
Victimhood Quotes

There are 485 quotes

"There is a very real difference between being a victim and making victimhood an identity."
"What I want to get to is I want people to understand that they are not victims of the world."
"It's the same and and you know the telling them that they're victims."
"When we remain a victim, we are powerless. Events happen to us that we are unable to change. When we find a little courage, we realize we are responsible and there are steps we can take to try to change."
"I resent the idea that women can find empowerment through solidarity in victimhood."
"All I'm trying to do is remind you that you are never ever ever ever a victim unless you choose to be."
"It leads inexorably to an explosion of victimized outbursts all over social media."
"Hiding the truth from you just keeps you being a victim."
"Victimhood is the number one disease that makes you unable to be successful."
"If something out there is controlling your feelings and your thoughts, you're a victim to whoever or whatever that is."
"Education is more important. It's what we're teaching kids now is to be victims."
"Just because someone is a victim doesn't mean they aren't causing harm elsewhere."
"You are not defined by these terrible things that have been done to you."
"Victimhood is a weight... you don't realize how heavy it is until you let it go."
"If you're not a contrarian, you're going to be a victim."
"America is the greatest country in human history. You are not a victim."
"Narcissists are so good at playing the victim and as such, they pull at guilt from other people."
"If you knew the inner environment could become as real as the outer environment, truly, and you are able to, instead of being a victim, all of a sudden be a creator."
"To frame yourself as an eternal victim gives you a sense of belonging, it gives you a sense of significance."
"There are no angels in hell, but there are certainly victims and perpetrators."
"The very foundation of today's woke culture is victimhood."
"Being an imperfect victim is okay. No victim is perfect."
"The greater your perceived suffering, the greater your privileges in society. Further than that, you're either a victim and therefore deserving of sympathy and support, or you're part of the privileged class and therefore deserving of neither."
"As long as there is a hierarchy of victimhood and suffering, those who are further down the list will always find themselves in situations where their concerns and grievances, no matter how legitimate, will fall by the wayside."
"Responsibility is the opposite of victimhood."
"Both fell victim to the culture around them."
"Hardship isn't a choice, victimhood is a choice. We don't choose to be victims, we choose to be victorious."
"Allowing people to be stuck in an unjustified feeling does not help them, it does not make them better, it does not make their lives better."
"They care about turning you into a fragile fake victim."
"They're going to turn this into who can prove to the jury that their client is the victim."
"If they prove she's a victim, ipso facto not defamation."
"I am not here to be looked at as a victim but I also know that I am not the villain that people and the media have portrayed me to be."
"You don't have to be a victim of this, you can actually be a Victor."
"Why do they want to kill so bad? Because perpetual victimhood is the engine that conservatives use to justify the violence that they enact against others."
"The implication of this concept is regardless of the challenges we face as individuals it is up to ourselves to meet these challenges head-on and to conquer them instead of claiming a victim status based on our identity."
"Fascist ideology is rooted in insecurity and feelings of victimhood."
"A nation of victims: We need to bring back the concept of civic duty."
"You're not a victim. You're not a victim to Joe Biden, you're not a victim to Anthony Fauci. You deserve it, you want it, you cosplay, you like to fantasy dress up, you want this, don't play the victim when it happens."
"This is not even a case about whether or not Johnny is abusive, it's how big a victim he was."
"The victim culture and mentality is debilitating to the person you're turning into a victim even if they are in fact a victim."
"Victimhood is a choice, and we choose to be victorious in the United States of America."
"You're just being another person, another victim, but haven't you ever gotten tired of that feeling? Doesn't it get old to be on the losing end?"
"If everybody claims to be a victim, then nobody will hear the real victims." - Chris Rock
"There are no perfect victims and there are no perfect people."
"Playing the victim card has a devastating impact on freedom of speech because it polices what everyone says lest they offend someone."
"We should stop looking at people in terms of how much of a victim they are and start looking at people and saying hey you can be awesome and you can be strong."
"Victimhood has been a talking point of the right ever since Burke decried the mob's treatment."
"At what point is the victim no longer fighting back? When does it become violence for the sake of violence?"
"Tell the world, Johnny, tell them I'm a victim too."
"In a world where the more of a victim you are, the more power you have, everyone will make everything about themselves."
"40 percent of men are victims in domestic violence disputes."
"We celebrate alleged victimhood and oppression; it's a bizarre reversal of how societies used to run themselves."
"I mean can we go through that and some of them on the way to that forgiveness McGrath was a jurist it was actually kind of frustrating to me because it was almost she was almost placing amber as the victim and not it not both right."
"Nobody wants to live in a state of victimhood." - Former dancer of Diddy
"We need to get better at dealing with the bad faith 'I'm actually the victim here' front."
"Conspiracies exist... if somebody conspires to take away your rights and your freedoms or your money then there is a conspiracy afoot and you are the victim of said conspiracy."
"We hear a lot about victimhood these days. In fact, victimhood is one of the central themes of one of the major political parties."
"Effortless women in the dating world adopt victimhood mentalities to express their anger and angst."
"I don't see myself as a victim, I stopped looking at myself as a victim a long time ago."
"Victims will never forget what happened to them."
"He cries the victim just over and over and over."
"There is no real victim in the story. They're both victims of themselves."
"Knives is more than a rebound and she's more than a victim."
"I think people are seeking that victim status, that heightened status of fame or acceptance or pity."
"The reason they have a lot of power right now is because their particular brand of victimhood has cultural value."
"She's like the epitome of endurance, perspective, and a cognitive choice of not allowing your circumstance to make you a victim."
"I don't want you to view these people as victims though they are victims but they're also terrible people in their own right."
"You don't have to hate people if they hate you. You don't have to be the victim of something if you don't want to be."
"Hardship is not the same thing as victimhood. We are going through hardship as a country right now including many conservatives. Hardship is sometimes not a choice. Victimhood is a choice."
"White people may be less likely to see themselves as victims when they're thinking about their morals."
"Victim signaling is often really virtue signaling."
"People who see themselves as victims feel they are entitled to compensation and special treatment."
"Everyone seemingly wants to be the victim, and why not when it clearly garners not only attention but overwhelming support from many people who have been taught to believe without questioning."
"People will play the victim if they have something to gain by the act."
"You cannot be a treasure and a victim simultaneously."
"The only thing noble about victimhood is overcoming it."
"Playing the victim is something that pokey Maine does from time to time."
"The Internet is the only place where if you cry too much, you're a victim."
"We're not designed to live in these cyclical patterns where we constantly find ourselves in suffering, in struggle, and in victimhood."
"Real victimized individuals really, they buckle down and fight for life. The world closes in on a real victim, they're not out there calling balls and strikes and pointing, they are in survival mode."
"People who see themselves as victims then are seemingly hypersensitive to perceived victimization."
"Virtuous victims are more than willing to be manipulative and self-centered but typically do not wish to engage in aggressive behaviors that may call their virtuosity into question."
"Virtuous victims are susceptible to fantastic thinking to the point that their own thoughts may affect their very perception of reality."
"Perhaps victims are given a type of moral leniency as recompense for their misfortune where they are perceived of as virtuous and yet due to their victim status are given leeway to not necessarily behave more morally than others."
"Prison isn't the best life, but it is a life. Something that their victims no longer have the opportunity to experience."
"The currency today is to be offended, the currency today is to be a victim."
"Personal responsibility: owning your own destiny... when you tell somebody you're a victim, that's effectively what you're doing. You're disempowering them."
"That is such an offensive inversion of who is the victim in that scenario."
"The feels familiar part is like okay, victim? Yeah, I agree with that perpetual victim feels familiar sister snatch death threats."
"The only thing I'm guilty of is being shot. Amazing."
"He's truly the only one that's completely irredeemable after all jack, tia, and ace were all victims to his method of recruitment."
"It's so sad to watch victim actually be the highest status one can achieve. Our culture now values victimhood above all else."
"We should remove the victim mindset from society."
"My feelings are changing wow I still feel like Harry's a victim."
"A victim's mentality particularly for someone interested in being a leader destroys your ability to lead."
"We as prisoners, we weren't just the victims of Guantanamo. The guards and camp staff are also victims of Guantanamo itself."
"He had successfully utilized victimhood as a weapon."
"how much of our of our wounds or our situations are self-inflicted versus we just being victims of what the economy or what Society or the hand has dealt to us let me say it again how much of our situation is self-inflicted"
"You give voice to my rage and I don't feel constantly gaslit."
"She refused to be a victim as much as she could."
"The victim mentality... won't lead to your success."
"Do not become a victim; victimhood is a state of mind."
"Abuse doesn't make sense and the abused victims are not chosen they just happen to be there conveniently."
"It's hard, it's gut-wrenching, and listen, not every single woman who claims to be the victim of a crime is actually the victim."
"She wasn't simply a victim, she was far from just a victim."
"Victimhood culture has arisen because the human system's demand for challenges in life has outstripped the modern world's ability to supply them."
"It's up to us to step out of the victim mode to become co-creators."
"He seems to truly believe that he is the victim of some pretty wild conspiracies."
"It's an identity based on possible victimhood that is passivity... rather than what we actually do in the world and what we decide."
"When somebody is a victim, falls for an obvious and harmful falsehood, it's tempting to think that the problem is that they're ignorant or irrational."
"There are two ways to go, and I have to choose: to be a victim or a knight."
"Some great content... What a pleasure to film."
"If you refuse to be a victim, you cannot be victimized."
"They're not people from disadvantaged backgrounds, they have to pretend to be victims."
"It's your choice: you can be a victim or you can be rich."
"Nobody complains about being a victim more than Donald Trump himself."
"A professional victim, going online and saying, 'You know what? I'm having it so rough in this situation.'"
"Just put it down, man. Drop the victim identity and move the hell on."
"They're awakening to the fact that they were not the victim, they see you've ascended spiritually."
"Everybody wants to be a victim nowadays, right? Makes me a bit sad."
"Everything begins to make sense when we understand that we are victims."
"It's a good alarm bell if you're hearing a right-wing argument where it's a portrayal of victimhood that is completely disconnected from material realities."
"At some point, you have to be like, 'Okay, this is where I'm starting in this race,' or 'the hand of cards that I have,' okay that sucks, but what am I going to do, stop being a victim."
"Victimhood signaling often caters to those who do not want to learn, study, go deep, or understand."
"No one can evolve spiritually, no one can move forward in their personality development from the place of a victim."
"Is Eugene really a jinx or is he the victim of circumstance caused by others?"
"People have weaponized being a victim."
"I wish that more people would take themselves out of victim mode and be like, 'This is now where I am today, what can I do about it?'"
"Stalin's convenient incapacity is a part of the narrative of Soviet victimhood."
"Victimhood is commodified now; there's nothing, you must sustain it, you must look like a victim."
"That's when we go from being a victim to being a creator."
"we also victim blame ourselves into saying it's my fault that I'm here"
"Your victim card has been revoked."
"It is always one-sided... I am a victim. It is always one-sided."
"Victimhood is a warm comfortable blanket that costs zero calories and feels incredible."
"Isn't it more misogynistic to tell women that they are victims, everything is being done to us, we have no agency?"
"You're not a victim; someone did something underhanded."
"They're not both bad you don't have to support them you don't have to talk about it you don't have to make it a focal point of your life but don't look at abusive situations as like oh everybody involved is culpable because there always is a victim."
"Whenever videos like this people make videos like this the first thing they always try and do is like paint themselves as the victim."
"...virtuous victimhood and it's incredibly disempowering for the followers..."
"Narcissists always claim to be victims, and they do so convincingly."
"You're not the victim, are you? You don't have a hook in your face, do you?"
"They're all victims of something."
"the only victim in this sorry Affair has been the law"
"Being offended is a choice of being a victim. It's allowing yourself the right to process somebody else's behavior for what it is: their behavior."
"In life, yes, you will be a victim sometimes, you will be victimized, you will be hated on. But sometimes you are the hater."
"My life is over. He saw to that. I will be his victim for the rest of my life or his."
"Victims perpetuate their victimhood. Victimhood becomes an identity. Victims are grieving the fantasy, grieving themselves in the fantasy."
"Victimhood is a way of life and a way to make money. Mind you, victimhood is an identity."
"Don't use the status of victim as an excuse to become vengeful."
"How many predators in the industry were once victims in the industry? Damn near all of them, I'd say 98%."
"It's important for victims to be able to name their abusers without being compelled to use terms of respect."
"Don't be a victim. It's within your power not to be a victim."
"My slogan has been if you're not a contrarian you're going to be a victim."
"You can't dismiss a person who claims to be a victim anymore. No matter how hard it might be to accept, no matter how much we might suspect it might be a lie."
"I'm not going to let myself become a victim."
"Women are overwhelmingly portrayed as victims to evil men who wish to do them harm."
"Victimhood has become an identity, a crown that you put on."
"It's hard for people to embrace me as a victim because I'm so strong."
"The reality is that we can, but we can't do any of these things as victims."
"poor me poor me look at what a horrible daughter I have"
"He's either so stupid or he knows what he's doing. He just wants to sit there and act like he didn't know what he... a victim. Like he was a victim, like a victim."
"People compliment your strength, your resilience. You don't act like a victim, you don't stay stuck in the dumps."
"By refusing to play the victim, we reject the idea that our emotional well-being is at the mercy of external circumstances. This is a liberating realization that opens the door to greater personal growth and resilience."
"That's not what it looks like. It's not love to do that to somebody. Certainly not love for the victim, but it's not love for the abuser."
"A great heel is always a victim of something. Every time something happens to him, people are against him, people don't want to see him succeed, they're jealous of him. Nothing is ever his fault."
"I'm not here to be looking at as a victim, but I also know that I'm not the villain that people on the radio portrayed me to be."
"If you constantly see yourself the victim, then you become the hammer seeking the nail of victimhood."
"Unfortunately, it is the norm in Western culture to over-identify with victimhood."
"I do not want a video like this to come across as 'oh I'm 100 the victim in this situation.'"
"By being a victim, you become somebody. Your victimhood status confers on you uniqueness. It's a grandiose defense. Victimhood pays, victimhood gratifies, victimhood is wonderful because now you have an identity. You're a victim."
"Victimhood legitimizes avoidant behaviors. Victimhood gives you permission to avoid the world, to shun the world. No more relationships, no more men, no more going out there, no more testing, no more exposing yourself to possible pain."
"Being a victim is a learned habit, it is not your natural way of being."
"...men were and still are just as big of victims of societal pressures as women were for centuries."
"You're the victim. You were 100% victim. I mean, you just were born, you know? Like, I'm just saying, it's not, it's, you should not feel guilty. They're the ones who did this."
"People who are trapped in a victimhood mindset cannot be saved because those people literally are choosing to live alongside their own demons."
"When I was crying, I think it was just that release of, 'No, I was a victim, and that was not my fault, and that has nothing to do with me.'"
"Victims have suffered in silence and shame."
"In our culture, we assume that the first person to voice a grievance is the victim."
"Bad people take and take and take and the minute they get an inch of push back they magically transform into a victim."
"She was not evil, she was possessed as a victim's soul."
"You are not a victim; you have been victimized. Don't adopt victimhood as an identity."
"A victim isn't exclusive to one race of people."
"One of the layers to it is what we can think of as the secondary gain of staying attached to the victim story. It becomes this kind of vicious cycle of enlisting someone into a certain codependence with my wound."
"Victimhood is a form of entitlement, regardless of how vicious it is, regardless of how true it is. You could be victimized - everyone is victimized."
"Victimhood is very narcissistic, it's entitled, competitive, arrogant, self-advising, and so on."
"Victims should not live their life as victims and should not make demands on other people. It doesn't give you the right to make demands on other people, none."
"As soon as like, I, like you said, as soon as you know you're a victim, you lose all your power."
"You don't go through life feeling like I'm a victim. I couldn't agree with that more."
"The system encourages cry bullies."
"Someone is playing hide and seek with you and causing a lot of distance because they are playing the victim."
"JK Rowling uses the fact that misogyny is real... to be the constant victim."
"I think one of the best sayings is like uh, you know you cannot prevent yourself from being victimized but you don't have to be a victim, yeah you know?"
"When victimhood becomes an ideology, being a victim becomes manipulative and pernicious."
"Victims turn into abusers, obsessed with power, celebrity, perfection, and money."
"Being a victim becomes manipulative and pernicious, turning victims into abusers."
"Victim mentality is when people consider themselves victims of negative actions or intentions of others all the time."
"This polarizing has given us what some sociologists call victimhood culture. This is the key to understanding the new moral culture on campus."
"In a victimhood culture, you don't emphasize your strength. Rather, the aggrieved emphasize their oppression and their social marginalization."
"At a social justice university, there are many blasphemy laws. Racism and sexism are endemic. Victims play no role in arriving at their current state. No difference of ability or interest."