
Social Criticism Quotes

There are 1045 quotes

"Why are we starting to hate on other women and what they choose to do with their clothes and their makeup? I think it's really weird."
"Empathy means, if there's an entire generation struggling, maybe it's not them."
"Authenticity is not easy. To be authentic is to be unpopular, to blaze your own trail even when other people are clucking at you."
"I just don't understand how these people sleep at night."
"I think it's unhealthy to dehumanize people because people are not a statistic; they're individuals."
"The sickness is the system when capitalism fails to save us from pandemics or itself."
"Racism is bad, police incompetence is bad, murder is bad."
"This country is disingenuous. First, they used race to exclude us, and now they are refusing to use race to include us."
"The obsession with virginal women is that many insecure, misogynistic men are petrified of having sex with a woman who's had sex with a man who does it better."
"Guys would literally rather limit themselves to virgins than risk being unfavorably compared to anyone else."
"It's hypocritical to live in a society that glorifies alcohol on the one hand and demonizes psychedelics on the other."
"Right now, we are seeing a literally unprecedented level of corporate greed in this country."
"Going to space for fun while there are people dying on the streets is like, if you can give more, I think you could and you should."
"This is sick, this is sick that the ultra wealthy can do this, and I for one won't stand for it."
"We're all so tired of being whipped into a frenzy and tearing each other apart at the seams."
"The average American is suffering while these CEOs are profiting, and it's not working."
"I'm not going to censor myself in my music. It's about what I think is wrong with the world."
"Stop caring about the opinions of terrible people."
"I agree with you, shame can radicalize. It is a poor way of getting people to change."
"I think you guys are a bunch of losers. You guys need to go outside and touch grass."
"Doesn't anybody get it that this is wrong? This is crazy. It doesn't make sense at all."
"Satire inflates real life like a parade balloon until it pops under the pressure of its own contradictions, using irony and exaggeration to highlight the world's absurdities."
"Everything is a bit of a scam for some weird numbers on a screen, and it means that people live their lives in ways where they don't get to properly know the people around them because everyone's always worried about short-term stuff."
"America's system is in and of itself cruel, racist, and vicious."
"Whenever a new form of media comes out that particularly older generations don't use and don't understand, it's very, very common for that new media to be blamed for a variety of social ills."
"To defend this system is to defend a people-wrecking machine."
"We live in a complex and unfair world, where the way things work don't make much sense. Those in power tell stories to keep us blinded and distracted from this cruel reality."
"The New York Times writes: What sets Ralph Nader apart is that he has moved beyond social criticism to effective political action."
"Everybody who's being described as a member of the IDW probably has, among other things, one thing in common: they all are used to being yelled at for saying things that are self-evident."
"They're going to go and have drinks, probably with no masks on, and think that they scored a victory here. That's scary."
"I've avoided saying the word capitalism the whole video because it's painfully obvious that's what the opening of the film is trying to criticize."
"What do you call a system that takes the richest country in the world and turns half of its residents poor or low income? You call that a failed system."
"If society were to give a stamp of legitimacy to an occupation wherein a person has license to viciously scold, publicly humiliate, and ruin other people without having the burden of needing to lay any formal charges... it will not be the noblest among us that we see putting their hand up for the job."
"The goal for corporations is to maximize profit and market share, and they also have a goal for their target, namely the population: they have to be turned into completely mindless consumers of goods that they do not want."
"Trans people, generally, and trans women and non-binary folks especially, have a long history of being attacked because we directly point out how the binary dichotomy that we exist within is not only limited but flawed."
"The reason why I criticize the bad behavior in China is because I legitimately want it to change."
"If we hated the United States so much, we probably wouldn't fucking live here."
"You don't need to talk about secret cabals... there's a great deal of exploitation in the world and yes, the powerful manipulate systems in extraordinary ways which we can discern and understand."
"It's actually directing all the frustration all the anger towards the political class who have brought this country to its knees."
"The downfall of Hollywood and White's Conquest to make everything woke and full of identity politics will lead to an eventual cultural reset."
"If you want to know who rules you, see who you can't criticize."
"Demonizing an entire group of white teenage boys just makes it worse."
"Being woke is not tied to how much you hate the system. Being woke is making all the right decisions in your life, raising your kids right."
"We should have been calling this out a long time ago before it got here."
"Setting up bad victims in opposition to genuine ones is a very effective method of unpicking #MeToo."
"Men hate romantic comedies for the same reason you hate video games with over-sexualized female characters."
"We were always taught that if you need help to ask the police. So, the way this case has been handled from the beginning is heartbreaking, it's an injustice, it is a slap in the face."
"For a website that caters itself to an audience that is also under 18, flashing them with potential lap dances that they can literally buy through a website, we are literally turning Twitch into another cam website."
"The wealthiest nation on earth can't pay their workers a fair wage."
"I don't think the solution to hatred is more hate. I firmly disavow people who think that disliking men or white people or cis people or whatever improves anything."
"See, I don't really vibe with when feminist messages go in the direction of rejecting feminine things like makeup and fashion altogether."
"Political correctness is a disease that has infected too many institutions in America."
"If you want to destroy any nation without war, make adultery or nudity common in the young generation."
"How can you look at private property speculation, artificial scarcity, and egoism then say yes, this is good? I want that. Let's put that in art."
"Don't make arrogant statements like this that is not fair to the millions of Chinese people that are completely cut off from the rest of the world."
"Hosono was rescued in lifeboat 13 and was attacked by the Japanese public press and government who felt that he had not done enough to save his passengers."
"It's okay to be a weirdo, if you get picked on for that, that's cool."
"Cancel culture was the diagnosis and the term became a catch-all defense for those trying to evade public criticism."
"The whole intelligence thing, or the IQ thing, it's used by white supremacists to justify the mistreatment of people."
"It's insulting for us to be in the most successful country in the world, the most progressive people in the world, for people to tell us that we are in a perpetual state of oppression."
"Nobody's actually encouraging any self-harm, what people are talking about is this over emotional crybaby mentality."
"Are you feeling mad? But what possibly makes me even more mad is when I see influencers trying to sneakily sell diet culture rebranded as Wellness."
"You should never generalize about people on the basis of their skin color because it reduces them to the sum total of their skin color."
"Living in glass houses and throwing rocks, people shouldn't throw hard stuff."
"What they're doing is utterly wrong and destroying the future of the young."
"The billionaires are going to retain their privilege as long as they can."
"We're supposed to be the greatest country in the planet and this is what some of our American citizens have to go through."
"Violence employed by police and security agencies exposes the fiction of the rule of law."
"The worst comments that I read are like 'women aren't funny' and I'm like 'ow, okay, well how do you immediately just invalidate whatever you're gonna say, say that sentence first?'"
"When people protest and you're going to criminalize... that's not um."
"Normalization and validation. Children are treated as trophies to validate those relationships, to subvert the standards of the nuclear family which they hate in so many cases because it failed to protect them, and so they resent it."
"Stop treating the world like an echo chamber."
"This whole preferred pronoun thing is nothing more than passive-aggressive manipulation, a power play by attention-starved egomaniacs."
"If your conception of masculinity boils down to aesthetics like nail polish or dresses, I just think that's such a weak argument."
"This is real and Shell could not have tripled its profits in the time of pandemic in the time of global constant living crisis."
"Cancel culture drives me crazy. It's really really scary."
"Life is so expensive now that I don't think people understand how privileged it is."
"Tick Tock destroys so gradually that it seems harmless but if the app is a time bomb that'll wreck a whole generation years from now then we can't wait till its effects are apparent before acting for then it will be too late."
"The ruling class is selectively enforcing the law."
"It's always the right approach to highlight harm... Just show the harm that is being caused by the bad ideas, the bad policies, the bad ideologies or causes that people are supporting."
"The fact is we've incentivized women to marry the government. We've allowed men to abandon their financial and moral responsibility. That's why we have these problems."
"It's just amazing to me how America finds a way to throw a middle finger to the poor on every level."
"Bystanders who sit there and do nothing are just as bad as the bully."
"If you don't want to be a considerate, compassionate person, Bethany, no one's fucking stopping you."
"The more desperate people become the more circumstances worsen under capitalism the more I feel like people are getting dumber and dumber."
"Certain white feminist heroes were super problematic, more like the mom from Get Out than Wonder Woman."
"They were widely believed and proven really in many ways to be one of the worst human rights abusers... probably in the world."
"This is evil. It is pure evil. It is selfishness. It is egotism."
"Candace Owens... a piece of [ __ ] who feeds on the racial disparities in this country and profits from the suffering."
"My contempt for covidians has been surpassed by my contempt for people who know something is wrong and stay silent."
"America has to put up with your incompetence... how long will the rest of us have to put up with the destruction caused by wealthy conservative white men?"
"One of the biggest things that makes me angry... is the deception."
"Don't boot lick so hard that that they calling you out and trust me the white supremacist they don't trust y'all when y'all do that."
"I believe in many of these cases people are hunted influenced and herded."
"They work really hard to make sure black people are continually excluded."
"If me being critical about the content that you're putting out there which you as a public figure should be able to be held accountable to makes me a bully then I have some questions to ask right."
"So today I wanted to sit down and talk about the glorification of the scam artist, kind of some different examples and different cases, why I think it's happening, and sort of the bigger picture. So if you're interested in that, keep watching."
"That whole scene was a great example of what's wrong with the glorification of just being able to go up to someone and smack them in the face."
"Thank God we have Mick Lynch to call them out because he does it exceptionally well."
"You know just the mere fact that Ukraine is so wealthy but its people so poor, yeah tells you something about corruption and the state of governance and the commitment to fairness and equity across that community."
"That's why I think it's important to call out these hypocrisies that's why aside from just having a good time through laughing at toxicity I think it's important to address the toxicity and put it out in the public domain."
"It's kind of amazing that people pay so much to live here now, you know? Because again, the quality of life goes down and the cost goes up. It's kind of the model of modern capitalism right there."
"Leftism is just a synonym for social Decay, and they don't have any real principles so people on the right have genuine values that they try to hold to and that they're accountable to."
"That's why the Left haisa that's why they attack me times I tell the truth not things they don't like."
"I'm just confused as to why you would literally brag or flex on how much money you're making."
"More power to them. That's what I wear every day. I wake up and I think, if only the world had less people dressing provocatively, that surely that would fix life's problems."
"Before you criticize your social structures too intently, you should try to put your own house in order."
"CEOs have been giving themselves salaries roughly between 14 million and 45 million dollars a year. That's absolutely outrageous. You can buy an entire small town all of its real estate for that annual salary. It is grotesque."
"It's indisputable that J.K. Rowling using the pen name Robert Galbraith, a leader in creating and promoting gay conversion therapy, is absolutely despicable."
"On the masculine front we we tell young boys that while the world's a terrible patriarchal tyranny and all of that patriarchal tyranny which is the whole explanation for history has done nothing but oppress and exploit people."
"There's so much potential here for genuine social criticism."
"The actions that take place are the actions that benefit the powerful because that's what power is."
"There is such an aggregation of wealth at the top disproportionately among these technology companies that they are able to put us in a feudal peasant relationship."
"Fame and you get the fortune, your life becomes rather empty, and then you have to start blaming other people for why your life is empty."
"You're successful, living in luxury while others are barely getting by."
"These people hate their lives... it's just virtue signaling."
"There is literally no argument against doing this except corruption." - Krystal Ball
"They want to rid themselves of any sort of responsibility."
"When has America ever been great? The ugly sign to this truth is that we are witnessing a reality where the blame is being constantly placed upon the victims."
"It's disheartening to me to see the way in which that case played out."
"We focus on apologies instead of systemic issues."
"People don't like the whole interracial thing, gotcha. That's stupid. People suck."
"Focus on the basics of governing or is that too woke for you?"
"What do we do about the perversion of the system? Because this is what's happening."
"That is just legalized fraud and the fact that this tiny minority of rich people can get away with it I think is a disgrace."
"We have to stop being afraid to call a lot of this nonsense out."
"It's regular capitalism - rich get richer, poor get poorer."
"Underperforming males reject hierarchy because underperforming males by definition think they can increase their rank by tone policing and caping."
"I'm really against single parenthood and women trying to have babies just for money."
"We got too many [ __ ] in our community that don't want to do to work but they want the results."
"A lot of these narratives oftentimes embody the very thing they claim to hate."
"We are in the midst of something that I think is deeply stupid and that is treating our celebrities like politicians."
"I hate whenever people always focus on...this little small minority of angry boys."
"Well, their hatred is nothing new; the elites have always despised Christianity."
"Making the argument the system itself is responsible right now for too many black people looting Louis Vuitton is ridiculous," Shapiro said. "It's ridiculous on its face and it ends with more crime and more people being harmed."
"A woman has been harshly criticized online after she slammed her date for being cheap."
"The Lord's gonna judge that soul. Wokism says no, we're gonna judge a whole people group and sort of paint with a broad brushstroke."
"We got a film that's breaking down their degenerate culture and white supremacy."
"The whole purpose of comedy as an art form is to speak truth to power, to poke your finger like you're Rahm Emanuel in the chest of the person who has authority."
"Why should they have that power over our president? That is not good faith. That is not removing objectionable material. They are not doctors."
"Neoliberalism is liberalism for the rich and fuck everybody else."
"I would just like to point out that Gus has, in the past, shown some malicious attitudes towards those that have called him on his booger picking ways."
"You are flat-out stupid if you literally hate a person because of the color of their skin."
"And there needs to be more gay people speaking out against it and saying that we're not just gonna let you put this on our wagon, right?"
"This country has become lawless, right, it's become lawless."
"If you really believe the (beep) they say, that rich people are actually good and better and vulnerable people are weak or lazy, that sounds terrible."
"And besides if we're going to deal with these trash bag politicians we might as well be allowed to laugh at them right."
"Every time you denounce something from a position of Consciousness you announce a new utopian possibility."
"I'm sick and tired of ordinary people being fleeced."
"People who feel good about themselves stand tall even as everyone else is attacking you."
"Let's be honest, this deserves to be lambasted."
"Trapped in their questionable reality, is it a mockery of humanity?"
"Privilege is being able to make thousands of dollars from a fast fashion company."
"People just aren't getting held accountable and it's wrong and I'm sick of it."
"Virtue signaling is the new live vicariously through your kids."
"We shouldn't allow this type of garbage to pass us by without criticism."
"In terms of its effect on policy ranging from social policy to war I think it's been mostly negative in fact often extremely negative."
"Literally saying white people are superior at gaslighting, what lack of empathy."
"You've been called a try-hard, that just means you need to go outside."
"Just stop stereotyping millions of people into one group."
"Sounds like somebody needs to decolonize their mind."
"People need to be a little bit more compassionate before they really want to ruin somebody's life over some [__] that was considered an acceptable joke 10 years ago."
"We're willing to ingest poison and defend the commodification of cultural poison in our community."
"Maintaining white supremacy is all about domination."
"The concern here is that there has been an attack on unorthodox opinion, regardless of what it is."
"Stopping programs of the Arts in public schools or making it so only people who can afford it can get them is like child abuse."
"The gaslighting they engage in to distract from their own oppressive behavior."
"You take away people's lives, livelihoods, freedoms, you lock them up, you lock them down, you mask them up, you alienate them from friends and family, from their religious institutions..."
"I don't bash people for their content. I'll bash them for the concept of their character. You're a cloud chaser, you're a pedo like him, you're getting bashed."
"This ain't no son versus a Cas. This is Dean Child using my platform as a distraction to shine light on weirdos like he, Casanova, and King of Poop Radio."
"The elitism, the classism, I just don't like it."
"They accuse you of being entitled. They accuse you of being narcissistic."
"We are doing what we have every right to do, and that's defend the people of Florida."
"Stolen Youth: How radicals are erasing innocence and indoctrinating a generation."
"That's honestly like one of the worst things you could do."
"The modernization moronization of the masses: the more you get, the better it is for the companies that can hack your psychology."
"It's kind of wild how much [ __ ] you can get away with when you are a right-wing reactionary and a virulent racist."
"It's very cruel, and as I said before, the most annoying thing is how people who are going along with this view themselves as sort of the selfless ones."
"Complaining about how victimized you are when you're a billionaire being mocked for advocating against civil rights is the height of cry bullying."
"This whole the the Pearl clutching the tone policing thing it's just a typical uh it's a typical Christian thing where they're just like I'm I'm going to I'm going to clutch my pearls because you said the f word and therefore nothing you're saying."
"He disliked office culture, posh word drinks, flash car competitions, and the rat race."
"I do think it's important to call these people out and expose them for what they are."
"This is happening in America today, and the people who are willing to call it out, they want to throw in jail."
"What a pathetic excuse for a man. I mean it's no wonder he supports castration. This is a castrated man himself."
"I just can't imagine the fucking arrogance of that."
"If you're gonna target people folks, maybe target them based on reality, not based on your sick twisted fantasy."
"Her level of entitlement is through the roof."
"It is so ironic... when they gave a tax cut to the wealthy two trillion dollars... this is a targeted effort for folks who really need that extra breathing room."
"Why somebody would never be interested in Sonic? Unfortunately, most of the people saying that are just being assholes."
"Ultimately, the Karen character is to challenge all viewers to look inward and reckon with the caring qualities that might be lurking within any of us."
"Anyone who says that just instantly like [ __ ] you, like you're part of the problem."
"They don't value healthy families and healthy kids."
"Folks are tired of being played for suckers and I'm tired of letting them be played for suckers."
"It's just a real problem with humans in general."
"What you don't need is technocracy and aristocracy, an institutionalized elite class that's saying we're the only people that are allowed to discuss this."
"Cancel culture is vicious and incredibly painful."
"The ascent of billionaires is a symptom and an outcome of an immoral system that tells people affordable insulin is impossible but exploitation is fine." - Alex
"The Western Elites brazenly divide the world into 'civilized countries' and all the rest."
"Sorry, sorry for the alleged sins of those who died decades before we were born, sorry for the color of our skin." - Unknown
"We spend too much time trying to tear people down and we need to spend more time building people up."