much violence and harness it for space flight."
"We're only at the beginning of space flight."
"Booster ignition and the final liftoff of Discovery, a tribute to the dedication, hard work, and pride of America's space shuttle team."
"Major Robert M. White was also the first to fly in space as he climbed above 300,000 ft."
"Space flight captured the nation's imagination."
"The object here is if we want to get into orbit, the vehicle has to have, give or take, a mass ratio of about eight."
"This is the Falcon Heavy ready for flight. Isn't that cool?"
"The fact that a good deal of this was medical information measuring the physiological reactions and responses of the astronaut during the flight showed the important role that the life sciences were playing in this project."
"This crew adapted very well to spaceflight, and I think we adapted very quickly back to earth again."
"The solid rocket motors, the engines, and everything just magnificent."
"It was completely nominal as the vehicle phased superbly throughout the flight."
"Spaceflight is the biggest team sport there is."
"All 13 in the report are unanimous in the importance of continuing human spaceflight."
"There are some things that need to be done immediately, and we call those return to flight items."
"The vehicle was so damaged that there would not have been a possibility of successfully continuing the reentry of this vehicle."
"The crew accumulated more memories during their 11-day flight than most people acquire in a lifetime."
"We conduct this experiment in order to improve the methods of providing medical care to astronauts during a space flight."
"The fluid shift experiment is aimed at the study of eyesight during a long space flight."
"Hopefully all of the work that SpaceX has put in on the TPS for ship 29 will pay off on flight 4."
"One step closer to flight four with ship 29 rolling out to the launch site."
"I can't wait for the future where space flight is more routine and more akin to air travel."
"Columbia, Houston, you are go for maneuvers."
"These early lessons in rocketry will mark the surprising first steps towards manned space flight."
"In the huge complex group endeavor that is space flight, human nature is as critical as engineering principles. Neither can be ignored without inviting failure."
"The first US program for human space flight, the Mercury Program, ran from 1958-1963, and had some very specific goals."
"The first time we went up in the parabola, and we're up there, and everybody looks at each other, and we're all floating—that was amazing."
"SpaceX will have proved the reliability of the Starship system to support the Artemis III landing in 2024."
"The return of human spaceflight to the US is an incredible achievement but as we’ve seen, it is just one step in our journey."
"Artemis III will be a huge milestone for human spaceflight, seeing the first woman walk on the Moon and the first human landing in the south polar region."
"For the first time, astronauts had launched into orbit in a commercially built spacecraft."
"The story of space flight encapsulates all of those things."
"The success of Crew Dragon demonstrates a new model for human spaceflight based on public-private partnerships."
"I was privileged to be part of all of the human space flight programs, so I did a lot of that."
"It's an exciting day at NASA for human space flight."
"This is the fulfillment of the commitment President Obama made to return human space flight launches to U.S. soil and end our reliance on the Russians."
"SpaceX, Blue Origin, and Virgin Galactic show different sides of private space flight."
"That looks Bullseye, the 13th successful launch and landing of that booster."