
Greed Quotes

There are 914 quotes

"The housing crisis in the United States was also driven by a lot of greed from individual homeowners."
"Greed is a hell of a drug, and Payday was knee-deep in it."
"This war was an example of what could happen when kings get greedy."
"The greed that has forced people not to behave democratically... about lobbyists who are people paid to subvert the will of the people."
"This was never about bettering the company and its products; it was very much about lining the pockets of those at the top."
"Promoting greed or putting guard rails to prevent from greed; there's not a significant difference there."
"There is enough for everyone's need, but not enough for everyone's greed."
"There are further updates to bring you in relation to this ongoing battle that football faces with these greedy owners."
"The point is ladies and gentlemen, that greed, for lack of a better word, is good. Greed is right. Greed works."
"Be fearful when others are greedy and greedy only when others are fearful."
"We human beings have this greed. Allah says at the end of Surah Al-Hashr, whoever can be protected from the deep greed they have inside of themselves, those are the people that have attained ultimate success."
"The best economic systems will work when everyone is an absolute POS. Maybe humans are amazing, but the best system should survive human greed."
"May God kill greed for my life. This attachment to money... wealthy people in the kingdom have become wealthy because they have conquered it."
"Littering gold, trinkets and baubles, paid for in blood."
"Attachment leads to jealousy. The shadow of greed, that is."
"Greed in a communist system turns out way worse than greed in a capitalist system."
"You can only con a greedy man or woman... The skill of the confidence trickster will work out very quickly what you are greedy for and they will deliver you that."
"There is perhaps no better example of corporate greed, misleading consumers and companies placing profits over people than this."
"This kids, is what happens when you get greedy."
"Greed being a thing that runs the world is very true."
"The moral that can be learned from this film is that greed and abuse of power will bring nothing but greater suffering and loss."
"The one thing that doesn't ever change about the capital markets is greed and fear."
"We have enough on this planet to suit everybody's need but not everybody's greed."
"Sharing isn't immoral; it's a moral imperative. Only those blinded by greed would refuse to let a friend make a copy."
"Greed is a surprisingly wise homunculus who is, as you might assume, very, very greedy."
"Greed robs us. There is an invisible green-eyed monster called greed that loves to lurk at the back of our mind, silently cries out more: reach for more, get more, take more, steal more, till it silently leads us down a dark and slippery road where we sadly lose all that is precious to us."
"Greed is the mismanagement of resources for personal benefit."
"The beauty behind a runner is not letting a good trade go bad by greed."
"There's enough for everybody's need, but not for everybody's greed."
"Dragons are classically known as being greedy. They hoard wealth."
"My counterargument is, you're right, they are greedy, and I think that's a bad thing."
"Greed to me is when you want to take something from somebody else so that you have more than them."
"Greed...can literally rip apart a family from the inside out."
"The professional class has gone from asking the question 'How much is enough?' to asking the question 'How much can I get?'"
"The greed flaw, the thing that says the rich man will sell you the rope to hang himself with if he thinks he'd make a buck off it."
"As greedy as some folks are... the real culprit is the state."
"The chief motivation for this type of crime is almost always greed."
"There's something about striking gold that really just makes people lose their heads."
"The Bluths represent everything bad about a society fueled by greed."
"We gave spots to settle, but they took those spots and wanted bigger ones."
"Free, for lack of a better word, is good. Greed is right. Greed works."
"Austin McBroom is the perfect example of someone who let greed destroy their life."
"What's one common trait between all of these losses? Greed."
"The greed was just way too high and it needed to be flushed out. It just needed to be taken out."
"Be careful, because greed is a form of idolatry."
"Maybe do a bit less of everything, not be so greedy."
"In one week, you can turn the page on policies that have put greed near responsibility of Wall Street."
"But what he wants isn't the potions now. He wants those shards of Zahar all to himself."
"There's no time for that, he's gonna have to go for a perpetual. He wants more, he's getting greedy. Oh, greediness got him!"
"Logan is a walking personification of capitalism and greed."
"Greed is real, you know, and I think one of the things you find out about yourself through trading is if you're a greedy person."
"The only way to keep yourself from being greedy is to not give yourself the option to be greedy."
"When it comes to ecological catastrophe... you still have the greed, the short-term thinking, the obsession with profit."
"What could possibly be more greedy than taking your money and screwing the person who paid you money?"
"This has been the most exciting or at least maybe not exciting but ridiculous greed mode run I've ever had."
"Every single one of you is holding on for dear life to Miles's bronze golden titties and each of you will stab a friend in the back to hold on. That is what I believe."
"Greed is your biggest enemy a lot of times, so don't get too greedy."
"Let's dive into the deep deep pockets of sin and look at 7 times the video game industry gave in to greed."
"My back hurts like really bad but, uh, I wasn't greedy."
"They all knew it was all just...evil people lying for money."
"It's still a frank allegory about pharmaceuticals greed corruption and human ignorance."
"Our fellow citizens are not our enemy, greed is our enemy, abusive power is our enemy, injustice is our enemy."
"Money, I love money. More suffer means more money."
"It's a shame when greed is getting in the way of being able to just game and enjoy technology."
"At that point, you're just being greedy and selfish and inconsiderate."
"In a society based on control by private wealth, the society reflects those values: greed and the desire to maximize personal gain at the expense of the other."
"Money makes people crazy. Money makes people do stupid ass things."
"Unfortunately, the story of Deepwater Horizon was also a towering inferno of human greed."
"I don't want this to be taken as a video saying DAOs are scams by any means, but I do think that gives a valuable lesson to not let greed dictate our investing decisions."
"That's not a small thing. This is like change their lifestyle forever. But yeah, people are very greedy. They will not vote for you forever for this, right? They will ask more. And that's a good thing."
"The Love of Money was greed and hubris that led to the fall."
"Greed took over and risked to not become a factor in doing anything."
"The love of money is the root of all kinds of evil, for which some have strayed from the faith."
"Stop being manipulated by the whales. Take yourself off these leverage exchanges. Stop being greedy."
"Her insatiable thirst for wealth drove her to kill the one woman who lent her a helping hand."
"Going against the scientific consensus on climate change being an existential threat to the human species for the temporary profit of a few already rich assholes, is extreme."
"The people who give you life, the people who support you, and give you their last penny, that you are prepared to so ruthlessly execute them for your own greed really is despicable."
"The dark side of capitalism is built heavily on greed."
"As long as greed lives inside people and as long as there's the ability to manipulate, there will be big crashes."
"Just another evidence of greed as well. They don't like football, they don't like Manchester United. They bought us to make money."
"Enjoy the moment, getting greedy gets you in trouble."
"The fight will always continue. That fight is not between the left and the right; that fight is between basically greed and humanity."
"This is one of those things where I was like 'don't get greedy.'"
"You're all unhappy because your greed is making you treat each other like..."
"There'll be enough for everyone's need but not for everyone's greed."
"Never get too greedy Franklin. The minute you do that, you lost your advantage."
"Facades of fairness and justice: Moloch and Mammon in a mask."
"The idea that somebody can own such a magnificent structure creates such uncontrollable greed."
"The core themes of the original concept revolved around food, greed, and consumption."
"I'll take all the money. Yes, I deserve this. I deserve all of this."
"Don't allow greed to give opportunity to scam and scam people they say you want something."
"When others are being fearful, you should be greedy."
"The most dangerous thought that was the guiding theme back then and still is throughout the world to this day: greed is good."
"Greed is not good money is not our purpose or goal in life and the love of money is the root of all evil."
"Would they stay true to the fans that elevated their life beyond their Wildest Dreams or would they throw it all away for short-term greed? Let's find out."
"I want the Lion Share. I want to split no money, man. I mean [ __ ]. I want it all."
"If you take the medicine of greed without the warning of danger, this medicine called affluenza can kill you."
"The psychology remains the same: greed, the hope of getting rich quick."
"Greed begs more greed, it's part of our culture fundamentally."
"Faith and greed cannot coexist in the heart of a single servant."
"Don't be super greedy, then that way you can ask for something else later."
"Money may not be the root of all evil, but for some men, a million dollars is enough to justify murder."
"Greed is a bottomless pit which exhausts the person in an endless effort to satisfy the need without ever reaching satisfaction."
"When greed sets in, it's just going to be a rough ride."
"The planet can produce enough for human need, but not human greed."
"EA shot up to the top of this industry through greed."
"This country is governed by corporate greed and corporate interests."
"Greed is a fat demon with a small mouth, and whatever you feed it, it's never enough."
"It all comes back to greed. It's great when everyone's making money like who cares man you know what I mean like you get lost in that sauce."
"I didn't see the end result. I didn't see or I didn't pay attention to what it actually were doing to people, only thing I seen was green."
"It literally boils down to just that corporate freaking greed."
"Striking writers were given yet another reason to believe that the studios are purely motivated by greed and do not value their labor."
"What is truly terrifying is when those dangers are ignored and profit is deemed more important than human lives."
"This wasn't about helping the sons, it was about making money."
"The trifecta of politics, greed, and corruption."
"Why split it four ways when you could keep all the money yourself?"
"The numbers are staggering but they don't begin to explain the greed and incompetence that created this mess."
"It's a great little system, and I think you'll find yourself cursing your own greed more often than not."
"Satan desired to have what does not belong to him."
"Their greed is just this open festering wound that I can't wait to pour salt in."
"But nowadays we got the media, the politicians, these forces that be, all about greed."
"It's ridiculous, allowing ourselves to be muzzled and censored around the world just because of money and greed."
"There's no reason for it, there's no reason apart from greed."
"The pharmaceutical industry is enormously greedy."
"But the fact that they actually went on to kill them for no other reason than to increase their own wealth."
"Greed is not measured in possession but an infection."
"Greed is purely rooted in unbelief and fear."
"Greed is a false pathway to enjoying life, built on the lie that this life is all that there is."
"This is just about greed there's no preferential bidder they don't care who buys the club."
"It's greed. He wanted all of it." - Unknown speaker
"Beware of greed; be prepared for the future."
"There was no way this wasn't a scheme made by my brother to keep everything to himself."
"People die every day, and people will continue to die every day when they become too greedy."
"Greed is good. Greed works in the entertainment industry many times."
"Publishers aren't just greedy, they're greedy in the extreme."
"The moral that can be learned from this film is never to be greedy."
"They're taking the entire game and taking out bits and pieces of it and then making it separate. And they're doing this because they're [ __ ] greedy."
"Okay. Another one: sky the machines of war will fuel both sides and the greeds will only grow more lies."
"They want to gobble up more and more and more until the last minute, and believe it or not, some of them actually believe that they're going to live forever."
"Greed unfortunately in the words of Gordon Gekko is good it creates markets it creates capitalism and it creates opportunity but greed to an extreme is bad."
"Be careful when others are greedy and greedy when others are fearful."
"Ultimately it's all in jeopardy because greedy people are dragging this out for their own personal gain."
"Greed, greed, greed, and at this point, it's just greed, greed, greed."
"Big Smoke in the end cared primarily about himself he had people he considered friends but when he realized how much money he could make he threw his friends to the side and screwed them over to benefit himself."
"The ancient people knew about these greedy pricks a long time ago and they were warning us."
"It's not the having, it's the love of money that's sinful in the eyes of God."
"These men are greedy, lavish millionaire men whose gods are their bellies."
"We have lost the way, greed has poisoned men's souls."
"To acquire another person's funds you don't require great intellect merely an absence of morality."
"What little we have here in the anime is full of potential for a story about greed and consumption about nature versus nurture and about ambition and desperation."
"People just be so damn greedy, thirsty. It's stupid, not just greedy, it's just you're not being a good person."
"Football is going down a path which is about greed." - Commentator
"Covet not much gold, but learn to be satisfied with enough; for to desire more than enough, is to offend the Deity."
"Freedom in capitalism organizes greed to benefit everybody."
"Mr. Krabs is greed. Mr. Krabs is all about money, he is incredibly cheap and completely obsessed with making money."
"Greed is the single-handed problem that we are facing right now."
"Never underestimate the power of greed and group think."
"Anybody can make a lot of money the problem why people don't make money is because they get greedy and they end up making dumb decisions inside of the market."
"Let's repent, father dear God, we repent from the love of money."
"All these structures based on greed and control will collapse in on themselves. They can't maintain through this shift."
"The glazers just want to keep their money for as long as they can."
"Greed will always find a place in your heart, entitlement will always find a place in your heart."
"There's no excuse for this except incompetence and greed."
"People are too greedy. Start with one thing."
"The scavenger waded out to the lady, dragged her ashore by the hair, and murdered her on the beach, hoping to acquire a valuable emerald or diamond ring she wore."
"Greed is a contentment killer, and if you do not have contentment, you will never be happy."
"But later on in your career you fall more into greed and day to day I definitely suffer a lot more from greed than fear at this point."
"The more you mature, the more you're susceptible to greed."
"If you have little it's greed, if you have lots it's fear."
"Eugene H. Krabs, driven by greed and willing to do almost anything to satisfy it."
"It's the greed reflex people will get sucked in the greed reflex."
"You just have to change your perspective and not be so greedy."
"They wanted the gold. They wanted hard cash. They wanted everything of value."
"Honestly, the thing that made it the most special, the most fun, and this is really always the case with anything you're doing in life, was the people."
"People get lost for being greedy. They hold on for too long."
"Corporate greed in its current state is a very bad proposition for everybody."
"People who are greedy make money off of meeting the needs of those who are needy."
"All you need to have is a long term even a medium term time horizon and some patience and you can be master 100 patience is the key and not being greedy like a lot of people out there."
"Greed is destroying a lot of people out here."
"Let the greed return. I couldn't even one shot it. I want my greed."
"Everyone is obsessed with money. You must put rules in place and you must enforce those rules, otherwise they're always going to lean to the green."
"It's a scheme and people at the very top are fattening their pockets."
"Carol Baskin is a very greedy person ultimately."
"A lot of people are just [ __ ] stupid and they're greedy."
"Greed will make you think of yourself before others."
"Human greed results in bloodshed, scheming against one another, and losing sight of one's purpose."
"For greed, humans are even willing to take advantage of children."
"I love shiny, I bet there's more loot here. I want it!"
"How do we stop a system of greed and corruption, that has so much power and momentum."
"Like an oil well, the deeper he drills, the more Plainview becomes consumed by greed, obsession, and his own madness."
"Much of that soul has been evacuated by the Pentagon cri greed and the Wall Street greed."
"Pigs get slaughtered...we don't want to be gluttonous."
"Your mother-in-law's behavior is atrocious. This is pure greed and self-importance."
"Let us clear out of the way any romantic notions of daredevil Reef, this is nothing less than a sordid crime of violence inspired by vast greed."
"Extreme greed guys. We've just topped above the 90s zone now this has usually meant lackluster returns were coming over the next coming weeks."
"Getting greedy is the number one way to get yourself killed."
"Greed can loosen family relationships and community ties and will often undermine the bonds and values upon which our society is built."
"When a person becomes consumed by greed they tend to override reason and by overriding reason many natural emotions like compassion and love tend to become devalued."
"This bill is downright selfish. It is the height of greed."
"I think it rewards greed or at least a tactical deployment of greed."