
Employee Satisfaction Quotes

There are 131 quotes

"Employees who answered yes to the following question 'My supervisor or someone at work seems to care about me as a person' were the most productive, contributed more to profits, and were significantly more likely to stay with their company long term."
"Great people are the key to a great work environment and excellent customer satisfaction."
"You need to work for your employee... my secretary is my boss. If she's not happy, my company does not run."
"Sometimes people who quit end up being the heroes of the office."
"It's just worth it to endure a one-time cost to make the right employee happy."
"nothing is going to kill people's enthusiasm about returning to the office quicker than showing up and realizing that it's exactly the same as working from home"
"Costco doesn't need to pay people to say they like working there."
"People actually want to work where they feel fairly compensated."
"The happiest, healthiest employees are the most productive."
"At what point do you just get sick of working somewhere where your friends may not even be there next week?"
"97% of involved workers responded in favor of continuing the 4-day workweek."
"Treating people with respect...everyone enjoys going to work."
"I think people will be annoyed at first, really, they don't want to go back there, don't Apple employees love that spaceship?"
"I would have to argue like all the employees, it definitely changed their life for the better."
"We wanted to send people home feeling valued, fulfilled."
"Culture, happy employees, and the role of administrative tasks in HR operations."
"Empower good people in roles and make them happy and keep them employed."
"The higher the employee satisfaction, the more successful a business is. I guess this just goes to show how true that is."
"We want to create a place where people actually like working. And I think we're doing it." - Leila
"Culture fit is super important for employees and companies."
"We may have gone too far in cost cutting, Elon. That makes me so happy if that's actually what the policy is."
"This is the best f**king company anyone can ask for."
"Despite the difficulties... many of the employees... reported that their quality of life improved after the reduction in working hours."
"Nobody wants to work for a company that lays off a lot of people on a whim."
"There's serious value in keeping your employees happy and making your employees feel that the company is not against them."
"For employees, they are much more productive and happier."
"Then let's create a workplace we actually want to work at."
"Fantastic company, great people, a lot of exciting things."
"Isn't developer happiness just making sure that the fridge is constantly stocked with lacroix?"
"It all revolves around people. The most important thing is people that are on our team that they're happy that they're productive that they come into work every day excited to see what's new."
"I found the extraordinary results: 11% agreed that the 3-day working week was a great Innovation."
"The most powerful predictor of employee engagement is a sense of progress."
"I'm so proud to be a part of the team at Cameron and Sempra."
"A productive workplace is a happy workplace."
"I want to make people happy, I want my employees to come to work happy."
"We need to be in a better creative spot and I want the staff to feel, you know, good and have pride in the workspace."
"Embrace autonomy, we create a business structure that allows team members to focus on tasks they enjoy and excel at."
"Happy employees who love the company that they're working for and bank on its success."
"Employees losing quality of life over bonuses."
"Many employees expressed their satisfaction with the flexibility and the opportunity to work from home."
"Treat your employees well, give them what they want within reason, don't keep them in positions they don't like, then you'll keep them longer."
"Most businesses are in situations where they would benefit from treating people better, higher morale, like higher contentment, lower turnover."
"Happy employee means happy customer; a satisfied employee will have more tendency to contribute to organization and its success."
"If we want to exceed the expectations of our customers, we first have to exceed the expectations of our own people."
"Companies should want unhappy employees to quit."
"If you've got great employees that are really making a contribution, they're going to quit unless they share in the success."
"We're here to make money and your employees they will be happy when they get extra $250 on their paycheck."
"The future of our organizations is not only based on serving the customer, but people want to work for a company that they're excited about, that they believe in, that they trust."
"The employees loved us - most tickets were resolved in an hour or two."
"Take care of your employees, and they take care of you. Give a little, get a little."
"The effort reward imbalance model links job demands to rewards employees receive for their work."
"People didn't like [certain work policies], nobody cared about it. But then you introduce a potential productivity booster which saves you a fortune and the staff really enjoy it, it's treated with massive suspicion."
"If my employees are happy, they work better and provide better services."
"He’s a businessman but he always makes sure the people working for him are at their peak performance and happy to do as needed."
"When employees know what the brand stands for, employee satisfaction and retention go up."
"If you just gave them a fair wage, if you gave them paid days off, they would be more than happy to work for you."
"Invest in employee satisfaction. Flexibility and empathy are crucial for keeping your team happy and loyal."
"How to retain hires. Hiring a team is one thing, but retaining that team is a whole other challenge. While building your organization, you need to be mindful of employee retention, and you should keep working on this goal."
"When you treat employees well, they do better work."
"Your growth is going to be in continuity and growth of your people when people are happy they perform better."
"Recognize the ability to have a profound impact on a company's customers and their experience, as well as, of course, the employees and their experience within the organization."
"Customer service in HR is to make employees feel like they've been heard and got a resolution."
"Employees are most happy with and loyal to managers who use Clarity coaching because they feel valued, heard, and empowered."
"Happy employees treat customers better and are more creative, leading to product innovations."
"I never want this experience for people, and I will create a business where I get to have an impact on people's lives by creating a culture where people actually like what they do."
"I pay my guys really well, and I take care of them... it's not because I'm just so benevolent; it's also because it benefits me to have happy employees."
"If you do great, I want to promote you, I want to give you a raise, I want to make you happy."
"They're consistently named one of the best places to work."
"I really, really like this company for how well they treat us."
"Pella has seemed to win a lot of awards for employee satisfaction."
"If you're not going to pay good money, have a great place to work."
"Southwest has a reputation for having friendlier and happier employees when compared to the competitors."
"Making the customer happy, making the employees happy, and making himself happy."
"That sense of belonging is absolutely critical to creating an environment where employees can do their best work."
"This really gave us the confidence to build and provide a good work environment for employees."
"Flex time not only makes employees happier but may actually increase productivity."
"The employee Choice Award... is based on the people who know businesses the best, their employees."
"What employee benefits do you think are best at driving retention and satisfaction?"
"This example is part of a wider trend: companies introducing new incentives to make staff happier to come into the office."
"I always focus on my employees, make sure everybody's working together, make sure everybody's happy."
"What really stood out to me was just the attitude of everybody we talked to on the floor."
"The real reason most people leave an organization has nothing to do with pay; it has to do with their feeling of belonging."
"At the end of the day, it doesn't matter. All that matters is user engagement and adoption which drives happy employees and drives the P&L."
"Remuneration should be fair, reasonable, and satisfactory, providing maximum satisfaction to both employees and employers."
"Happy employees are good employees, and good employees are good for business."
"There's many different ways to quantify employee happiness."
"They will always be my favorite company because the people there are so good."
"Niagara Equipment Corporation should not instill their new policy because there are studies showing that employees are happier when they have the freedom to browse the internet."
"When you make data driven decisions, such as calling on a person or the whole company to take Paid time off because of the general pattern you see in the organization, it gives them the job satisfaction that they need."
"If you make the engineers happy, eventually they will give you products and software that is perfect as perfect as it can be, as a side effect of how they feel about the systems that they're building."
"Changing the layout can make employees' jobs easier and make them happy."
"Our first company objective is to build a workplace our employees love."
"Making Gravity an outstanding place to work is my top priority."
"Employees feel that the work-life balance at Salesforce is stellar."
"Employees do feel like there's a very good team environment and it's relatively wholesome."
"REL as of today, an amazing company to work for, they strive for perfection, they strive for quality."
"It's pretty much impossible for an unhappy employee to give great service."
"For the cost driver, we have an assessment again: employee costs are too high, so we have a goal, reduce employees' workload into sub-goals: reduce manual work and reduce interaction with customers."
"When you pay your employees right, you wouldn't have to deal with no issues like that."
"Happy chickens lay a lot more eggs, happy cows give more milk, and we know that if we take care of our vegetables, they give us far more yield per acre or per volume."
"If there's a good match between an individual's values and the organization's values, there's going to be higher levels of engagement."
"Businesses that leverage automation have happier employees and are far more productive with fewer hours of work."
"In business, win-win means the business succeeds, the employee is happy and motivated, and the boss is respected."
"Satisfied employees create financial wealth."
"Having less employees that you can pay better and more profit margin is what you take home and that's what you have peace of mind with."
"Getting real feedback from your employees and having tools for measuring their satisfaction is something that can definitely help boost all areas of your business."
"The job is about creating a place that everybody wants to be in."
"It is above all a big human organization, an organization of hardworking and satisfied employees."
"It saves me money so I have to keep my business growing and my people stoked."
"Happy employees will outperform your competition by twenty percent."
"You can't separate the quality of your employees' work life from the quality of your products."
"Happy employees translates into outstanding service and that leads to satisfied customers."
"Continental is a great airline to fly because Continental is a great place to work."
"There's all kinds of best practices for keeping your employees happy and motivated to work."
"This is a huge piece of that retention, wanting to keep that employee by showing them all of the value that we're adding."
"Ultimately, if you're building a business, you want people to be happy and excited about working with you."