
Conformity Quotes

There are 1744 quotes

"It is no measure of accomplishment to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society."
"I spent a very long time code-switching and conforming, and that's not freedom."
"It was an agreed upon lie, and if one person says, 'I don't agree with that lie; I will not go along with that lie,' they will destroy you and anyone around you."
"Never just follow the crowd, always make up your own mind."
"Finding your best self means the difference between freedom and the compulsions of conformity."
"I think the big downside is that we've become obsessed with things that work, that everyone else is doing, in a saturated market."
"Unlike the previous generations who had fought for changing the system, the Silent Generation was about working within the system, keeping their heads down, and working hard."
"Follow the rules and you'll turn into somebody."
"Being unable to conform is worse. Now refusing to conform, that's in a different category."
"You're listening to a bunch of people mad at themselves because they're living a life that is fueled by dogma."
"Social proof is saying that when the course of action is not completely clear, we very often look to other people around us as to what it is that we should do, and we follow them."
"San Angeles is predicated on order and conformity. Social interactions are formalized and ritualized to protect each person's personal boundaries."
"The guiding tenet for this entire exploration came from Mark Twain: 'So whenever I found myself on the side of the majority it was time to pause and reflect.'"
"The riskiest life I can think of is letting yourself be molded into this comfortable, same as everybody else routine."
"Medical Mechanica is the symbol of the conformism of the adult world. It flattens everything and makes it the same; it covers everything in the smoke of everyday life and keeps us from seeing the extraordinary things in life."
"Social conformity is stronger than you think."
"In school, our behavior is regulated, and our desire for openness and learning is inhibited. You can only learn what is in this class, the same thing at the same minute, on the same days as every other student."
"Intelligence is having the same correct answer as everyone else in the class. And if you question, you're disruptive."
"Religion continues because you support it, every one of you here, and you support it by your conformity with its notions and with your compliances with its demands upon you."
"If you do what most people do, well, you're going to get the same results that most people have. And the truth is that most people are unhappy with their lives."
"Make sure you're doing the same thing that other people are doing that are making money."
"Every time we think, 'I don't got anything special to offer,' and we keep showing up trying to conform or fit in, what we're doing every time we do that is we're telling ourselves, 'I am not worthy of being who I authentically am.'"
"The worst mistake I can make is to assume that we should do what [others] are doing and not be true to our identity."
"Being normal is difficult. Our natural way of being is to do things in a certain way and to conform that to society and what we're expected to do is often really challenging slash impossible."
"They're all subscribed to a very distorted reality, and conformity is expected."
"The film is very pointedly showing us both this suburban community at its best and at its worst, and the only difference is a refusal to conform in the most incredibly mundane, inoffensive ways."
"If you go with the flow in America today, you will end up overweight or obese, as 2/3 of Americans do."
"All in all, you're just another brick in the wall."
"Make sure you believe it because you believe it, not because everybody else does."
"When you speak the Word of God, the invisible realm must conform to that word."
"It seems like society caters towards one type of mind...then it gets a little scary when it's like, okay, well the type of mind that society caters towards, we need to medicate everybody else to bring them in line with that type of mind."
"We rebel against conformity. It's like we like vibes more than structured."
"Sometimes people see the forest through the trees and just because there's a top-down decree doesn't mean that you have to fall in line."
"You see, I don't need to follow the crowd...sometimes, no part of the time, is better to follow yourself rather than the crowd, because the crowd is going in the wrong direction."
"We're social animals and we're heavily incentivized psychologically to not break ranks with the norms of our social group."
"You don't have real diversity when you just have a group of people who look different and think alike."
"The diversity myth is that it's not about diversity at all; it's about conformity."
"Why are people not pushing back against this garbage?"
"Holiness is a conformity of the heart and life unto God."
"So people thought it was tough love and because people had so much hope and faith in the system because of all of these people saying this is the best place ever, they just felt like this is the way."
"If you live a life where you've never been banned, if you live a life where you've always been popular, ask yourself why that is. Are you living a life of consequence?"
"It's all about do you speak the language? Do you speak the language of the ridiculous crap in order to be accepted into the woke circles of higher power?"
"When people are free to do as they please, they usually imitate each other."
"The Solomon Asch conformity experiment... shows how social pressures from a majority group could affect a person to conform."
"You can appreciate a thing on its own without being in the hive mind."
"What happens with ideological conformity is that debate has stopped, so only one side is heard."
"People are sheep; they'd rather be in a herd than take their own chances."
"Observe the masses and see where mindless action leads. It's not pretty at all."
"If you do what everybody else does, you'll get what everybody else gets."
"If everybody's thinking the same thing, then somebody's not thinking."
"Courage is a very, very rare virtue, much rarer than I even thought. I'd studied totalitarian states for a long time, and I knew that people were easily led into a state of pathological silence, but I didn't understand how rapidly that could occur and how few people, even in a free society with a long history of freedom, would be loath to speak."
"It's a special car; if you have a look around any parking lot in the world these days, you'll notice every car, whether it's a car, an SUV, a minivan, they're all black, white, grey, or silver. People have no imagination with colors these days."
"It's hypocritical to be like, 'Fashion is stupid,' but then still try to conform to fashion."
"If everyone is thinking alike, then no one is thinking."
"If you decide to keep listening to what this organized Matrix is telling you, that's your choice."
"The left punishes people for straying from the established consensus, even if it's not scientifically established."
"A wave of censorship seeks to silence conversation... this rigidly enforced conformity is a straight jacket on sensibility."
"Be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its best night and day to make you everybody else."
"You feel like you can make your own decisions, huh? You feel like you can do what you want? Are you an adult? Are you 18? So why are you outside of school? Look at me, why are you out of school? Why do you have people following you, huh?"
"We know that the rules that we are forced to comply with are according to one narrative only, and you're penalized for going outside that box."
"The only way to avoid criticism is to do nothing, to say nothing, and be nothing."
"Don't simply conform to conventional ways of thinking."
"If you don't pick your side, you're going to end up in the tribe of sheeple and you're going to end up in what could be a multi-century prison."
"I don't like it when people say just be yourself because I think that in order to function in society you have to change things about yourself."
"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society."
"None of us want to be a part of the herd because if you're part of the herd, you're part of the slaughter."
"They're running on a code, they don't think for themselves."
"Our society tends to regard as a sickness any mode of thought or behavior that is inconvenient for the system."
"We teach our children to be obedient subjects, subjects who must conform to survive in society."
"Every major corporation must mirror whatever is the woke priority of the day."
"That's real education, you know. Anytime you're in a school building or setting where someone's telling you what to do, you know instantly you're not in the right place."
"We have freedom of speech; we just have to use their words and their thoughts."
"Life is full of risks; by not questioning, you consign yourself to be a sheep."
"It's so much easier to leave the status quo."
"Dangerous trying to do what everybody else does."
"Maneuvering through the world like an NPC - a soulless Avatar that operates on Matrix programming."
"There's almost like a programming kind of you're following a certain pattern of societal rules almost."
"What world would they create where everyone sits around in a circle in a gray jumpsuit with shaved heads and just does nothing, exists, eats their green cube of protein mass?"
"It is no measure of health to be fully integrated into a sick society."
"If you say something is black long enough, people start eventually saying okay that's black."
"They said you could live your truth, but they really meant that you must live theirs, which is an untruth."
"If you're doing what everybody else is doing, you're doing it wrong."
"You're going to be conformed to the world unless you actively pursue obedience to Christ."
"You're going to change the world? No, you're going to be conformed to the world."
"There is a phenomenon where the pressure on an idea becomes so great that people feel intimidated out of questioning it."
"Being a pupil in the early 1950s was about uniformity rather than individuality."
"But aren't we all freaks in the eyes of society? Do you think you can purchase acceptance through conformity? Because that is not freedom, Tiffany Tumbles. That is simply adding another cell to the prison."
"It's all about putting people back in our boxes."
"We all hold opinions that we do not because we've thought them through, but because it's our tribe."
"Being unable to conform is worse than being a conformist; refusing to conform is different."
"Be careful not to follow the ways of the people before you, handspan by handspan, until you resemble them."
"Public policy should not force conformity to evidence-free belief systems."
"Question everything, just because everybody else does it doesn't mean it's the right thing, it doesn't mean is right for you."
"Socialism is about the government being in charge of everything. That demands total conformity."
"It is terrifying. It is so easy to become a sheep all the time and never ask any questions."
"If some of us don't just spark that flame, everyone else is just going to comply."
"The churches have completely bought into whatever the new progressive agenda is."
"Millions of years of social evolution have made us naturally try to fit in."
"Don't let government or corporate wokism or cultural Marxism bully you into being a sheep."
"Stop acting like we're all the same. We are not the same."
"Their effort to be normal creates opposition."
"The important thing is that your friend was a Christian, so everyone here needs to repent and all that nonsense."
"Who told you that this was what you were supposed to live like? Who told you this was who you were supposed to be?"
"When everybody is thinking the same way, you should start at least thinking, hey wait a minute cannot be right."
"We went from 'tolerance' to 'you will wear the patch or we will ostracize you from society.'"
"What do you do when everyone else is doing it, man?"
"When you start to get rid of a certain type of person because they don't follow a certain type of idea, you get rid of that."
"Our most noble outlets could drink the kool-aid and go along with it."
"Don't feel like you need to be pinned into a corner doing what everybody else says works."
"They walk hand in hand with the world because they're afraid to be looked at as the odd one. That's right. Don't you know if you got a mind to walk with God, the Bible calls you a peculiar people. That's right."
"If you don't parrot the talking points of the mainstream media, they come and get you."
"The tragedy is how many people knuckled under."
"I didn't happen with my hair it's the way it's always been done and it looks okay so why might you know?"
"Do you believe her do you feel like this is nothing more than clout chasing and then how do you feel about the fact that so many people on social media are straight up lemmings where you can't even agree to disagree?"
"There's no freedom in doing what everybody else is doing. You're just gonna end up disappointed."
"A society where everyone is forced to think the same is not a healthy society."
"I felt like leave, get out stood alone... I felt like I needed to exist within a box."
"Everything is just going to become so safe, so sterile, so boring."
"If you don't fit the culture and you don't adhere to the rules that are there good night and we'll move on."
"So many people just want to be told what to do and follow the herd."
"They are compromised and they have made pledges against the god of the Bible in order for them to be better accepted by this world."
"Comedians never went along with the status quo... except when it came to Co."
"Too many people blindly marching in lockstep with whatever the machine says is popular."
"It is a bad idea to say we just want somebody who's going to do whatever the president says."
"Diversity is not good in and of itself. They like their ideas and for you to sit down and shut up."
"I want to be a cog in the machine, not just like everyone else."
"The false consensus bias... if most people aren't vegan... people want to do what everybody else does."
"We want to be part of that community and we don't want to do something that ostracizes us."
"His sheep hear his voice. So there's something wrong when the church starts acting like the world."
"Don't give in. Do not do what is asked of you."
"I was institutionalized, I was told it was wrong so I just went it's wrong so you shouldn't do it."
"You shouldn't do something just because everyone else is doing it"
"We are conditioned to do things that don't make sense for reasons that nobody can explain simply because we're told to do them."
"When in history has it ever been a good thing to be a coward and compliant?"
"It's tempting to keep just keep your mouth shut because that's the safe way, but then what if they think I'm in favor of that?"
"How many have chosen to believe blindly supporting official narratives?"
"There's nothing rebellious about Moon; if anything, his cult worships conformity."
"We are bombarded... to look, be, and see in a particular way."
"I think I'm too much of a rebel to work as a full-time employee."
"Not just living the life that everybody else wants you to live and not dimming your light just to fit in."
"And so yeah I mean but dude where I went everybody was going to Brown and Yale and all that stuff you know what I mean so I was like yeah I mean like whatever."
"We've become a nation of one idea. There's no debate. You're not allowed to have an alternative viewpoint from that fed to us by the establishment forces wherever they are in our country."
"If you keep blindly following what everybody else does, you're going to keep falling further and further behind without even noticing it happening."
"It's easy to paint to jump along on the same bandwagon."
"Everyone is expected to be the same, act the same, and give off the same aesthetic."
"You can't stand out and fit in at the same time."
"I wanted to fit in for a long time but I just realized like why though?"
"If you are on board with whatever the dominant cultural narrative of your time is, odds are you would not have been the good guy."
"Do not go along with the crowd unless you have concluded internally that the crowd is going in a direction that makes sense to you. The crowd will lead you right off a cliff."
"Most people try to keep to the status quo. They want to maintain what's expected and usual. However, some people are born a little different."
"People fucking love licking boots so much these days."
"If we start looking like the world, we ought to look different."
"Children fit into the model that is dominant in society."
"Let's be sure we're not being conformed to the image of this world, but rather making every thought obedient to Christ."
"There are so many voices saying that Sonic sucks and people tend to follow those voices."
"Social proof says if I don't know what to do in times of uncertainty, I will do what others do."
"It's sad, it's genuinely disheartening that they are so unaware and rely on the echo chamber of yes-men to get by."
"You shouldn't agree with somebody's stance just because it's the popular thing, you need to be a free thinker."
"Everybody is on the proverbial bus to Abilene."
"Expect to have a mediocre life if you put yourself in a box and follow the herd."
"You can find a sense of belonging without turning yourself into a drone for a group."
"How is it possible that people act against their own Survival Instincts just to belong?"
"Our Conformity bias can be weaponized into leading us to adopt beliefs that the majority never actually held."
"The problem with you kids is that a lot of you guys are sheep, not goats."
"When all think alike, no one thinks very much." - Katrina Vandenhovel
"This is so much bigger... afraid to just be themselves because it doesn't fit the narrative and that breaks my heart."
"Tell me there's not hive mind, tell me there's not group think, tell me there's not social or uncritical conforming, tell me, tell me that there's no lemming mentality."
"You're not just a sheep. When you make other people feel less than for not participating then you have become the machine."
"Everybody's trying to make everything the same."
"It's reductive... it sort of showed you know got people to sheep almost you know and so this is a way not to be."
"It's no bravery when you're running with the masses. It's no bravery when all the odds are stacked against your opponent."
"Saying someone is a sellout or that they are just following the crowd as a way to make it seem as though they are not being honest about their contentions is a shitty thing to do."
"People aren't a fan of me because they just want me to lick the boots of one mindset because they want me to say things that just reaffirm their beliefs and I'm not going to do that."
"Blindly following along with the group without thinking why you're doing it."
"The idea of dissidents or free speech and all that stuff just disappears and you're part of this machine."
"If you're still subscribed to things on YouTube, you're a sheep."
"Psychologists generally regard disobedience and resisting pressures to conform and join others in cruelty as two of the most important findings in heroism."
"When you're not subscribing to what are they called societal rules yeah you are so much happier absolutely that's very true."
"Be good little brothers, be good, play the system, keep your mouth shut, don't say anything. WWE doesn't value you."
"It's just trying to normalize things that are not normal."
"Courage and things, there's not a lot of it around at the moment because everybody wants to be liked and nobody wants to speak out."
"It's no measure of good mental health to be considered well adjusted to a profoundly sick society."
"You're not rebellious; you just know that this ain't how [things are] supposed to go."
"You should do what the ten and twenty percent of the people are doing, okay?"
"They have to tow that party line and sing the song of allegiance to the approved narrative because if they don't, they'll either lose their job or never get promoted or just never get hired in the first place."
"Welcome to Twitter, where they cancel you if you don't toe the line with all of their opinions and [expletive]."
"It's not a sign of good health to be well adjusted to a sick society."
"If you bend to the will of the mob, then you're always bending."
"They're unwilling to accept slightly different options from what the dogma tells them is necessary."
"Think about it, your whole life you've been taught to be a certain way and then you end up going to the grave."
"Embrace what makes you different. You can't dim your own light to fit in with how other people want you to be."
"99% of people do not think for themselves including you. They just blindly accept the thinking of others."
"Going to Princeton doesn't make you smart. It doesn't mean you learned anything. It just meant you followed the rules."
"People will always try to fit you in some narrative that they want."
"You can't live in the meantime and try to follow what everybody else is doing."
"Contemplation series: the science of conformity."
"Why are people still wearing masks? The psychology of conformity."
"They hate normal people... they want to create a population of stupid weird Hollow people."
"There's a filtering system that starts in kindergarten and goes all the way through. It selects for obedience and subordination."
"Matching isn't fun if not everyone wants to match."