
Practical Application Quotes

There are 388 quotes

"It does not matter how elegant your theory is... if you try it in the real world and it doesn't work, it is wrong."
"Science and science-based tools for everyday life."
"What is easiest and most useful in algebra is such as men constantly require in cases of inheritance, legacies, partitions, lawsuits, and trade."
"We want to provide you with a solid foundation of how you can understand these algorithms under the hood but also provide you with the practical knowledge and skills to implement state-of-the-art deep learning algorithms."
"I really like real world testing because it allows me to see how products will perform in actual real world conditions."
"This takes me back to my element of just getting into the Word of God, teaching it, looking at some practical application. This is going to be an awesome time."
"Try to show your design in context and how somebody's going to use it so you can properly evaluate it."
"A gift for giving creative energy practical expression."
"Let's give you an example of actually applying this stuff so you'll see it and it'll make a lot more sense."
"Meditation is building a bridge between your practice and your life."
"The beauty of calculus is that it can solve just awesome real-world problems for us."
"What the world cares about is not what you know, but what you can do with what you know."
"Knowledge isn't power, the application of knowledge is power."
"They have a surprisingly pragmatic utility for describing rotation in three dimensions and even for quantum mechanics."
"The golden ratio is always such a cool little tool for you to use."
"This is the design that actually worked... it worked great."
"Using the information in real life helps retention."
"It's really English for the real-world, ladies!"
"Most importantly I can actually say that I use this and it has helped me make art my full-time job."
"Focus more on the technology and what's actually being built."
"This is what we want to train on... we converted it into grayscale and we use that as a list of numbers that are related to this image."
"The value of science is not simply what the next model of iPod you will buy next week. Its real value comes about when it's time to distinguish reality from everything else."
"Those explorations continuously refer back to the examples from the beginning part one of this book which is what makes the book powerful because it's not just theory it gives you examples that connects the theory to reality."
"If they have a great solution, let's use that mind."
"Folks can talk about engagement and theoretically what needs to be done, but until you put boots on the ground is exactly what they are doing."
"A thought experiment turned into an actual experiment."
"I want you to leave this place today and say, 'Oh my goodness I know something that I didn't know before and something that I can apply this week to my life.'"
"The emails that I get from you... saying how you're putting the ideas we discuss into action is incredibly inspiring."
"Sometimes the rules don't actually work when applied."
"Education isn't just about teaching new things, it's also about practicing what you've learned."
"Skillshare has actually been applied... very few people seem to talk about how Skillshare has actually been applied."
"Theory didn't work, you had to understand the principles."
"It's not enough to know the information. English as a skill is a skill that requires us to create, to speak, to write."
"If you apply everything you learn from the streets into business, you can do really well."
"Design for what you think you need and then look for ways to de-engineer."
"Maxwell's equations are exceptionally important both practically and theoretically."
"This is the part that counts: putting it all together."
"Enough with the theory, mostly. Let's get to the implementation. There are real problems to solve on this planet."
"The best way to learn is not to sit with a tutorial by yourself. It's when someone tells you, 'Hey, can you model this thing?'"
"Economics deals with the real actions of real men."
"Changing your life isn't about having some crazy breakthrough, it's all about those small little habits."
"It's one thing to read these books, it's another thing to actually act on them and implement them in your life."
"Experiences overrated. It's what you do with that experience."
"I want people to really soak on that and really think about the things that you said and put it into practice."
"Now that we understand how satellite positioning systems work and that we've looked at a couple of GPS modules, it's time, of course, to start using those modules."
"Occam's razor is probably the most important principle in science."
"Once you get out on the road... you need to be able to apply those things that you've learned."
"All it takes is a bit of cheating and you can get your way too. Let's bloody go!"
"Can you imagine how many resources Russia is burning in this war?"
"If you can figure out how to sharpen a chisel, you could probably figure out a way to sharpen everything else."
"I loved reading the science but you know getting people better in real life doesn't come from reading scientific papers."
"Embrace these teachings, apply them in your lives, and be doers of the word."
"But like it or not, this is water cooling done practical."
"Let's just start with a demonstration of the problem."
"We have already tested the benefits to a great magnitude, all we need to do is make these tools of the industrial revolution work for us."
"This mathematics right here, you know, it actually does help a lot in this game."
"We’re effectively creating the most advanced, practical AI."
"The spiritual knowledge teaches us how to live amidst that living."
"For anyone who's undecided maybe this will convince you that science is yet another tool in our toolbox that can be very helpful when applied properly."
"You never know how technology is going to work until you actually use it in combat."
"Our styles are pretty complementary and I'm obviously very excited to see more people bringing the practical application of anarchist thoughts into relating with ourselves and others."
"If you stick around till the end of this video, you will learn something new and useful that you can begin applying to your own investment research process today."
"Your mental training and visualization will be far more effective if you are performing the exact same or very similar mental and physical tasks in the real world."
"Your theory must inform your practice, and vice versa."
"Don't memorize, apply them to real-world situations."
"Secret number one is to not memorize, apply them to real world situations."
"I want people to see how it relates to their day-to-day living, how they can apply it in their life."
"Nowadays it seems like it's actually practical and it seems like there's actually a functioning team functioning technology."
"Oh, you were right, they were useful. The students took them apart, learned about the different components, and threw them out like you said we should."
"Mount it all, plug all the things in, we'll show you how it mounts, how it works."
"It's kind of cool that you can do this shorthand notation and get different types of lines very easily."
"Your life is gonna be solely predicated on your knowledge and application of that knowledge."
"Information in and of itself doesn't have value if you don't put it into action."
"Keep it simple stupid usually works in everything in life it definitely applies here."
"This is not based off theory, this is something that I developed that I have applied."
"Knowledge only becomes power when you actually apply it."
"With cyanobacteria, I get any of the big clumps I can and then use a rifampicin to fight it."
"Stellar is where blockchain meets the real world."
"I think we have all the elements kind of broken down now, a lot of these things can be DIY."
"That was genius, did you see how he used cotton to like save his life? You know what that means, do you see what that is?"
"We want application. We want them to try to do it. We're really building champions in the sense that we give them confidence."
"So the starting point in like actually getting value in a particular model is thinking about what is it you're trying to do, and you know what are the sources of value in that thing you're trying to do."
"We need to recognize who we are... and get to the right side of it as quick as possible."
"Now we're just going to make sure our installation is working."
"If you actually use it and you legitimately use it, then do what you need to do."
"Another great application of the Domino Joiner is installing shelves within the internal carcass of a cabinet."
"The gospel of Jesus Christ is practical and applies to real life, and those accomplishments, especially those that serve others, will bring you full joy."
"If you believe in the theories of the world of academia, these people who have never tested those theories in the real world, this is going to backfire on you."
"Understanding intellectually isn't enough; embody your understanding."
"Now that I feel stable enough within myself, now that I do know how to love myself and take care of myself, it's like let's put these tools to practice and just be a human."
"Perhaps seeing it in action will answer any questions you may have. Walk with me, and we shall put it to the test."
"Through research, you also attain a higher level of understanding of fundamental concepts as well as their practical significance."
"What's the thing you learned that made you go, 'Oh, that's great, I'm going to start using that'?"
"I'm very head in the clouds type of gal and then I love to take all of the things that I find in the clouds and find ways to bring them down to earth."
"So, if I get a null let's bring this down here and attach an expresso tag onto this which will open up the expresso editor and let's call this light switch."
"When a man believes in the value of the advice given him and applies it, he establishes within himself the reality of success."
"Ideology always loses unless you start making it practical."
"This could be incredibly useful for various things like cooking recipes or shopping lists or bits of information you've extracted from a website."
"Build more things that get into people's hands. Learn by doing."
"If your faith is only in your speech, it won't live. If it's in your feet, it will become alive."
"It's interesting that we can change just by changing the Piston... It's science not guessing for you folks."
"These videos are not just theory-based, they are practical."
"Jeffrey Sachs is not an armchair intellectual, he is an action-oriented economist."
"We are spiritual warriors and scientists, applying ourselves and analyzing based on results."
"For Freire, 'there is no theoretical context if it is not in a dialectical unity with the concrete context.'"
"I really wanted frozen orb to do better, and that also being said, I do think there is one practical use for frozen orb."
"I think it's useful to understand how the environment works."
"Getting hands-on practice with statistical reasoning and probability is definitely the best way to become more comfortable with all the numbers you come across every day."
"I just want people to be able to use it and like use those coins to buy whatever I want you know."
"Stealth now has a practical application too."
"Decision making is where the rubber really hits the road."
"You can be theoretically a hundred percent right but be a hundred percent wrong in application."
"Transforming theory into practical modifications for real-world applications."
"The secret to success in anything is applied truth."
"Reason I love this because... people actually using their brains."
"If you want to manifest your greatness, it's time to get the practical framework around them."
"It's really applying a little bit more science, basically."
"What's the point of having beliefs if you're not willing to act them out in the world?"
"It's not about the technology, it's about what the individuals can do with the technology."
"Biomimetic designs have been incorporated into many forms of engineering."
"Knowing stuff and getting the right stuff is how you do this."
"We are developing our cars for the real world."
"Thanks a lot, thank you so much for taking the time to show us how this technology actually applies."
"You can apply this almost everywhere in your life and it's super helpful to think about the places where you can put in 20 of the effort to get eighty percent of the results."
"Law in practice is something which is very very crucial."
"Set your expectations, skills first, and then the technology will support those skills."
"I was first exposed to this type of a truck bed... on the e7 expeditions... and I couldn't wait for the opportunity to start incorporating that type of a system into our truck builds."
"Understand why anyone goes to Olive Garden when you have this."
"Convert a list into a table... You get a set of features that you did not have with the list to analyze that data for yourself."
"Knowledge is absolutely important. Spend time learning, understanding, and putting it into practice."
"Knowing the truth is not what saves you, it's following."
"Evolution is demonstrably verifiably observably real and students need to understand that accurate information has practical application."
"The car was the first clue to what happened to Ray Rivera."
"Real world understanding: a crucial step in building beneficial AGI."
"Watching 100 trading videos won't make you profitable, but implementing what you've learned in one single video just might."
"There is a lot of information for you... hopefully, this gave you a lot of good information that you can take and apply to your training right now."
"Action just is changing the data by acting upon the world."
"It's not about the podiums and all of that. I just love seeing some of the stuff that I've been working on actually work in the real world."
"There's a difference between knowing what the best grip is and being able to execute it 100% of the time."
"It's not enough that we just say we're Christian."
"The learning is in the doing. Theory means nothing unless you're actually doing the thing."
"Sensible mathematics involves disregarding a quantity when it is small, not neglecting it just because it is infinitely great." - Dirac
"Let's jump into it, we're gonna have roughly 45 minutes on the clock."
"I want employee, project, boom there it is. Let's calculate."
"She had this extraordinary penetration into the simplicity and the essence... as she put into practice."
"You can actually put the indicator directly on the chart like so."
"Basic research is about seeking new knowledge, while applied research is about solving real-world problems."
"Specs on paper don't always translate into performance."
"Babbel is teaching me real-world practical conversations in a way that I consistently feel successful at, which is nice."
"Ideas for how you can take a dream and make it happen in the real world."
"Help us meditate on your word then let it come out in our actions and in our words."
"This... sort of works." - Controlling the aircraft with variable thrust
"I hope every single person watching took one thing from this video that they can use to apply in their daily life and actually witness real results happen."
"But if you're like most of us then we want to start applying these principles in an intelligent way."
"Knowledge is power especially if you use it."
"It's conditioning your mind to think about how you can actually take all this knowledge that you've been building up and put them to practical use."
"It's not enough just to learn the strategy, you have to convert that knowledge into actual skill."
"My goal is that if you actually apply it, if you actually do it, you'll get incredible value out of it."
"By simply placing a 9 by 12 foot rug on top of a one-half inch wool rug pad and bringing in our sofa and chair and coffee table and all of our furniture we lessen the decay time in our room and at our listening position by nearly 40 percent."
"Understanding inversions is important for playing songs correctly."
"Here's our call-out title boom just like that pretty cool little effect."
"Value in a situation like this where the use case seems pretty clear."
"From figma to HTML/CSS: bridging the gap between design and development. Your designs, brought to life!"
"You gotta try stuff and know how it works before you can make stuff better."
"There's a difference between knowing a path and walking the path."
"There's a tactical aspect that comes into play here."
"Isn't that fantastic? This is the Titan tank, big enough, strong enough to take tanks over a 30-meter river, absolutely amazing."
"Ultimately, adoption will come from places that need solutions, not only from places that are just speculating."
"Mere belief counts for nothing except that it is carried into practice."
"We're gonna have a very, very deep discussion, a historical discussion but something of a very practical discussion of what all of us need to open our eyes on relative to how we win truth freedom and health."
"We practice on the mat so we can apply off the mat."
"You can't just be thinking about hypothetical things in meditations. You've got to also bring that meditation, bring that visualization, bring that emotion into the very core, the very essence of you."
"Despite its similarities to the American project, nuclear explosions for the national economy holds the distinction of carrying out the only truly practical peaceful nuclear explosions in history."
"Now that we've been over most of the designs, I've actually got a few examples of just rooms to show you. So how these might be used in sort of real terms."
"Handlebars in action in its most basic form."
"I'm sure someone can do it. You go through the floor like this."
"The better you can get with a torch, it will actually help with your welding also."
"Practical spirituality: apply it to practical matters."
"Oh my god it works oh my God I can't believe that tutorial actually helped me so it's actually pumping the water from here to there."
"Knowledge isn't power in and of itself; applied knowledge is power."
"Realizing how many ideas are already there, you know how much you can put into practice without having to invest billions and billions into research."
"Cool. Let's take all this theory for a spin."
"Understanding what's true about the thing is easy. Understanding how you manifest that as a set of rules and structures is much harder."
"Most of the development can actually happen in simulation."
"It’s all about designing the system for the specific use case."
"It's not what you learn boy, it's how you use it."
"And now what do I do? Well, before I even think, I find its eigenvalues and eigenvectors."
"Legit very gimmicky stands that have clever uses."
"Even though she does things her own way, she's spot on here about real-world teaching efforts..."
"You need to know the rules so you know how to get around the rules, and that's really what it comes down to."
"You can see it, smell it, touch it, kick the tires and understand and imagine how you might be able to take these ideas back into your own world and make them happen in your backyard."
"At the end of the day it comes down to use case."
"It'd be very valuable in seeing what might be going on."
"If you can understand these core algorithms, you can already do quite a bit of very interesting stuff."
"Growth is listening to something and then taking action on it, reading a book, and then applying it."
"Fusion is really cool if you know how to use it right."
"Ayn Rand works perfectly well in a novel. I don't think it works in that same way with real life."
"Sales is a science and it's a very valuable skill that you can use in any profession."
"Learning by doing will show you problems and show you how to use what you've learned."
"The most important power that we have is the power of our minds to figure out the way the world works and to use that to guide our actions."