
Charity Quotes

There are 11803 quotes

"The Tape Foundation is going to be dedicated towards helping men's mental health and also protecting women from violence against men."
"Who will exhibit charity, compassion, and kindness for the forgotten and the downtrodden?"
"It's not enough to give a million dollars in charity if the system is such that a billion dollars are being sucked out of the pockets and out of the opportunity creation for millions, and millions, and millions of people."
"I always give money to the homeless. It's a good deed."
"Any money tonight, 100% of it, I'm not keeping a dime of it. It's going to help those in need."
"Mutual charity is good, and the issue here ultimately is very bad faith."
"Your smile at your brother is a form of charity."
"We have raised $51,000 for the PCRF on your birthday."
"We have raised over $13 million for Ukrainian Charities over the lifetime of this Channel, and it's growing each and every Sunday."
"You're blessing 500 people, bro. That's love."
"You should always help more people if you can, and the consequences of your donation matter."
"The reason we have social problems is not because people aren't giving enough money to charity. The reason is because a lot of these problems are caused by systemic inequalities that are baked into the system."
"The highest form of charity was giving somebody a job."
"For 69 days straight, he wants to give money to a charity of the fans' choosing, $420.69 for 69 days straight."
"It's the season of Ramadan, so the night as you are allocating the donations towards the very worthy causes, we hope insha'Allah that you'll consider Yaqeen once again."
"It's not my job to feed the 5000, it's only to provide the loaves and fish."
"Manchester United stars offer hotel to homeless."
"Charity begins at home; it's not how much money you can give, it's whether you have an attitude of giving."
"The last kind thing you've done for a stranger? We went and bought some food for a homeless person who was outside Rite Aid the other day."
"That money is lined up for a charity, and it's going to assist good causes."
"If we do not believe then we will lose everything... everything you will not hold on to your money, your money will not come to you in your grave except in one situation when that money is used for the sake of Allah."
"If you're gonna play the game, do a fundraiser where everyone who plays the game would then donate the proceeds or raise funds for Trans Lifeline or charities that we pick."
"Whoever builds a mosque for Allah, Allah will build for him a similar house in Jannah."
"One of the big things I aim for is charity, to have conversation with people who see the world differently. It's possible today in our canceled culture, but second, also clarity is very important."
"Thank you for the chance to practice that sort of charitable conversation with people that, like you said, do not agree will not move towards agreement likely, especially not in the next 60 minutes, and yet still see value in this."
"Thank you guys so much for watching, feel free to share this video because don't forget all the ad money from this video will be going to charity."
"You're honoring God when you give to the poor."
"True religion is taking care of the widows and orphans."
"100% of my Super Chat revenue is going to St. Joseph's Soup Kitchen here in New York City."
"All Super Chat revenue goes to St. Joe's Soup Kitchen. It's a great place, a lot of really good people there."
"Thank you so much, everybody who's giving money. It's going to a very worthy cause."
"This holiday season, I know most seasons, but right now especially, it's nice to give people a hot meal."
"Long have I prayed, and at last, Kosm has answered. To be granted eyes, we must donate."
"If everybody in chat right now donates five dollars, we'll blow past two million. Let's keep this five-dollar donation train moving."
"We can always count on GDQ to raise insane amounts of money in such little time. Keep it up, everyone!"
"It's very easy to condemn a sin, but it takes great charity to empathize with where somebody's at."
"The auctions so far have raised over eleven thousand dollars."
"All money we make from this video will go towards the Turkiye Earthquake Relief Fund."
"It is easy to love the people far away. It's easier to give a cup of rice to relieve hunger than to relieve the loneliness and the pain of someone unloved in your own home."
"We actually raised a thousand dollars a couple of weeks ago, donated it to charity, yeah, on a live stream."
"We are a social enterprise company. We work with homeless charities in Toronto to give back."
"I started a GoFundMe... and donated $10,000 of my own money."
"We've raised 36,000 pounds for the Mind charity... I feel like a proud parent."
"We've raised almost a hundred and seventy thousand dollars for charity. That's nuts."
"An inclusive charity providing cuddly soft dolls for both girls and boys in a different variety of skin tones."
"This is so cool. Bravery superhero. I'm gonna cry. This is so awesome."
"Peace in Mind is an England and Wales based fundraiser started by Brianna Ji's mother... in remembrance of their daughter."
"Thank you guys for your patience... and please, please, please don't forget March 29th, all-day charity live stream on Twitch. Would love to have you guys there."
"We ended up raising twenty-six thousand five hundred dollars for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society."
"That's the most money that's ever been raised in one of their streaming drives."
"During COVID, I probably gave away $200,000 of charity... I don't believe in writing off charity for taxes."
"This true religion is helping the widow, helping the poor people, helping children."
"I'm not gonna make a dime tomorrow. It's all going to help kids."
"If we actually raise $30,000, my friends are gonna shave my head live on stream."
"We're raising money for the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. If you want to learn more, you can go to afsp.org."
"People who donate to these charities can write it off their taxes, so American taxpayers end up subsidizing it for them."
"I donate 10% of my income every single year to cost-effective charities."
"The most charitable thing that someone can do for someone else is to just be honest with them."
"When I was 11 years old, we had no money, no food, and a gentleman came and fed my family. It changed my life because it made me believe strangers care."
"The American Red Cross urgently needs blood and platelet donations and asks all healthy donors to schedule an appointment to give now."
"The principal way to overcome envy is through charity."
"All the donations go towards Gamers Outreach, which brings video games and technologies to kids in hospitals, which is like awesome stuff."
"Effective altruism: where do your charitable dollars save the most lives?"
"All the super chats that will be donated from today's live stream will be going to an incredible organization called Rainforest Trust."
"On June 4th, Felix raised over 100 thousand dollars for Black Lives Matter efforts during a charity livestream."
"The greatest story of charity in the history of the world is in the States, where we give 500 billion dollars away annually, citizen to citizen."
"I love organizing events and bringing communities together, especially when it's for something good like charity."
"May God bless the children of Egypt and everyone that helps with this project."
"Oh, I like this. This is cool because I know what it is to be poor and don't have school supplies. I know it's not much, but I really wanted to help out. Thank you for what you are doing, Elaine. Elaine, you're incredible."
"This is from Tracy, Moose, Jeremy, and George. Here are the games for the kids in Egypt. Hopefully, they enjoy them. I'll be sending school supplies as soon as I get a box. Another book bag to add to the collection. Take care, stay safe, and as always, be blessed. Love everything y'all do."
"Enjoy your gift. I was watching your channel; Egypt was amazing. This is just a little something for the kids from Queensland, Australia. Andrea Palin, all the way from Australia."
"Our mission is to help the orphaned kids in Egypt, and it became a passion on my heart, on my aunt's heart because both her and my mother and their siblings grew up as orphans in Egypt."
"This was all done in the name of charity, so thank you once again to everybody who helped me raise all that money."
"The final BronyCon charity auction raised $80,000 for children's cancer research in, like, a three hour auction."
"They were more likely to donate money to charity and they place more emphasis on cooperation."
"Guard the rights of the widow, secure justice for the fatherless, give to the needy, defend the orphan, clothe the naked."
"The happiest folks tend to be the ones that give more to charity, volunteer more of their time, and are just kind of ethically oriented to thinking about other people first."
"For every single championship that Bol Bol wins, I'm going to add $10 to a pot that is going to be given away."
"We are currently over $60,000 for mental health awareness, something that past Leanheart doesn't know."
"Our original goal was $10,000. This year, our goal is $100,000, and I haven't even started up the full opening yet."
"This whole community, you and I, we truly made a difference last year in every year when we have done stuff for charity."
"Nick and I set a lofty goal of one hundred thousand dollars that we will raise for mental health awareness."
"Charity is the primary call of what the church is to be to others."
"It's all about raising funds awareness for proper causes that are not just near and dear... but actually making a true difference not just in the community but the entire world."
"We raised almost half a million dollars for mental health awareness last year."
"It really is about giving part of your heart, not physically, but figuratively, to those in need."
"Giving is commanded in the New Testament. Giving absolutely is. And as we give, as New Testament believers, we are to give out of simply the abundance of what God has already given to us. We give out of a grateful heart."
"A man who gives a charity with so much privacy and sincerity that his left hand has no idea what his right is giving."
"The homeless ministry is gearing up for some distribution of needed supplies."
"The more you give in charity, the more it will return back to you."
"Your ideal is charity; you always try to help those in need, no matter what the personal cost."
"For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you took me in."
"We've raised like over a grand so far for the charity that saved her."
"Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble and to keep oneself unspotted from the world."
"I'm Mr. Charitability, so unfortunately, I have to err on the side of caution."
"All the proceeds of this sale are going to Prostate Cancer UK."
"Diana, in particular, made sure that William was very aware of his privilege. She was taking him to AIDS hospitals, she was taking him to visit homeless centers."
"We sold lemonade and agreed that whatever we make, we're going to donate it to the animal shelter."
"Spend money on charity... households who donate more money to charity tend to be happier overall."
"Be quick to give a meal to the hungry, a bed to the homeless—cheerfully. Be generous with the different things God gave you."
"We just donated it to, we essentially just fed the animals, which is such a nice, heartwarming feeling."
"For every stuffed doll that is purchased through here, ten meals are donated to kids in need."
"One thing thou lackest: go thy way, sell whatsoever thou hast, and give it to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come, take up thy cross, and follow me."
"It took me a long time to save this money, and I decided, you know what? I need to do something else with my channel, and part of it's going to be giving away to people who need it."
"To coincide with the beginning of summer, we kicked off an initiative we've called 100 Days of Giving. Each day, we'll pick one person at random within the app to help us give away ten thousand dollars to any one of ten extremely effective charities."
"We're giving to a wide range of causes from the Malaria Consortium to the Clean Air Task Force to the International Rescue Committee."
"As a community... we were all able to help raise over three hundred thousand dollars for Saint Jude's Children's Hospital."
"Give alms. Perform a simple act of love...that's a first step but a very important step."
"Please support local animal shelters and remember to recycle."
"I'm definitely donating about 10,000 to Team Seas, which all of you should if you have the means."
"My father always donated money to Saint Jude even though we lived in poverty. Got to keep the tradition going. Humble beginnings."
"Thank you to everyone that brings the books for me to sign; I appreciate all those donations that went to helping underprivileged children."
"A young kid named Aaron Hill had a very rare brain disease called ALD... and he wanted a playground for the kids in his class... we're gonna build a playground for him, for sure."
"What initially started as me being curious about their charity became a deep dive into what it really means when donations go into a shady fundraiser's pockets."
"I want to raise more. I have big goals on raising money for charities. I just, I feel like that's what I want to do with my platform."
"You can't have too many wishes granted for sick kids, can you?"
"Perhaps they donate to charities on a regular basis or perhaps they do some volunteering work where they give a bit of their time to help out the people who are less fortunate than themselves."
"Our generation does not want its epitaph to read, 'We kept charity overhead low.' We want it to read that we changed the world."
"I'm gonna be donating $100 from the sponsorship money straight into charities that are helping people who are struggling during this time."
"Charity is not a virtue in the sense that it's something you always have to do because human life depends on it. It's something that you should do if the value in question is something you genuinely care about."
"Blessed is he that considereth the poor: the Lord will deliver him in time of trouble."
"This one is awesome because 100% of the proceeds go towards an organization helping to work to save shark species across the world."
"Speedrun community is so amazing and all those charities speedruns, that's a great thing."
"Be charitable with your opponent's intentions and be harder on yourself."
"Those who follow the lessons do create the wealth and those who become charitable even become wealthier."
"Thank you for loving your community and doing this charity."
"Each of our four teams is playing for a charitable cause that's near and dear to their hearts."
"Everything that you donate will be transferred directly to those charities."
"We see a lot of people be like, 'Oh, it isn't much,' but everything is much."
"If you haven't subbed yet, we're trying to get to 300k, and when we do, I'll do a charity live stream."
"This past winter, we did a 24/7 charity livestream that ultimately raised fifty-six thousand dollars for the Chicago Coalition for the Homeless."
"His cringe Mmus stream raised 1.3 million dollars for charity."
"When people start sending their charity through Aasas and have the visibility of their expenditure and have faith in the integrity of the program, that will be the success measure for me."
"The most charitable people in America by far are the religious conservatives."
"Every project I have has to have a charitable component or cause to it."
"He was a lifelong horse lover and ran a horse-saving organization. He also marketed a range of pasta sauces based on a recipe that his mother had given him."
"My wife and I run a charity called Rebuild Globally, which is putting children through school education. It's the two-key solution to ending poverty."
"If you can't donate, just share and raise awareness of the event."
"If you want to donate to help dolphins and whales everywhere, the link is down below."
"This stream is a charity stream, and I am the last of a 24-hour stream for the whales and dolphin conservation."
"Thank you, everybody, for supporting this stream and, of course, donating and helping them out."
"He now serves on the board of the Blue Angel Foundation, where they're trying to prevent veteran suicide."
"Nino Brown giving out turkeys was the first viral moment in what everything would be when it comes to fake charity."
"The suffering of the poor and those in need gives you a chance to be charitable."
"Big thanks to anyone who has placed an order for my frog mouth plushie. This is a charity event to help children with cancer."
"Generally, giving charity is something that is recommended in Islam and commanded in the Qur'an and in the Sunnah."
"Apparitions of Mary many times show her in purgatory as a mother bringing help; they call her the Star of the Sea."
"GiveWell spends over 40,000 hours each year researching charitable organisations and only directs funding to a few of the highest impact, evidence-backed opportunities that they've found."
"I think this is the time we should help the needy people."
"Why not give a meal when somebody is hungry, that is the gift you can give, that is karma to do."
"Why do we need soup kitchens? Where is the justice that prevents the need for charity?"
"So give generously, and Allah Azzawajal will give you even more."
"In accordance with Christian precepts, he provided charity to the poor and sick, and made efforts to travel to the more isolated areas in his realm, listening to the petitions of those who otherwise would never have gotten to meet him."
"Timmy and Tootie were given free reign to continue using Cosmo and Wanda, but only on the condition that they used their magic for charitable goals."
"Smiling Friends, a charity organization that exists with the purpose of putting smiles on the faces of people who are down in the dumps."
"We're a nonprofit; we're like a charity, so, you know, we cater to those that are less fortunate."
"Shady Ray's also provides 10 meals to fight hunger in America with every order placed, and they've provided over 10 million meals to date."
"The world calls for and expects from us simplicity of life, the spirit of prayer, charity towards all, especially towards the lowly and the poor."
"Giving to charity is one of the best ways to activate the law of attraction."
"We ask you to remember the poor, Lord. Make provisions for them."
"They gained the respect of people around them because they lived their faith and they took care of the poor and disadvantaged."
"Your donation to Food for the Poor isn't just about giving; it is about sharing in the collective responsibility to ensure that no one goes to bed hungry."
"Corey has been shortlisted for a make a difference bravery award for raising money for Rainbow's children's hospice."
"We donate to a charity every month that helps North Koreans who have escaped North Korea to kind of reintegrate into daily life wherever else they are."
"Even a dollar can help. Five dollars, whatever you have, can help a child receive a hundred percent free surgery."
"We're giving 33% of all the profit from the sales of this to two different advocacy groups for right to repair."
"All the proceeds... went to the Autistic Self Advocacy Network."
"Keep it, put it to a good cause, send it to somebody who needs it."
"All the proceeds for the stream will go to charity."
"Every single donation means one therapy session for a young kid who will not get that therapy session without it."
"The highest level of charity according to Maimonides is to give anonymous charity."
"The need for charity is the failure of government."
"In their charity work, they're focusing on things like mental health, wildlife conservation, and even things like cyberbullying."
"The entire collection was sold out, breaking the record for highest-earning NFT drop for any athlete, racking up over 3.7 million for charity."
"Donations are not needed. I appreciate them, though, greatly."
"He who gives and urges others to give things in charity will be reborn rich, surrounded by numerous attendants, and holding vast possessions; he will be a shining moon in the assembly of men."
"To move us all toward a beneficial cause, I've set up a GoFundMe page. Anyone who wants to see this conversation happen can donate, and all the proceeds raised will go to the United Negro College Fund."
"The necessity of charity is an indication of systemic failure."
"It's a great way to dream big while also supporting a good cause."
"I thought a charity that is against racism and anti-Semitism made sense, to sort of put an end to a lot of bad chapters."
"In Trust and Rust, we want to once again raise money together for a great cause. 100% of your donations will go directly to the charity."
"They basically took all the donations and ran away with it, very little of it went to the community, went to civil rights."
"Every dollar donated is a dollar toward saving lives. We're all in this together."
"My mom loves Zelda, but she died of cancer in November. I wish I could watch this brilliant Wind Waker run with her, but in lieu of that, it's my honor to donate to the prevent Cancer Foundation in her memory."
"Please read this out loud so my friend Jason will donate as well. Give in to the peer pressure, Jason."
"This SGDQ has been awesome so far. I have a lot to do, but having the stream in the background makes it easier since we are saving lives, let's also save those frames."
"Every time you check out the run, appreciate it. And a lovely anonymous $150 donation with just a smiley face. Very nice, appreciated, thank you."
"It's amazing that you guys are able to do this every year for such a great cause."
"This wouldn't even be slightly possible if it wasn't for you guys helping donate and raising... one hundred and sixty thousand dollars over the last year for the thirst project."
"Megan, who was one of the most charitable people I knew, she was always so giving of herself."
"True Religion undefiled before God and the Father is this: to visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction."
"Sunset Lake raised $4,000 from the 420 sale that will go to the Innocence Project. This is par for the course for these guys; they are movement partners, a great company. They have supported unions and charities like GiveDirectly and soup kitchens. This Innocence Project donation is just one more example."
"I run alongside a charity that provides mental health care and helps support financially people who can't afford it."
"We need to do more charity on SmackDown. That's the way we will get more fans."
"There's nothing like being a sick child's wish."
"When you support Soleil and Clay, you're also giving back. One dollar from each pair of earrings sold goes to charity, and we select a new charity each month."
"Being a first-generation Hispanic college graduate, the first charity we're giving back to is the Hispanic Scholarship Fund."
"It's been a year... what we did for Five Nights at St. Jude's was insane."
"We just gave away two grand. You know how fun it is giving back? I love it."
"So once again, we are playing for the Prevent Cancer Foundation. 100% of all your donations this year go directly to Prevent Cancer Foundation."