
Generational Critique Quotes

There are 51 quotes

"Jen Z has put such an emphasis and importance on self-image to the point where it's literally making them miserable."
"We need to correct something in this generation. There is a lack of gratitude and appreciation for fathers."
"The moral of the story is we should just all get along and be very disappointed in boomers together."
"You're creating a generation of entitled delusional women who think all they have to do is show up in the world."
"You know these young hipsters, they don't know what they're talking about. This technology comes and goes but you know what doesn't come and go? Me."
"It's time for a new slogan for anyone 25 or older: 'Young people, they're good to look at and they're fun, but there's nothing going on upstairs.'"
"The problem isn't the system is rigged against Millennials; the problem is that boomers raised Millennials to be whiny losers who don't go and build things."
"Adulthood comes at you fast and I just think our generation, I think we were baby too much. Nobody gave us financial literacy."
"This is the selfie narcissistic generation, we're all caught up in it, all of us, this dopamine that comes from social media and comes from just getting attention by any means necessary..."
"We've raised a generation of people that think the world has to bend to them."
"So today's generation, you see them, they're because of the system they've been given so many tools to do well, they're enabling... enables them to be less accountable."
"We are the longest-lived democracy in human history but for some reason that there is a generation of politicians in America today who don't think it's necessary to live up to the standard that they said."
"All the effort, toil, money, and labor invested in millennials' education was more or less for naught."
"The millennials are a failed generation by every objective measure of human life."
"Unfortunately, there's a whole new crop of out here again."
"I'm angry at this generation of adults for scaring you about this stuff the way they have."
"There's a stereotype that we are entitled lazy snowflakes."
"Where is the next generation of young men coming that are going to help our society?"
"It's not fair to do that to an entire generation, it's sort of disgusting to me."
"Aggressive generosity to combat Boomer selfishness is so Punk."
"We're raising whole generations who regard facts as more or less optional." - Tom Soul
"This generation is some of the most insensitive sensitive people."
"One word summarizes our generation: lawless."
"This is a desperate cry for attention from a generation that has been raised to believe that their left-leaning politics... make them unquestionably above the pathetic peons whose property they are destroying."
"We got an entire generation addicted to phones practically from birth and as a result, we destroyed for many of them any hope that they might become successful and well-rounded as people."
"We are raising literally a generation of people to not experience discomfort."
"Rockstar's comment on a sort of entitlement delusional generation."
"The millennial generation is a lost, confused, ignorant, and failed generation for the most part."
"Characters are more relatable since all the kids... seem to do nowadays is complaining about absolutely everything."
"I'm ready for long-term commitment and that's what none of our generation is up for."
"People need to chill out a little bit also with all due respect I'm not going to lie I can't see them being any worse than us okay our generation is not even in touch with reality can they really get any worse."
"We've become the most self-aware toxic insensitive and emotionless generation."
"How did we raise such a generation of weak people? It's insane."
"It's a terrible indictment of my generation when Greta Thunberg stands up and says, 'You betrayed us.'"
"Why are our kids born into the most prosperous time in human history prepared to throw it all away?"
"Men of this generation are trash."
"We are developing a generation of shallow saints."
"I've never felt more ashamed to be part of a generation."
"They raised the next generation and then have the audacity to get upset when we call them whiny."
"We're part of a generation that both idealizes and bashes the way previous generations did love and marriage."
"We live in this generation... it's this selfie generation which is so about self and it's about what you can take from a moment instead of stopping and listening."
"Those who criticize this generation forget who raised it."
"The baby boomer generation is sociopathic in its behavior because it was the first generation to have a completely different approach to life."
"The baby-boomers inherited a prosperous country... they leave behind a bankrupted country drowning in debt."