
Copywriting Quotes

There are 163 quotes

"Copywriting is kind of like sales but through text."
"I didn't come from anywhere, I didn't come from any affluence, and now you know, I'm doing all right for myself because of copywriting."
"Copywriting is the best way to make 10K a month, not just a reliable way, not just a repeatable way, but the best way."
"Your copywriting is pretty good and that is a skill that most designers do need to pick up."
"AI copywriting is probably at the top of my list of futuristic stuff."
"Every single business needs a copywriter... extremely valuable."
"Paint a picture for your customers with compelling bullet points that solve their problems and speak to their needs."
"Use the Hemingway app to write copy that sells."
"To make five thousand dollars a month copywriting you need to find a company that's going to pay you five thousand dollars a month to write ads for them. Go right now and find a company that's willing to pay you money to write ads for them."
"Copywriting can often be more lucrative than any other form of writing."
"Writing copy is the highest leverage skill I have."
"Copywriting as a skill and service is only going to go up from here."
"Mastering a copywriting skill set is the best thing on earth."
"Being a good salesperson is good; being a good copywriter is life-changing."
"This is why it's a timeless skill, well worth learning."
"Copy and paste these proven Facebook ads to profitably generate low-cost leads and sales from Facebook."
"It took me exactly 18 months to go from $0 dead broke no money in the bank to making $48,000 a month as a copywriter."
"The words or the copy on your website are what's going to sell you or sink you."
"You can write most of the words that will be on your sales page by simply answering some questions about the product."
"Your copy needs to be written to be understood and actionable."
"I made $33,000 in 5 days with copywriting and if you listen to all the geeks on YouTube that seems impossible."
"Having a good copywriter will literally make or break a business."
"Copywriting is the art of writing persuasive text with the goal of getting your target audience to take action."
"Copywriting is important because it increases sales and conversion rates, builds trust and rapport, and helps businesses get attention in a noisy and distracted digital world."
"Copywriters have a special skill set in being able to write persuasively."
"Anyone who loves to write and takes the time to learn copywriting can become one."
"Freelance copywriters with five or more years of experience have the potential to earn $75 to $125 per hour."
"The first one is if you want to be a writer you must do two things above all others read a lot and write a lot right so studying copywriting is how you're reading the copy and then practicing writing is how you're writing."
"The fastest and easiest way for beginners to master copywriting is by reading copywriting books."
"You don't need to be some copywriting master."
"The number one way to make more money is to simply get better at copy."
"You also want to get feedback from other copywriters—it's not enough to just write the copy and not show anyone."
"Your copywriting is important because it should be combining the information that your customers need along with your brand's unique tone of voice."
"If you have a simple product with a high price point, you need to make sure that your copy will help you back up that price."
"When you're starting, you won't need one. The best copywriters, and when you get really good, you won't even need templates because you'll just know how to write properly."
"Poor copywriting skills. Nobody is born a great copywriter. Nobody just woke up and had the ability to write copy that sells. Okay? It just doesn't happen, it's a skill you've got to practice, you've got to learn it."
"...even if you wrote decent emails, but they weren't in his voice and they weren't anything like the other ones he normally sends, you're probably not gonna land that copywriting gig."
"If you can demonstrate to a business that your copy will make them money, it's endless work for you."
"Good copywriters are being fought over, you know, like by companies."
"Focus on developing real copywriting skills. The people who are six-figure copywriters all have real copy and marketing skills."
"...if you invest in your skills and you get better at copy that's going to have a bigger effect on your income than literally anything else you could do with that money."
"The easiest way to deliver better results is getting feedback on your copy from A-list copywriters."
"The need right now for copywriters who can write compliance stuff that actually converts, is probably the biggest skill that you could have right now to make a ton of money."
"Copywriting is a skill set. It is one of the most powerful skills that I know of, how to turn words into money, how to turn it into revenue."
"Copy exactly what I do and you will get copywriting clients who will pay you $3,000 every single month."
"Follow these 10 steps and you'll be a 10K a month copywriter in no time."
"Learning the fundamentals of copywriting is deceptively not nearly as simple as it sounds."
"The way that you make the big bucks and make 10K a month with copywriting is by doing more than just copywriting."
"Copy consists of a few key points of information tailored to your audience."
"The fastest way for you to make money as a copywriter is to make your clients money."
"If you're the copywriter who's been able to make people 10, 20, 50, $100,000 every single month just with email, then that's bragging rights for you."
"AI will literally smooth out all of the wrinkles in your copy."
"Your copy is not about your product, it's about a feeling."
"Give me eight weeks and I'll give you what you need to become a highly paid, highly sought after and completely irreplaceable copywriter who thrives even in the age of AI."
"Once you've got a great video ad, the next thing to do is write really good copy to go with it."
"So roll up your sleeves and put on your best copywriter detective hats and get ready to do some investigative work with this Pre-Copywriting Checklist, the 10 very important things that you must have before you write a high converting sales page."
"The copy is amazing because it's speaking to exactly what these people are experiencing."
"The battle between design and copy will never end."
"Mastering communication and copywriting is pivotal."
"I work for Harrods as a copywriter."
"'Copywriting is creative writing... you're basically trying not to bore people ever and make something very memorable for people.'"
"During this interview, you're gonna hear us rip on all sorts of juicy copywriting topics."
"But going back to what you said at the beginning where, copywriting is easy, it's not easy in the sense that like, oh, you just take one course and next thing you know you're making six figures, but it's easy in the sense that anybody can do it."
"...my income absolutely skyrocketed because my copy gets so much better when I worked at David so literally the next three years out to this my income went from two hundred twenty thousand a year to seven hundred thousand a year."
"Your subject line is one of the most important parts of your copy because if your subject line is not good, what does the rest of it even matter?"
"Proven copywriting structures to write emails that can make businesses thousands of dollars."
"The first few dollars that you make with copywriting are super important because they're not just currency, but they're the seeds of your dreams."
"Copywriting is a learnable skill."
"Your copy looks like a hot mess, a brain dump of stories and headlines, and benefits and bullets that, albeit genius, follow no real format or flow."
"It's copy that drives the business. Without copy, there will be no Agora."
"Good copy can help you stand out."
"I test short copy, which is a couple of sentences, medium copy, which is a couple of short paragraphs and long copy, which I used to say is as long as it takes to tell the story, but people took that way too far."
"You really wanna, if you're going to add additional text or copy into the video, just make sure it's very hooky."
"You want these multiple combinations, so now that we have this, again it's all the same image, different copy, and different headline."
"Every single online business needs a copywriter."
"You can make hundreds of thousands of a difference in a business over the span of a year with just your copywriting."
"If you're always focusing on copy, you're going to become an incredible copywriter quickly."
"This is why copywriting is great, you only depend on yourself."
"Copywriting is everything, everything."
"Copywriting is used in ads and marketing."
"Copywriting is not over exaggerating or being dishonest."
"Your main goal as a copywriter is to communicate ideas in the most efficient way possible while using as little words as you can."
"Analyzing copy is very helpful, understand how it all works."
"Website copy is basically the stuff that goes on people's websites."
"You want this text to be engaging, use emojis, show exactly what problem this product solves."
"You cannot be a great marketer without being a great copywriter first, because copywriting is basically like understanding the psychology up here."
"If you want to monetize attention, study copywriting."
"Whether you've already got tons of funnels and email marketing copy firing away in your business or you're brand new to figuring out how to be a DIY copywriter for your business, this video is for you."
"So when it comes to writing the copy and just looking at things like all of that data that I already have pulled, it's a pretty dialed in system."
"When you have a Brand Messaging Style Guide ready, which this is something that we do with my students inside Copywriting for Creatives, we teach you how to build this out for your own business."
"You'll get more organized over time and you'll understand better how to be a jam-up DIY copywriter, which is crucial to your success as a creative small business owner."
"Copywriting is an element of effective digital marketing that serves as a lucrative career opportunity."
"If you really want to make it in the world of freelance copywriting, choose one type of copywriting, get really good at it, and then start adding other types."
"As a branding copywriter, you're coming up with the language that the business is going to use to talk to their customers."
"Direct response copywriting is measurable, so your client can see how your words affect their sales."
"Write direct response copy to sell an SEO course in the style of David Ogilvy."
"Copywriting is creating text that gets people to react."
"A 21% increase in conversions when 'submit' was not used anywhere in the CTA button copy."
"The best copywriters out there... they devour life, they live life with mucho gusto."
"I think copywriting is important."
"Creating high-quality copy for your listing is a very important step for creating a listing that converts really well."
"It wasn't until I went all in on beauty copywriting that my freelance writing business really took off."
"How did I become a Fiverr Pro copywriter, making thousands of dollars every month, only working a couple hours every week, without any formal education?"
"You're not getting hired to write a certain number of words on the page. You're getting hired for the results those words will provide to your customers."
"It's what you already know and what you've learned through your past experience that will dictate the steps you need to take to become a copywriter."
"Personally, I love copywriting; it turned a passion of mine into a profitable hobby."
"Copywriting is the ability to sell or market a product or service using the written word."
"Problem, agitation, solution. That's kind of the little black dress of copywriting."
"With a dedicated schedule of 3 hours a day, 5 days a week, you can develop a solid foundation in copywriting within 3 months."
"If you want to be a professional copywriter and have never written, well you better start writing."
"...you definitely need to write good copy if you want people to convert, but ranking is a whole other animal."
"There's a lot that can go into becoming a good copywriter, including the understanding of psychology, empathy, etc."
"Good copy doesn't come just from great inspiration; it's actually hard work."
"Chat GPT can really help frame all of this stuff and help you frame both your sales video copy and your landing pages."
"If you just become average with copywriting, you'll make six figures a year."
"Make sure that your bullet points are beautiful; they're really, really well written."
"I'm seeing in real time how this is going to replace copywriters' jobs."
"Copywriting is basically selling with the written word and being persuasive as well using the written word."
"The truth is, there's certain types of copywriting that AI can help with tremendously."
"The best marketing copy comes out of your customer's head not yours."
"Your website copy is going to be your headline, supporting text, and your call to action."
"The Ultimate Sales Letters by Dan Kennedy... if you are in any sort of business or something trying to sell, you're going to need to learn copywriting."
"Every e-commerce brand needs a copywriter, every SMMA usually has a copywriter, and every info product especially has a copywriter."
"The copy is the most important part."
"You are going to get better at email copywriting, there's no doubt about it after 30 days."
"I will walk you through tried and true copywriting and design patterns, so you can craft click-worthy video titles and eye-catching thumbnails."
"Writing compelling UI design copy for your website is crucial for boosting conversions."
"This is where the whole art of writing that of copywriting comes in; someone's doing a search, and your website link to the piece of content is listed there—you gotta write something here that's going to give someone a reason to click."
"Copywriting is a craft. Just like romance. You must know how to tease."
"Your copy matters. If your client is gonna read these things, you have to stand out with just like a little bit of personality."