
Complementarity Quotes

There are 346 quotes

"We are compliments; we're innate natural evolved compliments to one another."
"You don't have one perfect person who's the best. That's not... You know, and we achieve perfection by completing each other and by enhancing each other's strengths."
"The interconnected and interdependent forces... are not in Conflict but are complementary."
"I wouldn't say I need a man to provide and protect, but I do believe that we complement each other, man and woman."
"We should enjoy the sexual difference, men and women are complementary."
"Get somebody who compliments you, someone who adds something you might not have."
"Genesis 1 and 2 are complementary rather than contradictory."
"The way religions complement one another is more important than the way they contradict."
"It’s good to have shared interests, but it’s also good to have skills and strengths that cover over each other’s weaknesses."
"I think we all complement each other because we all kind of know what we're talking about."
"Men and women are not the same. They're complementary, not equal."
"Complementarity: different ways of viewing the same thing can be both informative and valid."
"Your partner is your compliment, not your missing piece."
"Men and women are complementary, not the same."
"Structured databases aren't necessarily bad; they're a great thing. In fact, non-structured data, you should consider it as an addition to your structured data."
"When God sends something, it's going to compliment, not complete."
"Science and spirituality into a complementary and mutually helpful relationship."
"You and this person, you're total opposites but you're the perfect complement."
"You are needed in the world exactly as you are. And you and I, while having different personality traits, complement each other in aggregate perfectly."
"A connection and a relationship is about two individual people who complement one another."
"She didn't complete me, she complimented me."
"Confidence and humility are not opposites; they're complementary."
"He's the Ying to my yang, the push to my pull."
"Archaeology provides a great way to complement what the Bible says."
"Science and spirituality are complementary, not conflicting."
"The way Ruby and Sapphire complement each other perfectly shows how Garnet is who she is."
"We compliment each other and that compliment should not be lost."
"The fact that the two sexes have opposite yet complementary energy is a beautiful thing."
"Power in a relationship is recognizing the strengths of what your person carries and how that strength builds you in your area of weakness."
"It's never competition, it's complementary."
"We're such different people and I often think that we're like a very good pairing of Ying and Yang."
"She's literally the Ying to my Yang."
"He was a great king because he was married to a good and clever woman."
"Light and dark, they need each other."
"You always need somebody in your group that's not just like you."
"It's possible even if we are different from our spouse, we can actually complement each other; our differences can be something to expand our own horizon."
"Understanding the polarities, one is you say male and female, you know they're just polarities, they are not that one is stronger or one is weaker, they are just complementing each other."
"Men and women are supposed to live in harmony with one another; they are different, obviously, but they are also complementary."
"The grated pecorino Romano, parmigiano is the right thing to do because it makes love with everything else."
"You're definitely meant to balance each other out in really wonderful ways."
"You will admire the parts in you that each other lacks."
"And they complement each other. It's like salty and sweet."
"We help each other in the areas that we lack."
"Archaeology and history really complement one another."
"Each one of them has a strength that I have as a weakness and vice versa."
"You're different people, complimentary but different. You help to ground them a little bit."
"We gotta understand that, hey man, women and men are not versus each other, it's complementary."
"LPVOs, they kind of complement each other."
"He was a guy who just complimented both those players perfectly."
"The universe revolves around women, but we need masculine energy to build the world. Women are the stronger species."
"Ultra Instinct and Ultra ego perfectly complement not only the fighting style of Goku and Vegeta but also complements their personalities."
"Complementarity is a universal principle."
"Unlike a lot of couples on this list, I feel like their opposite natures really complement one another."
"A great woman is a great compliment to a great man's life. She is there to share her completeness with him, not to complete him."
"One partner has strengths where the other may struggle."
"I feel like when we're together, we make a good team. Josh is very charismatic, outgoing, would talk to anyone in a room, a stranger comfortably. I'm just not really as much like that. So I feel like when we're together, we make a good team."
"Human relationships of friendships, human relationships like marriage, God has given us those things to complement our lives, not to complete us."
"Religion's been a compliment to science."
"That's the best part. You don't want to become clones. You want to be married to someone who needs things you don't need."
"One would be worth very little, a pair really helps them."
"You're really going to help each other in the areas that you lack."
"We need to compliment each other, not mirror each other."
"They both make up for each other's weak points."
"It's one of those situations where men need women and women need men. We are better together than we are apart."
"They were a pair, a partnership, two halves of the same person."
"Maybe a little bit of opposites attract."
"The security approaches that each take complement each other."
"The dynamics they do is more complementary, not of like right-left interaction and whatnot."
"Consider having a partner who can bring the experience that you lack."
"I realized that what Rasmus provided was you know me and him did this job together and the reason it worked so well as co-directors of football is because we were completely different people."
"That's such a great thing because you know then there's someone who you can rely on to do something you can't, and that's when the best stuff happens."
"In chair number one, you complete one another."
"They might be more practical and you're more about ideas, but it feels like together this is a really stellar combination."
"That's what's so beautiful about marriage, is that we each have our own strengths and weaknesses, and we can bring them out of each other."
"If your counterpart makes up for these areas that you're a little bit weaker in, those weaknesses are probably going to be less likely to prevent you from prospering as a unit."
"Every marriage has irreconcilable differences. That's the way God designed it, to complement one another."
"We need to not only tolerate our differences but celebrate them, as God has brought that person into your life to bring a complementary relationship."
"The twins feel similarly. They are connected by a strong sinistry that compensates for each other's shortcomings."
"Women and men are very different, not in bad ways but in good ways."
"We have the perfect setup because you are not a navigator I love navigating and you're a really great driver."
"You don't need somebody to complete you, you need somebody to compliment you."
"Men and women are not exactly the same. We're supposed to be a compliment to one another, not railroad each other."
"I loved the way each of the three perspectives filled in the gaps of the other ones."
"The Tempe bacon is really complementary to the Caesar dressing."
"Men, women are better together. They really are if they are a compliment to each other's lives."
"Marriage is about irreconcilable differences. Our differences complement each other."
"We've got that salty, buttery mixture with the sourish kind of cheese... like it compliments very well."
"Men and women were complementary in Genesis chapter one."
"Oh yes, oh this is excellent, now this is nothing though without this piece as well."
"I think actually there isn't a trait of yours that I would want because the thing about us is that we just so perfectly balance each other out, and to gain one of your traits would disrupt that balance."
"Men and women are equal in value but wildly different by Nature."
"Men and women should be equal in dignity, but there's a beauty of complementarity between them."
"Science takes things to bits to see how they work. Religion puts them together to see what they mean. And they need each other."
"Apologetics and scholarship both have different strengths and weaknesses. They can actually be really good for each other."
"We're complete opposites that somehow attract."
"Two great things that are great on their own but even greater when they come together like me and you."
"They were like ice cream and hot fudge."
"Male and female are equal but different. Male and female complement each other."
"When science reaches its limits, sometimes art can help."
"You can't have one without the other. Can't have a great herd without a great hunt."
"Lean Six Sigma methodology is effective; the two methods complement each other, working together to identify errors and waste more efficiently than using just one method."
"Our differences as men and women do not reveal competition. It reveals complementarity."
"Devon and I bring different things to this partnership, and I am happy to be working with somebody with his strengths."
"...the freedoms of different kinds complement each other..."
"...this person brings things to the table that you may not bring, but together you have it all."
"Opposites attract in some ways; we're drawn to what we need or like maybe that piece that we need to be shown or what we're missing a little bit of."
"Vanilla is complimentary, vanilla complements every other ingredient"
"Masculinity has its blind spots, weaknesses, and gaps that femininity fills."
"The feminine and the masculine should go together. It should fit, hand in hand, and they should compliment one another."
"Men and women can balance one another as far as like what men can do, some things women can't do and you know what women can do, you know men can do, I feel like we're very like yin and yang, we can balance each other very well."
"God gives you somebody that's different than you are because you kind of fill up each other's weaknesses."
"It all comes together like an outfit, it enhances it."
"These two are the Yang and the yin, the two poles that hold each other up."
"A successful startup has complementarity. People are good at different things, and it's more like a team."
"That's true too. Beautiful helps. Straight up, they complete each other, so dope."
"Strategists join subtle polarities into deeply complementary opposites."
"Men and women need each other, the masculine, the feminine, they complement each other."
"I really saw how our personalities complemented each other almost where one of us lacked in one area, not I don't even want to use lacked as a, but was not as strong, the other person was strong in."
"AI has unparalleled capability to complement knowledge work."
"We're gonna try to put together both of our strong points into one so I'm good with aesthetics, he's good with the details."
"...we balance each other perfectly."
"Especially when your partner is amazing at the things that you're not good at."
"She's more like a broccoli because she is just like the perfect compliment for everyone and everything."
"Honestly, the two of them together are the duo that I didn't know I needed."
"I would say that he balances me out. He is so different from me on so many levels, but it's his differences that I love and appreciate."
"Women want strong men and they want faithful men, and this helps those men and that helps those women. It's not a zero-sum game. Man is incomplete without a."
"We were very different we complemented one another and you can't do that if you are exactly the same."
"It's in our fitra. Men need women, women need men."
"The whole point of not picking somebody just like BC or somebody's just like me is so that you get opposites. Somebody has to be X, other person's got to be [ __ ]."
"I love how different they are too, but still complementary."
"The idea is how do you see those differences as complementary instead of competing."
"The thing I love about you and I especially is that you guys are different but you bring so much to the table together..."
"I feel like we get each other but we're not the same, we complement each other."
"There's a complementarity to men and women that you need both to really fully play out God's plan for Humanity."
"I think our games really just complement each other, like him being a great shooter and then also a lob threat puts teams in a difficult position."
"You're looking for someone who's really good at things that you're not great at."
"She's the opposite of who I am in the best way."
"They are great for different things and they complement each other really, really nicely."
"You showed the capabilities of working as a team, fully utilizing your strengths to cover up your weaknesses."
"Real World Evidence can complement traditional randomized controlled trials and their findings."
"Masculine energy always wants a compliment to it, not compatible. Compatible is boss energy on boss energy; complementary is masculine, feminine, yin yang."
"We can do that for other people but also seeking out partners who complement us in that way."
"Men and women are not the same, not at all. Men are better at some things, and women are better at other things, but they're not in competition; they're complementary."
"Where you might feel you lack, your partner can make up for that."
"Together you guys make a good person."
"Men and women are complementary opposites and we need each other to be mentally and spiritually and even physically healthy."
"Opposites attract because they complete one another."
"Look around for pairs of gifts; often a gift that you might be lacking is simply the other half of a gift that you already have."
"Men and women are not to view themselves as rivals but as complimentary."
"Where you are weak, He is strong."
"We're not talking about one solitary location, we're talking about multiple puzzle pieces that geographically and historically complement one another."
"Science and spirituality might complement one another."
"We fill in each other's blind spots but in a way that's communicatable."
"Together we make like the perfect human."
"In such a weird way, we complement each other."
"The United States-Mexico relationship is we have different skill sets; we're good at different things; we're good at different price points."
"These newer, fancy stuff can actually help complement those traditional chart types a little bit better than they can work on their own."
"I just find that they really complement the weather or the weather complements your scent."
"It's actually like kind of fun when they're eaten together; they actually complement each other really well."
"The woman corresponds to but is different from the man; that's the relationship that brings life."
"Where I'm weak, there are guys that are strong."
"Everything just seems to complement everything else."
"Two tools perfectly crafted to complement each other with undeniable symmetry and balance."
"I want somebody that's going to be fitly joint with me so in the areas that I'm not strong, they're strong."
"What he lacks, she strives in, and vice versa."
"We exist with the other gender; we complete each other, we need each other."
"No, Michelle, I found the perfect candy for you. What are the chances? On one side it says 'art,' on the other side it says 'math.' That's you and me."
"We make a great team; she's kind of like the opposite of me."
"I think they complement each other well."
"As different as these four women were, they still complemented each other in their own ways, making their friendship believable."
"Her not having the same strengths but having the exact opposite strength of me was what allowed us to grow."
"The day and the night are not equal to each other; they complement each other."
"Art is an extension of skateboarding, and they just complement each other."
"God gifts everybody with what he wants them to have, not for us to be over one another, but for us to compliment one another."
"We were different, and then we completed each other in a way."
"Though it seems old-fashioned, a partnership made up of two people with complementary skill sets is productive and fulfilling for each participant."
"The opposition is good because there's a difference there; they're complementary."
"Some of the best ones are a mix of opposites."
"You're stronger in areas that I'm not strong. That's why we're great partners."
"The wholeness of humanity... cannot be found again, saved through that peculiar complementarity and fusion of the black man and the black woman."
"It's interesting, it's a nice complement."
"They compliment each other very well."
"We are so opposite, and that's a good thing."
"They balance each other out perfectly."
"Like two puzzle pieces, they fit together; like a dance couple, the dance leader can only have fun on the dance floor if he finds someone who's a dance follower."
"You don't complete each other; you're supposed to complement each other."
"Science and spiritual practices can be seen as complementary rather than in any sense contradictory."
"Men and women are equal in worth and value, but by God's design, they complement one another."
"Our disabilities are there, but that's not what brought us together at all. As it turns out, our disabilities really are kind of complementary."
"Loyalty to a culture and awareness of other cultures are complimentary."
"There are always trade-offs, and the techniques here are very complementary."
"The best way to think about this is you basically want to hire somebody whose your weaknesses and dislikes are their likes and their strengths."
"Science and religion constitute complementary systems of knowledge and practice."
"They both had something the other was missing."
"She was the pepper to his salt, the lightning to his thunder."
"They complement each other in amazing ways."
"Inheritance and composition are not competitors; they usually complement each other."
"Where you lack, they got your back, and where they lack, you got their back."
"They are just stunning, and I'm so excited that there is a pair of them because they really do complement each other."
"I'm good solving puzzles and calculating the check, but you're amazing at making connections."