
Freedom Of Choice Quotes

There are 238 quotes

"Man's ultimate freedom to choose your attitude in any set of circumstances."
"Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: to choose one's attitude in any given set of circumstances."
"Everything can be taken from a man but one thing, the last of his human freedoms, to choose one's own way."
"We deserve to have this kind of freedom of choice."
"We're giving American families control of their health care decisions and the freedom to choose that care is right before them on the internet and elsewhere."
"A choice made at the end of a gun is no choice at all."
"Government wants to make those choices for you. They want to take away your freedom to choose."
"Men can be feminists in the truest sense of the word. Women should have freedom and should have choice."
"Alpha Protocol is a technical achievement in RPG storytelling, not because of the actual details of plot and character, which are mired in conflicting cliches, but because of how truly freeform it is."
"I believe that this is a personal choice that everybody has to make."
"I believe in freedom of choice unless it's going to hurt your neighbor or it's going to hurt the commons. People should be able to do what they want with as much freedom as possible, and the government should not be onerous."
"Hey, look, that's your freedom; you know, you make the choice that's right for you."
"I want to keep everybody, make sure that everybody still has the freedom of choice, you know, and control over what goes into their bodies."
"We do not need anyone to tell us what to do. Not Savonarola, not the Medici. We are free to follow our own path."
"Being American is about having freedom to think and choose your own decisions and be able to debate but still be American."
"I believe in the freedom of consumer choice."
"Believe what you want to believe, boycott what you want to boycott."
"One of the greatest gifts that God has given you is the freedom to choose. It's what makes us different from animals. You have a free moral choice."
"You should have the freedom to choose, so that means that you have a 0.86% chance of dying, so you have more of a chance of dying from life than you do from COVID."
"I'm arguing for ordinary, everyday people's right to choose for themselves."
"You should support democracy... you should support the right of people in this country to have actual real choices."
"Let's be absolutely blunt: a so-called partnership in which one partner is denied the right to choose a different future... cannot be described as voluntary." - Nicola Sturgeon
"People should have their own choice, I'm not anti-vaccine." - Robert F. Kennedy Jr
"If the government truly wanted to maximize the amount of people who are you know going to survive or be healthy then they should let people choose for themselves and well there you go."
"Faith has to be a freely chosen thing, and so if there's any sort of coercion into this, that's a bad thing."
"We want people to be able to do the things that they enjoy playing Destiny and not feel like they have to do one thing or another."
"There's no more fundamental American value than the freedom to choose our own leaders."
"This is not an anti-vaccine stand... it's a pro-freedom stand."
"I think giving people the choice is the right idea."
"There is no Grand Design, no script, only the choices you make."
"Few if any humans really had a choice... dictated to by a dictator."
"This is not an anti-vaccine stand. It's a pro Freedom stand. That's what you're not getting."
"Don't let some random guy on the internet tell you that you aren't allowed to like it."
"Survive, thrive, escape, or die. It's up to you; you can do whatever you like. It's a free world."
"There is no wrong choice here, there is no bad decision."
"Your life is how you live it. I am not telling you what to do. I'm not telling you how to move. All I can do is just be the guy that can just speak reason, that's it."
"True freedom is being able to say yes or no to both good and evil."
"Advice should be advice. We can take it or leave it. We can listen to it, persuade me, have the eloquence and the forethought and the facts on your side, and persuade me to do something. And there's a difference between a persuasion and a mandate."
"Freedom of choice to make decisions, not to be forced upon by an oppressive government. Can I get an amen?"
"Give people the ability to have the freedom to have as many choices as possible."
"We have the freedom to disagree; you don't have the right to infringe on my beliefs if I'm not harming you personally. If it's my business, I can choose who I serve, who I don't serve based on whatever my views are."
"There's so much content here... so many builds, do whatever the [__] you want."
"I don't think this needs to be banned, I think it's totally fine."
"The freedom to choose allows us to feel alive. What a privilege!"
"Freedom of choice means being free not to ask demand or fight for what you want but simply to go and get it."
"Is there anything better than having like a zillion options in front of you... I love having options."
"I would never want to force anyone to believe what I believe."
"Give us back the freedom to raise whatever kind of crazy exotic shit we want on our own. I ain't cray like everyone wants that."
"I personally think everyone should have the choice, the right to choose. If I want the right to choose an easier class, I have that. If I have the right to choose a harder class, I should have that opportunity."
"Just play and have fun. You don't have to go for Ginyu if you don't want to. It's something new, okay? Anyways."
"The celebration of choice is profound; we have the power to choose in our decision-making process."
"I would be happy to allow my children to choose and I would support their choice even if they chose something I didn't believe in."
"In America, we believe in the power of choice."
"The freedom of choice... women's rights are human rights."
"That's not real choice, that's the illusion of choice."
"You are not forced to make any contributions here. Whatever you do, you do by the guiding of the Holy Spirit."
"Systems like this is what people are so happy and excited about, because you can do whatever the [__] you want to do."
"Freedom of choice, right? But a three-year-old can't even define or spell the word 'laptop' or 'computer.'"
"Enjoy your choices while you still have them."
"Every nation has the right to choose its own path."
"Regardless of laws, Banks and payment processors should never be the moral Arbiters of society."
"You can feel free to like and dislike things. It's down to a personal choice."
"We are not doing any kind of trial and error."
"I'm against racism, so you telling black people who they have to vote for, that's racism."
"Abortion allows women to have the right to choose to move on with their lives."
"I'm pro-choice... people should choose what they want to do for themselves."
"You have no obligation but trust your instincts."
"Let your daughters wear what they want. Let people wear what they want."
"People are totally allowed to like and dislike whatever they like and dislike in peace."
"The funny thing or there is the most sexy thing forever bike is the freedom of choice I think it will make the success of this segment and so we are confident it will have success."
"Everyone in the world deserves a choice, everyone in the world deserves to have control over their own bodies."
"You do have a choice, and I love that because."
"You're not stuck. You don't have to do anything. You have a choice, so it's yours to make."
"You can do whatever you want, honestly, you can just hide inside the houses, you can hide inside a theme park, a church, a high school, so many places to go and hide."
"I am pro-choice. I believe that a woman should have the right to choose."
"Innovations are one free invention whichever one you want in any order you want totally up to you."
"And god has made you to freely choose to love him but you can't do that unless you can freely choose to not love him and when you freely choose to not love him you commit evil deeds."
"People want the freedom for a woman to choose what they want to do."
"We speak the truth in love but we're not going to be denied our freedoms, that freedom of choice of what goes into our bodies."
"Night, day, it's all okay. The choice is yours, a cosmic buffet."
"If you don't love America... you have the freedom to leave."
"Whether you believe in vaccination or not, I'm standing up for your freedom of choice."
"I want my freedoms back in this country. I want us to have the right to choose."
"You can literally see strong name, yeah thank you. You can literally kill every single character no matter what and I think that's really good as well."
"What it does for the human being, it gives them a larger choice yet again."
"Freedom doesn't create virtue, it offers you the opportunity to make a choice for good or for ill."
"Positive beliefs bring freedom to choose and the ability to change."
"I just want you to choose, it doesn't matter, I just want you to choose."
"These vaccine passports are actually preserving your ability to choose. You don't have to get a vaccine under these vaccine passports, the story is the choice is yours."
"I always wanted them to have the opportunity and the freedom to be what they wanted to be."
"Democracy by definition is the freedom to think, believe, and choose."
"Why impose our will on somebody else's viewing habits?"
"We do not believe in forcing our religion down anyone's throat - we just give them the information and then people make their own decisions."
"Knowing that you always have choice is incredibly powerful."
"Allow people the freedom of choice whether we agree or disagree with that choice; it's their freedom of choice."
"You can literally be whoever you want to be."
"I don't care if you're a Christian... you have every right in the world to not get an abortion to not take birth control."
"You're not committed. You can do anything that you want."
"The game adapts to whatever you decide to do, offering a high level of player freedom."
"Forcing the vaccine on people is coercive and will do nothing to build the trust that is needed... It's about freedom of choice, a basic fundamental principle."
"What separates us from the animals is the fact that we have the freedom to choose the freedom to choose right from wrong."
"Choices. Let's not be mad for having choices."
"It's anti-freedom because workers are losing the right to choose whether or not a union is representing them." - Wayne Weingarten
"It's free, and you can always change your mind. Anyways, wherever you are in the world, be the GOAT of that moment. Stay goated."
"The reality is we have to choose, we get to choose."
"The mandate shouldn't be forced on people. At some point, just any common-sense American says if you've misled me seven different times and there's probably more, maybe we should start questioning the things they're doing."
"I grew up very poor, so it kind of was like, I never had parents who were like, 'You need to be a doctor.' It was just kind of like, 'Whatever you want to do, go for it.'"
"There's nothing wrong with giving people freedom, there's nothing wrong with giving people a choice. They're your assets, they're your life. Let people use crypto if they want to."
"We should have a choice in this country to do to our bodies what we want."
"If it had such a scale where you could truly basically do anything that you wanted to in the Star Wars universe I feel like that would really be something special."
"There's no wrong choice here, pick what appeals to you."
"Allow people to show up in your life the way that they want to."
"You have every right to like what you like and hate what you hate."
"We're not going to tell people what they can't do."
"People should be able to use the bathroom of their choice."
"If there is risk, there must be choice." - Protester
"I can fight whoever I want. I control my own destiny."
"Simply because some people don't like certain movies, they're trying to take that movie away from someone else."
"The most important thing is that people have a choice."
"I've got my opinions, other people have theirs. Can you imagine telling your 14 year old daughter, 'Well I'm sorry, I don't believe in abortion so f*ck you?'"
"You can criticize Trump. You can say he's the worst president in the world and you can vote for Joe Biden if you want or the Green Party or the Libertarian Party. Anybody you want. I'm not here to tell you what you what."
"You don't have to wear a mask in this [expletive]. You don't got it, you know what I'm saying?"
"We would have a freedom of choice Americans have."
"You don't have to. Yeah, you don't have to. You get to."
"You can't do that to a teenager, take him to an ice cream store with 30 wonderful flavors and tell him you can only have vanilla."
"At a certain point people don't want to do what liberals and government wants them to do. Let people do their own thing."
"Banning things is forcing people to buy into your worldview."
"This is about freedom of choice. There's plenty of people here that have been fascinated and there's plenty that have not been."
"It's not freedom if I don't have the right to refuse it."
"You're free to move where do you want to move, what do you want to do, what's the next step?"
"You are free right now to be whoever you choose to be."
"I don't believe in fandom gatekeeping. I don't even know what that is. Everybody should love and be free to love whatever it is they love."
"In a secular society, everyone should have the right to choose for themselves."
"The greatest gift that God gave humanity, besides Jesus Christ, is the right to choose."
"That's still there so you can choose the experience that you want."
"Don't punish people, incentivize. Make something so awesome that people actually want to buy it and then don't limit them if they decide not to do it."
"Welcome back to bad boy simulator, the game where I have the freedom to be the worst super villain in class that I can be."
"People should have informed choice and they don't have a choice, they have propaganda."
"It really is, you can do whatever you want, you can get on whatever path you choose."
"Hate's a very personal emotion. I wouldn't tell you who to love either."
"The fundamental principle is that people should be free to make choices about their own lives."
"Take what you want. They thought it was fine."
"There is no meaningful yes unless you also have the opportunity to say no."
"This is about medical freedom and standing up for the rights of the workers."
"This was entirely the result of free choice."
"Will he be evil or will he be good? Will he do what he wants to or do as he should?"
"Lucifer and Ahriman have to be present with spiritual and materialistic sides or we wouldn't have any freedom of choice."
"People have the right to choose, and I'm just here to share my experience."
"You cannot deny someone else's right to choose what they want because that is not giving love." - Anonymous
"...I don't think anyone should be drafted into war I don't think anyone should be made to fight when they don't want to man or woman I don't care what your sex is or what your gender is..."
"Essentially, we have all these freedom of choices to go and pick any modules that we want, and you have all the different paths that you can go down."
"Date who you want, sure, go ahead and rock."
"You can break free from this anytime you want. This, like the lovers card is a card of choice. You have to make that choice."
"If people want to go kill themselves, do it."
"I don't care if you're [__] gay straight trans I don't care if you want to grow a [__] dick or cut your tits off you could do whatever the [__] you want but just don't don't put the kids in it."
"You can do whatever you want. I'm not making you take what I'm offering. I'm only doing this for your sake. You have the freedom to do as you wish."
"That's the point, that people have the right to choose their physician without harassment."
"...we are free to make choices in this world but we are not free from the consequences of those choices..."
"Perhaps you can set it up to where the young people of the packs are allowed to choose for themselves who to be with," he suggested.
"You cannot put a person in a place where you have not given them a choice."
"If it's what people want to do, then why not?"
"Just read whatever you want whenever you want."
"The decisive factor is decision, the freedom to of choice, the freedom to come up with a decision. It should be, I would like to become this way or another, in spite of conditions that should only seem to fully determine my behavior."
"We all want to be free to choose."
"The thing about humanity is that we have this freedom of choice, we have this higher intelligence."
"I'm gonna have my own club. We're gonna play whatever we want, whenever we want, however we want, as long as it's pure."
"You are free to go with anything you can imagine."
"We have a real competition of governance between people that are free to choose how they're governed versus living under a more tyrannical or elitist dominated form of government."
"It's amazing, it allows you to really do whatever you want."
"Listen to what you want to listen to, like what you want to like."
"You need to believe in the right to choose."
"The freedom to choose is the greatest gift."
"I think that it's important that people have the right to do what they want to do and they can't be intimidated or bullied into doing what a mob of people tells them to do."
"If a person for whatever reason wishes to attend a different congregation, they're at liberty to."
"We all just deserve the right to choose."
"We fought for you to have the freedom of choice, and our backs hurt and our feet hurt, and we need you to look around."
"It's safer for women when they have more choice, more freedom, and equal rights."
"People should still be free to choose the best choice."
"All considerations should be made to ensure that citizenship criteria are linked to the human rights and the rights to choose."
"We all need choices; it's a civil rights issue."
"You have the right to do it; you don't have to if you don't want to."
"Members of the LDS are not arranged into marriages; they are free to choose their own spouses."
"Allah gave those young men and women that right to pick who they want."
"Being able to do what you want versus what you need to do is success."
"That's the only thing that I agree with, is that it should be a choice."
"People are free to choose what to make of their lives."
"The power to choose my response to any condition is the last human freedom."
"You are free to pick out whatever you want; there is no limit."
"After you pass away, can you stay wherever you want? Is that a choice that you have?"
"People can like whatever the hell the music they want."
"It's important that everybody has the information available to them and then make of it what they want to and what they feel is right."
"Every person has the right to choose their religion, to choose their destiny."
"The whole concept of democracy is freedom to choose."
"People are born into who they are, and who they choose to be with should not be determined by anyone else except for them."
"Religion is a man's choice and you don't force it on anyone."
"People should have the right to choose, and that's what I'm talking about."
"You can choose whatever you want to choose, but there are consequences of your choices."
"The freedom in choice was always designed with the potential of this belief, that every choice is not without its consequences."
"I support every woman's free choice to make whatever choice she wants with her own life until the end of time."
"There is a dark side to all of this freedom of choice."