
Universal Desires Quotes

There are 55 quotes

"Everybody basically wants the same things: we want happiness, we want love, we want to live peacefully with each other."
"The great thing about travel is you realize, it's the same, people want to find love, they want to feel safe, they want to love their kids."
"In the end, we all really do want the same things: we want to be happy, we want to find love, we want to be accepted."
"People have an innate yearning and affinity with the truth... It's that universal... nature of us that is simply wanting the truth."
"There is shared human desires, shared universal traits, most all human beings really want the same things."
"We are all human, we want the same things: love and happiness."
"At the end of the day, we all just want to be loved."
"The vast majority, I'd say probably 99% of the world's population want the same things, we want peace, we want safety and security, a roof over our heads, we want food for ourselves and our families."
"Everybody just wants to live a good life everybody wants to make sure their family is happy everybody wants to make sure their family's safe."
"Every being that we meet wants to be happy, doesn't want to be unhappy."
"We all want healthcare, a good economy, and financial stability."
"Most of us want the same things: to be loved, appreciated, and accepted, flaws and all."
"Everybody wants to have money to have a sandwich, you want to find love, you want to feel safe, yeah that's everybody."
"You want that happily ever after, don't we all?"
"If you want to live on a planet that is like, you know, has clean air, water, and soil, alright, let's set carbon emissions aside for a second 'cause there's a lot of controversy on that, but like everyone wants clean air, water, and soil, right?"
"We all really want the same thing, don't we? We want love, passion in our lives, our family to be safe."
"Deep down in every heart is an unquenchable desire for happiness."
"And I have never met anybody in my entire life who did not want peace; who did not want joy; who didn't want to be happy."
"We all really want the same things: freedom and prosperity."
"We all want to have good families, we want to be safe, we want to be secure, we want to be successful."
"Everyone is always trying their best and everyone wants to be happy."
"We all want the same things... We're the same people."
"What Charlie Kaufman is getting at is our universal desire to be loved."
"Everyone's looking for that. I think I'd mistrust anyone who said he wasn't."
"The desire for freedom is classless, adheres in the human mind and in the human soul."
"Most of us all want the same things: to be loved, appreciated, accepted, and understood."
"We're all human beings, we all breathe the same air, we all desire the same basic things."
"Does everybody in the world have their wishes come true?"
"Everyone wants to feel loved and feel important, everybody wants to have fun and be successful at something, and everybody wants to feel safe and comfortable."
"We all want the same thing: a happy, healthy life, good happiness for our family. People all over the world want that."
"Everybody just wants peace and security."
"Everybody at the end of the day wants love. Like these [ __ ] are still you know want somebody to come visit them."
"All people want the same thing, which is they want the opportunity to live freely, live better lives, have economic opportunity, and live in peace."
"Muslim citizens in Muslim majority countries want exactly what we want: freedom and dignity."
"Every human being on the planet wants the same thing: love, family, food, water, a place to live, and peace."
"We are all just kids living in adult bodies, and we all want the same thing: we want success."
"Even though the cultures are different, humans essentially have the same desires, the same needs and wants in the core."
"Everybody wants the same thing: love, to be understood, to feel safe."
"We all generally have the same desire."
"Everybody wants to be loved, respected, heard, treated fairly, and wants the same for their family."
"Remember that we will all be pensioners and we will all want the same thing: attention, health, love..."
"All everyone wants is to be heard, accepted, loved, and understood."
"Everyone just wants love and happiness."
"All over the world, people want a partner that they love and who cares for them and treats them well."
"We all want the same thing, which is to be loved, to be respected."