
Digital Interaction Quotes

There are 160 quotes

"We believe AR will become the next permanent staple in how shoppers interact with brands and products digitally."
"The reason I looked at the kickoff and it's very different is because I sit in front of a camera in my studio, interacting with the audience."
"Real-life human connections as opposed to digital connections which translate into likes and retweets or internet validation."
"I will make sure that the people I'm following or the people I'm subscribed to are those that I do regularly engage with."
"Become a member but don't forget to like, share, subscribe."
"The metaverse... a persistent live digital universe that affords individuals a sense of agency, social presence, and shared spatial awareness." - Piers Kicks
"Remember, there's still a human behind that screen."
"Make sure to like this stream, man, and subscribe so you don't miss out on none of the content."
"Hit the like button, show the love, hit the like button, hit the Subscribe button."
"There are online communities for literally everything."
"Luxury goods have become a sort of language through which people communicate taste and connoisseurship on digital platforms."
"Take them all out, trial mods! I want to see no one left in this livestream by the time I end."
"Folks, if you like content like this consider clicking the like button share subscribe."
"You need to remember that there is a real person behind the text that you're getting and the text that you're sending"
"There's always something really interesting about other content creators making content out of your content."
"You always have a right to know if you're interacting with a real person or with a machine."
"Bing chat GDP reminds me of Lucky and waiting for Godot."
"I did develop a strong fear of mis-clicking though."
"Each individual post now gets put into the whole stream and people will discover it that way."
"Online courses mean it is a complete instructional experience using digital Network for interaction, learning, and dialogue."
"Enjoy your digital echo chamber," said on Instagram in a text post.
"If you enjoyed this video and would like to see more like it, make sure to let me know by leaving a like and a comment down below."
"Jeffrey checks his phone and this notifications in a certain shade of red that are so enticing that he just can't help but to click on them."
"Facebook, always something going on to get caught up with friends."
"I just realized this was all done in VR chat."
"Just imagine when this technology reaches our smartphones or better yet, our smartwatches. A new level of interactivity with our digital world and each other will be born."
"I love that it's literally just like let's flip through a bunch of windows on our computer but it's actually really fun."
"And now, with new features of ARKit 2 and the power of the new iPhone, we are able to craft experiences at a much higher fidelity as well as connect players both digitally and in the physical world."
"The metaverse is the next version of the internet with more real time, more 3D, and the ability to interact in both physical and digital ways."
"If you found something here that you didn't know that you know now consider leaving a like on the video and if you want to join our discord community we have almost 25,000 people in there."
"Maybe those people online can give some advice on how to lose weight from the realms of the screen."
"The benefit of being an online person: you always have a friend at a party."
"We're one like away, literally one like away from 200 likes, if you guys would go ahead and drop a like on the stream."
"Guys, your waifu is basically real and with a significant enough super chat she might even notice you."
"Spatial reality essentially allows you to put these glasses on, or maybe contacts when they get to that point, and the digital assets that you buy, let's say it's NFTs, you can now actually have them in your real world."
"That meant that that person more than likely sat through the full hour and actually enjoyed it enough to then login and leave a comment. It was incredible."
"Please click on the bell notification, because sometimes even if you don't click on the little bell, my videos might not go into your subscription box."
"If you enjoy videos like this, make sure to destroy the like button, subscribe button, and notification bell."
"Virtual communication should be governed by the same restraint we exercise in the real world."
"Enjoy, have fun with it and I will see you guys next week."
"If the readings are resonating with you and it's giving you the edification you're seeking, don't forget to like, share, subscribe, leave a comment Down Below."
"Let's get the likes to 1.1k, smash the like button, people!"
"We're almost at a million visits on the Noodletopia hangout. That's crazy, dude!"
"There is a mute button and a block button right."
"We also get some additional features if we swipe in from the right edge and that includes digital touch this is a feature we're familiar with from the Apple watch."
"The addiction aspect of it is so crazy to me because it really does fire off like those receptors in your brain that make you want to engage constantly."
"Every single time we type in our search bar, we're changing our list of items."
"If you want to get into a conversation with me but if you want a longer conversation come to my website and I'll meet you there."
"Thank you for joining me for today's livestream. It's the future 2024!"
"Unlike the one-way street of broadcast, people are able to interact, critique, and refute whatever he or anyone else may say." - Elon Musk
"Hit mute, get on with your day, just great because then they're just shouting into a void." - Adam Wilborn
"Thank you all for joining the stream and participating in this conversation."
"I think everything is going to eventually be that interactive."
"This abuse isn't unique to game development. It's much easier to abuse someone over the Internet."
"Just mortgage the like button until it permanently becomes blue."
"The whole point of a metaverse is that we can all interact in the same place it's not everybody builds their own metaverse and then we somehow come up with a way to interlink all of these different things"
"The internet's power lies in its ability to connect communities."
"Believe it or not, people ask Google what song is playing almost 100 million times a month."
"Welcome to the metaverse. Chuck has broken the parasocial relationship."
"Thank you for showing up on this device so much, that was fun."
"I think we're putting out good content here that's deserving of you hitting a digital button below the video, but that's up to you."
"A lot of gamers just want to be able to hop on watch Netflix play a game and be left alone please give us the option to be hidden or go incognito."
"All you have to do right now is take two seconds out of your day and hit that like button."
"Streaming is kind of like a customer service job."
"Recognition, success, being looked up to, likes, comments, subscribes, people messing with you."
"Siri might be one of the most intelligent digital assistants in the smartphone game... if your digital best friend is still struggling, it might help to spell it out."
"Twitch is less about raw entertainment and more about personal intimate relationships that you build. Your viewers will come back to your stream not because you are the loudest hypest person on the platform."
"You're judging a book by its cover when you see a thumbnail, so if you're appealed to the thumbnail, you're going to click on it."
"All he has to do is hit the bell and turn the notifications on."
"I'm in a lucky position because at least I know I can go live and interact and chat with people about how I feel."
"Eventually it's all about empowering people and I'm convinced that the power of 3D and the power of sharing you digitally with somebody else and getting together has almost unlimited power right."
"Reddit is one of the internet's largest corpuses of authentic and constantly updated human-generated experience."
"I look at the little things I look at the retweets you're getting the likes you're getting you've never gotten this kind of love before and it's long overdue."
"Before we do, though, make sure to power slide over that subscribe button. Hit the notification bell, too, while you're at it."
"Smash the like button guys! Smash the subscribe button if you're new!"
"Anybody with a phone has an opinion, and with me, I don't really give a [care]."
"We're in the metaverse right now, you and I."
"They are now in a relationship together as well, obtained their little social medias, and they're a proper couple."
"The power of asynchronous social things is significant."
"What are you waiting for? Come on, guys. Click like and subscribe."
"And your delivery really cost. No motor fuels on the input and everything was completely free down the way except the labor of the people."
"Yes, please subscribe, like, follow me on Instagram and Twitter."
"The future really will be dynamic virtual surfaces."
"Smash that thumbs up, I need to see the 7,000 likes by 11 p.m tonight."
"I really appreciate the support if you hit that like button, make a comment, and subscribe."
"Getting into a social media battle with a narcissist is like punching yourself in the face."
"Please drop a comment share this with your friends you know like subscribe do all that jazz to help boost the algorithm."
"I love you guys, you're like my online family."
"Know your boundaries online just as much as you do in real life."
"Talking to the camera and talking to you guys is such a therapy for me."
"It's nice to work with people online and to see people actually unite as one."
"Millions of people playing, working, living in virtual worlds."
"Best to optimize the user experience before trying anything fancy."
"It's always a good feeling meeting them because I post a lot more photos than videos so people don't really connect with me as often so when they do I'm like 'oh that's awesome.'"
"Vtubing was supposed to be this comfy place where people can just enjoy waifus and husbandos, escapism is one of vtubing's main appeals."
"Hit the like button, it makes me happy inside."
"People do anything for a few likes and retweets, and 13 almost 14,000 people like that."
"10 people giving them death threats is probably 10 more that have ever contacted them ever giving them death threats."
"Click that thumbs up button and make sure to subscribe."
"Everyone go on your Twitter now... you'll see like four or five accounts."
"I think my horse is actually lame by now as well."
"The higher the tier, the closer your supporters get to you."
"Thanks for doing this, I really appreciate it. We'll see you guys soon out there in internet land."
"If you enjoyed it and found it helpful, be sure to hit that thumbs up button down below and subscribe if you haven't done so already."
"Tick-tock is a video app, you really can't take a picture on it."
"Write live messages on your screen and give it some really nice effects."
"Engaging with social chatbots resembles parasocial interactions."
"That's what I'm telling somebody, everything. I'm who's on the computer."
"Until then, I'll see you on the internet very soon. Bye!"
"Sometimes you ever want to just like favorite a text message you know?"
"It is definitely perceived as sexual too, like it's a thirst trap kind of thing."
"It's always cool to meet people from the other side of the screen."
"Create cherished moments through their stories, messages, video calls, and interactive games."
"Engagement means likes, comments, saves, shares, and you know there's a lot more going on there."
"Every time you go into the account, it's just going to recognize you."
"It's a joy, so I think most of our interactions will probably continue to be online."
"Relationships can grow in surprising ways virtually."
"Thanks for watching come draw be sure to LIKE comment and subscribe and catch us live Wednesdays at 5 p.m. on critical roles twitch Travis is here too I'm here."
"It's easier to give your true feelings about something, especially when you're at home and on a keyboard."
"IRL streaming is like virtual therapy where you have a mirror up to yourself."
"The Metaverse is something that exists right now and something that we interact with."
"It's more like something the benefit comes from being able to interact with reality with having the overlay of the digital world."
"I like this. It's cool to be able to directly talk with you guys."
"I'm happy to respond to her in that way and I think she will actually see the video and it might really, really help her."
"We live in a world where if you do anything online, you can't trust anybody."
"24 hours from now I'll be streaming with my girlfriend."
"You owe it to yourself to take a moment and press the like button."
"The gamblification of social media has many of those same qualities. For example, we post something on the internet, we get this great response, we want to keep posting or keep watching."
"The beautiful thing about the internet is like if you just don't respond it just there's so many other things that people that go on so you just like make it go away again."
"As this technology continues to evolve, it promises to reshape our digital interactions and expand the possibilities for human-AI collaboration across various fields."
"It's very touch screen based... I find myself using the touchscreen more than anything."
"We define an experience as how you cognitively and emotionally interact with digital content."
"Click it, scroll it, look at it, love it; it's a fantastic thing to do."
"I learned what swipe left and right means - that's a good one actually."
"We're sort of redefining how we interact with digital information."
"This is a very common thing online."
"We will press into tough conversations, disagree with love, and humanize the person behind the screen."
"Feel free to tag and share on social media."
"Augmented reality offers the ability for you to have a digital twin... it allows you to completely interact with a product before making a buying decision."
"Enjoy your weekend, insert a bottle of wine emoji, comment, like, subscribe."
"We're living in the information age, where we generate so much information, so much data by virtue of interaction with computers and with each other over the internet."
"I can't wait to IM you about this at work on Monday, check your inbox."
"Every social media app is an island."
"Social media requires two aspects: users can create and share content and participate in social networking."
"Hyperreal is working on digital celebrities you can talk to."
"I try to create poetic moments for people when they are interacting with digital systems."
"By the end of this tutorial, you'll be able to bounce digital balls in your real world space."
"It was incredible to see how engaged people across this digital divide could play together."
"Immerse yourself in the revolutionary AI holox experience where seamless interactions with your digital companion redefine human-machine engagement."