
Emotional Strength Quotes

There are 820 quotes

"Personal resilience is important, but it's not the only form of resilience we need right now."
"We all need to be emotionally strong to deal with rejection, criticism, and personal and professional failure."
"The heart doesn't get broken; it's a constant flame of love that burns bright."
"The presence of love will always cast out fear."
"I think it's strong to feel things that have hurt you and then to still choose to feel nonetheless."
"Not a sucker for love. When you have emotional intelligence, you can love somebody, but you don't fall in love. That's being emotionally weak."
"Emotional strength and vitality are built through understanding and living the right principles from an early age."
"Being able to be with yourself and to look yourself in the eye and to really get, 'This is hard, and you know what? You're still going to do it, and I got you,' that's it."
"You are so strong, you are so compelling that you make this person feel like they're unraveling."
"Supporting me when I can't find the strength to support myself, that's a real friend."
"Women are naturally attracted to the emotional strength in men, such as confidence and high self-esteem."
"The strength to open up, the strength to close something off, or the strength to keep something going."
"It takes legitimate strength to start over with somebody and not carry over old baggage."
"It takes a phenomenal amount of strength to see this person as a friend when obviously your feelings for them run much deeper."
"Slowing things down gives you more options to be flexible and creative in your problem-solving, and this can help you develop emotional strength and resilience."
"Only a man with a heart of stone could withstand temptation like this."
"I'm not gonna cry anymore. I'm not gonna wallow in pity. I want to show him how much I appreciate all the things he did."
"Women are mentally more stronger than us...that's why you guys end up getting over breakups easier than men."
"People will say painful things, and Allah will give you the strength to be able to hear them and not be impacted by them."
"I'm all right. I'm trying to hang in there. I am not gonna let it get the best out of me because I don't want to ruin your day."
"The emotional durability and psychological insight that we can attain from said experiences are invaluable."
"You know there's a lot of things in life we can measure... But how do you measure mental and emotional toughness?"
"Lovingly speak your truth. Vulnerability is strength."
"These things are going to break our hearts but it's not going to break our spirit."
"But there's hope here where there's love; there's hope. That's just how it works."
"You cultivate emotional strength when you learn how to be alone."
"The Legend of Korra didn’t need to end with a one-on-one superpower fight, and I’m glad it didn’t, because it was more about her emotional strength in dealing with such a uniquely formidable opponent."
"Being open and vulnerable is a power I cannot control. I just have to break open and learn."
"Investing is a personal thing. You have to do it by yourself. You don't do it with a committee. You have to be able to have the emotional strength to stand the volatility of the market."
"This feeling will pass and you're going to walk out being a stronger version of yourself."
"Let us love regardless of whatever life throws at us."
"Stay strong, stay in the game, and don't let the FUD drive you out."
"God has not given us the spirit of fear, He gave us the spirit of love and power and a sound mind."
"Men are supposed to be strong, be able to emotionally handle anything."
"Vulnerability is actually this incredible superpower."
"Both men and women should feel free to be sensitive, both men and women should feel free to be strong."
"It takes courage to love yourself and to love others."
"Unconditional love is not too strong a word."
"I have emotions, I'm human. Strong men cry. It's actually not a sign of weakness, it's a sign of strength."
"Her greatest superpower is her bottomless compassion."
"I know it's going to hurt, I know it'll break you, but we have to be able to be strong and move forward."
"And I don't think I think no matter what happens we're still gonna have this wonderful story and that can't be taken away from us."
"I give you the strength to manage the overwhelming feelings that storm your thoughts, to face unsettling news without fear."
"His words don't hurt me anymore. I'm strong enough now."
"I put in my mind that I would never let them see me break."
"I am flawed and beautifully so love carries us while pain and mistakes build us every awful thing is an opportunity we can shrink from it or rise to it and I choose to rise."
"I did not let him twist reality and make me doubt the plain truth."
"Strength is vulnerability, letting people know that you are so incredibly human."
"Folks, thick skin is more than just protecting you against hurtful words."
"You're not losing any of that emotional strength and love that I can hear over the phone, Lisa, you are losing a community right now."
"You did a hard thing but you still have your heart, and your heart is a good one."
"We'll continue to win because we have something the enemy does not: feelings."
"Loving him, supporting him, and nurturing him doesn't make you weak, it is strength."
"The federal courthouse in Brunswick, a very quiet but strong force—Mother Wanda Cooper Jones coming out swinging like a lion against the Department of Justice."
"You went through all this stuff and you're still here. If I can survive every worst nightmare happening, I'm like a [__] X-man. I'm an emotional expert."
"When it comes to love, you can heal with the power of love."
"You see, hope is the word. It shows what exists when no one else does, no one can extinguish that passion without your permission."
"Women being more emotional and being wired differently does not have to be a drawback; it can be the launching pad for a really incredible life and family because you both know your strengths."
"The only time to be brave is when you feel fear."
"Your heart is the strongest muscle in your body, right? Of course, it's good to have muscles, but nothing is stronger than your heart."
"Women's empathy is a very powerful strength."
"Just know that even though you have these moments where it feels like your world is falling apart, you can pick yourself up."
"Somebody still needs the strength to be able to communicate themselves how they truly feel."
"I literally remember thinking, 'I'm gonna be so alone,' and the thing is, for anyone who feels like that, it's better to be alone sometimes."
"We become better men and women because of the losses."
"Diversifying your wealth is always a good idea."
"Love and having faith in the love. You gotta have faith, faith, faith, faith."
"Do not be depressed or sad over any guy out there. They always come back."
"There is more than enough love to outshine and surpass any hate."
"Smile though your heart is breaking. Smile even though you're aching."
"Incredible power, emotionally, psychologically."
"I forgive everybody. I don't forget, but I forgive."
"Positive thinking and emotions will help you move mountains."
"Your hope won't be stolen, your joy won't be diminished, and your faith would not be snubbed out."
"What I'm experiencing... is the mother's love within me that can hold those extremes."
"I felt empowerment, I felt strength, I felt liberated."
"The power of joy conquered their circumstance."
"In difficult times, all we have as strength is love."
"He wants to be strong, he doesn't want to be alone."
"You just know that you have to make a strong decision regarding this devil energy."
"I always respect people who can live a life where you take every loss like it's the most important loss."
"The best investment of all... is to invest in yourself."
"Your joy and my joy is actually meant to be anti-fragile joy, the kind that grows when it's been punched."
"Fear is as strong as steel, while love and respect are soft, useless feelings."
"Strength, empathy is not for the weak. It really isn't. Having compassion, having empathy, having sympathy, these things are not for the weak. In fact, you have to be strong to have those things."
"You are strong this week Taurus. Whereas a lot of other people are really caught up in their emotional body, really feeling sensitive, maybe even a bit overwhelmed, you are strong, you are steady, you are solid rock."
"It isn't a weakness; it's actually a strength that you're confident enough to talk about those things openly."
"Forgiveness isn't weakness; it's strength in motion."
"You have a chance to let go of something and be a little bit stronger."
"To be able to leave somebody that you love that you like that you're lusting over takes a lot of mental strength."
"You can't let anybody's words affect you at this point."
"It makes us confident in our ability to survive."
"Motivation is gonna be huge, and it's going to make you feel very creative."
"Embrace your anger. It gives you focus, makes you stronger."
"Remember, your mind is a remarkable tool and your emotions are the fuel that can propel your dreams into reality."
"My heart is heavy but love and positivity pushed me forward in my darkest moment."
"I think having a strong heart means you don't let anything get under your skin."
"What if we just once and for all decided that we were strong enough for the pain in our lives, so instead of hiding from it, we just rushed straight toward it and allowed our pain to become our power."
"The most powerful drug is the mind and the heart."
"Having emotions does not make you weak; it actually makes you strong."
"I think you are sensitive and emotional, and that's a strength and a weakness."
"Life is fragile, but people's hearts are strong."
"Vulnerability is a superpower. It feels good to love."
"Even if it's really hard, know that they'll be okay and you'll be okay."
"It's the pain of being you that creates the power of being you."
"Life right now, it's just amazing. I feel so strong in my faith, I feel so strong spiritually, emotionally, and everything."
"What I really want is my kids to know that you can be mentally and emotionally strong and Stern without being uncontrollably angry and violent."
"Courage is needed to face difficult emotions."
"Even being able to smile right now is a huge accomplishment."
"The evidence from past epidemics like ebola is that if schools close the most marginalized children particularly the most marginalized girls never get back to school."
"I will not allow anybody else to try and break me down."
"Being negative during a time of uncertainty is not going to help you."
"Nothing breaks as easily as a heart nor mends as strongly."
"No matter what they throw at them they're able to stand tall and at the end of the day they smile."
"I feel awesome, honestly, I feel like a stronger version of myself."
"The power of friendship transcends even death."
"Conviction is a force multiplier so right now we have too many people who hate with conviction we need more people who love with conviction."
"Having close friends makes me feel stronger."
"Vulnerability is important. Vulnerability is powerful."
"Let that go, and I think that is so, so, so powerful."
"Couples that fight together and suffer together, if they're meant to be together, it just makes them stronger."
"You're going to have some low moments in life, but when you do, you will have high lows."
"Emotional flexibility and pliability is the opposite of weakness."
"You have given me so much strength, and I send it back to you."
"It really can heal that wound and inoculate you against manipulation of others."
"Gratitude helps you cope with challenging times, providing emotional strength and resilience."
"Hold on to these feelings, hold on to this strength, hold on to this love and power that you have, you know?"
"2021 tried to take me out but 2022 said no no."
"Life happens and you have to know that at the end of it all you're gonna be okay regardless of what happens."
"What are you waiting on? Wait on the Lord, be of good courage. He will strengthen your heart."
"We can be strong and soft, we can be courageous and consoling."
"Love Never Dies you guys. Your fiancée may be murdered but your love never dies."
"Sometimes you have to have the courage to break your own heart because it's the right thing to do."
"You will survive a broken heart. You'll come out through this stronger than ever."
"Healing from various forms of emotional wounds takes the attitude of an athlete."
"We talked enough that night and on all the nights that followed to turn the knitted scab of our new relationship into a permanent ridge of smooth strong scar tissue bonding us together."
"I speak peace in the middle of fear, confidence in the middle of distress, hope right now."
"Love casts out fear, anytime you start to get fear or down, you're allowing the weight of everything to take hold."
"Hulk's strength is tied into his emotions, the angrier he gets, the stronger he gets."
"No one likes being weak, no one likes being exposed, vulnerable."
"If you can make it through this to fight for yourself when you have nowhere with all no strength like through your tears to still fight for you then you become the bearer of the light at the end of your tunnel."
"Love grows... and that's what even strengthens a relationship."
"When you stop fearing rejection, you can't be hurt."
"When it comes crashing down and it hurts inside, you gotta take a step, you don't have to hide, you know them way dead, fine let's go, let's go, I'm ready."
"Be strong and be brave, tame the beast within to nurture love and care for this person."
"Fear cannot enter when you let the truth govern your thoughts."
"Resilience, pure and simple, is the strength we draw from each other."
"Sometimes being vulnerable is the strongest thing you can do."
"Sticks and stones may break your bones, but words may never hurt you."
"Nothing can hurt anymore because they've said the worst that can be said."
"Hope gives us positive feelings and energy to accomplish what we desire."
"That's remarkable, to still come back despite the heartbreak."
"It doesn't make you weak to strive for peace. I would hope that everybody is striving for peace."
"Courage takes on different forms, it's compartmentalized."
"They see you as someone who can take on a lot of pain... and turn it into something good."
"It's not just about how much you can lift, it's about how much you can love."
"They're strong and I feel like this doesn't stop them."
"Baby, you are the recipe when I'm stuck in the toughest situations."
"You have the power and the right to choose, even if people don't like it."
"Ending a story is scary and having the strength to end a story, like giving it an actual heart."
"Standing up for yourself is not just about fists, it's about heart."
"You can build mental and emotional toughness that makes you extraordinarily resilient."
"I'm done with the gaslighting. Totally and utterly done with it."
"It is not light that you need but fire, thunder, and storm."
"Venus trines Chiron, so our heart is opening up to the fact that we are strong enough."
"Your ability to move hearts is very strong right now."
"For the first time in a while which is honestly really powerful."
"Feelings and friendship can overcome anything."
"If there's a fucking nuke flying through your face, feelings and friendship can overcome that fucking nuke."
"Friendship and feelings can overcome any situation in your life."
"Facing your own fears and surviving them - that's what you need now more than anything else."
"Our passions are the true feelings. It's when the old one is burnt out, the new one rises from its ashes."
"There's so long as you're open to love and you are willing to take a risk on it once more, there's nothing you can't do."
"Admitting vulnerability is a form of courage."
"Life can be very painful... It is self-compassion that gives us the power to face our failures."
"You've got to be strong for everybody else, even when you're breaking down."
"I got a big heart, and if I didn't lead a group when I did, you know I would have lost it. I would have just lost myself."
"You're making it real, it's like, yeah, okay, I'm here, I'm motivated, my emotions are strong."
"He smiles through the pain for the sake of others."
"Opening your heart doesn't make you weak, it makes you stronger."
"He didn't make you feel sorry for him, you know. He was strong about it."
"The things that matter to me can't be taken away."
"Love is stronger than anger, even right now. How do I find love at a time like this?"
"All your frustration and sadness, you must turn them into strength."
"Your will is more powerful than how you feel."
"Her hope is more powerful in her despair." - Narrator
"If it hurts me, let it hurt me, then heal me at the end of it. But I can't keep living like this."
"They need someone resilient, who doesn't let the weight of the world get them down."
"It's okay to laugh, the joy of the Lord is your strength."
"Share your burdens with others, get stronger."
"To open up and show your emotions is actually the strongest thing you could ever do."
"It takes so much courage to totally reset your soul."
"Yusuke's determination and strong emotions helped him gain such immense power."
"Every trial leads to Triumph, every tear leads to joy unspeakable, every detour leads to a paved Highway."
"Empathy, compassion, sensitivity should be seen as strengths."
"The men who I know who are vulnerable and in their hearts and capable of sensitivity, they're like superheroes to me."
"I fought the tears that were swimming in my eyes and thought, 'Don't you dare give these backstabbers the satisfaction of seeing you cry over any of this.'"
"Strong spiritual willpower—you can't touch me."
"Every one of us goes through it and I see that you have been going through it but you're coming out of it and you're gonna be stronger and wiser and happier."
"The bottom line is this, the only thing stronger than a man's pride is a mother's love."