
Gender Issues Quotes

There are 1144 quotes

"The Tape Foundation is going to be dedicated towards helping men's mental health and also protecting women from violence against men."
"Instead of the monologues of #MeToo, we need to have dialogues. Instead of human resource centers becoming 'her', we really need to have dialogues at work about what's working for women, what's not working for women, what's working for men, and what's not working for men."
"Domestic partner violence is to blame for more than one in three murders where the victim is female."
"What's the matter with men? They're floundering at school, in the workplace."
"Who is benefiting from all of this? It's not women... It's the corporations. Outrage equals engagement, and engagement equals profit."
"In a world without gender, people who experience sexual dysphoria would still want to get corrective surgery for that."
"Harassment in gaming affects women outside of gaming as well."
"She’s also considered an extraordinarily influential writer, ahead of her time, frustratingly mistreated in her profession because of her gender and incredibly good at writing the most incredible burns disguised as polite conversation."
"This whole issue... it's also based on women feeling like their rights are being eroded."
"This problem can never go away, can never even diminish, until the men – and it is mostly men – who participate in the outrage address the roots of this pattern: a fear among those who have more institutional power in society about the possibility of a change in the status quo that they find comforting or even morally correct."
"I don't ever feel safe around a man. Doesn't matter who he is, doesn't matter if I know him personally. There's always a part in my brain that goes, 'This could go bad.'"
"Women are primarily affected by climate change."
"Girls can be completely vicious to each other, just ask any high school teacher about the way that girls bully each other."
"The problem that young women are facing now is they don't feel like they have permission to defend their sexual boundaries."
"I think being a woman now and being a young woman is very difficult, especially in relation to a lot of the narrative online with these young male thought leaders who sort of promote this masculinity that really depends on hating young women or seeing them as objects."
"The queen bee is usually a woman in a senior position who is cuttingly unhelpful to her female co-workers."
"It is time we put a magnifying glass to women's toxic workplace behavior and biases the same way we have men's and purge the sludge."
"You think child support and then of course we've got the feminazis out there saying... these deadbeat dads... they're not deadbeat, they're dead broke."
"21 million female gamers have experienced sex-based taunting, harassment, or threats while playing video games online. And of course, it has to stop."
"So many women have been legitimately and systematically abused and gaslit over many years, and when they finally speak up, they get pushed down by the legal system, by society, and even blamed."
"Being a woman is just a war forever, especially being a young woman in the public eye. It's really unfair."
"Just because I discuss men's issues, people say, 'Oh, you're anti-woman.' I'm not anti-woman; I love women."
"It's important for the conversation we're having to differentiate between gender dysphoria and gender nonconformity."
"Letting men play against women is not political; it is a safety issue."
"It is not women's fault that men behave like morons and like pigs."
"Feminism gets a bad rap for perpetuating stereotypes against men while claiming the ones against women aren't true."
"Men aren't treated the same. It's not maybe as common, but it happens a lot, and we have to start treating all victims the same."
"Women should not be being raped by men in their prisons, period. It's wrong."
"This is not part of the punishment. This is not an okay sentence for someone who's female and has to go to jail."
"The world can be a hostile and uncomfortable place for women."
"It's not about whether or not they're women; it's about whether or not Fair Play has been maintained."
"She was broadly understood as an all-around decent critic who was unfairly maligned, harassed, and abused because she was a woman who spoke about feminism."
"Jordan Peterson has noticed the ways that our culture stacks the deck against young men, isolates them, disenfranchises them, alienates them."
"We need to destigmatize mental health and body image issues for men and boys."
"Inequality exists for both men and women, and it's desirable to address both of them."
"I think you're a sexist, misogynist dinosaur. A relic of the Cold War."
"It is appalling to me that a post about National Women's Day would be met by such vitriol and hatred."
"Treat the girl like a person, not a vending machine for sex."
"There is a clear difference between sexist parody and parody of sexism. Sexist parody encourages the players to mock and trivialize gender issues, while parody of sexism disrupts the status quo and undermines regressive gender conventions."
"Stalking and surveillance behaviors are a common tactic of typically men who use violent behaviors in an intimate relationship."
"Women artists, their personality means so much more than any other male artist."
"Female accusers are still routinely treated as if they are lying."
"Women's stress is caused by deep and growing inequality, not hormones or biological sensitivity."
"People really love seeing that because men can be shitty."
"Playing sexualized video games promotes men's likelihood to endorse gender stereotypes."
"Ridicule and criticism have become recast as abuse and harassment because when you say mean things to women they cry, and we don't want to be like that because we're nice gentlemen who are chivalric and we don't want to see women cry in public."
"We get so used to getting messages from dudes on the internet that it's hard to remember that sometimes it's not that."
"If you are a woman and/or a person of color in the US, you may well have a very different relationship to a healthcare system than a white man."
"So, why was this girl given a $250 fine rather than being punished further? Ah, because she was just exercising her right to fight against the patriarchy, duh."
"The terminology we use... often go to extreme lengths to avoid using words like rape and instead use terms like forced sex."
"Many female offenders have a history of victimization and abuse which is taken into account and given more weight."
"It's pretty clear that this website has yet again set up the idea that women are the universal victim and men are the universal perpetrator."
"It's all about nasty men and the way they treat women."
"Seriously Sydney, men deserve to be berated in public?"
"As men, we take the brunt of it because now we're being accused for it and also our business is going to suffer."
"Feminists make this argument for example that women cannot be sexist because..."
"Sexism against men is still just called sexism."
"The strengths of masculinity and manhood unfortunately are being used against men at times."
"Men are so privileged to get everything handed to them and they just don't understand how good they have it."
"Mass incarceration falls on the shoulders of the black woman, period."
"We wouldn't be arguing about whether there were women and men if things didn't need to be retooled from the very bottom."
"If you don't give men a purpose, if you displace men, you rob them of their purpose."
"We can't keep putting this in the too hard basket, this is just a women's issue, it's absolutely high time that we place this squarely front and center as a key national priority to address this issue."
"We praise a little boy dressing in drag, but we demonize a little girl dancing like a stripper."
"Especially as a woman, it's difficult to hold each other accountable."
"You can actually look at these texts that we all have and you can find really powerful experience of Divine Feminine, of women with power, of spirituality that calls us all well beyond sexism and well beyond misogyny."
"There's a place we can all meet each other, but not without honoring all of the history of oppression of women."
"The reality is that men like this in particular find feminists condescending because women that display power, strength, intelligence, eloquence, self-assuredness, etc. make them feel emasculated and scared."
"Why do you see this massive rise in gender dysphoria and surgeries for kids? Because it's all over TikTok."
"Sure the Ken's might not have as much political power in Barbie land as some women do in the real world today, but at least the Ken's aren't being harassed, threatened, pushed from their jobs, and murdered."
"It's all about politics, how you think about the administration and women have gone off the rails when it goes leaning to the left and Progressive."
"Women's physical safety should matter more than what a man says he wants."
"Those who favor putting males in female sports have not bothered to defend their claim at all or to engage with the points raised by the other side."
"I think masculinity is under attack on some level as a bad thing, and so I don't think masculinity is a bad thing at all."
"Religion is relies at least you know Western and Abrahamic religions they rely on the subjugation of the woman in order to maintain the system."
"Any woman who's ever stepped foot in an office probably has encountered some men like this."
"If you go through puberty as a man it doesn't matter how many hormones you take it will never be fair for trans women to compete on equal footing with cis women."
"Is the answer creating women's only products or just being inclusive?"
"Most men still don't get it. That's why it needs to be taught."
"When it comes to that sexism thing, they can never win."
"They made it personal, they made people face and look in the mirror and listen to women."
"It has nothing to do with standing up for women, it uses issues of gender in a deeply cynical manner for personal gain."
"I actually see more problems for men right now and men don't have a lobby especially little boys."
"So today we're going to be talking about a female live streamer and you know what that means kids."
"We live in a society now that has taken everything feminine good and bad and elevated it to virtue and everything that's masculine good and bad and denigrated it to sin."
"Females were more than six times as likely as males to be the victims of sexual assaults known to law enforcement agencies."
"Toxic masculinity, patriarchy, all of these constructs... it harms men too."
"They're literally trying to portray all men on campus as would-be rapists...based on this completely BS bogus statistic of one in five."
"Women are treated like a joke, and everyone is standing by watching this escalating behavior and not spotting them as red flags."
"I think you lose a lot of credibility when you don't concede that a biological male has physical advantages over a biological female."
"Men in general, three-quarters of the suicides are normally male."
"Men are not allowed to speak the views that I am speaking."
"Men's mental health needs to be taken more seriously."
"Get the book, guys. Women deserve less... Stop sipping, get the book."
"You're not a mother you don't have to worry about your daughter having to face some 6'4 man out on the basketball court like I do."
"Maybe the men that he's talking about should learn to control themselves. Maybe don't cuss girls out and maybe don't shame them. And maybe you know like take no for an answer, that seems like a better course of action."
"It's insane to me that we would have things like family court that are just so obviously sexist."
"Doing chores in the house and like rearing children is quite literally unpaid Labor."
"Women and money are intersecting themes, vital for understanding intellectual freedom."
"There's a happy medium between believing the earth is flat and saying I'm not a biologist and I can't tell you what a woman is."
"This is insane, that you can't just say that a dude is stronger than a woman."
"Your womanhood hasn't been erased by a single fucking person."
"Men have fallen behind dramatically. Social media, dating apps, blatant theft of financial opportunity, and a social shift to shaming men for being ambitious and aggressive have created an environment where guys feel lost, hopeless, and lonely."
"It kind of sucks that the first female president is going to be by default and not elected."
"There is no such thing as believe all women when women make accusations like this it actually completely degrades the actual reality of sexual assault and rape."
"I wish I could tell you the simple answer is misogyny. This would be a much shorter book if that was the only answer to this question."
"Men are actually the minority, and if that's true, there shouldn't be programs benefiting women. There should, in fact, be programs benefiting men."
"Playing Valorant as a woman is a different game than playing Valorant as a guy."
"If the women in our community don't feel respected, whose fault is that?"
"I want to ensure I am the last woman who contemplates dropping out because she has been assaulted."
"Not all women are out to separate you from your money. Not all of us are lying scammers."
"You're telling me you can have the preference of just liking girls but if a man says he would prefer to just be with a woman you get cancelled for that?"
"Excluding women who are trans hurts all women... what the [__] it invites gender policing."
"We will ban men from participating in women's sports."
"It is disheartening to realize that women in ancient Egypt had to endure such vulgar treatment even during religious festivities."
"Women only too often bear the brunt of the changing weather patterns that may lead to longer droughts, more hurricanes, and flooding."
"Maybe we stop saying women slept their way to the top. Maybe we say corrupt men withhold promotions until they receive sexual favors. How about that?"
"It's as if they're reacting to these women as if they are not fully human."
"It's just a very sad case, and Gabby Potato is by no means the only woman who has ever gone missing."
"Guilt is the number one thing used against men."
"Biological boys playing in girls' sports is the women's issue of our time."
"Given this trajectory, it would be easy to think that men are killing the planet."
"Why can just anyone appropriate Womanhood? Why is Womanhood as a caricature acceptable?"
"Abortion is not just a woman's issue, it takes two to make a baby."
"Men are weak when it comes to women. If we don't understand this weakness and don't work to get stronger against it, they can bring us into sin."
"We're stopping the physical development of children based on a belief that they are born in the wrong body."
"You did not tell me as a woman of color it would not matter what I did."
"This is the new narrative: if anyone attacks Elizabeth Warren's cadence or her performance, it's because you hate women."
"I learned so much about how people treat people based on gender and looks in general. I feel like I would not be the person, especially the confidence and security that I have within myself if I didn't transition."
"I'm fed up. I am so done with this. We all have daughters, and if our daughters want to compete, they shouldn't have to compete against some dude who has an advantage over them."
"Women's sport: In another gift to Murdoch, the Liberal Party gave his company Foxtel 40 million dollars under the guise of promoting women's sport."
"Both genders have to deal with the stress of being a lawyer. If you like the law, you should go forward, go for it."
"This is not a setback for women; this is a setback for people who lie."
"We should treat women as equals, and that means the good and the bad."
"So, those are my thoughts on 'gender agenda.' As always, I would like to know what you think."
"Believe people, listen to the whole story, gender has nothing to do with it."
"What's wrong with not identifying within the traditional male-female binary? Nothing, other than the fact that your identity is a symptom of delusion."
"Women of color especially black women have systematically received less opportunities than white women and that is a fact."
"Femininity gets talked about way less often. When did femininity, as a concept, become taboo to talk about?"
"I really was someone else... I felt less and less me and more and more this sexist stereotype of what I thought a woman was."
"Um, maybe if they'd rip Natalie Portman's clothes off in the movie instead of Chris Hemsworth I'd be more excited to see it. It's just me."
"Guys can date these young girls and we don't bat an eye at it, but the second a woman does it, oh my God, it's crazy."
"Bodies matter. Calling girls bigots because they don't want to use the toilet in a stall next to a boy... as cruel and wrong."
"The notion that women are so victimized that what they need to be saying more often is f*** you as opposed to thank you is absurd."
"I can't support anybody who talks about women in the way that he does."
"It's a challenging time to be a man at the moment in 2023."
"Black girls are the only group of girls disproportionately suspended in the country starting at preschool."
"Biological men should not compete in women's sports."
"Game designers, let's start dressing women for battle, not the beach, and give us pockets. We like pockets."
"There's also the male gaze that perpetuates the objectification of women by men."
"It doesn't matter whether Kavanaugh is guilty or innocent the only thing that matters is how he treats a woman's pain."
"A woman can only ask her husband to divorce her if the husband refuses she has to take the matter to court."
"One good thing comes out of this trial, I hope it's awareness that men can be victims too."
"This will determine how much people really give a [ __ ] about female rappers."
"I'm a gender abolitionist and I've been one for a while too."
"The only reason all this gender bs is so prominent and oft-discussed at the moment is because it keeps getting brought up."
"This is a story that has a double standard throughout history men practically had license to cheat and women were punished for everything if she seduced him if she was the lover and if you know there is no homewrecker in the masculine."
"Reclaiming anger as a valid emotion can be viewed as transgressive for women, asterisk included."
"These systems are not easily engaged with by the men who suffered from them the most."
"Men do not menstruate, so we all know it's nonsense."
"It doesn't make sense to blame an entire sex for your failings."
"Caitlyn Jenner is a [ __ ] hypocrite. This woman competed in a women's golfing tournament on the women's side as a woman, which, by the way, she only started transitioning in 2015."
"Gender as it functions today is a grave injustice. We should all be angry."
"Unfortunately, rising selectivity in dating and partner selection comes at a time when more men are falling behind."
"There's a movement of people that believe that no matter what is said by a female it should be believed."
"There is a whole separate debate to be had about westminster's drinking problem but that's not going to make any difference or not very much difference in my view to the way in which women are treated in westminster."
"Burger King has also been called out for having sexist advertisements as well."
"Under-diagnosing of women with ASD contributes to the marginalization of females."
"I believe we can actually win this. We can defeat gender ideology, I really believe that."
"Respect is earned, not given based on gender."
"The House of Representatives passed legislation today to protect women's sports leagues by Banning male athletes who identify as female from competing."
"Holy crap no wonder men are so desperate to hold on to their power. This is the easiest [__] ever."
"I'm so sick of running as fast as I can wondering if I'd get there quicker if I was a man."
"We should be maximizing self-benefit. If it benefits them, then personally I think that the more time passes when it comes to the whole trans acceptance thing, the interest in medical transition is going to decrease a lot," was a prediction shared.
"The minute that an accusation is made against a man we are basically going to destroy his life."
"Why does nobody care? If estrogen levels were plummeting and half American women were growing mustaches I think we would acknowledge that as a problem."
"It's important to have conversations about both but there's a time and a place for each one and saying oh well we can't talk about women being victims because men are too is kind of undermining."
"Women aren't weaponizing the #MeToo movement to sabotage all men in the workforce."
"We have to go off of evidence, and we should encourage women that are actually abused to go to the police because now we're in a situation where if you don't go to the police, how can I just believe you?"
"Women are always coming up with stuff that men are taking credit for."
"It's unfair to put pressure on women when tons of men play games in their 20s and 30s."
"The problem is not just that it's happening, the problem is that the biological women on the team felt like they couldn't speak out about it."
"I want trans women to be safe... I do not want to make cis girls and women feel less safe."
"Islam's attitude to homosexuality has always been to present it as a trans issue."
"British industry today employs more women than ever before in a country at peace."
"The only person to resign so far for this scandal is Allegra Stratton, a woman, while he, the man who sanctioned and attended at least one party in 10 Downing Street, still sits in his place."
"Violence towards women is unapproachable, the most disgusting act."
"If men could get pregnant, we wouldn't even be debating abortion."
"The show's treatment of women overall is what will tarnish its legacy."
"The people gutting her as a murderer are so eager to pick up a pitchfork and burn women alive without understanding a goddamn thing about actually being a woman."
"First impressions matter when you even title this video mockingly I'll be it but you titled this video you know it's cuz women and sjw's well that is inextricably linked to the marketing because that is how people see this game."
"A lot of girls will develop daddy issues in the form of 'Oh I need a man's attention,' instead of turning into that, I became my own."
"The darkest side of Wellness is that too often it's not even about wellness, it's about targeting women's insecurities."
"We have prioritized women's opportunities for career success at the expense of the success of men..."
"Men today earn less than most American men did in 1979, a huge gender gap in education."
"Single women have a dreadful propensity for being poor which is one very strong argument in favor of matrimony."
"Ice Cube was being called toxic masculinity because he got together with this plan and he didn't really consult with black women."
"We need to talk about our policies from a perspective of how they will impact black people and black women."
"A male politician like me has nothing to offer in that decision."
"Women are on average less happy than they were back in the 1960s. Even if everything has gotten more miserable, women would rather struggle for freedom."