
Personal Evolution Quotes

There are 256 quotes

"But the real law of attraction is really about resonance. You evolve yourself, and as you evolve yourself, whatever resonates with that new you comes to you."
"Your work is not about your work. Rather, your work is nothing more than the greatest vehicle for your personal evolution."
"You have to evolve past that and you have to get to these higher levels...it's not about moving away from things, it's actually about moving just towards the things that you authentically genuinely are desiring in your life."
"We often fear becoming the next level or version of ourselves... now is no longer the time for that. We are all becoming new at a planetary level."
"It requires deliberate removing yourself from the flow of how things have always been a little bit for a period of time."
"If you evolve to match reality in some sense, and the manner in which you evolve predisposes you to view the world as if it's a narrative of sorts, then possibly the world is a narrative of sorts, at least as far as it concerns you."
"The greater we evolve, the greater the challenges."
"The only parts of you that truly die when we ascend and evolve are the parts of yourself that were never aligned with your true self anyway."
"You can buy a Ferrari... makes sense as an evolution."
"You're evolving past your old friendships, old people, old situations; you're not about that lower energy stuff anymore because you are evolving."
"The entire journey of my life and the evolution of the person that I was to the person that I am today is like I was always wearing a costume and trying to be what everybody else wanted me to be versus just being who I was and feeling like that was enough."
"Just bought a shirt and wanted to say that you truly evolved and use your platform for the better good. On you, it's nice to see."
"Your higher self is so excited because it is taking away and eradicating all the things that are not serving you."
"It's time for you to allow the shedding of what does not serve you so you can evolve into what is owed to you."
"So what we think disturbs our life is actually fate and our unconscious conspiring against our rigid personality for the purpose of our evolution as individuals."
"When I was younger and someone asked me what my political beliefs would have been, I just said Democrat. But after a stint in the army, Republican. Now, I find myself somewhere in the middle, trying to decipher reality from fiction, disgusted with everyone."
"Begin to know yourself as something far greater than the ever-changing, ever-dying aspects that have dominated your picture of who you are."
"The possibility of this evolution is, that, a human being is capable of rising beyond their survival process."
"You are gradually jumping into higher and higher expressions of self."
"Any relationship with god is going to evolve you over time."
"It's you coming into the 2.0 version of your way of life."
"It is simply the most powerful character arc for him out of any of the Straw Hats to grow from the most cowardly regular Joe at the start of the series into the one who ultimately has to save the rest of them and give his life doing so."
"We are upgrading to a different level in our physicality than we've ever ever done before in any lifetime, and that's incredibly exciting."
"If you want to evolve, you need to let go." - "The philosopher Nietzsche says, 'The snake that cannot shed its skin must perish.'"
"The real purpose of modern masonry is... the spiritual evolution of those who aspire to perfect their own nature."
"I want artistic evolution and growth from Kendrick Lamar and that's what he provided here."
"You have to evolve too, you have to try something different."
"Step into a new version of yourself. It's time to evolve and expand."
"I realized that every life lesson evolves our soul, our spirit, taking us closer to the higher source."
"At some point you have to evolve... unless you're just going to make so much money and disappear."
"I took all these steps to like the version I am now who I'm happy with the version I am now."
"It's more spiritual than you can even ever imagine and many many people are moving there they're moving into it right now consciously or unconsciously they don't know it consciously."
"You are evolving; embrace the change and let go of your fears."
"Think about the cultivation and the evolution and the Ascension of your soul."
"I don't regret doesn't feel like how I've evolved. I don't regret doing the beauty stuff. I don't regret, yeah, doing the fashion stuff. I don't."
"She's not the same person that she was when she was 18 years old."
"It highlights what makes you you and again what do you want to maintain as yourself because at the same time I think evolution is is paramount."
"It's truly amazing to see the growth and evolution of your relationship."
"I want to present myself to the world as an evolved version of yesterday."
"Change is necessary. Change is inevitable. The choice is yours to make, but ultimately, this lifetime was designed for you to evolve."
"Feeling at home with the evolution on the journey."
"Your Soul's path is not a destination but it is all of the things that your soul has decided to experience in this lifetime for its highest evolution and expansion."
"You are about to experience a significant point in your soul's evolution. You are ascending to higher levels of awareness, wisdom, and love."
"Someone will come in and meet you on that new ascended level."
"We have to love ourselves for who we were, for who we are, and for who we are going to be."
"I used to value a certain type of friendship, but now I value evolving connections in different ways."
"But at the same time, I also want to acknowledge the changes that have happened, the opinions and stances towards certain topics that I no longer share."
"Effort by effort, good intention by good intention, hope by hope, and joy by joy... the great process of spiritual evolution goes on."
"The will is the single measure of the rate and fastidiousness of the activation and balancing of the various energy centers... from the simple utilization of catalyst for evolution to the opening of the gateway to intelligent Infinity."
"For those who are serious about evolution, it's time that we come together."
"Evolution we're gonna be seeing with people is gonna be crazy."
"He's moving into that realm of standing for something that's beyond just petty shit."
"The cosmos are incredibly nice okay they're not always how to get you you're here so that you can evolve yourself and so that you can transform and be able to get to that next level of consciousness."
"Release anything that has held you back, this is your life, be ready to evolve."
"Remember your roots, who and this is your spiritual roots. This is an awakening of the soul from past lifetimes, just your evolution and your experience and knowledge and knowing is coming to life in your present, in this body, on this journey."
"You transform yourself constantly, evolving and growing."
"Hard work, especially when seen as simply an active and consistent willingness to participate in and experience life, will always help to expand and evolve to the next creative plateau."
"We have to meet these challenges with a greater level of mind. We can't keep doing the same things, thinking the same thoughts, performing the same actions, and living by the same emotions and expect secretly expecting our life to change."
"Keep transitioning... that's the best way to keep evolving."
"If I feel like this is a guy who got started doing edgy comedy on Reddit and YouTube, yes, things like that, and then as times went on he thought, 'I just better say what they're saying.' The problem is, once again, this is not mainstream America."
"By August through November, maybe even the question you were asking last year does not even have a place in your life right now anymore."
"You're reawakening to this love. Embrace change, evolution of the soul, rising up."
"We're not going anywhere. This is an update video. We're changing, everyone's changing, we should be changing constantly."
"Start focusing on you and evolving yourself."
"Most people you meet are those who have become what people say they are."
"Twin flame connection is a catalystic relationship where you transform."
"Just a reminder like people are allowed to change and I'm just going to keep doing me and constantly evolving."
"Life means to evolve, and if you're not evolving through small incremental changes that build up over time to create a large change, then you're probably dead. And that shouldn't really be a goal of anyone."
"I just sound like, as a person he's evolving."
"Do you feel like you look at yourself and you're a different version of where we started?"
"Eddie in the '80s was the biggest personality who ever seen Eddie 50 whatever with ten kids, no man comfortable, so it's just a whole different Eddie."
"Ellen quickly had truly become the funniest person in America."
"Ellen's life has been an evolution beyond just personal growth."
"The chosen one shall come, love shall have made its mark upon his skin, he will seek an answer and he will find he needs to evolve."
"You see this dude come off the bench and do what he does and the role that he has accepted. We talked about his ego, we talked about his stubbornness. We never dreamed he would do this, and look what he's doing. It's phenomenal."
"You are not the same person that you were... it's only up from here."
"This is an entire evolution, a journey that you are on, and healing as well. You're going through healing - New Moon in Scorpio is healing you of your past, don't let that hold you back."
"If your spirit ain't right, nothing will fall into line."
"Realize that you are expanding and growing and evolving beyond anything you can imagine in this moment."
"Character growth and evolution is just on a scale rarely seen by me in or out of manga."
"The teaching helps us to evolve and transform into what God wants us to be."
"You must fight, you must compete, you must evolve, otherwise you will rot, you will continue to lose, and you will continue to suffer a slow death."
"It's about the evolution, the continuation of yourself."
"You step into a totally new level of your abilities."
"Ultimately, you start out influenced by somebody or you sound like that person and then most definitely you continue to evolve."
"Success is not about the cars or the money, it's about seeing you guys evolve."
"They're all absolutely amazing. You guys know, I used to be terrified of these guys, but now I think that they're absolutely incredible."
"Becoming who you truly are makes Universal connections."
"He's a guy who played football till he was 35 and then when he was 45 suddenly discovered politics."
"He needed to evolve and he needed to listen and learn."
"Evolution of self. Shedding what no longer aligns."
"I definitely used to feel the way that I didn't need to be proud of it but I didn't need to be ashamed of it... BUT, actually, that's changed now!"
"You'll live long enough to see yourself become the villain."
"So, it only changed to become more and more positive over the years for me."
"The process is the biggest part of your evolution."
"We are sovereign, and we can be the source of our own evolution and we don't have to depend on any other entity or being."
"If you don't believe that people change, grow, evolve as they get older, I don't know what to tell you."
"Don't spend all your time trying to keep up with what your dream once was. Spend some time making sure that your dream is keeping up with who you are becoming."
"You no longer attract these sort of uncomfortable relationships."
"I just always know when it's time to unveil a new layer of myself."
"We have to be willing to embrace that we need to evolve as people and we need to improve certain aspects of who we are and how we present ourselves."
"As someone who started gaming in the early 1980s, I have had my tastes and habits change a number of times over the years."
"People grow, people change, people have different ambitions."
"If you have any areas of your life that need attention, you're evolving."
"You don't have to be a passive player in your own evolutionary process."
"From comedy to controversy: Russell Brand's journey."
"You almost like have to let go of some old role or some old way that you perceived what the meaning of life is."
"Each time we emerge smarter, better, more insightful, more clever."
"Daughter of death implies she is being born into who she's supposed to be because of the people who have died."
"Be aware that this relationship is indeed fated and you are meant to evolve into a better version of yourself as a result of it."
"Mentally and emotionally you're more mature and evolved than the conflict you're dealing with."
"Evolve or repeat. Remember what we said about Einstein's theory? I think it was Einstein. You keep doing the same thing and expecting a different result. That's insanity."
"The bravest thing I ever said was 'I don't think that's my dream anymore'."
"The more you can evolve as a human being, everything else will evolve in your life."
"The death of the ego is necessary for our evolution."
"You have learned a lesson that your higher self signed up to learn in this life and you are now ready to unlock the next level."
"The only way that we can evolve is through inner awareness."
"They accept every phase of their life, who it is that they are becoming."
"It's a recognizing that this was meant to happen, that your thinking is turning and changing in order to gain greater wisdom."
"Every moment in my life is touched by the enchantment of personal evolution, is touched by magic."
"Transformation has already occurred; a new version of you has already emerged."
"The changes that are taking place are deeply connected to your own spiritual pathway and to the evolution of your own personal consciousness."
"Transformation is about to happen in your life, evolution is about to happen in your life, revolution is about to happen in your life."
"You are like the Pokémon evolved version of me."
"She never left, she just reached bigger and better and brighter."
"You can't go back to your family, who you're related to, but you can't relate to your future."
"Now, if I'm the husband, Will is a much more evolved person than I am."
"Whatever it is you're integrating, it is helping you to evolve as far as your spirituality is concerned and your consciousness is concerned, your perception of reality that makes you able to help other people."
"You're no longer the same. Let's remember that."
"My style now, if I look at my Instagram pictures now, the kind of outfits I'm wearing on an everyday basis right now compared to what I was wearing this time last year or two years ago, my style has changed so so so much."
"Former tribunalist of the 14th Legion of the Garlean Empire. These days, however, one might say that I'm something of a free agent."
"You can't be afraid to always try new things and evolve."
"I feel like I got to be this way. Like, look where I'm at. Like, I haven't always been like, ha ha, but now I'm like, why not? It took some time in the journey to get here. I'm finally like, actually really happy."
"Have the courage because what you're turning and moving toward isn't the same old anymore."
"We aren't supposed to dwell in four energies; we aren't supposed to evolve. It's just a matter of switching up your perspective and maintaining that hope."
"You cannot come into this new year with an old mindset, with old habits; you have to literally sacrifice your old self to evolve."
"Life's going to show you how you are on this planet in order to allow you to evolve on this planet."
"Those eclipses kicked your butt but they activated you and helped you evolve in ways that you needed."
"Are we going to allow ourselves to be called into past patterns or are we going to forge forward and create that entirely new reality?"
"You are in a period of evolution, you're becoming, you are ready for love."
"You're spiritually growing, you're spiritually evolving."
"I'm afraid of staying the same... Evolving is a very important part of my life."
"You must think like at least I never used to."
"Lonely at the Top. That's 'cause you gotta shed dead weight as you rise. By the time you get there, you might see a whole new group of people around you."
"Everything that we're experiencing is an opportunity to evolve."
"It's not so much that you are changing, it's that the real you is just being revealed."
"Grace supports our smooth adaptation to life's currents and changes as we evolve towards a higher version of ourselves on this Earthly plane."
"Anyone who is aware now is on the trajectory for new earth and will never experience a new world order takeover in their soul's journey and in this lifetime."
"Your spiritual life is shifting because you're getting in touch with your honest beliefs."
"If something's not fitting you anymore, it's time to move on."
"Your soul has elevated, it doesn't vibrate at that frequency anymore."
"To heck with who I was before. I can invent my own tomorrow."
"The sun's a huge part because it is this radiant force that we must align with in order to evolve, because it is radiating to us higher realities."
"And I think this all came from an epiphany overnight janitor the poet to songs to moments and now finally symphonies stacks."
"Human beings were designed to rise, to evolve, to always go to the next level of consciousness."
"We are leaving the box behind, moving towards a higher understanding of who we are."
"This journey is about spiritual growth, self-growth, self-acceptance, self-appreciation, and self-love. It is about evolving into a better you, releasing the old idea of you, releasing things that are no good to you."
"You are a highly evolved person, that's who the super empath is. So you're able to handle this kind of case."
"You're constantly evolving and then out of nowhere it's just like this, you know, but you gotta accept it."
"Everyone's going to be going into a different timeline depending on their vibratory frequency."
"No one is going to save you except you. You either evolve or die. That is the truth about our world."
"Grow, evolve, move forward here, let something end, don't resist the ending."
"Now you are a new, higher vibrational version of you."
"Everyone should be looking to evolve, evolve, right? Like all of us."
"This person really represents the closing off of a karmic cycle in your life."
"Don't change who you are, you evolve. We should all evolve."
"What I did seven years ago is definitely not what I'm doing today."
"Your aura can adjust perfectly to the point in which it allows you to move to higher levels of consciousness into fourth density existence."
"I will build my character on what I know is right, ridding myself of what's no longer me."
"It's all about evolution, understanding and knowing what it is that we want to do and when we want to do it."
"We are just wanting to like step it up and we love this house and it was like we love the style and everything but I think we are evolving our interior style."
"It's not just perseverance, consistently evolve."
"Creating the new is paramount for personal and global evolution."
"We're preparing the ground for what's going to be the next growth, the next evolution, the rebirth."
"I truly believe that everyone's soul has agreed to arrive in these bodies on a mission for personal evolution, potentially the evolution of the collective."
"You're shedding the trauma responses... you're becoming the highest version of yourself."
"I believe I've outgrown this platform."
"I don't feel good about who I was, but I'm not that person anymore."
"888 serves as a marker reminding us that life changes are not random events but key parts of our life's narrative, contributing to our personal evolution."
"...someone who until recently I wasn't even a fan of in fact I'd say he was one of my least favorite F1 drivers for a long time because I couldn't quite understand the way he did things but now I think he might be an absolute Legend and that's Sebastian vettle."
"It's about taking this opportunity to really choose what do we want to evolve to."
"Your guides, your higher self knows what you need to evolve, to grow, to get rid of your fears."
"We are always changing and evolving, and I think that's one of the most beautiful things about life."
"Embrace the journey, cherish the lessons, and continue to grow and evolve into the person you were meant to be."
"Who you were five years ago isn't who you are now."
"My evolution is just so impressive and insane and solid in the last two years because we have such an amazing group of people."
"I needed to take my own wisdom, my own evolution, my own intelligence into my own hands."
"If you commit to shifting and evolving into your greatest and highest possibility, you're going to create incredible results in your life."
"Everyone possesses a uniqueness that helps them evolve and move along in their journey."
"Character development: hers is natural and true to her. You see her grow, evolve, and change."
"Until we're all just ghosts of the people we once thought we were."
"Life is long and as you know, we can have many lives within a life. We are always evolving."
"Absolutely and a hundred percent you are evolving, reaching a higher frequency, becoming enlightened and just continuing to evolve every step of the way."
"You're just not the same person you once were; you've evolved, you've ascended."
"There's almost a spiritual battle in the universe, and on an individual level, the battle is over the evolution of the individual."
"Her personal style does evolve with her as a person, always remaining very unique and individualistic."
"There's a monumental evolution taking place in your life."
"Life is about evolution and we are always evolving and changing."
"Elizabeth Taylor was unapologetically herself, a fighter."
"I want to evolve to the extent that I can before I die."