
Financial Stability Quotes

There are 1617 quotes

"Total transformation: Fix your mental health, fix your body, fix your wallet."
"Emotional security will produce financial security, but financial security will not produce emotional security."
"If you don't understand compound interest, you're most likely going to be broke forever."
"Perhaps most importantly, looming banking crisis which could already be underway."
"Our asset purchases have been a critical tool; they helped preserve financial stability and market functioning early in the pandemic."
"When people go to the bank this morning, their deposits are safe."
"Social Security has a $2.85 trillion surplus in its trust fund and can pay out every benefit owed to every eligible American for the next 13 years."
"You have to work eight hours, you should be able to pay your rent, all your expenses, and still you should have some money left."
"How would you feel if you woke up every single day knowing that you have channels bringing in consistent money for you?"
"Hyperinflation is of course a catastrophe, but inflation is also just a slow-motion catastrophe."
"Freedom is an interesting way of framing it because the fact of the matter is if you are financially stable...you probably feel incredibly free."
"This is a card about success and accomplishment, about achieving enough stability where you don't need to be concerned about finances or material items. You've reached a glow-up period."
"I genuinely feel so sad and empathetic that Nick is in a position where he feels the need to sacrifice his emotional and physical well-being in order to not only entertain his audience but to maintain financial stability."
"Gold remains the only money guaranteed to survive."
"I'm actually very happy with my work life. I do what I love and I'm financially stable."
"There's a lot of life to be lived. Sacrificing for 3 years gets your financial life in order."
"It's not about wealth maximization; it's about keeping wealth."
"It's not about the journey of just creating wealth, it's about keeping that wealth too."
"My life started to get a little bit more stable, and I started to make more solid, reliable money."
"Your emergency fund is the thing that makes sure your financial life does not come to a screeching halt."
"Having a stable salary is so important because it's giving you the opportunity to build your savings and provide for your own livelihood."
"I've always done my job primarily for the paycheck... I've always done my job as a means to take care of myself, my responsibilities."
"The long game involves building your wealth the right way from the ground up, ensuring stability and sustainability."
"You cannot take for granted the stability we have had historically. We are in totally transformational times."
"For a soldier, though, they could count on a steady paycheck their entire career with bonuses along the way and a nice pension at the end."
"A lot of people will be better off if the question of high inflation is not part of their lives."
"The Fed has the power to create more money when the financial system starts to break down."
"The focus over the market gains, the market gains can go up and down all it wants; what I want is a sustainable secondary source of income."
"Billions upon tens of millions, sometimes even hundreds of millions. If LeBron broke, man, I'm dead."
"More money doesn't solve a money problem. If it did, millionaires wouldn't go bankrupt."
"It's nice to know that even if I don't upload a video on a particular day, I will still get paid from all the other videos still gathering views."
"If you need a side hustle, that shows that your full-time job is not meeting your basic needs, and that's a huge red flag."
"Do what you love; money is always going to be there."
"Material manifestation in a positive way will come for you... you can achieve more money, you can do a project that creates more financial stability."
"While Credit Suisse is certainly facing some serious problems, it's important to realize that there are major differences compared to Silicon Valley Bank."
"Until you have some level of financial stability, you can't really have a house. It's harder to meet people. Getting married is a type of financial commitment."
"They're working very hard now; they're really putting their hours in and they want to create a stable financial future."
"We of course have a financial stability framework, and it shows a number of positive aspects of financial stability, but you mentioned asset prices is one of the four. Asset prices are somewhat elevated."
"Our view is that the banking system is sound and resilient."
"The recent liquidity provision... is not intended to directly alter the stance of monetary policy."
"Money will make you happy. [Forget] it, try being [broke]. Are you happy?"
"A high value man should aspire to be of good health, good level of intelligence, and financial stability."
"Being broke in the summertime... not having, seeing my family not having, made me focus on being able to be the backbone of my family."
"With low wages, rising rent costs, student loan debt, no universal health care, many Americans are one emergency away from being bankrupt or homeless."
"I think money, a lack of financial problems can bring you happiness. Not having financial problems brings you misery."
"Long-term home ownership stabilizes your largest line item in your budget, locks in your monthly cost to a fixed amount, and you have this large asset that is going up in value."
"You guys have your finances in order... you're highly respected and you're a prize."
"The number one priority of central bankers everywhere is to ensure that the financial system...remains on an even keel and does not crumble on itself."
"The Bedrock of the whole thing is to get inflation under control."
"She has a sense that now she has a new source of provision for her whole life, so she relaxes a little bit in the fight to stay sober."
"The last thing they should be wondering about when they get up in the morning is, do we have a budget? Do I have a paycheck?"
"We need to put some infrastructure in and hard work in, and earn our million pounds because that's going to provide us with some longevity."
"My biggest concern... is the hyperinflation that I really fear is coming."
"My colleagues and I are united in our commitment to bring down inflation sustainably to 2%."
"Being financially stable and independent is crucial for a high-value man."
"Real estate can go down in value, but as long as the cash flow is there, you don't lose."
"Cash in the bank, out of consumer credit card debt, stable income, good credit, you put yourself in a good spot."
"It's one thing to slave away for eight hours a day to support yourself and your family; it's another thing to slave away for eight hours a day and not even be able to support yourself or support a family or even get a financially like financial leg up."
"Ordinary Americans care about their lives improving, their financial stability. They don't care about whether or not you can be friends with the Republican Party."
"I think concern about the banking system is totally understandable...but I think there's been huge changes in the underlying banking sector since the GFC that make systemic risk very minimal."
"For ones looking for work, it's coming. For ones that are currently working, you'll be busy so money will flow."
"Don't be paranoid about how you're going to make ends meet. I feel like the universe has got your back."
"Streaming is one of the very few jobs where not only do you keep your financial stability, but it's like, almost like doubles."
"You got to love it to do it. It's a very emotional thing, art is tough... It's a very terrible thing to do to get money, it's a very terrible thing to do to build your self-esteem."
"For the majority of adults, their income and ability to pay current bills appeared to remain generally stable during the initial weeks of the coronavirus pandemic."
"Stability begets instability. The high returns attract additional participants, adding structural risks to the story."
"Success to me looks like being able to wake up every day and do what you love and live comfortably. As long as I can get up every day and create music or create art in general that inspires and touches people, and still be able to pay my bills at the end of the day, that's a success for me."
"Recurring Revenue consistently creates winners."
"We watched our government shut down and destroy small businesses, mass print money devaluing our own savings."
"Women don't want to marry men who aren't going to contribute something. A woman doesn't want to have a family and think, 'I got to provide for everybody myself.'"
"Freedom is an interesting way of framing it because if you are financially stable, if you are in the top 10 percent of this country, you probably feel incredibly free."
"Perhaps what's boring is what's needed for investors at this particular point in time." - Christopher Moolin
"Recurring Revenue businesses, if designed properly, will continue to compound."
"This asset happens to have a structure and a monetary policy that makes it the best preserver of purchasing power in the world."
"Cash flow at least $300 per door, covers your expenses."
"She was all about ensuring that I did not end up with a broke man who would ruin my life."
"Every major world currency is inflating now to a tremendous degree. In the U.S for example, 31 out of a hundred dollars in circulation now were printed in the last year."
"Being successful is not just a monetary thing, but it's having some money while being happy."
"STHD's strong portfolio of stocks, consistent growth, consistent dividends, and downside protection during bear markets are all reasons to consider putting money to work inside of this ETF."
"Thank you for watching my videos because without your support I wouldn't ever be able to afford renting a space each month."
"BMO has never missed a dividend payment in almost 200 years."
"You don't buy gold to get rich, you buy it to stay rich."
"Cut out the unnecessary, enjoy financial stability and new perspectives."
"My goal is to make enough money to sustain myself, take care of my family, you know what I'm saying, and live a happy life."
"The wealthy invest for cash flow. Cash flow investors typically do not want to sell their investments because they want to keep collecting the regular cash flow income."
"It's more important than having a dream job. You need to support yourself because when you do that you can do all the other fun happy stuff."
"It's Google. It's amazing company, alphabet's an amazing company, extremely profitable, arguably the best balance sheet of any public company in the entire world."
"A broke [ __ ] ain't worth anything to anybody."
"No Bank should have more than 10% of any of the populace's money."
"My only goal in life was to be able to afford to have kids to where they're not like struggling."
"Steady and true: weathering the storm of volatility."
"We're falling; we're in a Ponzi. You can't taper a Ponzi."
"Feeling very confident, very solid, very happy with your financial situation."
"You don't want to be a renter for the next 30 years."
"If you become a speech therapist, the minimum salary would be over seventy-one thousand dollars a year."
"Real estate... the most ultimate form of passive income."
"If you are good at cooking you could definitely sell your plates of food you can do meal prep."
"An attack on third world countries... to keep the value of the money of First World countries."
"You need to have a sensible career. You do need to be able to be financially stable, but you have to be happy as well."
"Stable coins are tied to a specific asset, making them more reliable for day-to-day transactions."
"Being debt-free is a big deal and having an emergency fund in the business with retained earnings and one at home is a big deal."
"The money can go up and down in value, or it may be stable, it maybe utility and function."
"It just feels really nice that you can know and to be debt-free."
"If you start to get a build-up of customers wanting to move all of their deposits out of your bank, it can very quickly develop into a liquidity crisis."
"McDonald's makes more money from real estate than they do from hamburgers."
"You have long-term holders coming in and setting the floor."
"Every collapse in history has led people back to precious metals."
"One trillion dollar line for Bitcoin is holding right now and that's extremely important."
"I'm blessed financially and morally and spiritually."
"I think 40k bitcoin will hold that I think it will it will be good for the market so we don't want to come back in so this has got to be it bro otherwise we're going to test the bottom ranges again."
"It's becoming the stable coin of sort of crypto... it's certainly getting to that level."
"Stick with your plan... try not to make emotional decisions."
"So the people who are buying these ranches, they're not going to lose their money, well for the most part."
"The only real solution is to go back to a real sound currency."
"What's really amazing about the subscription service is that one of the things that's like the hardest about being an artist is that it's sometimes difficult to have like guaranteed income."
"Monthly recurring revenue is the key to being a career creator."
"They have a very nice yield at above 3% and a massive growth history of 56 years of growing those dividends."
"The only thing better than collecting that cash flow is doing it every single month."
"I have no desire to trade outside of my style of trading because I'm able to constantly, mindfully make money."
"44% of the people in the state of Florida say that they cannot make ends meet at the end of the month."
"Nestle - every year it's increased its revenue and pretty much every year it's increased its dividend."
"Expect powerful change. New moon eclipse at a time when you are very financially stable."
"Every single day you have your money coming in."
"The bills don't stop no matter what's going on with your financial situation."
"Married people tend to build more wealth than any other category."
"Tesla with their strong balance sheet now has developed a lot of capability to actually be a supportive partner to their suppliers."
"Dollar cost averaging: a strategy for investing during times like this."
"By far the number one source of income for this channel that has not only allowed me to make better content but has given the channel a sense of financial stability is, and you knew this was coming, Patreon."
"I think gold and silver are pretty good ways to hold your purchasing power, at least as part of a diversified portfolio."
"Money is not an issue for you guys moving forward."
"Gold has value against the government, gold has value against a digital dollar, gold has value against a collapsing economy."
"It's not a big deal if you have a portfolio full of really good companies."
"If the loans become value devalued and your savings become devalued but if your wages go up then you're earning the same amount of buying power for every hour of labor you engage in."
"The two of you will really find a balance where you know wanting to take care of each other, wanting to really be secure and stable and build up your wealth, your finances, have a family."
"The financial stability provided by shared universes allows for real risk-taking in cinema."
"Deep down in a man now maybe not that many deeps but deep down in a man the reason why you hear a lot of men say well I need to be financially stable before marriage a lot of men say that because truthfully he wants to provide."
"I invest in real estate which is real tangible assets that produce monthly cashflow and, you know, gold and silver again, real assets."
"I'm not trying to double or triple my money, my main goal is to maintain and slowly grow it."
"The middle class is financially ruined as long as they're living paycheck to paycheck... thankfully it doesn't always have to be that way."
"Bitcoin's crossed the event horizon that is universally acknowledged digital property."
"Prices are going to go down; they might be a little bit more stable than the last bear market, but I still think we're going to have pretty significant price recession and sideways for a long period of time in a bear market."
"The emergence of new Reserve currencies from em economies will broaden the options for diversifying Reserve Holdings and reducing the vulnerabilities associated with Reliance on a small number of currencies."
"Just because you stand for something doesn't mean that your checking account has to be on zero."
"The FED kept interest rates artificially low for more than a decade encouraging people to go deeper and deeper into debt."
"If you knew that whatever your income is... your life really won't change for four, five, or six months. That's pretty cool, isn't it?"
"At the end of the day, love him or hate him, the guy has become remarkably successful and financially stable."
"Don't overreact to the news. There's always going to be times of war, especially at the time of this recording, right now, there's going to be times of insolvency."
"Having natural resources doesn't mean that you're immune to running out of cash."
"What's changing though in your life is you are going to be more stable, more financially stable, and more stable within yourself."
"It's about doing that other thing on the side until it's more stable."
"The FED solved the problem the FDIC has guaranteed all the deposits."
"Stagnant wages, housing affordability, and rising debt levels paint a grim picture."
"Our financial system has remained stable thanks to the determined actions of the Central Bank, the government, and our largest financial institutions."
"The Dutch farmers are not financially in dire situations, they're innovative."
"For the right type of person, truck driving can be a very good paying job that you don't need to spend all that much money to get into."
"The first hint of success was when I felt monetarily stable, that I could pay my bills."
"Having Bitcoin as our safe harbor or our safe boat, our life raft for people who want to preserve their purchasing power or even to be able to conduct commerce directly in Bitcoin, that's definitely there."
"Being more financially stable reduces certain elements of stress."
"You don't need the market to go crazy and have some record day for you to have a beautiful day in the market."
"It's going to put you on solid ground, bring you good money, bring you stability."
"Dividend stocks... it's like your renter is paying you rent either monthly or quarterly."
"Having money is a good thing but that ain't everything."
"Lowering your lifestyle in order to make sure that you're not affected if something that was to ever happen don't look so bad no more do it."
"The stability provided by a good paycheck and reliable benefits creates real freedom, actual freedom to make life choices and to participate as a full citizen in our democracy."
"Side revenues actually saved me for a lot of low income months."
"The universe is preparing very healthy, very good, very prosperous either relationship or partnership or stable financial life."
"What we read in Genesis seems to be a far simpler account when we compare it to what we see in Gilgamesh or the Atrahasis."
"When you have large amounts of debt and a slowing economy and a reduction in revenues then that means that you can't service that debt that you're going to potentially default on it."
"This person truly has like their job figured out, they have their life kind of figured out, they know the trajectory they're going in, they're probably already quite successful, they probably already bring in quite a bit of money as well."
"There is no need for you to be a struggling artist."
"Steady and true is the way forward with money matters this year."
"I never trade my respect for attention we good already we got too many avenues where we can get some money so I don't need that platform in order to be successful."
"Full-year funding definitely beats drifting endlessly from CR to CR."
"What a push. And now - well it's one or $80 that's fine and look how stable the car is still in the road."
"Nike: Predictability in earnings... growing net income enables dividend growth."
"You can take that promise to the bank because our aim is to create prosperity and not to impoverish our people."
"But financially wise like say we go broke I don't want you to leave me and and just dip out."
"Don't be a starving artist, be a well-fed artist."
"I've constantly got really good reasons to do what I'm doing because I really don't want my kids to go hungry, I don't want my wife to be stressed about money, I don't want to fail because I've got people who I don't want to let down."
"The Fed is not worried about the cost of borrowing. They're worried about whether or not there's money out there to be able to calm the fears of market participants."
"A lot of them go broke due to excessive generosity."
"You have an abundance of satisfaction, accomplishment, and financial freedom."
"It takes you now basically until maybe your early to mid-30s to kind of start to feel financially secure."
"Kick is gonna go bankrupt in the next two years."
"Money looks excellent for you this month, your finances are stabilizing and improving."
"It would mean riding in the streets by like pretty much throughout the entire country because people's retirement accounts would all be gone."
"Our only hope is those foreign exchanges hold up strong."
"Living below your means is the key to financial stability."
"You will feel more financially stable than ever before."
"If you put $1,000 a month in the hands of the average American citizen, 78% of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck."
"Growing up I had to have some kind of financial stability."
"Getting wealthy requires risk. However, once you have wealth, staying wealthy requires the exact opposite: paranoia."
"You're getting a true offering in your financial stability."
"Dividend payers typically provide less volatility and more consistent returns."
"You're entering a new phase of your life where you are feeling like you have the money, you have the support."
"You're very independent, you're very stable, you're getting your money up."
"It might not necessarily make sense to jump ship just because things are getting rocky."
"The stability actually comes from many streams of income like a millionaire would have some might be more some might be less but all together they're not all going to go away."
"Inflation-linked debt has immediate effect of bringing some calm to the markets."
"You can make a good living doing so, totally."