
ISS Quotes

There are 99 quotes

"It's been an incredible journey, and it's really amazing that this is marking the start of operational crew rotation missions to the International Space Station from the Florida coast."
"This kind of continuous lunar presence is a natural extension of all that we've learned in low Earth orbit."
"The International Space Station is one of the most ambitious international collaborations ever attempted."
"It's going to the International Space Station, which makes it incredible."
"It is 1 hour and 40 minutes before sunset on the steppe of South Central Kazakhstan as the next chapter of human space flight for the International Space Station begins."
"Good morning from Mission Control in Houston and the International Space Station flight control room here at the Johnson Space Center."
"The crew is all set to begin a flight of just over 3 hours in duration to the International Space Station."
"The station population will increase temporarily from 7 to 10."
"The ISS is now a vital springboard for deep space travel that generations to come might thank us for."
"It's the first time, I think, in history that a commercial vehicle and also an American vehicle has docked autonomously to the International Space Station."
"Crew Dragon endurance has undocked from the International Space Station, completing their six-month mission."
"Liftoff! Soyuz MS-18 on its way to the International Space Station."
"Thank you for tuning in, staying up late or waking up early to catch three crew members flying to the International Space Station."
"The ISS consists of 50 nations: Canada, Japan, the Russian Federation, the United States, and the European Space Agency."
"We're humbled to be the entire nation's provider to the International Space Station."
"Astronauts at the International Space Station recently enjoyed a taco dinner made with chili peppers grown on board the ISS."
"We've got a strange story from the International Space Station."
"The ISS regularly broadcasts live video footage from the space station, where those of us on Earth can see all of the exciting things going on among the stars."
"Dragon will spend about 45 days attached to the International Space Station before it undocks and returns to Earth."
"The ISS program is a big achievement in terms of the path to future exploration."
"How long does it take for Starliner to rendezvous with the ISS? Just under 24 hours."
"The ISS has been continuously occupied for 20 years, 6 months, and 22 days."
"The ISS is truly a wonder of the modern world."
"Astronauts from all over the world live and work aboard the ISS."
"There's some power going up to the International Space Station inside a Dragon this time, quite literally."
"The science and research being done in microgravity on the International Space Station has benefited our lives here on Earth for decades."
"These commercial resupply missions are very, very important to continue advancing science aboard the space station."
"Cargo Dragon takes flight continuing a busy year of deliveries to a crew of seven aboard the International Space Station."
"The ISS: A remarkable feat of international collaboration."
"The international space station: one of the most amazing things ever made by humans."
"I think ISS will be here at least another decade."
"So in order to understand where exactly this new oven will be installed on the International Space Station."
"So you're saying that maybe we can see a new tradition some day of when a crew is arriving, they might start baking fresh cookies in anticipation of their arrival."
"Building a home for living in space requires a little more than plywood and two-by-fours titanium Kevlar and high-grade steel are common materials in the ISS."
"The International Space Station: largest structure humanity has put into space."
"The plankton growing on the ISS may sound unbelievable, but it is not the first organism to survive in space..."
"This is the only early 2023 crew rotation flight to the International Space Station."
"Yes, you can see the ISS with the naked eye. Also dozens more. They have to be pretty big and in low earth orbit, but you can see them."
"The favorite place for everyone to hang out on the ISS is its control tower, which is called the Cupola."
"The ISS symbolizes unity and collaboration among nations, showcasing what can be achieved when countries come together to pursue a common goal."
"Something absolutely wonderful is when you're on the ISS, there is gender equality. There is no matter race, culture, sex, politics. You're there because you're the best person for the job, and nothing can work without you."
"When I arrived aboard the International Space Station, there were already 11 of us on board."
"Each of these four crew members will be a part of Expedition 67 once they arrive at the International Space Station."
"Watching a launch from the space station just sounds really cool."
"The space shuttle program, the International Space Station are built completely on the foundation of the work that was done in Skylab homesteading the space environment."
"The mighty Atlas standing ready and waiting to launch its first crewed flight to the International Space Station."
"The spacecraft is designed to fly to the space station, stay in space for six months attached to the station, and then return to Earth."
"Sending a cargo Dragon spacecraft up to the International Space Station with more than 7,700 lbs of cargo and science in tow."
"Dragon will dock to the zenith, or space-facing side, of the Harmony module."
"For the last 20 years, the International Space Station has orbited above the Earth."
"There's been a permanent human presence in space since October of 2000."
"Welcome on board the International Space Station."
"Fully fueled, ready to launch over 8,000 pounds of research, fresh food, technology demonstrations, and supplies to the International Space Station."
"There are currently seven human beings living and working aboard the International Space Station as part of Expedition 66."
"Astronauts on board the International Space Station don't use their feet to walk; they float around."
"The International Space Station or ISS weighs 460 tons, is the size of a football field, and floats above us 240 miles above Earth."
"Looking forward to a successful launch and a significant mission to the International Space Station."
"Crew 5 is NASA and SpaceX's fifth crew rotation to the International Space Station since 2020."
"The International Space Station functions as a habitable space laboratory where astronauts conduct scientific experiments."
"The International Space Station serves as the world's leading laboratory for cutting-edge research and technology development that will enable human and robotic exploration of destinations beyond low Earth orbit, including the Moon and even Mars."
"The ISS actually orbits around the Earth once every 90 minutes, so the darkness only lasts for about 45 minutes each time it comes."
"The International Space Station is drifting through space 74 times faster than the fastest recorded Formula 1 speed."
"Astronauts go outside to make repairs to the ISS to keep it operating safely."
"It's about as big as a football field, that's the International Space Station."
"The International Space Station is a big ham radio station you can talk to, which is a pretty neat thing to do."
"It's all about flames, fluids, and materials research aboard the International Space Station."
"The International Space Station is a laboratory that orbits the Earth once every 90 minutes."
"The business of the International Space Station is research."
"Astronauts on the ISS appear to float not because there's less gravity; it's actually because they're free-falling."
"Atlantis begins its penultimate journey to shore up the International Space Station."
"Guidance now converging, Atlantis steering into the center lane of Highway 129 en route to the International Space Station."
"On the Earth, it is not possible to create an environment similar to what we have on board and around the ISS."
"On the space station itself is a big scientific experiment."
"This is your schedule when the ISS will be above your location."
"I'm going to show you how to receive slow scan pictures from the International Space Station."
"Atlantis, departing the International Space Station for the last time."
"From our unique vantage point right here, perched above the Earth, we can see the International Space Station is a wonderful accomplishment."
"As the ISS now enters an era of utilization, we'll never forget the role the Space Shuttle played in its creation."
"Together with the SSRMS, helped to build the ISS with delivery of 30 International Space Station components."
"You don't need to take anyone's word that the ISS exists; you can just go and look at it with your own two eyes."
"We're using ISS as a test bed for technologies and systems that are under development for Mars exploration with humans."